Issues & News From STSSA Friends & Family 01/24/2010
Guatemalan military destroys community crops in Alta Verapaz
> Attached is photo documentation of the Guatemalan military, police, and INAB park rangers destroying crops grown by the community of Se' Job' Che' in Cobán, Alta Verapaz. This is taking place in the context of Martial Law currently declared in Alta Verapaz, allowing a shadow of impunity to protect the type of violent raid on communities that is usually conducted with at least a shroud of legal pretext. Please forward widely.
> En ajunto, documentación fotográfica del ejército guatemalteco, Policía Nacional Civil, e INAB destruyendo los cultivos de la comunidad Se' Job' Che' de Cobán Alta Verapaz. Esto ha occurrido en el contexto del Estado de Sitio declarado en Alta Verapaz, lo que ha permitido impunidad en acciones violentas contra comunidades que normalmente se implementa por lo menos bajo algún pretexto legal. Por favor distribuyan este mensaje a sus contactos.
> texto original en español abajo
> Since martial law was declared in Alta Verapaz, supposedly in order to fight drug trafficking, no real results have been shown. The results are more distracting than anything else, used to prop up the current government. Since it is lawless, this round of martial law began with an abuse of power and has begun to turn towards repressing Indigenous communities and to demonstrate its discriminatory and racist nature.
> Below is the testimony of members of the Se’ Job’ Che’ community.
> Se’ Job’ Che’ is a Maya Q’eqchi’ community of 17 families in the municipality of Cobán, Alta Verapaz. On Monday, January 10, 2011 at 10:00 am, 40 soldiers, 2 members of the National Civilian Police, and 20 park rangers [INAB guardarecursos] entered the area where the community tends their cardamom, corn, and bean crops. Without engaging in any dialogue, the military troops began shooting their weapons, and the campesinos had to run and hide away from the crop area. The military then began to destroy the community’s crops, cutting 300 cuerdas of cardamom [around 15 hectares], 300 cuerdas of beans, and 50 cuerdas of corn.
> Héctor Arnulfo Ruiz, who was present as a representative of the FONTIERRAS government land institution, assaulted and attempted to rape Mrs. Adelina Yaxcal as she was hiding among the cardamom crops, ripping her traditional güipil blouse in the process. Fermín Ayala, head of the National Forestry Institute (INAB) park rangers, attempted to bribe various community members, offering to spare their crops in exchange for Q50,000 [over $6,000].
> The families were able to reunite in the afternoon, and then realized that during the raid they had lost 20 turkeys and 20 chickens, as well as other personal property such as work tools. By 5:00 pm that day rumors were circulating that the same actions were to be carried out in other Indigenous communities.
> The National Indigenous and Campesino Coordinator (CONIC) calls for the intervention of the national human rights PDH institution, organizations that work for Indigenous rights, and international groups, to use political action and legal tools in response to these actions. This raid SHOULD NOT BE CARRIED OUT WITH IMPUNITY, considering the destruction of community crops, attempted rape, and the theft of the few belongings that the community had.
> Members of the Se’ Job’ Che’ community have not invaded or occupied a protected area, as is claimed in justification of these actions. The community holds legal documents beginning in 1965, when the governmental agrarian institution INTA initiated the process of providing legal title for their land. FONTIERRAS and the Secretariate of Agrarian Affairs (SAA) are also familiar with the community’s historical use of this area. There has been no interest in resolving this problem on the part of state authorities. We cannot allow that the Guatemalan state continue its policies of exterminating Indigenous peoples.
> Coban, Alta Verapaz, January 12, 2011
> Member organization of UASP, CLOC, and Vía Campesina International
> 6ta Calle 0-40 Zona 1
> Guatemala City, Guatemala
> Tel: (+502) 2232-4617, 2232-6151, 2251-1563
> Fax: (+502) 2251-1562
> Durante el Estado de Sitio que tiene vigencia para el departamento de Alta Verapaz, supuestamente para el combate del narcotráfico, hasta la fecha no ha tenido resultados reales, los resultados no es mas de carácter distractorio hasta de fondo con fines proselitismo por el actual gobierno. Un estado de sitio que empieza con el abuso de las autoridades, porque no existe ley, empiezan a girar sus acciones para reprimir a las comunidades indígenas, con todo su carácter discriminatorio, racista.
> Testimonio de los miembros de la comunidad.
> La comunidad Se’ Job’ Che’ constituida por 17 familias maya q’eqchi’ ubicada en el municipio de Cobàn departamento de Alta Verapaz, el día de lunes a las diez de la mañana 40 soldados, 2 elementos de la Policía Nacional Civil y 20 guardarecursos, se hicieron presentes en las áreas de trabajo donde tienen cultivos de cardamomo, maíz y fríjol. Sin mediar palabras los elementos del ejercito realizaron disparos, los campesinos tuvieron que salir huyendo del lugar, luego se dedicaron a cortar 300 cuerdas de cardamomo, 30 cuerdas de fríjol, 50 cuerdas de maíz.
> Hèctor Arnulfo Ruiz, se presentó como representante del FONTIERRAS acosó e intentó violar a la señora Adelina Yaxcal cuando huia en los cardamomales, en el acto le rompió el güipil. También el señor Fermín Ayala jefe del personal de guardarecursos del INAB, extorcionó a varias personas de la comunidad exigiendo la cantidad de cincuenta mil quetzales a cambio de ya no seguir cortando los cultivos.
> En horas de la tarde, las familias se pudieron reunir, donde se dieron cuenta que durante el operativo se perdieron aves de corral; 20 pavos, 20 gallinas y otros objetos como instrumentos de labranza. Hasta las cinco de la tarde se escuchaban rumores de seguir las mismas acciones en otras comunidades indígenas.
> La Coordinadora Nacional Indígena y Campesina CONIC- Exige la intervención de los Derechos Humanos, organizaciones que reivindican los derechos de los pueblos indígenas, instancias internacionales, para accionar políticamente y con las herramientas jurídicas sobre esta acciones, NO DEBE DE QUEDAR EN LA IMPUNIDAD, tanto en la destrucción de los cultivos de las comunidades, intento de violación y el robo de las pocas pertenencia que les queda a las comunidades.
> Los miembros de la comunidad Se’ Job’ Che’ no son invasores, como se pretende justificar, cuentan con documentos desde el año de 1965, el INTA les llevó el proceso para la adjudicación de esas tierras, FONTIERRA y la Secretaría de Asuntos Agrarios conocen la permanencia histórica de la comunidad. No ha habido interés de resolver el problema por parte de las autoridades. No es posible que el Estado guatemalteco siga con su política de exterminio hacia los pueblos indígenas.
> Coban, Alta Verapaz 12 de enero, 2011.
> Miembro de UASP, CLOC Vía Campesina Internacional
> 6ta Calle 0-40 Zona 1
> Guatemala City, Guatemala
> Tel: (+502) 2232-4617, 2232-6151, 2251-1563
> Fax: (+502) 2251-1562
Michael Skinner
Researcher, York Centre for International and Security Studies (YCISS)
York University, 7th Floor, York Research Tower
4700 Keele Street
Toronto ON Canada M3J 1P3
1-416-994-9957 (cell phone)
by Nidhi Prakash
The key to alleviating world hunger, poverty and combating climate change may lie in fresh, small-scale approaches to agriculture, according to a report from the Worldwatch Institute.

The US-based institute's annual State of the World report, published yesterday, calls for a move away from industrial agriculture and discusses small-scale initiatives in sub-Saharan Africa that work towards poverty and hunger relief in an environmentally sustainable way.
The authors suggest that instead of producing more food to meet the world's growing population needs, a more effective way to address food security issues and climate change would be to encourage self-sufficiency and waste reduction, in wealthier and poorer nations alike.
"If we shift just some of our attention away from production to consumption issues and reducing food waste, we might actually get quite a big bang for our buck, because that ground has been neglected," said Brian Halweil, co-director of the project.
"The majority of incentives that governments give to farmers are still tied to the production mindset. The farmers are rewarded for sheer production quantity, with very little guidance for the quality they produce and the impact of their farmingpractices on the environment and on human health and nutrition ... It is necessary to change these incentives," he said.
The projects explored in the report include community-based initiatives in urban farming, school gardening and feeding programmes, and indigenous livestock preservation.
In Kenya's largest slum, in Nairobi, local women are growing vertical gardens in sacks, providing them with a source of income but also an element of food security for their families.
"They sell their produce and also consume part of what they grow," said Danielle Nierenberg, Halweil's co-director.
"As we talk about all these innovations, it's important to remember that farmers aren't just farmers: they're businesswomen and -men, they're stewards of their land and they're educators passing on their knowledge to others in their communities," she said.
In another programme in Uganda, Developing Innovations in School Cultivation (Disc), children are being taught about nutrition, food preparation and growing local vegetables. Pilot programmes are also being run in Mali and Sudan to feed children in schools and educate them on food production and consumption.
Anna Lappé, the author of a chapter in the report entitled Coping with Climate Change and Building Resilience, said: "We have really emphasised a set of policies over the past half a century that have prioritised an agricultural system that is incredibly fuel-intensive and emissions-based."
Emma Hockridge, head of policy at the UK Soil Association, said the report supports the case for the expansion of organic farming.
"Organic farming systems benefit biodiversity, are resilient in the face of climate change, and have been shown to improve yields and the ability of poor communities in the global south to feed themselves," she said.
