The True Story Of Harris Neck
To: House Committee on Natural Resources....
Attn. Chief Legislative Clerk....
1324 LongworthHouse Office Building....
Washington, D.C. 20515....
.. ..
From: Sharon L. Kitchen (founder)....
Save the Sacred Sites Alliance....
P.O. Box 324....
Townsend, Ga.31331Phone:912-745-0033email:
.. ..
Re: 12-15-11 Hearing on Harris Neck Land Trust by the Sub-committee on Fisheries, Wildlife ,Oceans,and Insular AffairsChairman: John Fleming ,M.D.Called by: Jack Kingston (Ga.)....
.. ..
To whom it may concern,....
I wish to have all the following documents and comments entered into the written record concerning the Harris Neck Land Trust which should be left as the Harris NeckWildlife Refuge.The refuge is protecting sacred sites and burials and villages on the 2,000+ acres. Since the refuge is under the federal laws, Section 106 of NAGPRA applies. The Harris Neck Land Trust has been trying everything it could to get this property. They have stated that their Gulla Gee Chee language is really Arabic in origin. Thus they applied for Ashoka Fellowship for money.Next they were Melungeon in an attempt to claim African, Arab, Native American mix, which does not exist. Anything goes as far as they are concerned, even Lying to the hearing committee. Is Perjury still enforced?The video of the meeting has several folks for this small land grabbing group doing exactly that. One African American even said he was Cherokee and had proof. This same individual several years ago claimed to be Seminole. So what is he?But too the bigger issue: No Native American was invited to this meeting. No input was collected by a Native American. Our ancestors graves and village sites need to left ALONE!!!!!!!!!! This refuge needs to retain control.....
Sharon L. Kitchen (founder)....
Save the Sacred Sites Alliance....
For Documentation Follow the link>>>>
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Calling all those folks that wish to save the 2,000 + acres containing ancient burrials and village sites.
The group that call themselves the Harris Neck Land Trust had their 12-15-11 hearing.
Most of what was said was lies. The Project coordinator,David Kelly stated that there were only 4 graves.
He was made aware of all the Native American graves as his group paid for a literuary review that included
all the studies done through out history of this site. So should this be classified as prejury to congress?
I guess he was talking about the few he knew from this group.No Federaly recognized Native American was asked
to be at this hearing. No Native Amercian studies were presented. It was if history only started with the bringing
of African slaves to this county. I had forward to the chairman Mr. John Fleming the rich Native Amercian history and
the archeology phase I's that have been done from 1897 to the present,so it will be included in the 14 day time period
and will be part of the record. Whether or not they put it in is another matter,
Since 1897 with Clarence B. Moore's archeology study up to the present day there are hundreds upon hundreds of burrials.
At one time there were so many that it was suggested that a Phase I study be done of the entire 2,000+acres and put
all under one name. These sites are protected as long as it is undet the U.S. Wildlife and Fish. Federeal laws apply.Section
106 applies of NAGPRA. But again, no Native American was called to be apart. Since this was to discuss ownership rights
then Native Amercians should have been called. THEY WERE NOT.
Send any statement you would like to : Subcommittee on Fisheries ,Wildlife,Oceans and Insular Affairs
1324 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C.
Chairman: John Fleming,M.D.. The senator that brought this up: Jack Kingston(Ga)
You can go to the Natural Resources site and watch the testimony. I should note here, that one African-American now claims to
be Cherokee. So what you will hear........well..(...I can not put what I think in this area).
I never could understand folks that have such a need as to lie. But these will lead to the destructiuon of Native American graves
and village sites.
So.......if you want ancient graves and village sites saved please send in your commments to this sub-committee. The 15 days start
from the hearing date of 12-15-11.
Please forward this request to every one you know. I would also send a copy to the chairman and if you want to send us a copy that
will be great,as I can then forward all to the Federal Archeologist for the Harris Neck Wildlife Refuge.
There is no bill number with this hearing.
Thank you for your time and your help in advance,
Sharon L. Kitchen (founder)
Save the Sacred Sites Alliance
how to submit a statementfor the record
The link above should send you tothe frequently asked Q&As for congressional public hearings. Sorry thatyou'll have to cut and paste it. The question below is from that website. Theydo not list a specific email address should you choose to submit a statement;but, it does request that you use their form which you can find by clicking onthe word "e-mailed".
How can I submit a statement for the record?
Any individual or organization wanting to present their views for
inclusion in the record should submit a typed, single-spaced
statement, not exceeding 10 pages in length. Title and date of the
hearing and the full name and address of the individual or organization
must appear on the first page of the statement. Statements must be
received no later than 10 business days following the conclusion of the hearing.
Statements should be mailed or e-mailed to:
House Committee on Natural Resources
Attn. Chief Legislative Clerk
1324 LongworthHouse OfficeBuilding
Washington, D.C. 20515
Calling all those folks that wish to save the 2,000 + acres containing ancient burrials and village sites.
The group that call themselves the Harris Neck Land Trust had their 12-15-11 hearing.
Most of what was said was lies. The Project coordinator,David Kelly stated that there were only 4 graves.
He was made aware of all the Native American graves as his group paid for a literuary review that included
all the studies done through out history of this site. So should this be classified as prejury to congress?
I guess he was talking about the few he knew from this group.No Federaly recognized Native American was asked
to be at this hearing. No Native Amercian studies were presented. It was if history only started with the bringing
of African slaves to this county. I had forward to the chairman Mr. John Fleming the rich Native Amercian history and
the archeology phase I's that have been done from 1897 to the present,so it will be included in the 14 day time period
and will be part of the record. Whether or not they put it in is another matter,
Since 1897 with Clarence B. Moore's archeology study up to the present day there are hundreds upon hundreds of burrials.
At one time there were so many that it was suggested that a Phase I study be done of the entire 2,000+acres and put
all under one name. These sites are protected as long as it is undet the U.S. Wildlife and Fish. Federeal laws apply.Section
106 applies of NAGPRA. But again, no Native American was called to be apart. Since this was to discuss ownership rights
then Native Amercians should have been called. THEY WERE NOT.
Send any statement you would like to : Subcommittee on Fisheries ,Wildlife,Oceans and Insular Affairs
1324 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C.
Chairman: John Fleming,M.D.. The senator that brought this up: Jack Kingston(Ga)
You can go to the Natural Resources site and watch the testimony. I should note here, that one African-American now claims to
be Cherokee. So what you will hear........well..(...I can not put what I think in this area).
I never could understand folks that have such a need as to lie. But these will lead to the destructiuon of Native American graves
and village sites.
So.......if you want ancient graves and village sites saved please send in your commments to this sub-committee. The 15 days start
from the hearing date of 12-15-11.
Please forward this request to every one you know. I would also send a copy to the chairman and if you want to send us a copy that
will be great,as I can then forward all to the Federal Archeologist for the Harris Neck Wildlife Refuge.
There is no bill number with this hearing.
Thank you for your time and your help in advance,
Sharon L. Kitchen (founder)
Save the Sacred Sites Alliance
how to submit a statementfor the record
The link above should send you tothe frequently asked Q&As for congressional public hearings. Sorry thatyou'll have to cut and paste it. The question below is from that website. Theydo not list a specific email address should you choose to submit a statement;but, it does request that you use their form which you can find by clicking onthe word "e-mailed".
How can I submit a statement for the record?
Any individual or organization wanting to present their views for
inclusion in the record should submit a typed, single-spaced
statement, not exceeding 10 pages in length. Title and date of the
hearing and the full name and address of the individual or organization
must appear on the first page of the statement. Statements must be
received no later than 10 business days following the conclusion of the hearing.
Statements should be mailed or e-mailed to:
House Committee on Natural Resources
Attn. Chief Legislative Clerk
1324 LongworthHouse OfficeBuilding
Washington, D.C. 20515
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Hearing Tomorrow
Hearing Tomorrow
this is the site with the burials and ancient village sites. it is an invitation only meeting.
It has ancient village sites and burials from the Yamasse (Muskogee) and other Indigenous People.
We have done all we can. Just pray they don't give the ancestors to these people to build their development on.
this is the site with the burials and ancient village sites. it is an invitation only meeting.
It has ancient village sites and burials from the Yamasse (Muskogee) and other Indigenous People.
