By Matthew Charles Cardinale, The Atlanta Progressive News (February 26, 2013)
Read the full article and post your comments HERE.
This article first appeared on the Inter-Press Service website at: 2013/02/activists-converge-on- high-court-for-challenge-to- voting-rights/
ATLANTA, Georgia, Feb 26 2013 (IPS) - The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments Wednesday in a challenge to the constitutionality of key sections of the historic Voting Rights Act (VRA) of 1965.
Numerous organisations are rallying in support of the VRA. Activists across the nation, including Dr. Charles Steele, CEO of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), are traveling to Washington, DC to protest outside of the court.
"Everything has changed, but nothing has changed," Dr. Steele told IPS.
"Everything has really gone backwards in terms of our successes. If we let this go, if we sit idly by, then we're destined for failure. We're not going to rest on our laurels because we have a black president. We're going to take to the streets and that's where we're heading," he said.
"We've got folks in our generation who think we have arrived. I tell you, you think you have arrived, but you got off at the wrong station - you got to get back on the bus," he said.
Even though black people in the U.S. have ostensibly had the right to vote since 1870 under the 14th and 15th amendments to the constitution, several federal Voting Rights Acts were enacted in 1957, 1960, 1964, and 1965 to address discriminatory election practices at the state and local levels.
Section 5 of the VRA of 1965 is one of the strongest enforcement provisions of the Act. It requires that the justice department preclear any changes to "any standard, practice, or procedure with respect to voting", including district maps, in any of the "covered jurisdictions", which include all or part of 16 U.S. states, mainly in the U.S. south.
The case, known as Shelby County, Alabama v. Attorney General Robert Holder, argues that, on its face, the 2006 Congressional reauthorisation of sections of the Act was unconstitutional because it was based on historical data of racial discrimination in election practices that are no longer relevant.
The justice department recently blocked voter ID laws in South Carolina and Texas that, if not blocked, would have been in place during the November 2012 elections.
"Also, there are redistricting efforts. In Texas there was an attempt to redistrict so that Hispanics, who are now 65 percent of the growth, to limit that voting power by the way of redistricting," Bornstein said.
"Then there's examples like changing the date of an election, changing the place of an election.
Some of them are done to have a discriminatory impact," she said.
Examples of modern-day discrimination in covered jurisdictions are in the thousands.
In 2008, the City of Calera, Alabama redrew one of its City Council districts to reduce the black voting population from 69 percent to 29 percent, leading to an incumbent black councilmember, Ernest Montgomery, losing his seat.
The justice department intervened, requiring the city to redraw the lines and hold a new election, in which he was reelected. That action led to the current Supreme Court challenge by Shelby County, in which Calera is located.
In another example, in 2001, the justice department objected after the all-white town government in Kilmichael, Mississippi tried to cancel an election shortly after black citizens had become a majority. When the citizens of Kilmichael finally voted, they elected the town's first black mayor and three black aldermen.
The Act also provides that covered jurisdictions can petition to "bail out" of Section 5. Beginning in 1982, jurisdictions could bail out if they could prove they had complied with a list of nondiscrimination requirements for 10 years.
In addition, the Act provides that the new jurisdictions can be "bailed in".
Congress reauthorised the VRA of 1965 in 1970, 1975, 1982, and in 2006.
In 1975, Congress expanded Section 5's reach to cover jurisdictions that had engaged in widespread discrimination against "language minority" groups.
In 2006, Congress held extensive hearings on the VRA and the continued need for Section 5 today, considering some 15,000 pages of legislative record.
The 2006 reauthorisation was approved 98 to zero in the Senate, and 390 to 33 in the House of Representatives.
The Supreme Court has upheld Section 5 of the VRA several times, including in 1966, in a landmark case, South Carolina v. Katzenbach; and again in 1973, 1980, and 1999.
More recently, in 2009, in Northwest Austin Municipal Utility District Number One v. Mukasey, the Supreme Court issued a ruling expanding the types of jurisdictions that could bail out of Section 5 coverage. The Municipal Utility District had not been previously been considered an independent enough district to be eligible to bail out.
Since that decision, 127 additional jurisdictions have bailed out. "It's not a particularly onerous process," Bornstein said.
"That's part of the beauty of this law and why we believe it's constitutional. This law allows for flexibility in case there's overinclusiveness or underinclusiveness, to make sure the law as a whole functions properly," she said.
In the Northwest Austin ruling, the court acknowledged the progress made in covered jurisdictions since 1965, attributing this progress to the VRA itself, noting that the progress may be "insufficient and that conditions [may] continue to warrant preclearance under the Act."
The court added that "the Act imposes current burdens and must be justified by current needs." This language has led some legal scholars and pundits to predict that Section 5 of the VRA might be in danger altogether, especially given the fact that the Supreme Court chose to hear the current case.
But advocates do not believe the section is in danger because they believe the current burdens are met by current needs.
"It would be a big step for the Court to determine that [the reauthorisation was unconstitutional]. Congress has the authority to make this determination. The court cannot second guess if what Congress has done was reasonable," she said.
As previously reported by IPS, there were numerous voter suppression laws and tactics in place during the November 2012 elections, representing a new generation of Jim Crow laws.
Some of these activities occurred in jurisdictions not covered by Section 5 and did not require preclearance by the justice department. However, Section 2 of the VRA of 1965 allows the justice department to bring case-by-case litigation in non-covered jurisdictions, something Section 5 attempts to avoid in historically discriminatory jurisdictions.