Although Halweil says national governments should lead the way in implementing change, the report suggests that international attitudes towards agricultural development need to shift if the lessons from these case studies are to bring about results on a larger scale.
"I think the African Union is a natural starting point, an organising body for all these initiatives, to share between members the experience in these initiatives, but also in setting themselves goals," said Halweil.
He suggests that international aid policies on food need an overhaul to better serve the long-term interests of those on the ground.
"Food aid is a short-term fix, a Band-Aid rather than an opportunity to infuse money into the local economy and an incentive to process and distribute food locally," he said.
© Guardian News and Media Limited 2011
Mt.Shasta and Goliath: Bringing Down Corporate Rule
Study reveals top ten violence-inducing prescription drugs
by Ethan A. Huff, staff writer(NaturalNews) The Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) recently published a study in the journalPLoS One highlighting the worst prescription drug offenders that cause patients to become violent. Among the top-ten most dangerous are the antidepressants Pristiq (desvenlafaxine), Paxil (paroxetine) andProzac (fluoxetine).
Concerns about the extreme negative side effects of many popular antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs have been on the rise, as these drugs not only cause severe health problems to users, but also pose a significant threat to society. The ISMP report indicates that, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Adverse Event Reporting System, many popular drugs are linked even to homicides.
Most of the drugs in the top ten most dangerous are antidepressants, but also included are an insomniamedication, an attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) drug, a malaria drug and an anti-smoking medication.
As reported in Time, the top ten list is as follows:
10. Desvenlafaxine (Pristiq) - An antidepressant that affects serotonin and noradrenaline. The drug is 7.9 times more likely to be associated with violence than other drugs.
9. Venlafaxine (Effexor) - An antidepressant that treats anxiety disorders. The drug is 8.3 times more likely to be associated with violence than other drugs.
8. Fluvoxamine (Luvox) - A selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) drug that is 8.4 times more likely to be associated with violence than other drugs.
7. Triazolam (Halcion) - A benzodiazepine drug for insomnia that is 8.7 times more likely to be associated with violence than other drugs.
6. Atomoxetine (Strattera) - An ADHD drug that is 9 times more likely to be associated with violence than other drugs.
5. Mefoquine (Lariam) - A malaria drug that is 9.5 times more likely to be associated with violence than other drugs.
4. Amphetamines - This general class of ADHD drug is 9.6 times more likely to be associated with violence than other drugs.
3. Paroxetine (Paxil) - An SSRI antidepressant drug that is 10.3 times more likely to be associated with violence than other drugs. It is also linked to severe withdrawal symptoms and birth defects.
2. Fluoxetine (Prozac) - A popular SSRI antidepressant drug that is 10.9 times more likely to be associated with violence than other drugs.
1. Varenicline (Chantix) - An anti-smoking drug that is a shocking 18 times more likely to be associated with violence than other drugs.
Sources for this story include:
Witness: Man shot by police 'seemed well-behaved'
The Native American wood carver who was fatally shot by a Seattle police officer "seemed well-behaved" just before the officer opened fire, a woman who was crossing the street near the incident testified Friday.
Several witnesses have said John T. Williams wasn't threatening, and some have said they thought the officer who killed him, Ian Birk, acted more aggressively than expected. The Williams family attorney, Tim Ford, has continually brought up two points during inquest testimony: Witnesses didn't see Williams threaten or attack anyone on Aug. 30.
Birk's attorney has repeatedly noted no witness has a clear view or recollection of everything that happened.
Nancy Bushman, who was near the intersection of Boren Avenue and Howell Street on the day of the shooting, said Williams didn't appear aggressive.
"He seemed very well-behaved and like a normal pedestrian, just walking as I was," Bushman said during the fifth day of testimony. "So I didn't hardly have any reason to look any more carefully."
Deanna Sebring, who was walking near the incident, testified on Thursday she thought Williams might be manipulating something, but didn't see aggression or other actions that would prompt the shooting. Barbara Newman, who saw the incident from her car going southbound on Howell Street, testified Thursday that Seattle Police officer Ian Birk raised his gun before Williams turned, and said she didn't witness aggressive behavior.
Newman also said she never saw Williams turn to face Birk and never saw him take a step toward the officer. Birk testified that Williams glanced back once, then turned with an aggressive posture that he believed, based on his training, indicated an attack was imminent.
Being questioned by Birk's attorney, Ted Buck, Newman acknowledged she was moving her attention from the officer to Williams during the incident, and said it was possible she could have not seen the actions of one man while looking at the other.
Buck, attempting to question the accuracy of witness accounts, pointed out that no witnesses clearly saw a knife in Williams' hand. He also pointed out that some witnesses didn't hear Birk yell, which is audible on the footage from Birk's patrol car video.
Graphic photos from the investigation into Williams' death also were showing at the inquest Friday, prompting his brother and other support to leave the courtroom. After the inquest ended for the day about 4:15 p.m., more than 100 supporters held a prayer vigil outside the King County Courthouse. A video of that is below.
Situation escalated quickly
A march in opposition to Seattle police was also advertised to take place Monday, forming at Garfield High School during the Monday Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration. The march was advertised at the prayer vigil by the October 22 Coalition to Stop Police Brutality, Repression, & the Criminalization of a Generation. The group was advertised as part of a workshop with the American Civil Liberties Union and Copwatch.
Birk said Williams didn't look confused, didn't put his hands up and didn't show any sign he would comply with the order to drop the knife. The officer told the court he didn't think Williams' initial look back was a sign of compliance, and that it would have been a stretch for Williams to place the knife on a nearby wall. He said he was left with no other reasonable alternative but defending himself.
"I utilized all the time I felt that I had," Birk said. "But the situation escalated certainly more quickly than I could have known or predicted."
Though witnesses had different accounts, some said they didn't see Williams turn back to the officer. Newman said the officer raised his gun before Williams turned.
Ford pointed out that the officer was wearing sunglasses that day. Williams' knife had a black blade with silver on part of the outer edge, and a silver-and-black handle. Ford additionally questioned why the knife was found closed on the ground when Officer Grant Leavitt, who watched the knife from the time Birk took his foot off of it to the point when other investigators relieved him, saw it.
"It did surprise me that the knife was closed, having just seen Mr. Williams holding a knife open in his hand," Birk said Wednesday. "I have no idea how that knife was closed, if that was the knife I saw initially or not."
On Monday, lead case detective Jeffrey Mudd of the Seattle Police homicide unit said a second knife fell from Williams' right jacket pocket when investigators were looking for his identification. But Mudd said that knife also was found closed.
Seattle Fire Department Lt. Lisa Barron testified on Thursday that she was "positive" she saw a knife open near Williams' body.
Ford has said he believes Williams was trying to put down and close the knife, but "didn't have a chance to put it down because he was shot."
Birk, 27, said he followed his training and didn't have time to take other action with what he perceived as a deadly threat. Birk said Williams shifted his weight and had an aggressive expression that make him react based on his training.
He clarified, when questioned by his own attorney, Buck, that he was not required to tell Williams he would shoot if he didn't drop the knife.
But witness John Hartsfield, who was going south on Boren Avenue across Howell Street when Birk confronted Williams, testified Wednesday that Birk "seemed more aggressive than I was expecting."
Inquest expected to end next week
This week's inquest is not a criminal proceeding -- jurors will be asked to find whether the shooting was justified, but their finding will have no immediate impact. King County Prosecutor Dan Satterberg will make a charging decision after the inquest is complete.
The inquest is expected to continue through Tuesday.
Williams' shooting was one of five officer-involved shootings in Seattle last year and one of three that were fatal. In 2009, Seattle had the same number of officer-involved shootings, ending with the fatal confrontation involving cop-killer Maurice Clemmons.
Posted By: Tw Davis
Prime Minister Harper to to Summoned to Tribunal to answer charges of complicity in Genocide; Tribunal will launch its own investigation in Canada
London, UK:
Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada is about to be issued a Summons by an International Tribunal to answer charges of complicity in genocide.
And the same Tribunal plans to start its own investigation into children who died in Canadian Indian residential schools, if Harper doesn't take action by March 1.
In a letter issued to Harper earlier today, the Executive of the newly-formed International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) accused Harper and his government of subverting justice and exonerating the churches responsible for the deaths of thousands of children in residential schools.
The letter states that if by March 1, 2011, Harper's government has not initiated criminal charges against the Catholic, Anglican and United churches and begun to repatriate the remains of the dead children, the ITCCS will dispatch its own staff of investigators to Canada.
The staff will conduct forensic investigations at alleged mass grave sites near former residential schools "in conjunction with indigenous elders and families of the victims", and will gather evidence to indict Canada for Genocide.
The ITCCS letter concludes by informing Prime Minister Harper that it intends to issue a Public Summons to him to appear before its opening session in London, England on September 12, 2011.
The Tribunal also plans to bring criminal charges against the aforementioned churches. The ITCCS has already issued a Summons to Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, to appear at the September Tribunal.
A complete copy of the ITCCS letter to Prime Minister Harper follows.
For more information, contact the ITCCS at , or its Canadian field agent, Rev. Kevin Annett, at this email or at 250-753-3345.
Final Notification to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Government of Canada
Regarding your duty of compliance to an order that you cease and desist from obstructing justice and aiding parties to Crimes against Humanity in Canada
From The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) and its Legal Advisory Group
(Established June 15, 2010)
17 January, 2011
London, England
Dear Mr. Harper,
Over the past three years, your government has legally exonerated the churches responsible for the death of more than 50,000 children in their Indian residential schools, refused to prosecute those responsible, and resisted all attempts to locate and repatriate the remains of these children for a proper burial and criminal investigation.