We have done all we can. Just pray they don't give the ancestors to these people to build their development on.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Indigenous News 12/142011
Indigenous News 12/142011 Aim Southern Cal One good man or one good woman can change the world, can push back the evil, and their work can be a beacon for millions, for billions. Are you that man or woman? If so, may the Great Spirit bless you. If not, why not? We must each of us be that person. That will transform the world overnight. That would be a miracle, yes, but a miracle within our power, our healing power. ~ Leonard Peltier- The Leonard Peltier Walk for Human Rights will depart from Alcatraz Island on December 18, 2011- FREE AN INNOCENT MAN- Sampson Wolfe & Free Leonard Peltier (part 1 of 3) Southern Cal ~ Leonard Peltier- The Leonard Peltier Walk for Human Rights will depart from Alcatraz Island on December 18, 2011- FREE AN INNOCENT MAN- Sampson Wolfe & Free Leonard (part 2 pf 3) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Aim Southern Cal One good man or one good woman can change the world, can push back the evil, and their work can be a beacon for millions, for billions. Are you that man or woman? If so, may the Great Spirit bless you. If not, why not? We must each of us be that person. That will transform the world overnight. That would be a miracle, yes, but a miracle within our power, our healing power. ~ Leonard Peltier- The Leonard Peltier Walk for Human Rights will depart from Alcatraz Island on December 18, 2011- FREE AN INNOCENT MAN- Sampson Wolfe & Free Leonard Peltier (part 3 of 3) Gallegos “We’re tribeless.” ....Ms. Dondero and her clan have joined thousands of Indians in California who have been kicked out of their tribes in recent years for the crime of not being of the proper bloodline. California Indian Tribes Eject Thousands of Members Johnna posted in Tsalagi United. M.s. Johnna 12:31pm Dec 13 ~~~~Cherokee Childern in need of Homes ~~~~Keep these children in their culture and lifestyle.~~~~ ~~~~918-458-6900 is number to call. ~~~~They can answer all your questions CN ICW looking for homes for chief threatens to sue federal government Support the cause. Be counted: I Read This CTV News has learned that Ottawa could face a lawsuit over its decision to put the finances of the troubled Attawapiskat First Nation under third-party management.Chief Theresa Spence is threatening to sue the federal government over the issue.Spence is also calling for Aboriginal Affairs Minister John Duncan to step down from his job.Duncan drew fire from Spence, after he claimed Sunday that band leaders were ready to work with the government appointee who is tasked with handling the day-to-day finances of the reserve.But Spence said she never agreed to third-party management in Attawapiskat and she has since called for Duncan's resignation.Attawapiskat recently declared a state of emergency due to a housing crisis that has left people living in tents and trailers at the onset of winter.The Red Cross has entered the community to help keep people fed, warm and properly clothed, but the housing crisis continues.Ottawa intends to send 22 modular homes to Attawapiskat, but they cannot be delivered until a winter road into the community is established.With files from The Canadian Press Newsletter ************************** OsiyoCherokee Nation Art Show - Featuring works by the students of Steve Mashburn – metalsmithand Jane Osti - pottery. Monday, December 19 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. at the Cherokee Arts Center,212 S. Water Street, Tahlequah, OK. (entrance is behind the building) Wado! (Thank you) Cherokee Nation P.O.Box 948 Tahlequah, OK 74465918************************** ***Cherokee Nation News***** **************************Cherokee National Youth Choir holding auditions Jan. 3:12/9/2011 8:06:53 AM© Cherokee NationCalling all Cherokee youth! The Cherokee National Youth Choir is holding auditions for the 2012 choir on Tuesday, Jan. 3 in Tahlequah at the Cherokee Nation W.W. Keeler Complex, 17675 S. Muskogee Ave. Auditions are by appointment only and will be held in the tribal council chambers. Nation Walks to Prevent Diabetes:12/8/2011 8:36:18 AM© Cherokee NationThe Cherokee Nation celebrated the end of American Diabetes Month on Wednesday, Nov. 30 with a 30 minute walk at the tribe’s main complex in Tahlequah. More than 100 people walked to support diabetes prevention and for friends and family diagnosed with the dangerous disease. Teams to Take Over Sequoyah Gym:12/7/2011 1:20:34 PM© Cherokee NationMore than 60 middle school and high school robotics teams from across three states are set to converge Saturday on "The Place Where They Play". Sixty-two teams from Oklahoma, Texas and Missouri will compete in a series of challenges using robots designed and built by the students. v. USDA Claims Filing Assistance Available at Cherokee Nation:12/7/2011 8:19:34 AM© Cherokee NationThe Cherokee Nation is inviting Native American farmers to Tahlequah on Dec. 19–21 to receive free assistance with claims filing for the Keepseagle v. USDA settlement, in which some Native American farmers were allegedly discriminated against while seeking farm loans. Nominates Five to CNB Board:12/7/2011 8:14:53 AM© Cherokee NationPrincipal Chief Bill John Baker has submitted five nominees for the Cherokee Nation Businesses Board of Directors. Deacon Turner, Jerry Holderby, Gary Cooper, Ricky Doherty and Sam Hart will be voted on by the Tribal Council’s Rules Committee on Dec. 13.********************************* **** Other Links of Interest *********** ********************************* Games - Community Calendar - RSS Feed - Podcasts - E-Cards - Bernardo Gallegos Each year millions of devotees, mainly indigenous, visit the el Cerro de Tepeyac, considered by many as the most holy of religious sites in the Americas. To many, la Virgen de Guadalupe is considered the patron saint of Native American peoples. To others she is known as the Goddess of the Americas. Yet others believe her to be the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus in a brown skinned body. The visits I described place me in the company of those participating in one of the oldest and most widely performed Native American rituals in North America. El Cerro de Tepeyac has been the destination of devout pilgrims since long before the arrival of the Europeans into Mexico. The site has for time immemorial been associated with an all-powerful female spirit. Before Our Lady of Guadalupe, it was Tonántzin, considered by the Mexica ‘Aztecs’ to be their mother as well as the mother of all of the Gods and Goddesses. From: “Dancing the Comanches” The Santo Niño, La Virgen (of Guadalupe) and the Genizaro Indians of New Mexico" By Bernardo Gallegos@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Indian tribe turns to tradition to fight diabetes Posted By Shirley in NDN Cooking and Home Making Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:53 am (PST) Indian tribe turns to tradition to fight diabetes Arizona's Tohono Nation hopes indigenous foods can help stop skyrocketing disease rate12/8/11_http://www.msnbc.http://www.http://wwhttp://wwwhttp://ww_ ( <_http://www.msnbc.http://www.http://wwhttp://wwwhttp://ww_ ( >The Tohono Indian Nation in south central Arizona is turning to oldtribal ways to solve a modern health problem.Over the past several decades, Type 2 diabetes has exploded on theTohono O'odham reservation, striking half of the adults livingthere. That's compared to an 8.3 percent rate among adults in theU.S. overall, according to government estimates."The biggest health<_http://www.msnbc.http://www.http://wwhttp://wwwhttp://wwh_ ( > crisis hereon the Nation is diabetes," Jennie Becenti, manager of HealthyO'odham People Promotion, told NBC's Robert Bazell. "We havethe highest rate in the nation."The diabetes rate among the Tohono O'odham tribe has skyrocketed alongwith with changes in their diet, Becenti and others suspect. Instead ofa traditional menu of tepary beans, cholla buds, prickly pear cactus,saguaro fruit, squash and corn -- all native to the southwestern U.S. --Tohonos now tend to eat a typical American diet: processed and junkfoods laden with carbohydrates, salt and fat.While that kind of eating has led to bulging waistlines on manyAmericans, its impact seems to be magnified in a people who forgenerations lived on a parched land that had to be worked with vigor tojust to produce a sparse harvest.Becenti and others hope that by stirring interest in the indigenous dietthat once powered the Tohono Nation, they might be able to beat this newmetabolic enemy."I think as a tribal community, if we start to re-educate ourselvesabout the nutritional<_http://www.msnbc.http://www.http://wwhttp://wwwhttp://wwh_ ( > value ofthose foods that are natural and that grow naturally around here, thenwe're going to make much greater headway in addressing diabetes andheart issues that are so prevalent with our people today," said NedNorris, chairman of the Tohono O'odham Nation<_http://www.tonationhttp://ww_ ( > .Thrifty metabolismThere is research to suggest that the Tohonos might be on the righttrack.Studies looking at another Indian Nation, the Pimas, have compared thehealth and lifestyles<_http://www.msnbc.http://www.http://wwhttp://wwwhttp://wwh_ ( > of tribalmembers living in Arizona to those dwelling in Mexico.Indian Nation looks to the past for healthier future<_http://dailynightlyhttp://dailhttp://daihttp://dailhttp://dailynhttp://dcs-indian-nation-cs-indian-nationcs-indian-natcs-indian_ ( >The hope is that by comparing people with roughly the same geneticmake-up but greatly differing lifestyles, researchers will be able tofigure out why the Pimas in Mexico suffer from fewer health problems,especially obesity, than those residing in the U.S.Researchers suspect that the Pimas, like other desert-dwelling Indiansmay have developed genes that make their systems more "thrifty"when it comes to metabolizing food. A 2010 study in the Pimasunderscored the impact of lifestyle on people with a thrifty metabolism.The study, published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology &Metabolism, found that Pimas living in the U.S. were more than six timesas likely to develop insulin resistance as those living in Mexico. Andthat was true even after the researchers accounted for obesity, age andsex.The researchers concluded that lifestyle differences were probably toblame for the higher incidence in Pimas dwelling in the U.S.'These foods have meaning'That's something Terrol Dew Johnson can understand. He foundedTohono O'odham Community Action<_http://www.tocaonlihttp://www.http://www.http://wwhttp_ ( > , (_http://www.tocaonlihttp://www.http://www.http://wwhttp_ ( <_http://www.tocaonlihttp://www.http://www.http://wwhttp_ ( > ) a groupdedicated to bringing back the tribe's traditions. "These foodshave meaning," Johnson told Bazell. "These foods are medicine toour bodies. These foods will keep us healthy<_http://www.msnbc.http://www.http://wwhttp://wwwhttp://wwh_ ( > ."Perhaps just as important are the lifestyle changes that have led tomore sedentary habits among the Tohono Nation. "We've gotten tothe point where we don't have to work hard to get our food," hesaid. "In my parents' and even in my grand parents' time,they had to work literally every day and night to actually get food toeat. They were moving. They were exercising. Nowadays you can just driveup to a window and get food, medicine, anything."Even with scientific evidence in hand, those pushing for a change willstill have obstacles to overcome – the biggest of which may be thatmany on the reservation seem to have lost a taste for the traditionalfoods."I'm 55 and in my whole lifetime, have not eaten muchtraditional food," Norris told NBC. "And so, when I start eatingit, I haven't really acquired a taste for it. It's not theregular pinto beans that you buy off the shelf or the baloney you buy inthe grocery store. It's going to take some time for people tore-acquire a taste for those traditional foods."Story: Diabetes shame plus denial a risky combo <_http://www.msnbc.http://www.http://wwhttp://wwwhttp://wwhttp://www.http:e-plus-denial-e-plus-denia_ ( >One way to change people's tastes is to put a new spin on the oldfoods. That's what's happening at the Desert Rain Café inSells, Ariz., where chefs have found ways to make the traditional foodsmore interesting and appealingAnother way to combat the problem is to teach young people about thetraditions that go with the foods, said Michael Enis, food and fitnesscoordinator for Tohono O'odham Community Action. Enis is in chargeof a program that brings traditional foods into the local school once aweek.That approach has worked for Zade Arnold, a teen who has started a farmof his own."I like working with traditional farming foods and culture,"Arnold said. "You get to touch the same seeds that people got totouch thousands of years ago. We get to work with the same prayers andsongs that people got to do hundreds and thousands of years ago."@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@-- "When crazy people call you crazy, you know you're sane. When evil people call you evil, you know that you are a good person. When lairs call you a liar, you know that you are truthful. Know who you are and don't let others tell you who you are." - Dave Kitchen
Monday, December 12, 2011
Letter To Chairman John Fleming
Chariman John Fleming, 12-10-11
Per my conversation with Harry Burroughs of N.R. I am sending you some information that needs to be included int the 12-15-11 Harris Neck sub-committee report. This information will be concerning the Native American ancient burrials and sacred sites that are currently being protected by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife. Richard S. Kanaski is the Regional Archeologist and he and the Harris Neck Refuge are doing a great job in protecting all the 2,000+ site.
This area should be left in their protection. Please see attached 4-21-10 letter to him from me. Also atttaced is my May 2011 "Calling All History Buffs",and the Oct.2007"Cultural Resources Literature Review" by W. Dean Wood paid for by Harris Neck Land Trust. They have kept this report hidden,they thought. They do not want anyone seeing this as is goes back through time to 1897 Moore,Clarance B. up to the present. Mr. Kanaski also has this report. The goup calling themselves a Land Trust only want to be given back land that is NOT theirs and destroy all burrials and village sites to build homes and sell them. Much in their typed web pages is not true.The documents that will be presented to you and the sub-committee from Mr. Kanaski are true. This group will not provide materails to you as they do NOT wish to follow section 106 of NAGPRA that is required, as this land is under a Federal agency. So they will continue to try and go around anyone they can. Due to section 106 they would have to contact all Native Americans that are Federaly recognized. They also do not want to do this. But this is the law. Native Americans do NOT want their ancestors gaves destoyed.
If you need anymore information please feel free to contact me.
Thank you for your time,
Sharon L. KItchen (founder)
Save the Sacred Sites Alliance

Per my conversation with Harry Burroughs of N.R. I am sending you some information that needs to be included int the 12-15-11 Harris Neck sub-committee report. This information will be concerning the Native American ancient burrials and sacred sites that are currently being protected by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife. Richard S. Kanaski is the Regional Archeologist and he and the Harris Neck Refuge are doing a great job in protecting all the 2,000+ site.