Sharon, on Friday afternoon House Republicans refused to take up the Senate's bipartisan Violence Against Women Act and are instead once again going to push a bill that excludesLGBT people and dials back on the Senate's expanded protections for Native American women.
The House GOP bill entirely leaves out provisions aimed at helping LGBT victims of domestic violence. Specifically, the bill removes "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" from the list of underserved populations who face barriers to accessing victim services, thereby disqualifying LGBT victims from a related grant program. The bill also eliminates "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" from the list of groups who may not be denied funding under VAWA.
Please sign the petition from Daily Kos and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee urging House Republicans to protect all women regardless of their ethnicity, nationality, citizenship status, or sexual orientation by passing the Senate version of the expanded, bipartisan Violence Against Women Act.
Keep fighting,
Laura Clawson, Daily Kos
Keep fighting,
Laura Clawson, Daily Kos
From: Laura Clawson, Daily Kos
Sent: Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 5:59 PM
Subject: The Senate just passed the Violence Against Women Act
Sent: Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 5:59 PM
Subject: The Senate just passed the Violence Against Women Act
Sharon, please sign the petition from Daily Kos and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee urging House Republicans to protect all women by passing the Senate version of the expanded, bipartisan Violence Against Women Act. Click here to sign.
The Violence Against Women Act provides critical resources to reduce and respond to violent crimes against women, including funding for police training to handle cases involving sexual assault. Since it became law in 1994, incidents of domestic violence against women have dropped by over 50 percent.
For the second time in two years, the Senate has passed an expanded, bipartisan reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act. It will extend protections to many whose needs were previously not met by the law, including the LGBT community, Native Americans, and immigrants.
However, House Republicans are so obstructionist that they have allowed the entire law to lapse instead of passing an expanded version that offers protection to the millions of women in the groups listed above.
Please sign the petition from Daily Kos and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee urging House Republicans to protect all women regardless of their ethnicity, nationality, citizenship status, or sexual orientation by passing the Senate version of the expanded, bipartisan Violence Against Women Act.
Keep fighting,
Laura Clawson, Daily Kos
The Violence Against Women Act provides critical resources to reduce and respond to violent crimes against women, including funding for police training to handle cases involving sexual assault. Since it became law in 1994, incidents of domestic violence against women have dropped by over 50 percent.
For the second time in two years, the Senate has passed an expanded, bipartisan reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act. It will extend protections to many whose needs were previously not met by the law, including the LGBT community, Native Americans, and immigrants.
However, House Republicans are so obstructionist that they have allowed the entire law to lapse instead of passing an expanded version that offers protection to the millions of women in the groups listed above.
Please sign the petition from Daily Kos and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee urging House Republicans to protect all women regardless of their ethnicity, nationality, citizenship status, or sexual orientation by passing the Senate version of the expanded, bipartisan Violence Against Women Act.
Keep fighting,
Laura Clawson, Daily Kos

From the Eagle Watch
February 26, 2013
Chi Miigwech/Niaweh Kowa/Thanks so much to everyone who has written in their comments on the Attawapiskat Anishnaabek resistance to the DeBeers Diamond Cartel. You are some very astute people! If we all do our bit, we can bring Justice and Peace.
PDF versions of the following articles have been added to the Kittoh blog
Timmins judge slams ice road blockade with a dire warning to protesters 02/25/2013 dge_threatens_Attawapiskat.pdf
De Beers is Sabre Rattling 02/26/2013 Beers_Sabre_Rattling.pdf
Sun Media Racism Blatant 02/26/2013 n_Media_Racism.pdf
Regardless of allegations and rumours about band council dipping, the bigger THIEF remains the Corporate Elitists who think they own everybody else's land and resources. Don't be misled by slick media manipulations.
DeBeers is one of the biggest of the BIG BAD BOYS. Here's a brief summary of their activities:
"About De Beers Group
De Beers Group is a member of the Anglo American plc group. Established in 1888, De Beers is the world's leading diamond company with unrivalled expertise in the exploration, mining and marketing of diamonds. Together with its joint venture partners, De Beers employs approximately 16,000 people across the diamond pipeline, and is the world's largest diamond producer, by value, with mining operations in Botswana, Canada, Namibia and South Africa. As part of the company's operating philosophy, the people of De Beers are committed to Living up to Diamonds by making a lasting contribution to the communities in which they live and work, and transforming natural resources into shared national wealth. For further information about De Beers visit
For further information on De Beers Canada, please contact Mr. Tom Ormsby, Director-External & Corporate Affairs, De Beers Canada, at 416-525-5328, Ext 2151 or
Anglo American plc group
Anglo American is one of the world’s largest mining companies focusing on platinum group metals, diamonds, copper, nickel, iron ore, metallurgical and thermal coal."
We welcome your feedback! Forward, post and consider printing for your cyberphobic friends and relatives.
The Eagle Watch Newsletter is sent to interested individuals, both Indigenous and nonNative, politicians especially the Canadian ones and an assortment of English language media.
February 26, 2013
Chi Miigwech/Niaweh Kowa/Thanks so much to everyone who has written in their comments on the Attawapiskat Anishnaabek resistance to the DeBeers Diamond Cartel. You are some very astute people! If we all do our bit, we can bring Justice and Peace.