Accordingly, on October 25, 2010, our Canadian representative, Rev. Kevin Annett, wrote to you on our behalf and requested that your government do the following:
1. Begin criminal legal proceedings against the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada for their proven criminal actions in Indian residential schools and hospitals, including their responsibility for the death of more than 50,000 children,
3. Conduct a full and unrestricted public disclosure of the full truth of crimes committed by both these churches and the Canadian government in these schools.
In the same letter, Rev. Annett also notified you that if your government failed to begin such actions by March 1, 2011, our organization and its personnel would intervene in Canada to do so.
Neither Rev. Annett nor our body have received a reply from your office. We must therefore assume that by your silence, you are not contesting these claims and the clear evidence that you, the Canadian government and the said churches are complicit in aiding and abetting this crime against humanity.
Accordingly, this letter will notify you and your government that as of March 1, 2011, as part of the work of our Tribunal, our field agents and other specialists will begin operating in your country and will be conducting their own investigations into these crimes, including conducting forensic examinations of alleged mass grave sites near these former residential schools. We will be doing so in conjunction with indigenous elders and families of the victims.
We will also be bringing legal charges, sanctions and other measures against the aforementioned churches and individuals responsible for these crimes.
The results of our investigations will be submitted as evidence before our international panel of judges and the world media when our Tribunal convenes in London, England on September 12, 2011.
In this regard, our representatives will soon be serving upon you, Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, a Public Summons to appear before this Tribunal to answer these and other charges.
The Executive, The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
London, England
Cc: world media and governments
Canadian field representative: Rev. Kevin Annett, M.A., M.Div.
Email: - ph: 250-753-3345
Mohawk Nation members and Kevin Annett protest at Canadian Parliament, April 2009, demanding return of residential school children's remains
See the evidence of Genocide in Canada at
Watch Kevin's award-winning documentary film UNREPENTANT on his
"We will bring to light the hidden works of darkness and drive falsity to the bottomless pit. For all doctrines founded in fraud or nursed by fear shall be confounded by Truth."
- Kevin's ancestor Peter Annett, writing in The Free Inquirer, October 17, 1761, just before being imprisoned by the English crown for "blasphemous libel"
"I gave Kevin Annett his Indian name, Eagle Strong Voice, in 2004 when I adopted him into our Anishinabe Nation. He carries that name proudly because he is doing the job he was sent to do, to tell his people of their wrongs. He speaks strongly and with truth. He speaks for our stolen and murdered children. I ask everyone to listen to him and welcome him."
Chief Louis Daniels - Whispers Wind
See the evidence of Genocide in Canada at
Watch Kevin's award-winning documentary film UNREPENTANT on his
Posted By: TjMaxx Henhawk
To: Members in First Nations & Aboriginal Rights
Native Americans Protest Over Excavation of Ancestors
Just outside the Los Angeles construction site of what was intended to be a Mexican cultural center, at least 50 Native Americans protested the excavation of what they believe to the grave sites of many of their ancestors.
Saturday morning, local members of the Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indians said they have ancestors buried at the construction site, located on the grounds of La Placita church, and were not notified when workers dug up human remains in October. They was protesting and praying alongside other Southern California tribes, as well as descendants of Spanish settlers who were also buried there.
The La Placita church was Los Angeles’ first Catholic church, and many of those in attendance on Saturday held documents they said proved their family members were buried at the site.
The Native Americans are asking that the area be preserved as a cemetery and their ancestors remains be “respectfully handled.”
In October, when human bone fragments were initially discovered, the workers stopped the excavation, but continued after La Plaza officials said they contacted the Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the coroner’s office. As the excavation continued, workers began removing full skeletons, coffins and other artifacts, though the Archdiocese says they were never informed of the discovery of full graves, and according to Catholic records, the cemetery attached to the church was relocated in 1844. Those records are incorrect, and records at the Huntington Library in San Marino describe multiple Indian burials at the site.
When the archdiocese and Native Americans laid on the pressure, the president and CEO of La Plaza, Miguel Angel Corzo, said work in the area was halted “indefinitely’ once human remains were found, but protestors said they saw crews working Saturday morning.
Katie Dunham, the La Plaza spokesperson said workers have been working on the western part of the area, where no remains were found.
“My sixth grandfather, Pedro, is buried here along with some of his family,” Tim Poyorena-Miguel, a Luise o Indian and archivist for the Montebello Historical Society said. “I don’t want them dug up.”
Fox News Reports No Link Between Matches, Gasoline and Fire |
Tribal Council Meeting Tonight. View It Online!
For The HTML Format of the Newsletter:
(Having Problems With The Links? Try this version instead.)
Osiyo David,
The Cherokee Nation Tribal Council meets tonight at 6:00 in council chambers at the W.W. Keeler Tribal Complex in Tahlequah. You can view tonight's meeting, as well as other scheduled committee meetings online by visiting and selecting the "streaming events" tab at the bottom of the page.
Cherokee students will retrace the historic "Trail of Tears" in a 1,000-mile bike ride this summer. Training for this physically and mentally-demanding event begins in earnest this spring. It is not too late to apply for a place on the team. Learn more about the event here:http://www.remembertheremoval.
Wado! (Thank you)
Cherokee Nation
P.O.Box 948
Tahlequah, OK 74465
918 453-5000
***Cherokee Nation News***
USDA Settles With Indian Farmers: 1/14/2011 10:59:00 AM
(C) Cherokee Nation
In an effort to keep Cherokee farmers informed, the Cherokee Nation is providing information to those who might have a claim in the recent Keepseagle v. Vilsack class action lawsuit, which claimed the United States Department of Agriculture discriminated against Native Americans by denying them equal access to credit in the USDA Farm Loan Program between 1981 and 1999. Native farmers could potentially receive $50,000 or more as well as forgiveness of some or all outstanding USDA loans if they can prove discrimination and qualify as a class member for the suit.
Cherokee Nation Sponsoring Emergency Medical Classes : 1/14/2011 10:52:00 AM
(C) Cherokee Nation
The Cherokee Nation will be hosting a series of emergency medical courses for health professionals throughout the month of February, including courses in advanced cardiac life support, basic 12-lead EKG and pediatric advanced life support.
Tribal District Court Rules Citizenship Amendment Invalid : 1/14/2011
(C) Cherokee Nation
In a lower court ruling today, Cherokee Nation District Court Judge John Cripps overturned an amendment to the Cherokee Nation Constitution passed by the Cherokee people with 77% of the vote in 2007, which denied citizenship to about 2,800 non-Indian freedmen descendants who had gained citizenship since a previous court ruling in 2006.
Entry Deadline Extended for Cherokee Nation Science & Engineering Fair: 1/12/2011 2:52:00 PM
(C) Cherokee Nation
The Cherokee Nation will host its 5th Annual Cherokee Nation National Science and Engineering Fair on Jan. 22 in Tahlequah. The event will be held from 9 a.m. to 5:15 p.m., on the campus of Northeastern State University, in the Herb Rozell Ballroom. Entry deadline has been extended until Tuesday, Jan. 18. The event is also seeking applicants for judges.
Cherokee Nation Partners with Adair County to Improve Roads : 1/12/2011 1:51:00 PM
(C) Cherokee Nation
The Cherokee Nation has entered into a new agreement to work cooperatively on roads projects with Adair County. This latest agreement means the Cherokee Nation now has cooperative roads projects agreements with all 14 counties that fall within the tribe's boundaries. Adair County entered into the agreement when the county’s board of commissioners unanimously voted to do so on Jan. 3.
Sequoyah Schools to Host Open House for Prospective Students: 1/12/2011 1:04:00 PM
(C) Cherokee Nation
Sequoyah Schools will host its annual open house event for prospective students on Wednesday, Feb. 16 from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m., at Sequoyah Schools’ The Place Where They Play. All area eighth grade students who are interested in applying to come to Sequoyah as freshman are invited to attend.
Ramona Police Department receives $15,000 donation: 1/12/2011
(C) Cherokee Nation
Cherokee Nation Entertainment recently contributed $15,000 to the city of Ramona to fund a new police vehicle. The Ramona Police Department previously had two police vehicles that had to be shared between eight police officers.
Cherokee Nation Partners with Adair County to Improve Roads : 1/12/2011
(C) Cherokee Nation
The Cherokee Nation has entered into a new agreement to work cooperatively on roads projects with Adair County. This latest agreement means the Cherokee Nation now has cooperative roads projects agreements with all 14 counties that fall within the tribe's boundaries. Adair County entered into the agreement when the county’s board of commissioners unanimously voted to do so on Jan. 3.
First Cherokee Nation History Talk of 2011 to Focus on Cherokee Identity: 1/11/2011 1:02:00 PM
(C) Cherokee Nation
As part of its ongoing history presentation series, the Cherokee Nation will host the first history talk of 2011 on Thursday, Jan. 27, at 10:30 a.m., in the Tribal Council Chambers at the Cherokee Nation W.W. Keeler Complex.
Cherokee Nation Businesses announces plans to purchase Colorado based ETI Professionals: 1/10/2011 9:27:00 AM
(C) Cherokee Nation
Cherokee Nation Businesses has reached an agreement to purchase ETI Professionals (ETI), a Colorado-based company offering strategic project management and staffing solutions. ETI caters to many large federal agencies and commercial clients, providing services in information technology, science, engineering, mission support services, research and development, facility management and program management. The anticipated date of closing is Jan. 31, 2011, pending regulatory approvals and the completion of the due diligence process by CNB and ETI.