This area should be left in their protection. Please see attached 4-21-10 letter to him from me. Also atttaced is my May 2011 "Calling All History Buffs",and the Oct.2007"Cultural Resources Literature Review" by W. Dean Wood paid for by Harris Neck Land Trust. They have kept this report hidden,they thought. They do not want anyone seeing this as is goes back through time to 1897 Moore,Clarance B. up to the present. Mr. Kanaski also has this report. The goup calling themselves a Land Trust only want to be given back land that is NOT theirs and destroy all burrials and village sites to build homes and sell them. Much in their typed web pages is not true.The documents that will be presented to you and the sub-committee from Mr. Kanaski are true. This group will not provide materails to you as they do NOT wish to follow section 106 of NAGPRA that is required, as this land is under a Federal agency. So they will continue to try and go around anyone they can. Due to section 106 they would have to contact all Native Americans that are Federaly recognized. They also do not want to do this. But this is the law. Native Americans do NOT want their ancestors gaves destoyed.
If you need anymore information please feel free to contact me.
Thank you for your time,
Sharon L. KItchen (founder)
Save the Sacred Sites Alliance

No Doomsday In 2012
Apparently, the world is going to end on December 21st, 2012. Yes, you read correctly, in some way, shape or form, the Earth (or at least a large portion of humans on the planet) will cease to exist. Stop planning your careers, don’t bother buying a house, and be sure to spend the last years of your life doing something you always wanted to do but never had the time. Now you have the time, four years of time, to enjoy yourselves before… the end.
So what is all this crazy talk? We’ve all heard these doomsday predictions before, we’re still here, and the planet is still here, why is 2012 so important? Well, the Mayan calendar stops at the end of the year 2012, churning up all sorts of religious, scientific, astrological and historic reasons why this calendar foretells the end of life as we know it. The Mayan Prophecy is gaining strength and appears to be worrying people in all areas of society. Forget Nostradamus, forget the Y2K bug, forget the credit crunch, this event is predicted to be huge and many wholeheartedly believe this is going to happen for real. Planet X could even be making a comeback.
Related 2012 articles:
■2012: No Geomagnetic Reversal (posted October 3rd 2008)
■2012: No Killer Solar Flare (posted June 21st 2008)
■2012: Planet X Is Not Nibiru (posted June 19th 2008)
■2012: No Planet X (posted May 25th 2008)
■No Doomsday in 2012 (posted May 19th 2008)
For all those 2012 Mayan Prophecy believers out there, I have bad news. There is going to be no doomsday event in 2012, and here’s why…
The Mayan Calendar
So what is the Mayan Calendar? The calendar was constructed by an advanced civilization called the Mayans around 250-900 AD. Evidence for the Maya empire stretches around most parts of the southern states of Mexico and reaches down to the current geological locations of Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador and some of Honduras. The people living in Mayan society exhibited very advanced written skills and had an amazing ability when constructing cities and urban planning. The Mayans are probably most famous for their pyramids and other intricate and grand buildings. The people of Maya had a huge impact on Central American culture, not just within their civilization, but with other indigenous populations in the region. Significant numbers of Mayans still live today, continuing their age-old traditions.
The Mayans used many different calendars and viewed time as a meshing of spiritual cycles. While the calendars had practical uses, such as social, agricultural, commercial and administrative tasks, there was a very heavy religious element. Each day had a patron spirit, signifying that each day had specific use. This contrasts greatly with our modern Gregorian calendar which primarily sets the administrative, social and economic dates.
Most of the Mayan calendars were short. The Tzolk’in calendar lasted for 260 days and the Haab’ approximated the solar year of 365 days. The Mayans then combined both the Tzolk’in and the Haab’ to form the “Calendar Round”, a cycle lasting 52 Haab’s (around 52 years, or the approximate length of a generation). Within the Calendar Round were the trecena (13 day cycle) and the veintena (20 day cycle). Obviously, this system would only be of use when considering the 18,980 unique days over the course of 52 years. In addition to these systems, the Mayans also had the “Venus Cycle”. Being keen and highly accurate astronomers they formed a calendar based on the location of Venus in the night sky. It’s also possible they did the same with the other planets in the Solar System.
Using the Calendar Round is great if you simply wanted to remember the date of your birthday or significant religious periods, but what about recording history? There was no way to record a date older than 52 years.
The end of the Long Count = the end of the Earth?
The Mayans had a solution. Using an innovative method, they were able to expand on the 52 year Calendar Round. Up to this point, the Mayan Calendar may have sounded a little archaic – after all, it was possibly based on religious belief, the menstrual cycle, mathematical calculations using the numbers 13 and 20 as the base units and a heavy mix of astrological myth. The only principal correlation with the modern calendar is the Haab’ that recognised there were 365 days in one solar year (it’s not clear whether the Mayans accounted for leap years). The answer to a longer calendar could be found in the “Long Count”, a calendar lasting 5126 years.
I’m personally very impressed with this dating system. For starters, it is numerically predictable and it can accurately pinpoint historical dates. However, it depends on a base unit of 20 (where modern calendars use a base unit of 10). So how does this work?
The base year for the Mayan Long Count starts at “″. Each zero goes from 0-19 and each represent a tally of Mayan days. So, for example, the first day in the Long Count is denoted as On the 19th day we’ll have, on the 20th day it goes up one level and we’ll have This count continues until (about one year), (about 20 years) and (about 400 years). Therefore, if I pick an arbitrary date of, this represents the Mayan date of approximately 1012 years, 7 months and 1 day.
This is all very interesting, but what has this got to do with the end of the world? The Mayan Prophecy is wholly based on the assumption that something bad is going to happen when the Mayan Long Count calendar runs out. Experts are divided as to when the Long Count ends, but as the Maya used the numbers of 13 and 20 at the root of their numerical systems, the last day could occur on When does this happen? Well, represents 5126 years and the Long Count started on, which corresponds to the modern date of August 11th 3114 BC. Have you seen the problem yet? The Mayan Long Count ends 5126 years later on December 21st, 2012.
When something ends (even something as innocent as an ancient calendar), people seem to think up the most extreme possibilities for the end of civilization as we know it. A brief scan of the internet will pull up the most popular to some very weird ways that we will, with little logical thought, be wiped off the face of the planet. Archaeologists and mythologists on the other hand believe that the Mayans predicted an age of enlightenment when comes around; there isn’t actually much evidence to suggest doomsday will strike. If anything, the Mayans predict a religious miracle, not anything sinister.
Myths are abound and seem to be fuelling movie storylines. It looks like the new Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is even based around the Mayan myth that 13 crystal skulls can save humanity from certain doom. This myth says that if the 13 ancient skulls are not brought together at the right time, the Earth will be knocked off its axis. This might be a great plotline for blockbuster movies, but it also highlights the hype that can be stirred, lighting up religious, scientific and not-so-scientific ideas that the world is doomed.
Some of the most popular space-based threats to the Earth and mankind focus on Planet X wiping most life off the planet, meteorite impacts, black holes, killer solar flares, Gamma Ray Bursts from star systems, a rapid ice age and a polar (magnetic) shift. There is so much evidence against these things happening in 2012, it’s shocking just how much of a following they have generated. Each of the above “threats” needs their own devoted article as to why there is no hard evidence to support the hype.
But the fact remains, the Mayan Doomsday Prophecy is purely based on a calendar which we believe hasn’t been designed to calculate dates beyond 2012. Mayan archaeo-astronomers are even in debate as to whether the Long Count is designed to be reset to after, or whether the calendar simply continues to (approximately 8000 AD) and then reset. As Karl Kruszelnicki brilliantly writes:
“…when a calendar comes to the end of a cycle, it just rolls over into the next cycle. In our Western society, every year 31 December is followed, not by the End of the World, but by 1 January. So in the Mayan calendar will be followed by – or good-ol’ 22 December 2012, with only a few shopping days left to Christmas.” – Excerpt from Dr Karl’s “Great Moments in Science“.
Sources: Dr Karl’s Great Moments in Science, IHT, 2012 Wiki
Leading image credits: MIT (supernova simulation), WikiMedia (Mayan pyramid Chichen Itza). Effects and editing: myself.
Friday, December 9, 2011
ATTENTION.........ATTENTION.......... Sacred Site In Danger
To all concerned about saving ancient burrials and village sites, there is an "invitation only" meeting
being called by the U.S. House of Representatives on 12-15-11. It will take place at 10:00 a.m.
It is listed as the Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans and Insular Affairs.
This is the Harris Neck National Wildlife Refuge. Bill # 1171 under Natual Resources.
Their website is:
Their address: 1324 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515
Their phone: 202-225-2761 fax:202-225-5929
The hearing chairman:John Fleming MD. His address: 416 Canon HOB Washington, D.C. 20515
His phone:202-225-2777 fax:202-225-8039
The hearing notice sent out by John Hanline stated: "invitation Only", on 12-07-11,and call if any questions.
John Hanline phone: 202-226-0200. IF YOU WERE NOT INVITED, PLEASE CALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This sacred site has been studed since 1897. The whole place: 2,000+ acres is a SACRED SITE!
Currently all the area is protected by Federal Fish and Wildlife Services. There address:694 Beech Hill
Lane Hardeeville, S.C. 29927 Phone:843-784-9911 fax:843-784-2465 The Assistant Refuge Manager is
W.Shaw Davis.The Federal archeoloist has been a very great help.Please cc anything you may send to the
sub-committee to Shaw Davis.Her email: Shaw
Just some of the site #,s:9Mc41,9Mc52,9Mc53,9Mc56,9Mc310,9Mc311,9Mc312,9Mc313,Mc-257,Mc-258 from the
latest "Cultural Resurces Literature Review" prepared for Ecological Solutions,Inc 630 Colonial Park Drive
Suite 200 Roswell, Ga 30075 by Southern Research,Historic Preservation Consultants,Inc. P.O. Box 250
Ellerslie, Ga 31807 W.Dean Wood Principal Investigator October 2007. This report can be obtained through the Freedom of
Information Act. The people trying to sneak this hearing through calls itself the Harris Neck Land Trust.
This paper was for them. They, of course, did NOT ever want anyone to know of its exsistance as they wish to
dig all the burrials up,destroy all the Native American graves and build new homes and sell them.
Bottom line: GREED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please let all know of this latest meeting, as this is the latest sneak meeting. It is not an open meeting.
Once again.......NO...Federaly recognized Native Amercians "invited". Nor did they "invite" anyone who would
oppose this. Some of the "real" studies done: 1897-Moore, Clarence B.,1958-Larson,Lewis H.Jr.,1979-Fryman,Mildred
L. and John W. Griffon and James J. Miller,1982-Drucker,Lesly,1971-DePratter,Chester, 1989-Chapman and Associates,
1986-Braley,Chad O.and Lisa D. Steen and Irvy R, Quitmeyer.
All sites listed and those that are not are on the National Registry. The rest should be when and if they are
studied. As of right now the 2,000+ site is protected and falls under section 106 of N.A.G.P.R.A.
Please help keep this site protected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Time is critical !!!
Thank you all in advance,
Sharon L. Kitchen (founder)
Save the Sacred Sites Alliance
To all concerned about saving ancient burrials and village sites, there is an "invitation only" meeting
being called by the U.S. House of Representatives on 12-15-11. It will take place at 10:00 a.m.
It is listed as the Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans and Insular Affairs.
This is the Harris Neck National Wildlife Refuge. Bill # 1171 under Natual Resources.