PDF versions of the following articles have been added to the Kittoh blog
Timmins judge slams ice road blockade with a dire warning to protesters 02/25/2013
De Beers is Sabre Rattling 02/26/2013
Sun Media Racism Blatant 02/26/2013
Regardless of allegations and rumours about band council dipping, the bigger THIEF remains the Corporate Elitists who think they own everybody else's land and resources. Don't be misled by slick media manipulations.
DeBeers is one of the biggest of the BIG BAD BOYS. Here's a brief summary of their activities:
"About De Beers Group
De Beers Group is a member of the Anglo American plc group. Established in 1888, De Beers is the world's leading diamond company with unrivalled expertise in the exploration, mining and marketing of diamonds. Together with its joint venture partners, De Beers employs approximately 16,000 people across the diamond pipeline, and is the world's largest diamond producer, by value, with mining operations in Botswana, Canada, Namibia and South Africa. As part of the company's operating philosophy, the people of De Beers are committed to Living up to Diamonds by making a lasting contribution to the communities in which they live and work, and transforming natural resources into shared national wealth. For further information about De Beers visit
For further information on De Beers Canada, please contact Mr. Tom Ormsby, Director-External & Corporate Affairs, De Beers Canada, at 416-525-5328, Ext 2151 or
Anglo American plc group
Anglo American is one of the world’s largest mining companies focusing on platinum group metals, diamonds, copper, nickel, iron ore, metallurgical and thermal coal."
We welcome your feedback! Forward, post and consider printing for your cyberphobic friends and relatives.
The Eagle Watch Newsletter is sent to interested individuals, both Indigenous and nonNative, politicians especially the Canadian ones and an assortment of English language media.
Spread widely
Greetings Everybody,
(FYI) … From Cynthia McKinney on February 25, 2013:
“... Reverend Pinkney is on fire! He is organizing all over the U.S. to oppose the corporate takeover and lack of accountability of the NAACP. He is calling them out for taking Big Pharma money, Whirlpool money, ANY money that renders them less significant to the people they are chartered to serve. Already 5,000 membership cards have been burned because of Rev. Pinkney, who comes from Benton Harbor , 90% poor, 70% unemployed with Whirlpool trying to steal the last pristine land on Lake Michigan . The residents wanted to put wind farms there, but Whirlpool wanted a golf course. Now, Reverend Pinkney is planning a march on the NAACP Headquarters.” …
Church, Groups, Community Activists, and the Black Autonomy Network Community Organization.
We demand and end to corruption and misrepresentation by NAACP.
We are demanding Ben Jealous and the National executive board resign.
The NAACP has abandoned our community's morality, educational, and economic needs all for corporate money.
Rev Edward Pinkney
Here is a link to a segment of Rev Edward Pinkney, talking in California and giving some Benton Harbor background. It is a must see: v=fLVVa8bYEY0&
Reverend Pinkney can be reached at:
Confidentiality Note: This message is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed. It may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, transmission, dissemination or other use, or taking of any action in reliance upon this message by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you received this message in error, please contact the sender and delete it from your computer.
War Pigs
MNN. Feb. 25, 2013. The US inspired “Canada First Defence Strategy” CFDS is a profit-driven scheme to benefit career soldiers and industry. [June 19, 2008].
Prime Minister Harper points out that the military will be “supported by predictable, long-term funding…” [tax and resource exploitation] so that industry can make money. The plan to build up Canada’s armed forces will provide opportunities for international industry, to create World War III.
Theresa Spence of Attawapiskat is petitioning the UN to become involved in the ongoing resource dispute with DeBeers Diamonds. chief-theresa- spence-seeks-un-intervention
Core Defence Strategy missions are: “Conduct daily domestic and continental operations, especially the Arctic; respond to a major terrorist attack; support civilian [law enforcement] authorities in Canada; lead international operations; and respond to crises”.
“Stable predictable funding” means “A Military in Partnership with Canadian Industry”, to extract resources with no interference from the Indigenous owners. “Contributing to International Peace and Security” and “stability abroad” means unfettered access to other people’s territory and resources.
In 2008 Canada budgeted $490 billion for the next 20 years. Defense spending rose by 2% starting in 2011, from $18 billion to over $30 billion in 2027.
The Government plans to “increase the number of military personnel to 70,000 Regular Forces and 30,000 Reserve Forces. Their “Bold Eagle” program targets Indigenous youth, especially in the North, to exploit Indigenous knowledge of the land and weaken indigenous sovereignty at the same time.
In 1958 Canada and US formed NORAD. This was right after they blasted our riverside for the St. Lawrence Seaway for the benefit of industries. Since then they set up “Canada Command” and “US Northern Command”. Headquarters
“Failed and failing states, civil wars and global terrorism” are being created so that the military can describe the world as “volatile and unpredictable”.
National Defense is the largest property holder in the federal government, which is all un-surrendered indigenous territory. 21,000 buildings over 50 years old and crumbling. 13,500 works including 5,500 kilometers of roads, jetties, training areas, etc. and 800 parcels of land covering 2.25 million hectares will be replaced or fixed up over the next 10 to 20 years.
The “Strategic Investment Plan” is to coordinate all military spending. Canadians, you are the Nazis when you allow the war program to go on unfettered. You are allowing the theft and exploitation of Indigenous natural resources to continue the war problem.
As Ossie Osbourne of Black Sabbath sang in War Pigs: “Generals gathered in their masses, just like witches at black masses, evil minds that plot destruction, sorcerers of death’s construction. In the field, the bodies burning, as the war machine keeps turning”.