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Throughout history, and today, Cherokee people adapt, excel, prosper and survive. Our ability to survive within another culture is why we are here.

Congratulations!! On December 22, 2010, Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs Larry Echo Hawk reestablished the government-to-government relationship between the California Valley Miwok Tribe, a federally-recognized tribe, and the US government. On January 7, 2011, the Tribe held a Special General Council meeting and elected Silvia Burley as Chairperson and Rashel Reznor as Secretary/Treasurer. Also, the Tribe encourages all interested individuals who believe that they are of Miwok heritage and have an affiliation to the California Valley Miwok Tribe to apply to the Tribe and work within their enrollment process when it is completed. FMI: Tribal Office: 209-931-4567.
The Potlatch (Chinook for the native spirit of goft giving) Fund based in Seattle, WA seeks a new Executive Director. FMI:
Chief Oliver Red Cloud, Itancan of the Black Hills Sioux Nation Treaty Council, has called for a treaty meeting (Wolakota Omniciye) of all tiyospaye/bands of the 7 Council Fires of the Lakota Nation (Oceti Sakowin), including Nakota and Dakota relatives. Allies are welcome. The purpose of the gathering is to present and discuss issues relevant to the international status and enforcement of the 1851 and 1868 Fort Laramie Treaties. It will be January 28 - 29, at the Prairie Wind Casino on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. FMI:, Kent Lebsock, or Alex White Plum, Eyapaha, Black Hills Sioux Nation Treaty Council, 605-455-2155.
Vancouver's plan for an aboriginal mini-school - segregation?
Robert Genaille is a teacher of aboriginal ancestry working in the Fraser-Cascade district and is chair of the BCTF's aboriginal education advisory council. He also has a blog dedicated to aboriginal education called Where Are the Sheep?
In a recent post, he considers the pros and cons of Vancouver's proposal for an aboriginal mini school. (Public meetings are happening this month -- get details here:
Does the proposal amount to segregation? Is it catering to a special-interest group? Could it make a difference to aboriginal students?
Read Genaille's post here: http://wherearethesheep.
His post begins with this quote from Len Marchand, the first status Indian to serve as an MP. (Wikipedia)
"To any young Indian, Inuit or Metis... I say this with all my heart and soul; get every bit of education you can. Learn, because learning is power; it is how you come to have choices about what you will do and where you will go; it is how you become free."
Heartbreaking photo of Indian reform school-- unidentified

Goldman Defies Public Fury With Another £10B Bonus Payout
by Stephen Foley in New York
![goldmandefiespublic.jpg [Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs chairman and CEO (GETTY IMAGES)]](
COMMUNITY ACTION- HAVE YOUR VOICE HEARD! write a letter demanding a letter of apology to Native people- and so they won't sell that shirt or any shirt like that again!
Ps. can anyone help us locate the manufacture of these horrible racist shirts? lets go National
January 19, 2011
Moon River Store
708 State Street
Santa Barbara, CA. 93101
Regarding: Moon River Store and Racist T-shirt “Runs with Beer”
To The Owner of Moon River
As you may or may not know, the Santa Barbara Chapter of the American Indian Movement (
Our AIM SB chapter participated in the Martin Luther King March that happened on Monday January 17, 2011. Afterwards, 8 of us, in addition to a few children, walked down enjoying the nice weather and window shopping back to our cars off of De La Guerra Street. We came across your store called MOON RIVER located at 708 State Street in Santa Barbara.
The store employee, who appeared to be Asian, (who refused to give us her name) at the counter, stated she was the owner. Several us explained to the employee why this shirt was racially offensive and perpetuated negative stereotypes against Native people. We stated that it should not be sold anymore. However she did not seem interested in anything we said and stated that it was not against the law to sell it. In fact, the employee stated that if we wanted the shirt, we could buy it and she laughed while making this statement. Frankly, we were shocked that we would have to explain to a person of another ethnic minority about how harmful stereotypes are. We were disappointed that this woman offered no compassion or empathy regarding how disrespected we felt towards that shirt.
Our office contacted another employee later that day, who stated his name was Mr. Young. Mr. Young stated he was the manager/owner of Moon River. AIM SB made it clear that we are now demanding for the Moon River Store owner to write a letter on letterhead stating they will no longer sell this shirt or anything like it in the future. We told Mr. Young that once he does that- we will cease and desist- but up until then we will continue organizing and letting everyone know in Santa Barbara and beyond this is a store that promotes racism- and they sell it.
My family and I have lived here for almost 40 years. We have family that comes from all over the United States and Canada to visit and enjoy the warm year around weather. There is a strong close knit community of Native people living, working and who are FROM this area. No one should EVER be subjected to this type of discrimination. To publicly display this kind of material, such as this shirts, adds to negative stereotypes that are out there about Native people, perpetuate more of them, promote racism and poke fun at the sacredness of our culture: especially ones as esteemed as our naming ceremonies- this is profane as it is unacceptable.
The American Indian Movement chapter of Santa Barbara is part of a National organization. We have been fighting racism in media and sports for almost 50 years. This information has been sent out and numerous updates to many contacts through out Santa Barbara County and through out the United States and Canada. As you know we have contacted the Down Town Business Organization and have urged others to do so. We will not cease and desist until the owner of the store removes these racist shirts AND makes a formal apology- in written form and company letterhead to the Native American people of this County. If you do not, we will continue to organize and demonstrate on the internet and off – including in front of your store until you write the letter of apology.
We strongly urge you to address this issue without hesitation and write the letter.
Pilayame/Megwetch/ Thank you
Corine Fairbanks- Development
American Indian Movement Santa Barbara, CA
Rest in Peace Little Ben- you will be forever missed
Ben Wolf said there will be service held in Los Angeles in the near future we will announce it as soon as we know-
Benjamin Keith Zotigh Wagner, died January 4, 2011, in Hobart, OK. He was born December 8, 1987 in Lawton, He is the son of Benjamin Lucero Wolf, Long Beach, CA and also the son of Dee Renee Zotigh Wagner of Hobart, OK. There will be an all night wake service at the First American Indian Baptist Church, Hobart on Tuesday at 7;00 p.m.. The funeral will be Wednesday, at 11:00 a.m. at the same church.
Benjamin attended the public schools of Long Beach, Ca, where he grew up. He has been living in Hobart with his grandmother for several years and was employed by Seth Miller and Jake Hunn. Benjamin completed certification with the Kiowa Tribal Firefighters. He was very proud of his Kiowa culture and enjoyed traveling to pow-wows. He was a Fancy and Southern Straight Dancer. Benjamin also enjoyed singing at the drum. His maternal grandmother is Darlene Wolf Hovakah, Hobart, OK and his paternal grandfather the late Spencer Zotigh. Benjamin was preceded in death by his brother Shane Dean Zotigh, August 7, 2002. Other survivors include his big sister, Heather Wagner and many cousins, aunts, uncles and friends. Burial will follow in the Elk Creek Tribal Cemetery under the direction of Ray & Martha's Funeral Home, Hobart, OK
The American Indian Movement has been fighting racism in media and sports for almost 50 years. Why? Because it has been documented in psychological journals and in academia that racial stereotypes HURT people. How a child feels about himself/herself determines their future or chances of survival. There are links from these studies to statistics of suicide rates for Native people (which we all know is the highest among everyone) and substance abuse. Some have mentioned that it is a waste of our time to be addressing “everyday issues” such as mascot issues or shirts like “My Indian Name is falls down drunk” or “My Indian Name is runs with beer”. However, how do we teach our children, and those non Indian children, this is wrong? There have been so many bricks taken down from our self esteem and self worth as a people and as individuals (historical trauma) - that addressing “little every day issues” becomes a necessary act towards stepping forward and helping our communities heal.
Communities become empowered by standing up to these “little everyday issues” that are socially conditioned to be okay- the white man says it is, and some of you believe it - but it is not- Abuse of any kind, physical or emotional is wrong.
Poking fun at the sacredness of our culture: especially ones as esteemed as our naming ceremonies- isPROFANE as it is unacceptable. When do we stand up for that? Isn’t the protection and preservation of our ceremonies important? Why are we okay with white American society capitalizing on it? Why are some of you so willing to allow our people to be degraded to such a disgusting degree?
Looking at things from a larger perspective- Standing up for the respect and dignity of our people is a necessary ACT in addressing all of the issues in Indian Country- because they are all connected; from poverty, foster care, faulty legal systems, third world living conditions, to substance abuse, to domestic violence, to violence perpetuated against us, and violence against each other. When someone does not have any dignity or self respect- what do they do? They self mutilate and act out in self destructive ways.
By not standing up to these “everyday issues” co-sign the abuse of our people, by non Natives that randomly shoot at us, desecrate, destroy and develop over our sacred sites, and freak ass weirdoes that want to corrupt and exploit our ceremonies and sell them off to the highest bidder.
In addition to that, we fight for self determination- how we are portrayed in the media- is ultimately how we are perceived internationally. One could even challenge that the media also contributes to how we perceive our own Native people. How will anyone or any media take our issues seriously when it is OKAY to be the butt of a joke? When they don’t even identify us as real people with REAL PROBLEMS?