Their website is:
Their address: 1324 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515
Their phone: 202-225-2761 fax:202-225-5929
The hearing chairman:John Fleming MD. His address: 416 Canon HOB Washington, D.C. 20515
His phone:202-225-2777 fax:202-225-8039
The hearing notice sent out by John Hanline stated: "invitation Only", on 12-07-11,and call if any questions.
John Hanline phone: 202-226-0200. IF YOU WERE NOT INVITED, PLEASE CALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This sacred site has been studed since 1897. The whole place: 2,000+ acres is a SACRED SITE!
Currently all the area is protected by Federal Fish and Wildlife Services. There address:694 Beech Hill
Lane Hardeeville, S.C. 29927 Phone:843-784-9911 fax:843-784-2465 The Assistant Refuge Manager is
W.Shaw Davis.The Federal archeoloist has been a very great help.Please cc anything you may send to the
sub-committee to Shaw Davis.Her email: Shaw
Just some of the site #,s:9Mc41,9Mc52,9Mc53,9Mc56,9Mc310,9Mc311,9Mc312,9Mc313,Mc-257,Mc-258 from the
latest "Cultural Resurces Literature Review" prepared for Ecological Solutions,Inc 630 Colonial Park Drive
Suite 200 Roswell, Ga 30075 by Southern Research,Historic Preservation Consultants,Inc. P.O. Box 250
Ellerslie, Ga 31807 W.Dean Wood Principal Investigator October 2007. This report can be obtained through the Freedom of
Information Act. The people trying to sneak this hearing through calls itself the Harris Neck Land Trust.
This paper was for them. They, of course, did NOT ever want anyone to know of its exsistance as they wish to
dig all the burrials up,destroy all the Native American graves and build new homes and sell them.
Bottom line: GREED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please let all know of this latest meeting, as this is the latest sneak meeting. It is not an open meeting.
Once again.......NO...Federaly recognized Native Amercians "invited". Nor did they "invite" anyone who would
oppose this. Some of the "real" studies done: 1897-Moore, Clarence B.,1958-Larson,Lewis H.Jr.,1979-Fryman,Mildred
L. and John W. Griffon and James J. Miller,1982-Drucker,Lesly,1971-DePratter,Chester, 1989-Chapman and Associates,
1986-Braley,Chad O.and Lisa D. Steen and Irvy R, Quitmeyer.
All sites listed and those that are not are on the National Registry. The rest should be when and if they are
studied. As of right now the 2,000+ site is protected and falls under section 106 of N.A.G.P.R.A.
Please help keep this site protected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Time is critical !!!
Thank you all in advance,
Sharon L. Kitchen (founder)
Save the Sacred Sites Alliance
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Indigenous News 12/8/2011M.s. Johnna Cherokee language segment from the documentary Voices of North Carolinathe Cherokee language Cherokee language segment from the documentary Voices of North Carolina. M.s. Johnna The story of the Keetoowah Cherokee peoplePart 1 - Cherokee History As You've Never Heard It The story of the Keetoowah Cherokee people@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Buffalo Field Campaign is the only group working in the field and in the policy arena to protect America's last wild buffalo.Buffalo Field Campaign Yellowstone Bison Update from the Field December 8, 2011 ------------------------------ ------------------------------* Update from the Field & Interagency Bison Management Meeting Report * TAKE ACTION! Wild Buffalo Need Your Voice Now! * Wild Bison 2012 Calendars Make Wonderful Gifts! * BFC Logo Contest Results * BFC Wish List 2012 * Mike Mease Heading to Arizona in April! * By The Numbers * Last Words------------------------------* Update from the Field & IBMP Meeting Report A buffalo calf checks in with mom after a nap. Wild American buffalo are ecologically extinct, existing on less than 1% of their historic habitat. The Yellowstone herds are the last population to hold identity as a wildlife species, the last wellspring of the great herds that once aided life across one third of North America's land mass. BFC file photo by Stephany. Click photo for larger image. Since our last report, another bull buffalo was killed in Montana's canned buffalo "hunt." If the agencies behind the Interagency Bison Management Plan have their way, hundreds of America's last wild buffalo could be cruelly eliminated from the population this winter. The alarming fact that wild bison are ecologically extinct does not seem to concern IBMP representatives. By their words and deeds they intend to push wild bison over the brink. BFC attended the two-day IBMP meeting last week. The first day was devoted entirely to presentations by the IBMP Citizens Working Group (CWG), an unlikely collaboration of conservationists, cattle producers, and other concerned citizens positioned on both sides of the issue, working to improve the failing IBMP. Sadly absent from the CWG were First Nations voices and many locals who are directly impacted by the IBMP-driven buffalo wars that are literally carried out in their front and back yards. Generally, the CWG recommendations echoed management strategies and goals that the highly controversial IBMP is already engaged in or proposing. There were, however, a few very good suggestions presented, including year-round habitat on lands contiguous with Yellowstone National Park, opposition to vaccinating wild buffalo, and increased responsibility from cattle producers. Unfortunately, the CWG recommended that slaughter should continue, though as a last option, as well as increased hunting and quarantine. While we applaud the CWG for making the effort, wild buffalo continue to come last. There are many components that continue the livestock model status quo, validate the brucellosis myth, and ignore the fact that cattle are an ecologically harmful and invasive species. The Working Group's recommendations make no mention of the dire status of wild American bison. The IBMP agencies were pleased with the similarities the CWG shared with their own adaptive management ideas. You can read the CWG's report here. The IBMP will review the CWG's recommendations and offer responses at a public meeting in late-February. On the second day of meetings the IBMP representatives revealed some shocking plans to further harm America's last population of wild buffalo. While the population currently numbers approximately 3,700 animals, the agencies announced a target population size of only 3,000. They intend to "selectively cull" at least 700 wild buffalo through increased hunting, slaughter, and shipment outside the Yellowstone area. The agencies announced their goal of engineering an equal male/female sex ratio, and want to focus on decreasing the number of females in the northern herd. They repeatedly threw out the term "over abundance," even though scientific studies have concluded again and again that wild buffalo are ecologically extinct. Managers from Yellowstone National Park, anticipating a winter similar to last year, stated that they intend to capture and hold hundreds of migrating buffalo again this winter. The agencies are working under an old operating plan, and have yet to come to consensus on adaptive changes that have been discussed, touted in the press, and nearly agreed to for months. Increased tolerance in the Gardiner Basin will be on hold until current litigation issues are settled and an Environmental Assessment (EA) is completed. This EA, due out in about a week, will need your voice! Nez Perce and Confederated Salish-Kootenai Tribal representatives with the IBMP expressed support in increasing hunting opportunities while cautioning against slaughter. The InterTribal Buffalo Council voiced their support for slaughter, increased hunting, and quarantine. Conspicuously absent from agency discussion were plans by APHIS, the federal livestock overseer, to sequester up to 108 wild buffalo and use them in birth control experiments. Thankfully, Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer has already announced that he will not allow IBMP agencies to ship wild buffalo to slaughter through Montana, so this should help stem the blood flow, as it did last year. However, Schweitzer is also pressuring Yellowstone to open its boundaries to hunting, which the Park stated neither they nor the public will support. The weather is helping keep buffalo alive for now. With little snowfall so far, the buffalo have not yet needed to seek lower elevation habitat, and are essentially absent in Montana. BFC, as always, is in the field every day, monitoring the buffalo's movements and advocating for their lasting protection. You are the biggest part of our success, and there are numerous things you can do to help to champion wild buffalo and keep BFC on the front lines, working in their defense. With all the overwhelming desire from the IBMP and the CWG to continue to kill or domesticate wild buffalo as the only "solution" to the problems cattle have caused, there's never been a bigger need for BFC to be on the front lines, representing WILD buffalo and honoring their perspective. ROAM FREE!------------------------------* TAKE ACTION! Wild Buffalo Need Your Voice! 1. Stop Federal Livestock Overseer from Harming Wild Buffalo! 2. Urge Congress to Pass Public Lands Grazing Bill! Thank you so much for taking these important actions! If you do get a response from these decision-makers, please forward a copy to Stephany. And, if you feel that your concerns have not been addressed by the decision-makers you have written to, write them back or call them to let them know you expect a thoughtful response. Please spread the word by passing these alerts on through all your networks of friends and colleagues! Thank you! 3. Make a year-end donation to keep BFC strong and effective in the field and at every level of the policy arena. Donations are tax-deductible and go directly to BFC's critical program work.------------------------------* Wild Bison 2012 Calendars Make Wonderful Gifts! We can't believe it's nearly time to take down our first ever Wild Bison calendar and hang up the new and amazing Wild Bison 2012 calendar! We hope that you have been thoroughly enjoying your Wild Bison Calendar, and that you are equally as excited as we are for the 2012 edition! These calendars make terrific gifts, so if you're still looking for that perfect something for someone, please consider a Wild Bison 2012 Calendar, the gift that celebrates wild buffalo every single day of the year!Order Your Wild Bison 2012 Calendars Now! ------------------------------* Results Are In for BFC's Logo Contest After some very difficult decision-making, BFC has finally chosen a new logo! Well, three, actually. With more than 30 creative entries, we had our work cut out for us. We thank everyone who participated in this logo contest for your time, creativity, and art. Because the decision was so hard to make, we present to you our top three choices! Look for them in this and future Updates from the Field and on our web site. BFC logo choice #1 submitted by Timm Kurtz. CONGRATULATIONS! Click image for larger view. BFC logo choice #2 submitted by Laura Ladendorf. CONGRATULATIONS! Click image for larger view. BFC logo choice #3 submitted by Laura Ladendorf. CONGRATULATIONS! Click image for larger view. ------------------------------* BFC Wish List 2012 There are many ways for you to make a difference for wild buffalo. Our wish page is one way to visualize the breadth of Buffalo Field Campaign's reach and capacity to work in defense of wild buffalo year-round. It's also a great way to match your interests with our day-to-day needs, prayers and wishes.BFC Wish List 2012 ------------------------------* Mike Mease Heading to Arizona in April! Buffalo Field Campaign co-founder Mike Mease will be giving a presentation at the University of Arizona. He would also like to organize an event or two for the community. He is available for presentations on April 3-6. Please contact him if you are willing to help set up an event. Mike can be reached via email or by calling 406-646-0070. Thanks and see you in the spring!