- “Canada First Defence Strategy”.Harper’s plan 2. “Strategic Investment Plan”. 1st defense strategy 3. Rebuilding
3. Bold Eagle aboriginals4. “Advantage Canada”.Flaherty’s plan
MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0
From the Eagle Watch #327
February 26, 2013
There's an appalling and racist video at this link to Sun Media. As Brigitte, the anti Indigenous reporter, rolls her eyes upward, she smiles saying that the UN should combat real racism. She thinks it's time that Parliament rules. She doesn't know shit about broken treaties and history. Will someone please set her straight. Canadian anti Indigenous sentiments are running high right now. Be firm but be clear! Sun Media needs to hear from you!! See the article below contact info.
We welcome your feedback! Forward, post and consider printing for your cyberphobic friends and relatives.
The Eagle Watch Newsletter is sent to interested individuals, both Indigenous and nonNative, politicians especially the Canadian ones and an assortment of English language media.
You can pick up more email addys at this link: contact-us 2013/02/25/attawapiskat-chief- theresa-spence-seeks-un- intervention
By Kristy Kirkup ,Parliamentary Bureau
February 26, 2013
There's an appalling and racist video at this link to Sun Media. As Brigitte, the anti Indigenous reporter, rolls her eyes upward, she smiles saying that the UN should combat real racism. She thinks it's time that Parliament rules. She doesn't know shit about broken treaties and history. Will someone please set her straight. Canadian anti Indigenous sentiments are running high right now. Be firm but be clear! Sun Media needs to hear from you!! See the article below contact info.
We welcome your feedback! Forward, post and consider printing for your cyberphobic friends and relatives.
The Eagle Watch Newsletter is sent to interested individuals, both Indigenous and nonNative, politicians especially the Canadian ones and an assortment of English language media.
You can pick up more email addys at this link:
Information and Services
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James Wallace, Editor-in-Chief
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Assignment Desk
Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence seeks UN intervention
By Kristy Kirkup ,Parliamentary Bureau
First posted: Monday, February 25, 2013 08:49 AM EST | Updated: Monday, February 25, 2013 05:55 PM EST
OTTAWA — Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence wants the United Nations to intervene on the federal First Nations file.
Spence, who ended a high-profile, 43-day personal protest in Ottawa in January, is now appealing to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD).
Spence, the International Indian Treaty Council and the Mushkegowuk People of Attawapiskat First Nation have filed an 'urgent action' submission with the CERD.
It makes six recommendations to the Canadian government, including a call for an "immediate meeting" with the Crown, federal government, provincial governments and all First Nations to discuss treaties.
Spence previously called for a joint meeting as part of her protest but feds agreed to meet with some First Nations leaders, including Assembly of First Nations National Chief Shawn Atleo.
Gov. Gen. David Johnston did not attend discussions, despite repeated demands from Indigenous leaders, because the feds said it would be "inappropriate" for him to participate in working meetings.
Spence's UN appeal also calls for Canada to express a commitment towards "resource sharing" and to probe implications of two government budget bills.
The budget legislation is currently being challenged in court by two Alberta First Nations over allegations of a lack of consultation.
Former aboriginal affairs minister John Duncan signalled the feds would not repeal the pieces of legislation, which served as a lightning rod for controversy during the recent Idle No More movement.
Conservative MP Bernard Valcourt was named aboriginal affairs minister on Friday after Duncan resigned due to an ethical breach.
From the Eagle Watch #326
February 26, 2013
De Beers is Sabre Rattling
De Beers is looking for joint venture partners to pay for expansion of the Victor Mine, 90km outside Attawapiskat. It seems they found one. Now they are thinking about running a dirty scam to collect funds at taxpayers expense. They are considering suing Attawapiskat over potential loss of profits. We saw this scam being run here at Sharbot Lake in 2007 when Frontenac Ventures tried it.
Is there ever justice for Indigenous in the Crown's courthouse??
When are De Beers et al going to start to pay back for their grand theft of Anishnaabe resources? When will they pay back for the loss of lives, culture and livelihood? How can they ever pay for the shameless suffering they are causing to Anishnaabe people??
All the corporate criminals must be held accountable for their grand larceny.
Here's some contact info for DeBeers. They love to hear from indignant people all over the world. Below is an article FYI.
We welcome your feedback! Forward, post and consider printing for your cyberphobic friends and relatives.
The Eagle Watch Newsletter is sent to interested individuals, both Indigenous and nonNative, politicians especially the Canadian ones and an assortment of English language media.
De Beers Canada - Headquarters
900-250 Ferrand Drive
Toronto, ON
M3C 3G8
Tel: +1 (0) 416 645 1710
Fax: +1 (0) 416 429 2462
De Beers Canada - NWT Projects
300-5102 50th Ave
Yellowknife, NT
X1A 3S8
Tel : +1 (0) 867 766 7300
Fax: +1 (0) 867 766 7347
De Beers Canada Victor Mine
310-119 Pine Street South,
Timmins, ON
P4N 2K3
>>>>>>>>>> sudbury/story/2013/02/25/sby- attawapiskat-mine-road- debeers-reopens.html
De Beers considers lawsuits after Attawapiskat blockade
CBC News
Posted: Feb 25, 2013 10:49 AM ET
Last Updated: Feb 25, 2013 3:28 PM ET
Officials with DeBeers are crossing their fingers that there's enough time left in the winter road season to keep the Victor mine on track.
A handful of Attawapiskat band members blocked the key supply line to the Victor diamond mine on-and-off for nearly three weeks.