Lastly, regarding the comment and observations made of brothers and sisters being killed and AIM doing nothing about it. Let me remind all of you this- WE ARE IN SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA. We can not organize in Washington because that is a financial impossibility. However we have shown support of individuals and organizations that have focused their activism in their geographic areas. We would and have eblasted on issues from around the country. If individuals are so upset that AIM is not organizing in the Washington area, well by all means- get a chapter together- start one. Stop complaining and get proactive. Blaming us on your inaction is a waste of time and completely side stepping personal responsibility and accountability.
Michael & Corine Fairbanks
Hello Bolsa Chica Supporters:
It has been a while since my last communication. As we begin a new year, I would like to thank you all for your continued support of the sacred site at Bolsa Chica! Bolsa Chica continues to be at risk of desecration, as are all sacred sites. And, it is important to continue to bring attention to the disregard of the state and federal laws that should protect sacred sites on public (and private) land. The City of Huntington Beach and the developer, Hearthside Homes continue to plan for the development of homes on the last remaining 11 acres.
Therefore, it is important to come together as a community to address the City of Huntington Beach, Hearthside Homes and the California Coastal Commission. Please join us on Saturday, February 5, 2011 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm for a gathering of . We will gather at the corner of Warner Ave. and Bolsa Chica Rd. in Huntington Beach. Then, we will walk to and through the Brightwater housing development and end with a prayer and discussion to address a plan of action to address the City, Hearthside Homes and the Coastal Commission.
Please pass on this important date to everyone you fill would be interested.. I will send out another e-mail to remind everyone, as we get closer to February 5th.
Wishing you contentment during 2011..
The American Indian Student Association at UCI is asking for your support and solidarity with us in regards to an event that occurred on November 23, 2010. In light of Thanksgiving, the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity at UCI decided to throw a "Pilgrims and Indians" party.
As soon as AISA was made aware of this event, it was reported it to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity and an official complaint was filed through the school. While the right steps were taken to ensure that our voices were heard; they were seemingly NOT heard. Although the school administration, faculty, and the fraternity involved were notified about the grievance filed and the situation; the party still went on. Advertisement for the event were still distributed throughout the UCI community through the attached fliers, Ring Road tabling and throughout the internet via a Facebook event. To make matters worse, university shuttles served as transportation for students JUST FOR THIS EVENT!
AISA members have went out of their way to voice their opinion on the issue. Dedicated their time educating and explaining why this event was exceedingly disrespectful to the Native community. Yet AISA members were subjected to seeing students of all stature prancing around adorned in rainbow colored headdresses, skimpy "loin clothes" and warpaint. Making a mockery of our culture and a direct attack on our communities experiences for the sake of entertainment.
As university students and as Native community members, it is not acceptable for us to have to endure these repeated cases of hostility towards us as people of color and Indigenous peoples especially in an educational institution like UC Irvine that advocates its dedication to diversity. This events and others that make a mockery of peoples experiences and identity are not to be tolerated. They create a hostile campus climate for people of color that are not safe and welcoming. That is why we are taking a stand and making sure that our voices are heard at the University of California, Irvine. We will not back down, and though we only have a .01% representation on the UCI campus; our voices are loud. Numerous other cultural and campus organizations stand in solidarity with us. This is not an isolated incident to Natives or other cultural groups, and we demand that this outright racism and disregard for who we are as Indigenous peoples and disrespect of our culture stops immediately.
Due to the issue presented, you play a key role in making this issue, OUR issue, valid and seen. We are asking for letters of support from all individuals, allies, organizations, etc. in response to the event that occurred on November 23, 2010.
We are demanding a change in the UCI's discrimination policy for these types of events do not occur which cause distress upon Native and other students of color. We are also demanding an increase of Native faculty (with UCI currently having none!), Native American courses taught by these professors, and THE AMERICAN INDIAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION AT UCI DEMAND A CHAIR THAT OVERSEES THE HIRING PROCESS, AND INVOLVEMENT IN ALL STEPS /ASPECTS OF CHOOSING THE PROFESSOR AND IN THE HIRING PROCESS.
These are not unreasonable demands for the university. In fact they are long overdue. These adjustments, increase Native representation, and classes will not only help the campus climate at UCI, but also bring awareness to Native and other student of color issues. Ultimately bringing a much needed structure of support and advocacy for the campus and serves to help with the retention of Natives at UCI. We hope that you will take the time to write a letter in support and solidarity in response to the events that have occurred on November 23, 2010, in support of our demands.
Please forward this letter out to other individuals, allies, and organizations and send your letters to UCI's Assistant Vice Chancellor Thomas Parham and/or mail them to:
Thomas Parham
University of California, Irvine
Student Affairs
Irvine, CA 92697-2215
Thank you in advance for your support, time, and attention. We greatly appreciate it and know that our voices will be heard.
We have also attached a copy of a letter we sent to VP Parham from AISA for your viewing. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns you may email our American Indian Student Association, Chair , Cheyenne Reynoso,
In Unity, Power, Strength & Solidarity,
The American Indian Student Association at UCI
Take Action! Tell Yellowstone Not to Slaughter!
Buffalo Field Campaign is the only group working in the field
and in the policy arena to protect America's last wild buffalo.
Buffalo Field Campaign
Yellowstone Bison
Update from the Field
January 20, 2011
* TAKE ACTION TODAY! Tell Yellowstone Not to Slaughter!
* Update from the Field ~ 25 Buffalo Hazed Through Royal Teton Ranch
* VOLUNTEER! Please Join BFC on the Front Lines!
* Just $10 for Wild Bison 2011 Calendars! Accepting Photos for 2012
* Last Words
* By the Numbers
* Helpful Links
* TAKE ACTION TODAY! Tell Yellowstone Not to Slaughter!
Please take action right now to help set free the forty-four wild buffalo currently being held captive in Yellowstone's Stephens Creek buffalo trap. Call and email Yellowstone's Acting Superintendent Colin Campbell today and tell him to keep Yellowstone's promise not to slaughter any these buffalo! Tell him to push back - hard - against livestock industry pressure and set all the trapped buffalo free like they promised!
PHONE: 307-344-2003
Wild buffalo calves, trapped inside Yellowstone's Stephens Creek buffalo trap. BFC file photo by Kim Acheson. Click here for larger image.
Brief background: When Yellowstone National Park began capturing wild buffalo at the beginning of January for the ill-conceived Royal Teton Ranch land experiment - which allows only 25 captured, tested, collared and tagged buffalo temporary access to a portion of Gallatin National Forest lands - the Park told us the remaining forty-four buffalo still in the trap would be released. They promised none would be sent to slaughter. Yesterday, Yellowstone said they may break that promise; the Park is now considering slaughtering buffalo that blood tested positive for exposure to brucellosis. Brucellosis has been the excuse for maltreatment of wild buffalo for decades, yet it is not a threat to wild buffalo or Montana's livestock industry, moreover, wild buffalo have never transmitted brucellosis back to cattle, nor ever to people. Buffalo that have developed an immunity to the livestock disease would senselessly be killed by Yellowstone's decision.
Please share this alert with others and urge them to take action to stop the slaughter! Spread the word to save these herds! Thank you for being a voice for America's last wild buffalo!
* Update from the Field ~ 25 Buffalo Hazed Through Royal Teton Ranch
Stressed and frightened, wild bison scatter during the haze out of Yellowstone, through the Royal Teton Ranch "Corridor to Nowhere." BFC file photo by Stephany. Click here for larger image.
Yesterday, nine riders representing the five agencies working under the nefarious Interagency Bison Management Plan hazed twenty-five captured buffalo out of Yellowstone's Stephens Creek buffalo trap, through the Royal Teton Ranch 'Corridor to Nowhere.' BFC was there in force, documenting the sad event. We had a team attending Yellowstone's organized media tour, as well as BFC field patrols in strategic locations. From every angle we witnessed rude treatment towards the buffalo, and their frenzied, stressed behavior. Proponents of this land scheme would like you to believe that this is a landmark event for wild buffalo in Montana, yet a closer look reveals that it is just another way to degrade the wild character and integrity of America's last wild buffalo. Interestingly, the two conservation groups who put some funding towards this land lease scheme - the Greater Yellowstone Coalition and National Parks Conservation Association - were not even present to witness the pathetic manifestation of their efforts that further compromise the wild integrity of America's last wild buffalo population.
Is this Montana's vision of wild buffalo - captured, tested, tagged, collared and hazed to a fenced-in corridor? BFC file photo by Stephany. Click here for larger image.
After suffering nearly two weeks in captivity, separation from family members, rough human handling, and being fed high-energy alfalfa, the buffalo were frantic. When we first had a visual on the haze, the buffalo were bolting, trying to escape the pursuing agents while attempting to remain together. What transpired was the chaos of a glorified hazing operation. Agent riders and buffalo were all over the place, and one of the horses caught up in the confusion had tossed its rider. Those of us on the organized media tour were kept at a far distance, typical of most hazing operations, though we were able to interview the agencies and interact with other media. There was one point in the haze where we were only 150 yards away, so the tags, radio collars and stress of the buffalo were starkly visible. Every time there was a chance for the buffalo to stop, they would immediately graze and look for their comrades, then press on, away from the cowboys chasing them. They were pushed for nearly eight miles, through an electric fence corridor, onto a portion of Gallatin National Forest land where they will be expected to remain until they are hazed into Yellowstone National Park by May 1st. $3.3 million of public and private money were wasted to disrespect wild buffalo like this. BFC was very disheartened by the whole event and we will be keeping a very close eye on these buffalo as a part of our regular field patrols.
