Monday, March 15, 2010

Brazilian Federal Police raids Native village and abducts Chief Babau in Bahia

Brazilian Federal Police raids Native village and abducts Chief Babau in Bahia
Thanks for forwarding this from Peace Plant

By arDaga, submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 15/03/2010 - 19:59

At around two o’clock in the morning on March 10th a group of
unidentified armed people entered the Tupinambá Native American Village
Serra do Padeiro in the South of the Brazilian state of Bahia and
brutalized, threatened with murder, drugged and abducted the local
Chief Babau.
At around two o’clock in the morning on March 10th a group of
unidentified armed people entered the Tupinambá Native American Village
Serra do Padeiro in the South of the Brazilian state of Bahia and
brutalized, threatened with murder, drugged and abducted the local
Chief Babau. Only the day after we managed to find out that the
perpetrators in fact were Federal Police. Acting, though, like bandits
and arresting without observing any legal requirements.
This has not been the first time.
Federal Police are willing and arbitrary (and probably paid for) tools
of the regions political and economic strongmen. The Tupinambá Nation
suffers enormous pressure from this perfidious coalition of Genocide
since their Reservation following a draft bill prepared by a commission
of anthropologists last year shall become expanded. Exactly the
opposite of what the power coalition is working for. In their
understanding of “order & progress” Native people are either a lie
at all (an invention of foreign sponsored troublemakers), or lazy and
savage bastards and – in any case – an obstacle for development.
Development, that is, that envisions the total destruction of the last
remaining original forests in the area and exactly within the
Reservation already under constant arson and motor saw attacks by poor
villagers who are paid by the regions strongmen in order to have the
land cleared (ethnically) to plant Eucalyptus on a huge scale for high
profits for a very few. A destructive and impoverishing economical
pattern that already devastated the neighboring Deep South of Bahia and
makes survival for the Native Nations there next to impossible.
Tupinambá Chief Babau of Serra do Padeiro has been for many years a
strong advocate of indigenous life style, indigenous self-sufficiency
that is based on the forests and also the most dedicated leader in
defending his Nation and his Nations Culture and rights guaranteed in
the Brazilian Constitution. Therefore he has been under constant
threat. And survived a few attempts of assassination. Other Tupinambá
were not that lucky. Over a hundred were killed already.
The national and especially local media is strongly supportive of the
local genocide alliance since it is from them where the money comes
from. When Tupinamá people were killed, the Brazilian public reads of
violent Indians. When forests were cut down illegally by the alliances
henchmen we read that Indians are burning down everything in order to
frighten non-Indian neighbors. And so on.
Chief Babau was meanwhile taken to a Federal Police detention center in
the Capital of Bahia Salvador. They took him away from the South to
make it impossible for his fellow Tupinambá to get in touch with him.
He is isolated, continuously handcuffed, hurt and has not been given
medication or medical attendance at all. After five days.
Brazil’s history and contemporary history show that the life of a
Native American ain’t worth shit. That includes lives of Natives in the
“care” of authorities which are paid by public money in order to
protect order and law and citizens from criminal activities and
Reality, though, often is the opposite.
Chief Babau and all Native American Nations within Brazil need your
support and immediate solidarity!
Please e-mail (write, call, fax) your indignation and protest (and/or
solidarity with Chief Babau) to: (The general prosecutors office of Bahia) (The Native American friendly presidential candidate) (The human rights defending senator); (Senators of the state of Bahia);; (Bahian members of parliament/representatives) (Bahia’s biggest daily newspaper) (A local TV Station)
(A local NGO promoting peace and the end of ethnic/cultural
If you can, please contact NGOs that work for Native Peoples rights in
your country plus the Brazilian Embassy (Consulate) in your country.
Only solidarity ACTION can help! One World – Many Cultures – One Love

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