De Beers spokesperson Tom Ormsby says it's too early to put a number on how much the recent winter road blockade cost the diamond miner, in terms of lost productivity. De Beers spokesperson Tom Ormsby says it's too early to put a number on how much the recent winter road blockade cost the diamond miner, in terms of lost productivity. (CBC)
The company received a court injunction to break up the blockade, which ended peacfully on Friday night.
But company spokesperson Tom Ormsby said the lost transit time will be difficult to make up.
"We believe ... we've passed the point of being able to get everything in," Ormsby said.
"So at this point, we're hoping that the teams will continue to move efficiently, and we're also keeping our fingers crossed that we'll see some extended cold periods in the weather ... to maintain the integrity of the road, to give us as long as possible."
Ormsby said it's too early to put a number on how much the lost productivity cost De Beers and noted civil lawsuits to recover lost revenue are still a possibility.
He added the company will continue in open talks with the community.
Provincial police said a handful of protesters left the road on Friday night without incident.
A court injunction was issued earlier this month, ordering that the road be re-opened to traffic, but protestors remained. Police said they were waiting on specific instructions from the court on exactly how to proceed with ending the blockade peacefully. In the end, police said no intervention was required to remove the road block.
Moving forward, officers will stay on site and monitor the situation to ensure supplies are transported to and from the mine safely.
Ormsby said the blockade by Attawapiskat band members cost the company 16 of 20 days of ice road use since the temporary road was opened for the season.
The mine employs about 500 people, including roughly 100 from the neighbouring Attawapiskat First Nation.
February 26, 2013
De Beers is Sabre Rattling
De Beers is looking for joint venture partners to pay for expansion of the Victor Mine, 90km outside Attawapiskat. It seems they found one. Now they are thinking about running a dirty scam to collect funds at taxpayers expense. They are considering suing Attawapiskat over potential loss of profits. We saw this scam being run here at Sharbot Lake in 2007 when Frontenac Ventures tried it.
Is there ever justice for Indigenous in the Crown's courthouse??
When are De Beers et al going to start to pay back for their grand theft of Anishnaabe resources? When will they pay back for the loss of lives, culture and livelihood? How can they ever pay for the shameless suffering they are causing to Anishnaabe people??
All the corporate criminals must be held accountable for their grand larceny.
Here's some contact info for DeBeers. They love to hear from indignant people all over the world. Below is an article FYI.
We welcome your feedback! Forward, post and consider printing for your cyberphobic friends and relatives.
The Eagle Watch Newsletter is sent to interested individuals, both Indigenous and nonNative, politicians especially the Canadian ones and an assortment of English language media.
De Beers Canada - Headquarters
900-250 Ferrand Drive
Toronto, ON
M3C 3G8
Tel: +1 (0) 416 645 1710
Fax: +1 (0) 416 429 2462
De Beers Canada - NWT Projects
300-5102 50th Ave
Yellowknife, NT
X1A 3S8
Tel : +1 (0) 867 766 7300
Fax: +1 (0) 867 766 7347
De Beers Canada Victor Mine
310-119 Pine Street South,
Timmins, ON
P4N 2K3
De Beers considers lawsuits after Attawapiskat blockade
CBC News
Posted: Feb 25, 2013 10:49 AM ET
Last Updated: Feb 25, 2013 3:28 PM ET
Officials with DeBeers are crossing their fingers that there's enough time left in the winter road season to keep the Victor mine on track.
A handful of Attawapiskat band members blocked the key supply line to the Victor diamond mine on-and-off for nearly three weeks.
De Beers spokesperson Tom Ormsby says it's too early to put a number on how much the recent winter road blockade cost the diamond miner, in terms of lost productivity. De Beers spokesperson Tom Ormsby says it's too early to put a number on how much the recent winter road blockade cost the diamond miner, in terms of lost productivity. (CBC)
The company received a court injunction to break up the blockade, which ended peacfully on Friday night.
But company spokesperson Tom Ormsby said the lost transit time will be difficult to make up.
"We believe ... we've passed the point of being able to get everything in," Ormsby said.
"So at this point, we're hoping that the teams will continue to move efficiently, and we're also keeping our fingers crossed that we'll see some extended cold periods in the weather ... to maintain the integrity of the road, to give us as long as possible."
Ormsby said it's too early to put a number on how much the lost productivity cost De Beers and noted civil lawsuits to recover lost revenue are still a possibility.
He added the company will continue in open talks with the community.
Provincial police said a handful of protesters left the road on Friday night without incident.
A court injunction was issued earlier this month, ordering that the road be re-opened to traffic, but protestors remained. Police said they were waiting on specific instructions from the court on exactly how to proceed with ending the blockade peacefully. In the end, police said no intervention was required to remove the road block.
Moving forward, officers will stay on site and monitor the situation to ensure supplies are transported to and from the mine safely.
Ormsby said the blockade by Attawapiskat band members cost the company 16 of 20 days of ice road use since the temporary road was opened for the season.
The mine employs about 500 people, including roughly 100 from the neighbouring Attawapiskat First Nation.