The remaining forty-four buffalo are still confined in the Stephens Creek buffalo trap. It is possible that some will be released and hazed into Yellowstone's interior this weekend. And, as we mentioned in the above Take Action, Yellowstone has stated that some buffalo may be headed for the slaughterhouse if we don't act now. The decision is Yellowstone's to make: Please help stop the slaughter by contacting Yellowstone National Park's Acting Superintendent Colin Campbell: 307-344-2003
A wild buffalo looks up from grazing to see a buffalo kill site. The lead cow in this small group quickly turned her family around, heading them back towards the safety of Yellowstone's hunt-free lands. BFC file photo by Stephany. Click here for larger image.
Since we last wrote, another nine buffalo have been killed by hunters after accessing habitat outside Yellowstone National Park. The current population of America's last wild buffalo is barely 3,800 animals, and nearly seventy have so far been killed by hunters, and Yellowstone may send others to slaughter (see above). In a shameful display of a lack of ethics - and not for the first time - some of the buffalo killed in the hunt have been shot right after they were hazed into the hunt zone; Just the other day, four mature bull buffalo were chased by Yellowstone and MT Department of Livestock agents into the hunt zone, and moments later, two of them were killed by hunters. Other buffalo have been shot just a few hundred yards from the boundary of Yellowstone National Park. By hunting, hazing and capture, wild buffalo are being prevented from accessing their habitat, restoring themselves, and fulfilling their critical ecological relationship with the land; consequently, wild buffalo are ecologically extinct in North America and are in dire need of federal protections.
This calf was orphaned by hunters a few weeks ago. BFC was encouraged to see it grazing in the areas where we had shoveled snow away, hoping to help aid its survival. Our biggest hope is that another family group will come and adopt the calf. BFC file photo by Stephany. Click here for larger image.
The buffalo are at once battling extreme winter conditions and suffering the injustice of gross mismanagement all over the landscape where they now roam. Buffalo are being challenged by a winter that has brought more snow than we have seen in quite a few years, and last week, unseasonably warm temperatures turned that snow into a quicksand-like consistency, and now freezing temperatures threaten to turn it into concrete. If buffalo cannot crater through the snow to the grass, they must move on, but current snow conditions coupled with Draconian management actions make this a serious challenge at best, and senselessly fatal at worst.
BFC is on the front lines, running full time camps in both Gardiner and West Yellowstone. We are also making frequent trips to Helena, Montana's capitol, to battle policies and state legislation that aim to increase livestock industry control over the lives of America's last wild buffalo. Last week, BFC attended an FWP Commission meeting in Helena, to oppose a plan that would put wild-trapped and near-domesticated quarantined buffalo on a fenced-in wildlife management area so they could eventually be hunted. Unfortunately, the FWP Commission approved the proposal. Stay tuned for public comment opportunities as your voice is going to be needed. Today, BFC is in Helena once again to testify against a bill that would prevent wild buffalo from living wild and free on their native lands in Montana. We do have good news to share from our policy coordinator, Josh Osher, who has been in Washington, D.C. visiting with members of Congress; he relates that positive progress is being made and your voice will soon be needed to support our efforts the nation's capital.
As they say, when it rains it pours, and this season is shaping into quite the storm for the buffalo. We need your help. Please consider joining us on the front lines or making a tax-deductible contribution to help us maintain our presence in the field with the buffalo, and in the policy arena so that we may continue and increase "endless pressure, endlessly applied."
* VOLUNTEER! Please Join BFC on the Front Lines!
Noah watches a bull buffalo in the snowy distance inside Yellowstone National Park. Monitoring buffalo migrations is just one of the many ways you can help in our efforts to protect America's last wild population. BFC file photo by Stephany. Click here for larger image.
As this '10-'11 winter season progresses, we are seeing on the landscape the consequences for bison of the persisting, and newly implemented government sponsored boondoggles and all their implications. BFC is documenting with full coverage the state and tribal hunts, the farce that is the Royal Teton Ranch (RTR) 'corridor to nowhere' land deal, hazing operations on either side of the park, and any and all actions taken against wild bison. We are also participating in the the testimonial hearings to speak up against anti-buffalo legislation in Montana's capital of Helena, a citizens working group as a possible means to better direct government dealings with bison, litigation against the Forest Service, Yellowstone National Park, and Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks for their respective roles in the decline of wild bison, and lobbying in Washington, D.C. We proudly do all these things and more to the very best of our ability out of passion for the wild and with your continued and generous support.
Our multifaceted approach to helping persevere our nation's last free-roaming population of bison often leaves us spread thin for volunteers. We are finding ourselves in need once more for experienced volunteers to come and help organize and lead our group. The last call for return volunteers was answered with a tremendous and much needed response. THANK YOU!!!!! If you can again - or are able to for the first time this season - come home to Horse Butte, to Sandy Butte, to the Madison River, to your Community, to your Campaign, and to your Buffalo. We all need you and miss you.
* Just $10 for Wild Bison 2011 Calendars! Accepting Photos for 2012
Calendars are now only $10, including shipping and handling!
BFC is very pleased to announce that we are offering the remaining Wild Bison 2011 calendars to you at a great discount! They are now only $10, which includes shipping and handling!
Order today!
We are going for it again in 2012! We are looking for high quality digital images of wild buffalo for every season, so if you have photographed the wild buffalo of Yellowstone, please consider submitting your pictures for BFC's Wild Bison 2012 calendar! Please email Stephany for photo submission guidelines, more information, or with any questions.
* Last Words
"The buffalo voice.
Man made a terrible choice, to silence your thunder.
Now man himself going under."
~ Karen Lyons Kalmenson
Do you have submissions for Last Words? Send them to Thank you all for the poems, songs and stories you have been sending; you'll see them here!
* By the Numbers
AMERICAN BUFFALO ELIMINATED from the last wild population in the U.S. which currently numbers fewer than 3,800 animals.
2010-2011 Total: 70
2010-2011 Government Slaughter: 0
2010-2011 State & Treaty Hunts: 69
2010-2011 Quarantine: 0
2010-2011 Shot by Agents: 0
2010-2011 Highway Mortality: 1
2009-2010 Total: 7
2008-2009 Total: 22
2007-2008 Total: 1,631
Total Since 2000: 3,781*
*includes lethal government action, quarantine, hunts, highway mortality
Buffalo Field Campaign
P.O. Box 957
West Yellowstone, MT 59758
BFC is the only group working in the field every day
in defense of the last wild buffalo population in the U.S.
Join Buffalo Field Campaign -- It's Free!
Take Action!
Burned alive, making Abercrombie clothes
One month ago, a tragic and preventable fire claimed the lives of 28 workers at a clothing factory in Bangladesh. 36,619 members banded together to demand justice and prevent another tragedy.
Today, we have good news: GAP, Calvin Klein, and Tommy Hilfiger are all taking the first steps toward providing fair compensation for the families of those killed and instituting an urgent program of factory inspections.
But Abercrombie & Fitch, Target, JC Penney, Jansport, North Face, OshKosh B’Gosh and the other clothing brands are still dragging their feet.
We need to put more pressure on these companies to begin an immediate inspection of their factories to prevent any more deaths and fairly compensate the victims' families. Please add your name to the petition.
The labor activists leading negotiations with the clothing companies have specifically told us thatthe petition members signed played a significant role in getting brands like Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger on board, and will play a critical role in pressuring Abercrombie, OshKosh and others to do the same.
Please take a moment to add your name now. It's time to tell these American companies that we're aware of their reprehensible willingness to put workers in danger -- and their refusal to take responsibility for their actions. We expect them to make sure that none of their employees ever burn to death again.
Here's the petition:
Thanks for taking action,
Patrick and the team
online text: The Search for the Manchurian Candidate
January 21, 2011
Online Text for "The Search for the Manchurian Candidate" by John Marks. See link below.
These links are for some way out but important information most people don't know about or don't want to know about. some of it's pretty chilling and therefore will be dismissed by those who can't handle it. there's a bit of humour in it which is an essential ingredient. it's not for the faint of heart...
we'd like to hear your reactions.
Proven and Available Harassment Technologies
Original link:
Microwave Ray Gun Controls Crowds with Noise
July 4, 2008
A US company claims it is ready to build a microwave ray gun able to beam sounds directly into people's heads. The device dubbed MEDUSA (Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio) exploits the microwave audio effect, in which short microwave pulses rapidly heat tissue, causing a shockwave inside the skull that can be detected by the ears. A series of pulses can be transmitted to produce recognisable sounds. The device is aimed for military or crowd-control applications, but may have other uses. ...
This is the link for the online version of "The Search for the Manchurian Candidate" by John Marks
Well before Harold Wolff and Lawrence Hinkle finished their brainwashing study for Allen Dulles in 1956, Wolff was trying to expand his role in CIA research and operations. He offered Agency officials the cooperation of his colleagues at Cornell University, where he taught neurology and psychiatry in the Medical College.
No one would ever confuse MKULTRA projects with ivory-tower research, but Gottlieb's people did take a more academic—and sophisticated—approach to behavioral research than their predecessors. The MKULTRA men understood that not every project would have an immediate operational benefit, and they believed less and less in the existence of that one just-over-the-horizon technique that would turn men into puppets. They favored increasing their knowledge of human behavior in relatively small steps, and they concentrated on the reduced goal of influencing and manipulating their subjects. "You're ahead of the game if you can get people to do something ten percent more often than they would otherwise," says an MKULTRA veteran.