------------------------------* By the NumbersAMERICAN BUFFALO ELIMINATED from the last wild population in the U.S. The last wild population is currently estimated at fewer than 3,700 individual buffalo. Wild bison are currently ecologically extinct throughout their native range in North America. 2011-2012 Total Buffalo Killed: 3 2011-2012 Government Capture: 2011-2012 Government Slaughter: 2011-2012 Held for Government Experiment: 2011-2012 Died In Government Trap: 2011-2012 Miscarriage in Government Trap: 2011-2012 State & Treaty Hunts: 3 2011-2012 Quarantine: 2011-2012 Shot by Agents: 2011-2012 Killed by Angry Residents: 2011-2012 Highway Mortality: 2010-2011 Total: 227 2009-2010 Total: 7 2008-2009 Total: 22 2007-2008 Total: 1,631 * Total Since 2000: 3,975* *includes lethal government action, trap-related fatalities, quarantine/experiments, hunts, highway mortality-----------------------------* Last Words"... culling of Yellowstone bison to prevent transmission to cattle has been ineffective at reducing brucellosis infection. This management strategy is negatively affecting long-term bison conservation .... Bison management practices used to prevent brucellosis transmission to local cattle conflicts with the goal of conserving bison and the processes that sustain them (e.g. migration) .... Removing brucellosis-infected bison is expected to reduce the level of population infection, but test and slaughter practices may instead be removing mainly recovered bison." ~ Excerpts from a scientific paper, which Yellowstone National Park wildlife biologists contributed to. The paper is titled, "Estimating probabilities of active brucellosis infection in Yellowstone bison through quantitative serology and tissue culture." The paper appeared in the Journal of Applied Ecology and can be viewed on our web site. Do you have submissions for Last Words? Send them to Thank you for all the poems, songs, quotes and stories you have been sending! Keep them coming!------------------------------ Media & Outreach Buffalo Field Campaign P.O. Box 957 West Yellowstone, MT 59758406-646-0070bfc-media@wildrockies.orghttp://www.buffalofieldcampaign.orgBFC is the only group working in the field every day in defense of the last wild buffalo population in the U.S.KEEP BFC ON THE FRONTLINES Join Buffalo Field Campaign -- It's Free!Tell-a-Friend!Take Action!Find BFC on FaceBook! ROAM FREE! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Tory appointee charges $1,300 a day to run Attawapiskat finances Spread the word. Every invitation counts: Invite Friends The federal government is forcing the troubled Attawapiskat First Nation to pay a private-sector consultant about $1,300 a day to run its finances – even though the government's own assessments say the third-party management system is not cost-effective.Aboriginal Affairs officials told The Canadian Press they have an agreement to pay Jacques Marion of BDO Canada LLP a total of $180,000 to look after the reserve's accounts from now until June 30.More related to this storyThe money comes from the Attawapiskat First Nation's budget. That rate over the course of a year would run up to $300,000 and easily pay for at least one nice, solid house, notes Mushkegowuk Grand Chief Stan Louttit.“And [Aboriginal Affairs] should pay for this over and above First Nations existing budgets,” he said.Instead, the band will soon find itself cutting off educational assistants and aides for special-needs children in order to scrape together the money to pay the consultant, said New Democrat MP Charlie Angus, whose Northern Ontario riding includes Attawapiskat.“What they've done is taken $300,000 out of this band's limited budget for political cover to pay for the mistakes of an incompetent minister,” Mr. Angus said. “They have to shut down programs to pay for this guy.”Mr. Marion's daily fee is about a month's salary for educational assistants, he added.The price tag is well within the going rate, say those familiar with third-party management of native reserves. Assembly of First Nations officials say per-diem rates for third-party managers are between $1,000 and $3,000, plus expenses.Stan Beardy – Grand Chief of Nishnawbe Aski Nation, which includes Attawapiskat – says that communities in the James Bay region would normally have to pay $200,000 and $300,000 a year for such a government appointee.Per diem rates vary widely to reflect the difficulty of the job at hand, a spokeswoman for accounting firm KPMG said. The firm does a lot of business with first nations, but is not involved in the Attawapiskat contract.Neither KPMG nor BDO would comment on specific rates, nor would Mr. Marion explain what he would do in return for the fees. “We will not respond due to the confidential nature of our arrangements,” he said in an email response to questions from The Canadian Press.However, Aboriginal Affairs is now making some of the details public.In a statement to The Canadian Press, the department said the appointee has been instructed to put the community's health and safety first, and to continue financing all building projects that support that aim.“The work of the third-party manager will support the department's first priority which is to address the community's immediate health-and-safety issues,” a note from departmental spokeswoman Genevieve Guibert said.Mr. Marion has been told to assess the need for housing, and then provide “safe, warm shelter” to anyone living in a temporary home, until other housing options are identified.On Wednesday, Aboriginal Affairs Minister John Duncan wrote the band's chief to say the government would consider evacuation or retrofitting the local arena and treatment centre for shelter until 15 new modular houses could be trucked in on the winter road.The appointee is also supposed to be working “on site,” the department email says. However, for now, Mr. Marion is not there because the band council sent him packing when he arrived on Monday.Band Chief Theresa Spence has argued vigorously against intervention, saying it is an attempt to discredit her leadership during a housing crisis that requires immediate measures – and not the long-term accounting advice that generally comes from third-party management.Aboriginal Affairs has three different levels of intervention when a band is having financial trouble, and third-party management is for the very worst cases. The latest tally shows 12 bands are currently being run by government appointees.Before now, Attawapiskat was already in the second-ranked arrangement, with the department “co-managing” band finances.Third-party management is usually triggered by glaring financial irregularities or a default on payment, but can also be prompted by a threat to the health and safety of a band's inhabitants. That was the trigger in the case of Attiwapiskat.The band has annual revenues of about $17-million, and a budget of about half a million dollars a year for housing.A recent departmental review of the intervention regime concluded that the third-party management system is not cost-effective, and hurts a band's ability to govern itself.“Considerable time and effort is required from [Aboriginal Affairs] and recipients to implement the intervention policy,” the November 2010 evaluation says. “The cost of co-managers and third-party managers affects the availability of band support funding for governance and administration in recipients.”The review points out that third-party managers are not able to use surpluses to pay off debt.It also said the arrangement is applied inconsistently across the country, making measurement of success or failure difficult. Some third-party arrangements drag on for up to 10 years, with no evident plan to graduate to a more independent financial arrangement.The Auditor-General has also repeatedly criticized third-party management for not being properly monitored by the government. Spread the word. Every invitation counts: Invite Friends @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@BAY AREA INDIAN CALENDAR, Dec 7, 2011 Thanks to American Indian Contemporary Arts/AICA for the calendar. More info linked to Bay Native Circle page at To include events send text info to Janeen Antoine or post on the Bay Area Native American Indian Network. Bay Native Circle at kpfa 94.1 airs every Wed, 2–3 pm with rotating hosts Lakota Harden, Janeen Antoine, Morningstar Gali, Ras K’Dee and Mark Anquoe. On FB. This week Mark Anquoe interviews guests on ICWA and updates on mining issues in Indian Country with Jim Brown, Shawna Lawson and Manny Pino plus native music and the Bay Area Indian Calendar. If public radio is a part of your life, please support with a financial contribution. Even small contributions help! Pilaunyapi! Upcoming Thursday December 8th at 7pm City of Fremont council chambers 3300 Capital Ave., Fremont Planning Commission will consider: Patterson Ranch 6330 Patterson Ranch Road development agreement annual review for the Patterson Ranch planned district located generally at the northeast corner of Ardenwood Blvd. and Paseo Padre Parkway. To many this area is know as Coyote Hills. This project will disturb Ohlone burial sites. The City has stated that this is not near the water there for this is not considered scared sites. However there is a known Ohlone site in the area and across from this site were remains found and in that case the developer did not report that remains were being found. I have been attending meetings concerning this project for 7 years with only 1 other person joining me in objecting to this project. I have asked that this land continue to be left undeveloped as the rest of Coyote Hills. It would be good to have more Native's make a showing in objection. These burial sites need to be respected and the ancestors need to be allowed to rest in peace. From Carmen Saldivar on FB. Thurs, Dec 8, 5th Annual Heyday Harvest, Malcolm Margolin introduces four authors from Heyday's New California Writing: Andrew Lam, Stephen Meadows, J. Tony Serra and Mariah K. Young. David Brower Center, 2150 Allston Way, Berkeley. Reception 6:30, program 7:30, $55 tickets reserve by Dec 1. more info. Thurs, Dec 8 – Northern CA Chapter Luncheon, 11 am-1 pm, Location: River Rock Casino, 3250 Highway 128 – Geyersville, CA 95441 for directions click here, Annual Winery Tour After Holiday Meal and Chamber Festivities, No Charge to Attend Due to the Kind Support of Dry Creek Rancheria Band of Pomo Indians, Please bring an unwrapped toy for our Toy Drive and/or a gift for the raffle. Due to the casino's state compact, no alcohol is allowed in gift baskets or as raffle gifts. rsvp 213.440-3232, Am Ind Chamber of Commerce of CA. Fri, Dec 9, 6-on, Celebrating the new Book: Malaquias Montoya by Terezita Romo, A Talk with the Artist and Author, Refreshments, Wine, Art & Books. Eastside Cultural Center, 2277 International Blvd, Oakland, 510.533-6629, Sat, Dec 10, 1-4pm, community training on the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), Ed Roberts Campus, 3075 Adeline St., Berkeley. Free. Beverages/snacks provided. RSVP:, Presenters: Alex Cleghorn, attorney Caifornia Indian Legal Services; Kimberly Cluff, lawyer practicing tribal law; Vida Castaneda, Court services analyst; and Ella Callow, Legal Program Director for The National Center for Parents with Disabilities and their Families, a project of Through the Looking Glass and other BACAIR member agencies ( Sat, Dec 10, 1-5 pm, Heyday Holiday Book Sale and Open House,Heyday, 1633 University Ave., Berkeley. Special presentation at 3:30 p.m. with Malcolm Margolin and Susan Snyder: The Making of Beyond Words! FMI: Sat, Dec 10, 1-7 pm. Native American Holiday Craft Fair, IFH, 523 International, Oakland. Native American arts and crafts, jewelry, pottery, beadwork, Native dolls, and Pomo baskets. Indian Tacos and baked goods. The public is invited, free. Youth organized. Wheelchair accessible, Walking distance from Lake Merritt BART and on bus lines 62, 1 & 14. FMI: Carol, 510.836-1955, Sat, Dec 10, 3-5, Decolonize Oakland teach-ins to explore some of the questions raised at the “Occupy Oakland” General Assembly on Oct 28 when the Memorandum of Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples passed by a 97% voting majority, Oscar Grant Plaza Amphitheater, Oakland. FMI: Joanne Barker,, Join Us: Facebook Open Group & Page: Decolonize Oakland, Tumblr: Decolonize Oakland, Twitter: DecolonizeOak, Sat-Sun, Dec 10-11, Art Quintana’s Old Pawn Jewelry Show, Gathering Tribes, 1412 Solano Ave, Albany. FMI: 510.528-9038, *** Weekend hours: Saturday, 10-7, Sunday, 11-6. The box loads of older and newer Southwest Indian jewelry including necklaces, bracelets, rings, bolo ties, concho belts, earrings & more is 20% off of the marked prices. Art also brings beautiful beadwork from purses to dolls, each an amazing work of art. Tues, Dec 13, 1-5 pm, Bay Area Northern CA Climate Change Roundtable, David Brower Center, 4th fl Conference Room, Berkeley, Ohlone Territory, IITC, invitation-only strategic discussion to exchange information and strategies about the impacts, policies and, most importantly, solutions to climate change in the SF Bay Area and Northern California. FMI: Mark Anquoe, IITC, 415.641-4482 x302 Thurs, Dec 15, 4-on, Heyday Holiday Party, Bingo 6 pm, potluck, 1633 University, Berkeley. FMI: Sun, Dec 18, Leonard Peltier Walk for Human Rights begins at Alcatraz & ends May 18 in Washington, DC. LPDOC :, Walk info:, 501-C-3 for the walk Wed, Dec 21, 4-8 pm, Intertribal Friendship House Holiday Dinner/Santa Claus/Gift for Children after dinner. 