THIS IS TURTLE ISLAND------INDIGENOUS PEOPLE CAN Unify as ALLIES, respect and recognize who's land you are on---Santa Barbara (Malibu to San Luis Obispo)? That is Chumash Land, Los Angeles that is Tongva Land, etc.....Respect who's house you are visiting - even if that means you are LIVING there YOU ARE STILL A GUEST ---- People have given their lives to protect OUR FAMILIES, OUR LANDS, and CEREMONIES/SPIRITUALITY
Honor, RESPECT & REMEMBER OUR AIM WARRIORS/HEROS The vigilantes were in the hills with government issued automatic weapons, M-16s, firing on both government and Indian postions. The marshals began using M-79 gas grenades to clear the bunkers. Gas forced the two out gasping for he emerged, Buddy Lamont was hit with a burst of M-16 fire. Because of the heavy fire, medics were unable to reach him for three hours, at which time the government agreed to a cease fire and medics recovered his lifeless body. Buddy Lamont became the second fatality of Wounded Knee." -Rob Fife |
Florida Sikh Shot While Driving; Sikh Coalition and SALDEF Request Hate Crime Investigation
February 25, 2013 (Washington, DC) – According to local news reports, a Sikh American man was shot and injured this past Saturday night as he drove his car in Daytona Beach, Florida. His 13-year-old son, who was also in the car, was not injured. Working together, the Sikh Coalition and Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund (SALDEF) have called on law enforcement officials, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), to conduct a thorough investigation of this shooting and determine whether it was motivated by bias.
Of note, local authorities, working in collaboration with the FBI, do not believe this was a random act of violence. They understand that the victim is a Sikh and are investigating the incident as a potential hate crime.
According to local news reports, as Mr. Kanwaljit Singh was traveling in his car with his 13-year-old son, a late 80s to early 90s Ford F-150 truck pulled up beside him, and several shots were fired. As Mr. Singh pulled over to the side of the road to call the police, he realized that he had been shot in his thigh and torso. He is currently receiving treatment at a local hospital.
The Sikh Coalition and SALDEF have been in contact with local law enforcement, the FBI and the US Attorney’s Office. Additionally, the Community Relations Service of the Department of Justice will be coordinating a meeting with law enforcement officers and the local Sikh community early this week.
As the investigation unfolds, we encourage the community to remain calm and offer prayers to Mr. Singh and his family for a speedy recovery. The Port Orange Police Department has asked community members to contact Detective Jeff Wenzel at (386) 506-5884 or (386) 506-5800 only with specific information that could lead to the arrest of the assailant. Any general comments or concerns regarding the investigation of this incident as a hate crime should be directed at the Sikh Coalition or SALDEF.
Of note, local authorities, working in collaboration with the FBI, do not believe this was a random act of violence. They understand that the victim is a Sikh and are investigating the incident as a potential hate crime.
According to local news reports, as Mr. Kanwaljit Singh was traveling in his car with his 13-year-old son, a late 80s to early 90s Ford F-150 truck pulled up beside him, and several shots were fired. As Mr. Singh pulled over to the side of the road to call the police, he realized that he had been shot in his thigh and torso. He is currently receiving treatment at a local hospital.
The Sikh Coalition and SALDEF have been in contact with local law enforcement, the FBI and the US Attorney’s Office. Additionally, the Community Relations Service of the Department of Justice will be coordinating a meeting with law enforcement officers and the local Sikh community early this week.
As the investigation unfolds, we encourage the community to remain calm and offer prayers to Mr. Singh and his family for a speedy recovery. The Port Orange Police Department has asked community members to contact Detective Jeff Wenzel at (386) 506-5884 or (386) 506-5800 only with specific information that could lead to the arrest of the assailant. Any general comments or concerns regarding the investigation of this incident as a hate crime should be directed at the Sikh Coalition or SALDEF.
From the Eagle Watch #325
February 25, 2013
FYI - The below article represents the new wave of "law enforcement" on behalf of the corporate elite. This is an attack on Indigenous people!
Can't you just hear the bigshits at De Beers demanding that this judge, Riopelle do what he is told. Oligarchy Rules!!!
A similar thing is happening in the UK where protesters are getting the pants sued off them by EDF who will take their very homes from them for alleged loss of profits.
Pretty soon the Corporatists will go after the band councils, suing them and winning in court because the band councils are CORPORATIONS!!!
Meanwhile, why aren't all the big mouth pieces in the Idle No More Movement going to Attawapiskat to help out their allies.
Whatever happened to Solidarity??
Take yer pick.
We welcome your feedback! Forward, post and consider printing for your cyberphobic friends and relatives.
The Eagle Watch Newsletter is sent to interested individuals, both Indigenous and nonNative, politicians especially the Canadian ones and an assortment of English language media.
FWD: 2013/02/22/timmins-judge- slams-ice-road-blockade-with- a-dire-warning-to-protesters#.
EDF suing No Dash for Gas climate activists for £5million
February 21, 2013. Source: Indymedia UK
Activists occupy 300ft chimneys at the West Burton power station - video
February 25, 2013
FYI - The below article represents the new wave of "law enforcement" on behalf of the corporate elite. This is an attack on Indigenous people!
Can't you just hear the bigshits at De Beers demanding that this judge, Riopelle do what he is told. Oligarchy Rules!!!
A similar thing is happening in the UK where protesters are getting the pants sued off them by EDF who will take their very homes from them for alleged loss of profits.
Pretty soon the Corporatists will go after the band councils, suing them and winning in court because the band councils are CORPORATIONS!!!
Meanwhile, why aren't all the big mouth pieces in the Idle No More Movement going to Attawapiskat to help out their allies.
Whatever happened to Solidarity??
Take yer pick.
We welcome your feedback! Forward, post and consider printing for your cyberphobic friends and relatives.