Accordingly, in 1956, Sid Gottlieb approved a $74,000 project to have the Human Ecology Society study the factors that caused men to defect from their countries and cooperate with foreign governments. MKULTRA officials reasoned that if they could understand what made old turncoats tick, it might help them entice new ones. While good case officers instinctively seemed to know how to handle a potential agent—or thought they did—the MKULTRA men hoped to come up with systematic, even scientific improvements. Overtly, Harold Wolff designed the program to look like a follow-up study to the Society's earlier programs, noting to the Agency that it was "feasible to study foreign nationals under the cover of a medical-sociological study." (He told his CIA funders that "while some information of general value to science should be produced, this in itself will not be a sufficient justification for carrying out a study of this nature.") Covertly, he declared the purpose of the research was to assess defectors' social and cultural background, their life experience, and their personality structure, in order to understand their motivations, value systems, and probable future reactions.
...The Human Ecology Society soon became a conduit for CIA money flowing to projects...
You're a person. Toyota isn't.
Corporations aren't people. We all know that. But in last year's Citizens United decision, the Supreme Court gave corporations the same First Amendment rights as you and me. And in the last election, we saw what this corporate takeover of our democracy looks like.
We must take our democracy back. So starting today, on the one-year anniversary of Citizens United, we're asking every state legislator in the country to support the most direct remedy we have left to correct the Supreme Court's awful decision: a constitutional amendment clarifying that corporations are not people.
Can you sign the petition to your state legislators, Representative Roger Lane and Senator William Ligon, asking them to support a resolution calling for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United?
Please click here to sign the petition:
Because state legislators aren't used to getting many online petitions, your signature and comments are likely to make a real impression.
And as we build support over time in statehouses across the country, we will also be building momentum for partial reforms—like requiring disclosure of how much each corporation spends and for whom—that can happen more quickly.
Can you help build the support we need by signing the petition asking your state legislators to support a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United?
Thanks for all you do.
–Robin, Milan, Lenore, Michael, and the rest of the team
Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 5 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.
To: Members in 4 Causes
Child trafficking at the Supeer Bowl :-(
When I think of the SuperBowl, I think of touchdowns, wings, commercials, and the Jets (hopefully!). Trafficking of children is not a topic that I have always associated with the SuperBowl. Unfortunately though, it should be. Dallas is about to become a sex tourist destination. Children will be transported to Dallas for the sole purpose of exploitation during the SuperBowl. recently posted a petition to raise awareness of the increase in exploitation of children during the SuperBowl. The document states, "According to the Dallas Police Department children exploited through sex trafficking have an average life expectancy is just seven short years. The average age a child is tricked and trapped in sexual slavery is just 13 years old. These children are beaten, brutalized and tortured for the profit and pleasure of others. "
So, what role can you and I play to stop the trafficking of our children?
--We can partner with a Dallas-based group, Traffick911. Traffick911 is doing a great job promoting awareness and action to ensure that children are not sexually exploited at the SuperBowl. Dallas Cowboys, politicians, abolitionists, and more support Traffick911’s “I’m Not Buying It Campaign”! Make sure to check it out at
--We can sign the petition asking the SuperBowl Host Committee to take action ensuring that children are protected! Sign on at
--We can send The postcards to Dallas-area hotels to ensure that travel companies in the area are alert to the problem. You can find a copy
--We can raise awareness! Spread the word to your friends and family. Share Traffick911's homepage with your network via Facebook, Twitter, email, blogs, etc.
Together, we can truly ensure that our children are protected, which should be the ultimate goal because as JFK said, "“Children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future."
-- The above excellent piece was borrowed by Ark of Hope For children from another wonderful friend organization fighting for children; ECPAT-USA: End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes
Invite, inform, and get involved! The children and youth NEED us all. Blair Corbett, counselor/mentor/pastor to abused and neglected child and youth victims. Ark of Hope For Children
Facebook fanpage;
Posted By: Ann Amelia Kaciulis]
Wendy Saric
Wendy Saric is a victim of BRHA, this is what was posted earlier and please keep sending Wendy prayers and to her family and check out this story
Something needs to be done to make sure this never happens again, Wendy is 33 years old and has two beautiful children,
**PLEASE forward this message in its entirety.
January 21, 2011
Update regarding oil drilling at Bear Butte
From: Protect Sacred Sites
Hello everyone,
On November 18, 2010, the South Dakota DENR approved a permit for Nakota Energy to drill for oil, one mile west of Bear Butte, a sacred site to the Plains Tribes. Bear Butte has four National designations; National Historical Landmark listed on December 21, 1981, National Historical Places listed on June 19, 1973, National Natural Landmark, listed on April 1965, Registered National Trail (Bear Butte Summit Trail), listed on June 1,1971. Bear Butte also has a wildlife refuge for migratory birds, protected under USFWS.
The permit was approved by DENR without adequate public comments or public knowledge. Our organization immediately began to challenge the approval of permits with DENR. During our conversations with DENR, Governor Rounds office, USFWS and Meade County we were repeatedly told, there was nothing that could be done once the permits were approved. USFWS regretfully was not able to intervene due to logistics of boundary regulations and State supersedes County in this instance. The final outcome was appearing that if we wanted to take action, it would have to be done as an appeal in court. This was not a reality for us as an organization.
We also contacted the Tribes for assistance and to alert them of the potential for oil drilling. Thankfully, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe took action and passed a Tribal Resolution opposed the drilling near the mountain. This also could be submitted during the public comment period and hearing.
Persistence and public outcry in this case has made a difference and the decision could potentially be changed. The beginning of January the South Dakota Historical Society put a temporary halt to the drilling at Bear Butte, resulting from Nakota Energy not following protocol on consultation, prior to drilling. This consultation is a requirement since Bear Butte is listed as a National Historical Landmark.
I spoke with Jason Haug of the Society today, to get an update on the issue and what action will be taken next. Mr. Haug informed me that DENR will be opening an additional public comment period and court hearing will be held sometime in the next couple months. The Society will submit their findings and suggested plan of action for DENR at that time. Once I have been made aware that the public comment period is in effect, we will be sending out an action alert asking everyone including the public, Tribes and organizations to send in opposition letters to both DENR and to Mr. Haug at SDHS. When the alert is sent out, I will try and include a “sample letter” for everyone to use if they choose to do so.
Over the past six years all of us taking a stand for the Protect Bear Butte efforts have battled bars, concert venues, helicopter rides over the mountain, shooting ranges and today, attacks violating and desecrating under Mother Earth and our sacred site, oil drilling. Over the years, never thought we would be battling this type of encroachment, as if the Rally isn’t violating enough.
This could be a glimmer of hope for the Protect Bear Butte efforts; at least SDHS is holding Nakota Energy accountable for their actions. I tried repeatedly to explain to DENR back in November that they were not following proper notification and Bear Butte is protected. Of course all they did was deny and argue with me about the issue, guess they will learn to follow procedures in the future, when it affects a sacred site! At least for once our voices have been heard!
A huge wopila tanka and thank you to everyone that helped make this happen! Your support for the Protect Bear Butte efforts is greatly appreciated!
Will keep everyone posted and will send out the alert as soon as the comment period re-opens.
“Our Sacred Ground is NOT Your Playground!”
In peace & solidarity,
Tamra Brennan
Protect Sacred Sites Indigenous People, One Nation
An Urgent Message Regarding Protecting the Ancient Great Forest in the South March Highlands, Kanata - and a Special Ceremony On Saturday January 22 at noon! | (
Cards stacked against aboriginal ex-convicts
Once their time is served in jail, many aboriginal ex-cons hope to start a new life.
In Winnipeg the first stop is often one of the employment agencies. But with a criminal record, no driver’s licence and no place to call home, the barriers are overwhelming, says Janet Easter, employment counsellor at the Centre for Aboriginal Human Resource Development.
“First of all, I guess you can basically say they’re homeless, because ... when they do get out of the halfway house, where do they go? To the street right away if you don’t have any family,” Easter said.
People from northern reserves are often not able to go back home, she said, due to their conditions or other circumstances.
“Sometimes there’s no home for you,” she said.
The job search is often a futile effort.
“It’s very hard to do with limited education, limited work experience and no driver’s license,” Easter said. “And the criminal record is a big one.”
It’s hard for the counsellors who see these problems on a regular basis, she said.
“They have so much in front of them that they have to overcome. They just keep going but not really going anywhere,” she said. “I feel sorry. I just empathize with them.”
Often the only option is to turn back to a criminal lifestyle.
“How are you going to find a job when you have no bus fare? How are you going to find a job when you have nothing to eat?” Easter said.
A change needs to happen in the social assistance policies, Easter says.
“I’ve heard lots of stories where people have gone to assistance, and they say, “No, sorry,’” Easter said.
“We need to see a change in the social assistance, and how they assist people ... who are right at the bottom. They need that extra help.”
he Federation of Southern Cooperatives/
Land Assistance Fund's
28th Annual Small Farmers Conference
Albany, GA February 11-12, 2011
Hilton Garden Inn
101 South Front Street in Albany, GA 31701
For hotel reservations phone: 229.888.1590
The Small Farmers Conference, Marketing and Trade Show will host over 300 farmers, landowners and supporters from across the south. The conference objective is to provide information on USDA programs, marketing, technical assistance, legal risk management issues, conservation and a variety of other agriculture issues that impact the survival of small farmers.