523 International Blvd., Oakland CA 510.836.1955,, Sun, Jan 15, 12-2, Decolonize Oakland teach-ins to explore some of the questions raised at the “Occupy Oakland” General Assembly on Oct 28 when the Memorandum of Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples passed by a 97% voting majority, Oscar Grant Plaza Amphitheater, Oakland. FMI: Joanne Barker,, Join Us: Facebook Open Group & Page: Decolonize Oakland, Tumblr: Decolonize Oakland, Twitter: DecolonizeOak, Sun, Jan 15, 4-8, event on new natural eating coaching program for preventing and reversing diabetes naturally. at the Happiness Institute in SF. Free, FMI: Micha'el Bedar ( Sat, Feb 11, 3-5, Decolonize Oakland teach-ins to explore some of the questions raised at the “Occupy Oakland” General Assembly on Oct 28 when the Memorandum of Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples passed by a 97% voting majority, Oscar Grant Plaza Amphitheater, Oakland. FMI: Joanne Barker,, Join Us: Facebook Open Group & Page: Decolonize Oakland, Tumblr: Decolonize Oakland, Twitter: DecolonizeOak, Sun, Mar 11, 12-2, Decolonize Oakland teach-ins to explore some of the questions raised at the “Occupy Oakland” General Assembly on Oct 28 when the Memorandum of Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples passed by a 97% voting majority, Oscar Grant Plaza Amphitheater, Oakland. FMI: Joanne Barker,, Join Us: Facebook Open Group & Page: Decolonize Oakland, Tumblr: Decolonize Oakland, Twitter: DecolonizeOak, EXHIBITS “We Are Still Here,” the Alcatraz occupation exhibit on the island. With photographs of the 40th anniversary occupation celebration; an audio landscape with excerpts from interviews of Alcatraz veterans and native activists; a collage of contemporary and archival footage; contemporary Native American poetry; and original art, the exhibit will be housed in the cellblock basement until February 2012 and will then move to another location on the island. FMI: Phil: 415.531-6890, Sep 20, 2011–Jan 6, 2012 California Crossings: Stories of Migration, Relocation, and New Encounters. Mon-Fri with exceptions | 10 am-4 pm | Bancroft Library, Gallery, UC Berkeley. Selected from Bancroft’s voluminous collections, the original manuscripts, drawings, paintings, photographs, rare publications and prints highlight the often contradictory and competing claims to history from the points of view of the original peoples and the national interests that set in motion California’s coming of age. Includes section from the Bay Area American Indian Community History Center, including images and early ‘70s article by Ilka Hartman. FMI:, 510.642-3782. (Closed: Nov 11, 24, 25; Dec 26-30). Exhibit: Double Vision Sept 29 - Dec 2. CN Gorman Museum, The exhibition poses an intervention with the photographic archive based on historical images from the late 1800s by Laton Alton Huffman and William Henry Jackson held in the collections of the Great Plains Art Museum at University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Hulleah J. Tsinhnahjinnie (Tuskegee/Dine) creates works that serve as a remembrance of the bison, a visual confrontation, and an appropriation into a Native American context. Artist & Curator Lecture: Tues, Nov 29, 4pm. "The Americana Indian" til Dec 10. Maidu Museum and Historical Site, 1970 Johnson Ranch Rd, Roseville. Curated by Stanford alumnus Dr. Brian Baker, Sacramento State University. 9:00-4:00 Mon-Frid and 9:00-1:00 Sat. Info: California Indians: Making a Difference, The California Museum, 1020 O St., Sacramento. The first statewide project to emphasize Native voices in California. visitors will be immersed in California Indian culture through displays of artifacts, oral histories, photographs, maps, and contemporary art. FMI: 916.653-7524 or ANNOUNCEMENTS/OPPORTUNITIES 2011 Dolores Sanchez Memorial Christmas Toy Drive for Muwekma Ohlone Children. Donate an unwrapped new toy (for children 0-18 years old). Native American Cultural Center, 524 Lasuen Mall, Clubhouse, Ground Floor, Stanford. The Muwekma Ohlone Tribe Education Youth Committee will pick up toys Mon, Dec 12 to distribute Dec 17. Thank you for your generosity! For information about the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe (the indigenous people of the San Francisco Bay Area) visit Truly CA of KQED seeks well-crafted documentaries to feature on selected Sundays at 6pm on KQED TV, with repeats on KQED's other digital channels and Comcast Video on Demand. Seek entries that featuring compelling characters, about California in some way, primarily shot in California, and preferably made by California's talented, independent, documentary filmmakers. Season Eight submission deadline Mon, Jan 9, 5pm. App and info: <>. diabetes survey on lifestyle, diet, life factors, and mental attitudes, designed to discover how to help people get the treatment that is right for them. By Micha'el Bedar ( for master’s thesis. Seeks native input. for papers, 13th Annual American Indian Studies Assn. Conference, ASY, Tempe, AZ. Feb 2-3, 2012. Theme: Making the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People Work for Tribal Communities. Submit in digital format a paragraph on panel theme, list of panel participants with address and email info, and a 200 word abstract by Dec 15, 2011. FMI: Elizabeth P. Martos, Coordinator American Indian Studies, PO Box 874603, ASU, Tempe, AZ 85287-4603, Creative Capacity Fund Quick Grants. Individual SF or LA based artists receive up to $500 and arts organizations receive up to $1,000 in professional development reimbursement grants to build administrative capacity and hone business skills. Applications due by 15th of the month for notification on the 15th of the following month. To apply: Video Appeal from Russel Means to support his fight with cancer. Lehman Brightman Healing Fund. Monetary gifts are greatly appreciated and can be mailed to: United Native Americans, Inc., 2434 Faria Avenue, Pinole, CA 94564. FMI, or 510.672-7187. Petitions: “Indigenous Mothers Against Mercury" IEN Petition: English, and Spanish.President Obama: Reject the Keystone XL Pipeline!Abolish Corporate Personhood and Defend Democracy. Free: “Mission Labor” California missions under Spanish and Mexican rule. Suitable for grades 4-5, Spanish/English, 24 pages. Download free pdf or purchase $3 each, $2/10 or more. FMI: Boarding Schools curriculum. Zibbiwing Center (Saginaw Chippewa). 48 page Student Resource Guide from CA Congresswoman Lucille Royball-Allard. Bay Area events:, and Also in Oakland, kids eat for free. ONGOING TV: San Jose, Channel 15, Native Voice TV, Sat 4-5 pm. Hosts Cihuapili and Michael New Moon. Also 1st, 3rd, 4th MON, 8 pm courtesy La Raza Round Table.First Nations Experience Television, Native Circle, Wed 2-3 pm, 94.1 fm, Janeen Antoine producer, Hosts Lakota Harden, Janeen Antoine, Morning Star Gali, Ras K’Dee, Mark Anquoe. Berkeley.Indian Time Tues 8-10 pm, 91.5 fm, Jack Hyatt/David Romero. Native Way, 2nd/4th Sun, 1-3 pm, David Romero/Veronica Gonzales. San Jose.On Native Ground - Where Art Speaks!, 90.3 fm,Thurs 8:30-9:30 am, Jack Kohler / Patrice Pena. Sovereignty Sound, DJ Ya-nah, Sun 3-6 am, 916.380-2818. Davis.Webworks: Voices of the Native Nation, 3rd/4th Wed, 6-8 pm, 89.5, Mary Jean Robertson, San Francisco.Calendars/Newsletters:Bay Area native community network. Bay Area Indian Calendar.News from Native California Quarterly. Submissions by email, or PO Box 9145, Berkeley, CA 94709 or fax 510.549-1889. $22.50. Read this message from Margaret Dubin, Managing Editor of News.San Francisco Tlingit & Haida Community Council newsletter, Kathryn Paddock, President, 415.887-9315.Powwows: in Oakland, Emeryville, Berkeley & Richmond: West of Bay (Peninsula) Bay Area American Indian Two Spirits. Learn powwow and honor songs. 1st Tues 7:30-9:00 pm, at LGBT Center, 1800 Market Street, SF. Ask for BAAITS drum practice; Jaynie Weye Hlapsi aka (Jaynie Lara) leads the classes, sings and drums on Sweet Medicine Drum. Cantor Arts Center, Stanford. 650-723-4177. “Living Traditions: Arts of the Americas,” Northwest Coast, California, Southwest, and Mesoamerica collections. Wed–Sun. Free. de Young Museum, Teotihuacan murals, California baskets, Inuit/Eskimo art, Pueblo pottery. Free 1st Tues, Golden Gate Park, 50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Dr, SF, 415.750-3600. the first Tues of month free. FMI:; 415-750-3600. Images of the North. Inuit sculptures, prints, masks, jewelry, several exhibits yearly, Oct. Cape Dorset Print Show. 2036 Union, SF, 415.673-1273, Kaululehua Hawaiian Cultural Center, 423 Baden Ave, So. SF. Mon: Men & Women (13-40) 6:30-7:30; Tues: Kupuna (50+) 6-7; Wed: Keiki (5-12) 6-7; Thurs: Makua (35-50) 6:30-7:30. Bring open mind and willingness to learn. ($10/class) rsvp: 650-588-1091. Mission Dolores. 3321 16th St, SF, 415.621-8203, Andrew A. Galvan, (Ohlone), Curator. SF’s oldest intact building. The only intact Mission Chapel of the original 21. Final resting place of 5,000 First Californians. Native plants/artifacts. North of Bay (To Sacramento) Sacramento Powwow Dance Class & Potluck, Mon, 6:30 - 8:30 pm, Sierra 2 Center: Curtis H all, 2791 24th Street, Sacramento. Free/open to all ages and levels. Bring your drum if you have one and sing! Potluck 2nd/4th Mon. FMI: Shonnie Bear: 916-747-5133, Frances Rocha: 916-544-7121, Jup McCloud: 916-704-4864, Email: On FB. CN Gorman Museum, 1316 Hart Hall, UC Davis. Mon-Fri, 12-5pm & Sun 2-5pm, 530.752-6567. California Indian Museum, 1020 O St, Sacramento. “American Masterpieces: Artistic Legacy of California Indian Basketry,” Through early 2010, Admission. California Indian Museum & Cultural Center, 5250 Aero Drive, Santa Rosa, 707.579-3004, “Ishi: A California Indian Story of Dignity, Hope, Courage and Survival.” Jesse Peter Native American Art Museum, Santa Rosa Jr. College, Bussman Hall, 1501 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa. 707.527-4479. California cultures, artists change monthly. Maidu Museum and Historic Site, 1960 Johnson Ranch Dr., Roseville. 916.774-5934. Marin Museum of the American Indian, 2200 Novato Blvd., Novato, 415.897-4064. “Sharing Traditions,” last Sat, 1-4 pm. Tues-Sun 12-4 pm. Free. Mendocino County Museum. 400 E. Commercial St., Willits, 707.459-2739. Wed-Sun: 10-4:30. Pomo baskets and weavers. Free. Miwok Archeological Preserve of Marin helps identify, preserve and protect the cultural and physical resources of the Coast Miwok indigenous peoples of Marin and southern Sonoma Counties., Janice Cunningham 415.491-0401. MAPOM, PO Box 481, Novato CA 94948. Northern California Flute Circle. 