The Eagle Watch Newsletter is sent to interested individuals, both Indigenous and nonNative, politicians especially the Canadian ones and an assortment of English language media.
News Local
Timmins judge slams ice road blockade with a dire warning to protesters 7
Friday, February 22, 2013 7:03:52 EST PM
De Beers Victor Mine Site Photo Credit: De Beers Canada.
Related Stories
Superior Court Judge Robert Riopelle made it clear in Timmins Friday he is not about to put up with any effort, by anyone, who tries to ignore his court order to end the ice road blockade near Attawapiskat, Ontario. He will also be taking steps to ensure the OPP does not get Caledonia-style shyness in enforcing the court order.
Justice Riopelle said Friday afternoon he will take time during the weekend to draw up a fresh injunction, as requested by De Beers Canada, to order the blockade removed from the ice road located between the De Beers Victor Mine and community of Attawapiskat.
Justice Riopelle’s first court order, one that has been ignored so far, will continue through the weekend and until Monday midnight. It follows a blockade that began 15 days ago. There was another blockade that began early in the month, but it was settled after a couple of days. This newest blockade sprang up a couple of days after that.
Riopelle became aware earlier this week that the blockade was continuing. Regardless he also agreed to hear submissions from some of the blockaders on why they took action. Those submissions were presented Friday morning by blockaders John Edwards, Rebecca Iahtail, Bruce Shisheesh, Gabriel Fireman and band chief Theresa Spence.
After hearing their concerns, the judge thanked them for making the trip from Attawapiskat to Timmins, but he made it clear that he has no intention on putting up with any further “illegal” actions just because a handful of people have personal issues they haven’t been able to resolve.
With respect to the complaints the Attawapiskat residents voiced, Justice Riopelle told them there are already dispute-resolving mechanisms in place in the IBA (Impact Benefit Agreement). He said if they don’t like that, they could go to court to resolve differences.
“What you do not do is set up a blockade which has nothing to do with First Nation constitutional rights,” said the judge scolded.
He said he can understand that some residents might be upset with decisions that were made and those residents may want to pursue remedies.
“But illegal and criminal activity is not the way to do it,” Justice Riopelle warned.
“Personal grievances that you may have against De Beers … don’t give you the right to engage in unlawful and illegal activity,” he continued.
Riopelle also warned the blockaders there are times and places in Canada where civil disobedience is honoured and respected a viable means to protest, especially if it comes to disseminating information.
The Supreme Court of Canada has been clear that the laws for legitimate protest are to be protected said Justice Riopelle.He said this is especially the case when Aboriginals in Canada stage a legitimate protest.
“But if it is to shut down somebody’s access to their property or to put deliberate economic harm, then that is something that cannot be tolerated,” he said. He said what is going on at the ice blockade does not fit within the description of a legitimate protest.
“If I permit this to go on, if the rule of law is not enforced, what will happen without doubt, sooner or later Aboriginals will lose their ability to put up blockades, even when it is appropriate for them to do so,” said Justice Riopelle.
“It is not appropriate at this time and if I let it go I am afraid they may lose the right to do it when it is the right time,” he continued.
He said Canadians are not accepting of the setting up of blockades just to settle personal grievances.
Justice Riopelle looked intently at the many Aboriginals in the courtroom as he uttered a grave warning.
“This conduct is unlawful,” he said. “Criminal charges will be laid.”
Justice Riopelle then said he was going to address the issue of “enforcement or lack of enforcement” of the injunction.
“The police have a duty, an obligation, to enforce court orders,” he said, adding that he did not put a time limit on the first court order.
He said he left that up to the discretion of the police, since the judge said the police know best how to carry out enforcement without causing the issue to escalate. Riopelle said he does not want anyone to be injured, maimed or killed.
He added he doesn’t want to see any police action to causes other Aboriginals “to rise up in protest” in other parts of the country.
“Make no mistake, they will enforce the order. They have to. They will. And when they do, they’re going to arrest the people, or some people, that are on the blockade. And they’re going to take you to jail. Very likely they will not be able to take you to jail in Attawapiskat,” he warned. “Make no mistake about it. It is going to happen.”
To that end the judge told Ontario Provincial Police lawyer Chris Diana that he will expect a daily report, beginning Monday, outlining exactly how the police are carrying out the court order. Riopelle said the first report must be made to him, in public court, Monday at 2:30 p.m. After that, he said he would like the OPP to create a page on a website so that the public can see on a regular basis, how the order is being enforced.
The judge also scorned the idea that some protesters were moving to a part of the ice road located over a river, thinking that they might skirt the law by saying they’re not on the road, they’re on the river. Riopelle said his injunction would cover every part of the ice road.
Moments later, court was adjourned. A De Beers spokesman said he was pleased with what transpired in the courtroom.
“We are pleased to see that obviously the judge had sided with the argument we brought forward. These are again individual-based concerns. These are not community-based concerns, and that these activities are really harming everybody” said De Beers Canada director of external and corporate affairs Tom Ormsby, adding that Riopelle’s comments directed at community members were welcome.
“His words at the end were very appropriate. He said no good can come from this. It’s just going to be a lot of harm for everybody. So we are hoping that those involved with understand that and they will realize that the best thing to do is remove the blockade,” Ormsby continued.
Ormsby added that he is hopeful that the conflict will be resolved quickly because the mine provides an important economic engine for the area.
“The mine is providing benefits. There are 100 Attawapiskat members who work at the mine. There is another 100 self-identified First Nations members. Forty per cent of our workforce is Aboriginal.