Keynote speaker on Saturday will be Attorney Hank Sanders, Class Counsel of the Pigford Lawsuit. Other speakers will include Jonathon Coppess, Administration of the Farm Service Agency (USDA), Dr. Dave White, Chief of the Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA); and Karis Gutter, Deputy Administrator for Field Operations (USDA).
Friday February 11, 2011
"Farm & Co-op Tour with Workshops"
9:00AM - 7:00PM
Fee - $10.00
Bus will depart from Hilton Garden Inn at 9:00AM.
Lunch will be provided.
Please contact the FSC Albany Office TODAY
to assure your seat on the bus.
Phone: 229.432.5799
Saturday February 12, 2011
"Small Farmers Conference"
8:00AM - 3:00PM Registration
Fee - $30.00
Includes conference material and lunch
Please register ASAP to reserve a place on the
bus tour on February 11 and for the meeting on Saturday.
Click here for the Registration Form
that can be emailed to
or faxed to the Albany office at 229 439 0894.
Registration payments can be
(1) made on-line at
(2) checks mailed to FSC/LAF, P.O. Box 3092, Albany, GA 31706 or
(3) paid on the day of the conference.
We would, however, appreciate your pre-conference registration payment.
Please also click here for the sponsorship and exhibitor form.
For additional information please go to the Federation of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund's website at
or the Federation's Albany office at 229.432.5799.
2769 Church Street · East Point, GA · 30344
404 765 0991 ·
New you tube postings from Kevin Annett: on his new book on Genocide, and his upcoming book tour - please notify the world and post these links
Losing Keith Olbermann, What Does It Mean?
American Competitiveness, and the President’s New Relationship with American Business![]() Robert Reich: President Obama must not be seduced into believing — and must not allow the public to be similarly seduced into thinking — that the well-being of American business is synonymous with the well-being of Americans. ![]() |
Extreme Right 3, American People 0![]() Jim Fuller: With Olberman gone, MSNBC is left with Rachel Maddow, its number two star up to now, and Ed Schultz and Lawrence O’Donnell. The network executives, for a time anyway, will be comfortable with that lineup. ![]() |
GOP Austerity Plan Targets Blacks and Latinos![]() David Love: This new wave of austerity is a con game, and it’s racist too. Now is the time to reverse the trend and restore equity, justice and sanity to America’s economic system. ![]() |
Requiem for the American Worker![]() Bill Londrigan: We can look back and see the carnage that the corporate war on workers and their unions has wrought: a decline in wages, benefits, unions and jobs–while corporations and the wealthiest one-percent have amassed the largest concentrations of wealth in history. ![]() |
The Forgotten Jobless and Our Future![]() Mark Vorpahl: As in the 1930s, today we must organize in a way that creates unity between the employed and unemployed. To start, we can organize the largest possible union-led demonstrations to realize this unity in the streets. ![]() |
Throwaway Children![]() Sikivu Hutchinson: Brilliant youth of color are automatically condemned to second class citizenship and social pathology. The real epidemic of violence lies in this false indictment. ![]() |
Take An Interest in Yourself and In the Cherokee Nation
For The HTML Format of the Newsletter:
(Having Problems With The Links? Try this version instead.)
It's never too late to benefit from developing a more healthy lifestyle! Take the first step by visitinghttp://cherokeechallenge.
The "Remember The Removal" bike ride is scheduled for the summer of 2011. Apply for a place on the team here:http://www.remembertheremoval.
View the latest Tribal Council meeting, committee meetings and more archived video at
Wado! (Thank you)
Cherokee Nation
P.O.Box 948
Tahlequah, OK 74465
918 453-5000
***Cherokee Nation News***
Vince Gill to Perform With Cherokee National Youth Choir; Country Star to Share Stage During Concert: 1/21/2011
(C) Cherokee Nation
When Vince Gill returns to his home state Saturday to perform in front of a sold-out crowd inside The Joint, the country star will be joined by the Cherokee National Youth Choir to perform "Go Rest High on That Mountain."
Cherokee Casinos in Fort Gibson and Tahlequah Donate Coats to Local Organizations: 1/20/2011 3:14:00 PM
(C) Cherokee Nation
Cherokee Casino staff recently delivered nearly 250 coats that had been donated as part of the Drive the Warmth promotion at Cherokee Casinos Fort Gibson and Tahlequah.The coats will be distributed to families in need through Cherokee Elder Care and Cherokee Nation Indian Child Welfare.
Cherokee Casinos in Fort Gibson and Tahlequah Donate Coats to Local Organizations: 1/20/2011 3:09:00 PM
(C) Cherokee Nation
Cherokee Casino staff recently delivered nearly 250 coats that had been donated as part of the Drive the Warmth promotion at Cherokee Casinos Fort Gibson and Tahlequah.The coats will be distributed to families in need through Cherokee Elder Care and Cherokee Nation Indian Child Welfare.
Cherokee Nation Contributes to Delaware County Child Protection Organizations : 1/20/2011
(C) Cherokee Nation
The Cherokee Nation recently contributed to two organizations that strive to protect the children of Delaware County and surrounding areas.
The Cherokee Nation Tribal Council Confirms Supreme Court Nominee: 1/19/2011 1:28:00 PM
(C) Cherokee Nation
The Cherokee Nation Tribal Council confirmed Principal Chief Chad Smith’s re-nomination of Jim Wilcoxen as a justice of the Cherokee Nation Supreme Court during its monthly meeting held this week in Tahlequah.
Sequoyah Schools Student Council Sets Record with Blood Drive: 1/19/2011
(C) Cherokee Nation
The Sequoyah Schools student council hosts two blood drives every year at the school, but something was different at the last drive. The group collected 67 units of blood from 78 donors, which almost doubled the amount that they collected at past events and more than doubled the actual number of people who turned out to donate.
Cherokee Nation Council Confirms Supreme Court Nominee: 1/19/2011
(C) Cherokee Nation
The Cherokee Nation Tribal Council confirmed Principal Chief Chad Smith’s re-nomination of Jim Wilcoxen as a justice of the Cherokee Nation Supreme Court during its monthly meeting held this week in Tahlequah.
Cherokee Nation Mourns the Loss of Marion Brown Hagerstrand: 1/18/2011 5:06:00 PM
(C) Cherokee Nation
Cherokee Nation citizen and patriot Marion Brown Hagerstrand passed away Tuesday morning after a courageous battle with cancer. She was the daughter of Jack and Nola Brown and wife of the late Col. Martin Hagerstrand. She and Martin were married 53 years and had two children.
Deputy Principal Chief Voices Appreciation: 1/18/2011
(C) Cherokee Nation
During Monday night’s general Tribal Council meeting, Cherokee Nation Deputy Principal Chief Joe Grayson, Jr., addressed the Tribal Council for the first time since suffering from a heart attack on Dec. 12. He expressed gratitude for the many prayers and get-well wishes he received during his recovery.
Cherokee Surgeon Brings Three Generations of Health Care to Native Americans: 1/18/2011
(C) Cherokee Nation
Education and proper health care is important to Deborah McAlister—as well it should be. Her great-grandmother, Sue Lawrence-McAlister, was a graduate of the Cherokee National Female Seminary in Tahlequah and later taught there. Her grandfather was a dermatologist and a radiologist and her father was a physiatrist. Now she brings the third generation of health care from her family as a new orthopedic surgeon at Cherokee Nation W.W. Hastings Hospital in Tahlequah.
Cherokee Nation Marshals Play Donkey Basketball for Peavine PTA: 1/17/2011 3:20:00 PM
(C) Cherokee Nation
Some members of the Cherokee Nation Marshal Service recently volunteered their time to participate in a donkey basketball fundraiser for the Peavine School PTA in Adair County.
Cherokee Nation Sponsors Valentines for Vets Drive : 1/17/2011 2:31:00 PM
(C) Cherokee Nation
The Cherokee Nation is again sponsoring its annual Valentines for Vets drive. Area schools, churches, civic organizations and individuals are all encouraged to participate and create handmade valentines for the tribe to distribute to local veterans in time for Valentine’s Day. The deadline to turn in valentines for the event is Wednesday, Feb. 9.
Sequoyah Schools Announces Date for “Think Pink” Game : 1/17/2011 11:53:00 AM
(C) Cherokee Nation
Oklahoma— The Sequoyah Schools’ girls basketball team will host its annual “Think Pink” basketball game on Tuesday, Feb. 1. The game is part of a nation-wide breast cancer awareness event that encourages fans to wear pink shirts and teams to hold events to raise awareness of breast cancer.
Four Sequoyah Softball Players to Sign College Letters of Intent : 1/17/2011 9:29:00 AM
(C) Cherokee Nation
Four fast-pitch softball players from Sequoyah Schools will sign college letters of intent to play softball on Tuesday, Jan. 18 at 11:30 a.m. Summer Cunningham and Trinity Busby will sign with Connors State College and Shannon Barnett and Mason Slayton will sign with Haskell University. All are receiving scholarships in return for their participation on the college softball teams.
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**** Cultural Tidbits ****
Although the hunting and fishing rights issue is yet to be resolved through federal courts, the 1835 Treaty with the Comanche lists 8 tribes in regards to hunting and fishing, the Cherokee being one of them. This treaty grants us rights on the 'great prairie west of the cross timbers, as far as the United States jurisdiction goes'. This treeline stops near Wichita, Kansas.
"When crazy people call you crazy,