530.432-2716. Native Am. Flute concerts & workshops. Pacific Western Traders, 305 Wool St., Folsom, 916.985-3851. Wed-Sun, 10-5. Native American arts, books, recordings, videos, Pendletons. Changing exhibits. Vallejo Inter-Tribal Council. Mugg’s Coffee Shop, Ferry Building, 495 Mare Island Way, Vallejo. 707.552-2562 or 707.554-6114. Call to confirm Thur 6:30 pm meetings. Vallejo Inter-Tribal Council. Lakota Language Class, 2nd Wed/4th Wed, 6-8 pm, Native American Studies, 301 Wallace St, Vallejo. FMI:, Midge 707.226-1234. Community, adults and especially youth welcome. Free. Janeen Antoine teaches 2nd Wed, Midge Wagner 4th Wed. East of Bay (To Tuolumne) Four Directions AA Meetings, Suns at 2, IFH, 523 International Blvd, Oakland. Meetings: 1st Sun: Birthdays; 2nd Sun: As Bill Sees It; 3rd Sun: Step Study; 4th Sun: Basket Drop. Children welcome, open meeting. FMI Vermaine 415-933-1259. Lakota Conversation Class, Tues, 6:30 - 8:30 pm, IFH, 523 International, Oakland. FMI: Janeen. Healthy potluck, donations. Lila wopila IFH, AICLS, Community Futures Collective, AICA and AICRC for helping our tiyospaye learn Lakota. Thanks also to our teacher and mentor Willie Underbaggage. Medicine Warriors All Nations Dance Practice. Free, open to all. Thurs, 7-9 pm, IFH, 523 International, Oakland. “Friendship, Fitness, Fun.” San Leandro Thurs Nite Powwow Class, 6-8 pm, on FB. Coyote Hills Regional Park, 8000 Patterson Ranch Road, Fremont, CA 94555. Fees and Reg. required. Register online for some classes: FMI: 510.544-3200. Events also at Garin Regional Park, 1320 Garin Avenue, Hayward, CA 94544, 510.544-3079. Gathering Tribes, 1412 Solano, Albany. 510.528-9038. Weekend artist presentations. Intertribal Friendship House, 523 International Blvd, Oakland. 510.836-1955. Classes: Tues: 6-9 pm, Beading Circle w Gayle Burns, 6:30-8:30 Lakota. Thurs: Medicine Warriors/All Nations Dance, Fri: Talking Circles, Sat: Gardening, Parenting. Library open some Tues/Thurs. Oakland Museum of California, 1000 Oak St, Oakland. 501.238-2200. Historical display of California lifeways/basketry. Free First Suns. Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology, UC Berkeley, 103 Kroeber Hall, Berkeley. 510.643-7649. Wed-Sat, 10 am-4:30 pm, Sun 12-4 pm. Free; $5 tours, $2 children. South of Bay (To Santa Cruz) IHSCV Dance and Drum Class Tues, 5-7:30, Roosevelt Community Center, 901 E. Santa Clara St, San Jose; Youth Empowerment Program tutoring Wed 4-7 and Thurs 4-6; and Youth Empowerment Program Thurs, 6-8, 25 N 14th Street, Ste 140, San Jose, CA 95112. FMI: 408.445-3400 x 330, Funded by One With All Substance Abuse Prevention program of the Indian Health Center of Santa Clara Valley. Four Directions Nat Am AA Meeting, every Fri 8 pm, 749 Story Rd, San Jose FMI: Linda W, 408/564-3895. Indian Canyon, Ceremonial Refuge/Facilities, w. of Hollister, ANNUAL EVENTS Avoid scheduling conflicts and plan in advance. For inclusion, email listings in format below. Post more details on Bay Area Native American Indian Network. Pilamayaye! Jan 28, Sat, MWAN B-Day Party, IFH, Oakland, Gilbert Blacksmith. Mar 10, Sat, NAHC Running is My High, Oakland, 25, SAT, 6th Taking Care of the Tribe/NAAP Powwow, Location tbd, Anna Leroy.Apr 28, Sat, 3rd Pow Wow, Sacramento City College, 28, Sofia Yohema Gathering, Lake Merced, 28-29, CA Indian Market, San Juan Bautista, May 6, Sun, UCB Powwow, Berkeley, 12-13, Fri-Sun, Mothers Day Weekend, Stanford Powwow, from 2011:May 13-15, Fri-Sun, 3rd Pit River "Big Time" Powwow.May 14, Sat, 12th Bloody Island Memorial, Clayton Duncan.May 14-15, Sat/Sun, 10th CA Indian Market, Tuolumne, Jennifer Bates.May 21, Sat, 5th Comedy Jam, San Jose, 5, Sat, Gathering of Honored Elders, Sacramento.Jun 18, Ohlone Big Time, Yerba Buena Gardens, SF.Jun 19, Sat, 14th Native Contemp Arts Festival, Yerba Buena Gardens, SF, Janeen Antoine.Jun 25, 2nd Richmond Powwow, Nichols Park, Courtney Cummings.Jul 16, Sat, 31st Kule Loklo Big Time, Point Reyes National Seashore.Jul 23-24, 16th ITC Pow-Wow, Vallejo, Midge, 707.226-1234.Jul 29, 10th Gathering of the Lodges, Oakland, 20, Sat, Storytelling Festival, Indian Canyon, Hollister, Ann Marie Sayers. 20, Sat, 7th Friendship House NDN Market/Powwow, SF, 10, SAT, MWAN Powwow, Clinton Square Park, Oakland, Gilbert Blacksmith.Sep 10-11, Tuolumne Acorn Festival, Tuolumne, CA.Sep 17, Sat, Am Ind Heritage Celeb/Big Time/Powwow/Market, San Jose, 17, Sat, NAHC Pow Wow, San Leandro, Cathy Wisdom.Sep 23, 4th Fri, California American Indian Day. Oct 2, Ohlone Gathering, Coyote Hills, Fremont, 8, IPD Pow Wow/Market, Berkeley, 10, IPD Sunrise Ceremony, Alacatraz Island, Mark Anquoe.Oct 22, Sat, N. A. Culture Day, Oakland Library, Oct 27-30, 26th Annual California Indian Conference, Amy Huberland, 530.898-5438.NOV 4-12, AIFF American Indian Film Festival, SF, 12, SAT, AIFF Awards Night, SF, 20, Honoring Sobriety Powwow, San Jose.Nov 21-23, AIM National Conference, SF, Tony Gonzales. Nov 24, IITC/AICA Sunrise Ceremony, Alcatraz Island, Mark Anquoe.Nov 25, Black Fri Shellmound Mall Protest, Emeryville, 3-4, Sat/Sun, AICRC Powwow, Laney College, Oak, Mary Trimble Norris.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Obama Signs Executive Order on Education and Tribal CollegesBy Rob CapricciosoDecember 5, 2011Read more: Billie Fidlin 9:49pm Dec 8 "We believe the sky to be the first creation. The sky is the Giver of life. In my personal belief it is from there that the Creator watches over all. The first level of Creation, called Gisoolg, means you are created, in this understanding, the sky..." Read more at WnT link Native Spirituality below. Native Spiritualitywhispernthunder.orgCheck out!... -- "When crazy people call you crazy, you know you're sane. When evil people call you evil, you know that you are a good person. When lairs call you a liar, you know that you are truthful. Know who you are and don't let others tell you who you are." - Dave Kitchen
Monday, December 5, 2011
The Adoption Era, defined: Native Americans expose forgotten period in their history
The Adoption Era, defined: Native Americans expose forgotten period in their history
Indigenous News 12/6/2011
Indigenous News 12/6/2011 Aim Santa BarbaraDecember 3rd 4th Mission Santa Barbara is Celebrating its 225 year of abuse Its time for a Silent Protest for the Chumash and all California Tribes affected by the Missions that Raped, Murdered and Enslaved our Ancestors. Saturday December 3rd, Mission Lawn, 5 pm to 9pm Please dress in all black, bring a candle, and sign. Please remember that this is a silent and peaceful protest.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Bernardo GallegosGómez-Quiñones argues for readers to connect to the intellectual traditions of an ever-present American Indigenous civilization. With this new consciousness of lndigeneity, readers can better understand the intellectual and cultural heritage of all peoples in the Western hemisphere as a continuation of millennia of history and civilization.Indigenous Quotient/Stalking Words: American Indian Heritage as Future - Juan Gomez-Quinones : Small Indigenous Quotient/Stalking Words: American Indian Heritage as Future@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@M.s. Johnna Deadline to File a Claim in Keepseagle Approaching Fast | Indian Land Tenure Foundation ~all native american farmers and ranchers ~ If you are a Native American farmer or rancher, you may be eligible to file a claim for up to $50,000 in the $760 million Keepseagle Settlement reached with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).Deadline to File a Claim in Keepseagle Approaching Fast | Indian Land Tenure Foundation www.iltf.orgIf you are a Native American farmer or rancher, you may be eligible to file a claim for up to $50,000 in the $760 million Keepseagle Settlement reached with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The Settlement is a result of the Keepseagle v. Vilsack class action lawsuit which claimed ... posted in Tsalagi United. Rama StrongBear 8:34pm Dec 3 Osiyo Friends and Family: Today is a different day for me for I was sharing what my Grandmother use to tell me as a child growing. Now with respect to Brother Bear and everyone here I would like to share something most Cherokee People do not talk about... So I found myself looking and praying about it and then my spirit felt to share it with you here... With respects: CHEROKEE LEGENDS OF THE LITTLE PEOPLE The Cherokee, like other Native American tribes and indigenous people around the world have many legends going back centuries about how the world was formed and how the world works. It is my hope here to share a tradition which not to many people know about or talk about. These Cherokee stories which are ancient tell of the nature of the animals, plants, trees, mountains, streams and rivers of the land in the Smokey Mountains and the Appalachian Mountain region. One of the Old story from the Cherokee Nation is tales which include accounts of “the little people,” the “Yunwi Tsunsdi.” These beings are sometimes described as being spirits, and other times as small human-like people, about two feet to four feet tall. These little people who the Cherokee nation calls ‘Yunwi Tsunsdi’ may have different appearances and yet according to legend, they may be of three or four different types. They are well shaped and handsome, and their hair so long it almost touches the ground. Little people can be kind and helpful, especially to children, great wonder workers, and can also play tricks on people. They love music and spend most of their time drumming, singing, and dancing. Sometimes their drums are heard in lonely places in the mountains, but it is not safe to follow it, for they do not like to be disturbed at home, and they will throw a spell over the stranger so that he is bewildered and loses his way, and even if he does at last get back to the settlement he is like one dazed ever after. They can also be dangerous if a human intrudes on them, and they have the power to confuse the mind of a human. The little people have the ability to remain unseen and invisible if they choose and generally avoid being detected by humans. But, at times, they will reveal themselves. They live close to nature, in the forests and mountains. They have a spiritual aspect to them and they try to teach humans about kindness, joy and respect. Some Little People are black, some are white and some are golden like the Cherokee. Sometimes they speak in Cherokee As we try to understand our world, nature and the universe, we collectively use a wide range of investigative methods: Science, observation of and interaction with nature, direct experiences of many kinds, spiritual teachings, history, human legends, art, music and other paths. Below is one human legend shared by people liken to my Grandmother and other Elders who have or know of such people. The Laurel, Rock and Dogwood Nation (People) Over the years we use our Grandfathers’ the Great Rocks but as time moves forward, the Rock People became mean ones who was known to practice the actions of ‘getting even.’ They would be know later in the stories as the ones who would steal children who where themselves mean. This is what happens when their space is being invaded. Of course there are those who are good in nature and even are known to take care of people in general. They are known as the Dogwood Nation (People). Dogwood People share their nature by fast growing and when they are in bloom; will be full of flowers. It is the nature of the Dogwood People that helped bring the love and peace to the forest people, as well as the Cherokee People. We know that everything that has to do with the medicine of the Cherokee People is for learning and teaching. Liken to the Little People these lesson was past down to us. 1. The Rock People teaches us that what ever you do you will get the Karma back. Always we must respect all limits and boundaries of everything around us. 2. The Dogwood people teaches us, when we do anything to anyone make sure it is done in goodness of our own heart. Do not make people obligated to anyone or yourself for personal gain. 3. The Laurel People teaches not to take to the world too seriously. Be in joy and we must learn to share the joy with others. Remember, the Laurel People like to play tricks and at times may be mischievous in nature but never mean. Because the Laurel People have a humorous nature and love to share the joy with others. Do Hi Yi Ga Do Ga Awi StrongBear@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@M.s. Johnna Where is one more Fake Cherokee Organization: Wannabes are systematically destroying Cherokee history, culture, language and sovereignty and some of our own people are helping them either by collaborating with them or remaining silent. Southeastern Cherokee Confederacy of PA - Earth Band secherokee-confederacypa.orgCheck out My dear friends, I am in need of your help for a very important program! The Extreme History Project is competing to win film making equipment and support for a documentary project. We REALLY need people to simply click on the link below and play the video. Each play of the video counts towards our winning this much needed equipment for a fabulous organization. Will you please help and forward this out to all your contacts and ask for their support? THANKS everyone, I know I can always count on you!Shelley Bluejay Pierce From the Extreme History Project-We have submitted a video pitch to the Montana Film Office “Pitch the 406 contest” where we can win the use of $20,000 worth of film equipment and support to make our Fort Parker Documentary. There are only 27 video’s competing, so we really have a shot at this! All you have to do is watch! Every view is a vote, so watch the short video and share the link with your friends!! Thanks!!Here’s the link: Extreme History Project has been researching the history of Fort Parker, the First Crow Indian Agency and has been working with PBS Montana to create a documentary detailing the reservation period of the Crow Nation. The Extreme History Project has recieved a grant to film oral history interviews on the Crow reservation as a the foundation of the documentary. These interviews will interweave with the history of Fort Parker and the second agency near Absarokee Montana. This story is an important part of Montana history, but is generally unknown and untold. Its expression has enormous potential for awareness, understanding and healing. America's Indigenous peoples have suffered the historical trauma of this period for seven generations. It is time for this story to be told. Learn more about the Extreme History Project at CherokeeLink Newsletter ************************** OsiyoWith the arrival of the Christmas season, the annual Cherokee Nation Angel Tree is here as well! Located in the main lobby of the W.W. Keeler Tribal Complex near Tahlequah, our tree has gift information for nearly 1,500 men, women and children who might otherwise go without this Christmas. Won't you please be an "Angel"? Drop by the tribal complex and choose one or more persons to provide for this year. Wado! Wado! (Thank you) Cherokee Nation P.O.Box 948 Tahlequah, OK 74465918************************** ***Cherokee Nation News***** **************************Baker nominates BIA regional leader for Secretary of State:11/29/2011 2:42:24 PM© Cherokee NationCherokee Principal Chief Bill John Baker has tapped a regional Bureau of Indian Affairs Director as the tribe’s new Secretary of State. Nation requests Public Comment:11/29/2011 8:43:00 AM© Cherokee NationOkla. — A public comment period will open in December so that Cherokee Nation citizens and other residents can make their voices heard about the tribe’s intentions to apply for a 2012 Community Development Block Grant through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Nation Registration to visit Delaware County:11/29/2011 8:40:12 AM© Cherokee NationThe Cherokee Nation is offering assistance with applications to obtain Cherokee Nation citizenship and Certificate Degree of Indian Blood cards in Delaware County on Monday, Dec. 5, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Sam Hider Health Center in Jay, 1015 Washbourne St. Arts Center Now Open:11/29/2011 8:13:09 AM© Cherokee NationThe Cherokee Arts Center is now fully operational, giving the Nation’s artists a place to teach, learn, create, exhibit and sell their work. The CAC is in downtown Tahlequah at 212 S. Water St. Nation Registration to visit Sequoyah County:11/30/2011 1:32:17 PM© Cherokee NationThe Cherokee Nation is offering assistance with applications to obtain citizenship within Cherokee Nation and a Certificate Degree of Indian Blood card in Sequoyah County on Friday, Dec. 9, at the Sallisaw Sub-Office, 110 N. Elm and again on Wednesday, Dec. 14, at the Cherokee Community Center in Muldrow, 607 N. Main. Nation Angel Tree gives children a Brighter Christmas:11/29/2011 11:30:54 AM© Cherokee NationYou can make a child’s Christmas brighter this year by adopting an angel from the Cherokee Nation Angel Tree. Angels are available to adopt from trees located at the Cherokee Nation Tribal Complex and at W.W. Hastings Hospital in Tahlequah through Monday, Dec. 12. Chief Baker nominates Rogers State official to Newspaper board :11/30/2011 2:00:23 PM© Cherokee NationPrincipal Chief Bill John Baker has nominated Claremore resident Clarice Doyle to the editorial board of the Cherokee Phoenix. Tobacco Prevention program reaches 5,000th Student:11/29/2011 11:42:13 AM© Cherokee NationThe Cherokee Nation set a milestone by reaching the 5,000th area student to take part in the tribe’s school-based tobacco prevention program. It happened during a tobacco prevention presentation held recently at Dewey Middle School. order set for Tribal Council election:12/1/2011 4:37:09 PM© Cherokee NationThe ballot order is now in place for January’s special election to fill a vacant Tribal Council seat. Seat 1 for District 1, which includes Cherokee County and eastern Wagoner County, was vacated earlier this year when incumbent Bill John Baker was elected principal chief.********************************* **** Other Links of Interest *********** ********************************* Games - Community Calendar - RSS Feed - Podcasts - E-Cards - RubioThe first and most important value change to be made is in the heart. The heart where love resides has different values. Only when we all love each other as one human race, seeing the planet as one common homeland, caring for and cooperating with one another as one loving family, will we find ideal, real, solutions for the problems we are facing.Oren Lyons: Value Change for Survival ECU#574 Oren Lyons: Value Change for Survival Faithkeeper of the Turtle Clan, Onondaga Nation who for decades has been a visionary voice, active in international ind... From the Eagle Watch December 5, 2011This article is important and interesting in its own right for theGitxsan people. It is also more widely interesting and importantbecause it is a scenario being repeated all over Indian country fromNunavut to James Bay to Gitxsan territory in the west. It's part ofthe colonial strategy of divide and conquer in its modernvariation. With first nations being corporations, these people areplaying a dangerous game with their own. All power to theTraditional people and original ways of knowing.Kittoh<> ---------- Forwarded message----------From: Rafe Mair<>Date: Sat, Dec 3, 2011 at 4:12 PMSubject: Gitxsan sign with EnbridgeTo: rafe@rafeonline.comSubject: Gitxsan sign withEnbridgeRAFE HERE … I was at the NewsConference where 130 First Nations signed the Fraser Covenant whichopposed the proposed Enbridge pipeline from the Tar Sands to Kitimat andopposed shipping to Vancouver via the Kinder Morgan line.. I was shocked this morning to read that the Gitxsan Tribehad signed a deal with Enbridge.So, it seems, were the Gitxsan people as witness thepress release below. Please pass this along The Gitxsan people are outraged… IMMEDIATE PRESS RELEASEDecember 2, 2011Gitanmaax, B.C.… …“The Gitxsan people are outraged with the Enbridge Northern GatewayPipeline Agreement”…Contrary to the announcement of Elmer Derrick of today’s date, therepresentatives of the Plaintiffs to the British Columbia Supreme CourtAction No. 15150, cited as Spookw v. Gitxsan Treaty Society, oppose theAgreement. The Gitxsan plaintiffs include Hereditary Chiefs and fourGitxsan bands with a population of over 6,000 Gitxsan people; themajority of whom are House members in the Gitxsan traditional systemrepresented by Hereditary Chief, Spookw, in the court action.The representatives do not support Enbridge Northern GatewayPipeline agreement entered into by Elmer Derrick and state “Elmer Derrickand the Gitxsan Treaty Society/Gitxsan Economic Development Corp. doesnot speak for all Gitxsan. The Gitxsan people had no knowledge of theproposed Agreement nor were they consulted”. The Plaintiffs contend thatthe Gitxsan Treaty Society, or the Gitxsan Development Corporation, doesnot have the authority to enter into such Agreements without consultingor being authorized by the Gitxsan people.Knowledge of the signed Agreement was only obtained throughmedia, much like the Gitxsan Alternative Governance Model of May 2008,the subject matter of litigation in Spookw v. Gitxsan TreatySociety.The representatives say that not only were the communitiesnot consulted, but importantly, the Environmental Review Process is notyet complete with community hearings being scheduled for January 2012;therefore, a decision to support it is, at best, premature. Until theEnvironmental assessment is complete there is no basis for saying thisproject is safe to build.The Representatives say the 7 Million dollars is a pittancein comparison to the potential environmental impacts which will becatastrophic. The GTS/GED is willing to jeopardize the sustenance of theFirst Nations people for a few million dollars is reprehensible and isnot supported by the Gitxsan people.Mr. Derrick espouses the importance of Gitxsan Law; however,breached such law by announcing and celebrating the Agreement on the dayof the funeral of an elder matriarch and Hereditary Chief. This type ofconduct brings shame and is disrespectful to the grieving family and thetraditional system.The representatives say that Mr. Derrick has embarrassed andshamed the Gitxsan people by undermining the 61 First Nations who areopposed to the project. The representatives say “We stand in solidarityto those opposing it.”@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Billie Fidlin "Lozen was a Chihenne-Chiricahua Apache born around 1840 (as, I believe, was Dahteste). Lozen was admired by her brother, Victorio. He thought and spoke of her as a brave, protective and strategic warrior for himself as well as their tribe. At the age of 7 Lozen began to display horse riding ability, so she was guided and encouraged to ride a horse and became an excellent horsewoman. Lozen was also a prophet who could “see” where the enemy was coming from..." Read more by clicking on WnT link Apache Warrior Women below. Apache Warrior Women whispernthunder.orgCheck out !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Aim Santa BarbaraFamily comes first no matter what, you can not be any sort of activist if you can not take care of/or support your children. Activism starts at home. These so called "warriors" don't do shit for thier own families- that right there will tell you who you are dealing with- and who you are dealing with is a fucking hypocrite and some one that is perpetuating the oppression of our people- perpetuating violence against our people. They are perpetuating sickness in our communities....they are parasites = leeches-- "When crazy people call you crazy, you know you're sane. When evil people call you evil, you know that you are a good person. When lairs call you a liar, you know that you are truthful. Know who you are and don't let others tell you who you are." - Dave Kitchen
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