Ormsby said the people who work at the mine know full well that if the supplies don’t get through there is a very real case for temporarily shutting down Ontario’s only diamond mine.
“Most people realize, this is a serious option. The mine could be facing some kind of closure,” said Ormsby.
“I don’t know from a scale point of view. But certainly it’s going to be an impact in Timmins. There’ll be an impact in Moosonee, in Kashechewan, in Fort Albany, in Attawapiskat, in Moose Factory. There will be impacts because we draw all our local materials from these areas and local businesses.”
===============EDF suing No Dash for Gas climate activists for £5million
February 21, 2013. Source: Indymedia UK
Activists occupy 300ft chimneys at the West Burton power station - video
MNN. Feb. 24, 2013. Freedom of speech is guaranteed in Section 2 of Canada’s Constitution Act, 1982. Everyone has the fundamental freedom of “thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication”. An honest state presents the facts for public discussion.

The Supreme Court of Canada ruled in 2008 that CSIS, Canadian Secret Intelligence Services, cannot destroy evidence. This happens every day to us about our history, rights, funds and the ongoing genocide of our people.
Canada does not respect its own laws. It has a propaganda mill to control the media. It suppresses and rewrites historical facts, trying to make us invisible. Many vital documents are being destroyed.
We all have minds, the capacity to see and hear, to think and feel. Every person’s ability to sense and understand is important. Each of us has a unique insight to contribute, no matter how big or small. We can’t just drift along following orders without thinking or questioning.
The appetites of the colonizers are insatiable. They do not maintain sustainable economies. They depend on the exploitation of stolen non-renewable resources and funds. They are conditioned to want more. Their children are force fed fascism and call it democracy. They have no control over their appetites. Their common sense is shut down. They cannot access the natural principles of self-determination found in the Kaianerehkowa, the law of Great Turtle Island.
All the weapons of war belong to the Canadian state. The army and police try to scare people into submission, legal or not. It’s not working.
Riel: Execution no longer legal!
A century ago Louis Riel was hung for treason because he defended Metis rights. Today the death penalty has been banned in Canada. Canadian government officers are trying to implement death sentences by other means such as excessive use of force and extraordinary threats and abuse. Our people are put under so much stress some die in or following custody. Ronald “Lasagna” Cross was so badly beaten by the SQ and military he died not long after the Oka Crisis of 1990. Matt Fisher was killed in Whitehorse prison while being held on fake charges. The Officer beat him to death in the cell until he died. He thinks he got away with it.
Indians invited to the first thanks-giving and then all murdered.
Canada gives its agents a license to kill Indigenous people with impunity. South Africa, Nazi Germany and other totalitarian regimes have followed the Indian genocide model of Canada. Everything they did to us here they are now doing to the general population because they think they got away with it.
Thahoketoteh wrote a song about his murdered brother. Anyone who has lost a brother can relate to this song: “My brother, this song is for you. In your memory and your honor. To help us when we feel blue. When always we think of you.” Brother
MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0
Sat Feb 23, 2013 4:09 am (PST) . Posted by:
"Audrey Beavers" audreybeavers
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "">
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 10:18 PM
Subject: [AIMFLCH] 3,000 confirmed Indian residential school deaths
New research finds at least 3,000 confirmed Indian residential school
By Colin Perkel,
The Canadian Press
February 18, 2013
A tin marker, likely issued by the Dept. of Indian Affairs, marks the
resting place of a student from the St Joseph's Indian residential
school in Chapleau, Ont., photographed on Aug. 12, 2012. New research
has found at least 3,000 children are now known to have died during
attendance at Canada's disgraced Indian residential schools.
THE CANADIAN PRESS/HO, Alex Maass (The photo didn't copy)
TORONTO - At least 3,000 children, including four under the age of 10
found huddled together in frozen embrace, are now known to have died
during attendance at Canada's Indian residential schools, according to
new unpublished research.
While deaths have long been documented as part of the disgraced
residential school system, the findings are the result of the first
systematic search of government, school and other records.
"These are actual confirmed numbers," Alex Maass, research manager with
the Missing Children Project, told The Canadian Press from Vancouver.
"All of them have primary documentation that indicates that there's
been a death, when it occurred, what the circumstances were."
The number could rise further as more documents — especially from
government archives — come to light.
The largest single killer, by far, was disease.
For decades starting in about 1910, tuberculosis was a consistent
killer — in part because of widespread ignorance over how diseases were
"The schools were a particular breeding ground for (TB)," Maass said.
"Dormitories were incubation wards."
The Spanish flu epidemic in 1918-1919 also took a devastating toll on
students — and in some cases staff. For example, in one grim
three-month period, the disease killed 20 children at a residential
school in Spanish, Ont., the records show.
While a statistical analysis has yet to be done, the records examined
over the past few years also show children also died of malnutrition or
accidents. Schools consistently burned down, killing students and
staff. Drownings or exposure were another cause.
In all, about 150,000 First Nations children went through the
church-run residential school system, which ran from the 1870s until
the 1990s. In many cases, native kids were forced to attend under a
deliberate federal policy of "civilizing" Aboriginal Peoples.
Many students were physically, mentally and sexually abused. Some
committed suicide. Some died fleeing their schools.
One heart-breaking incident that drew rare media attention at the time
involved the deaths of four boys — two aged 8 and two aged 9 — in early
January 1937.
A Canadian Press report from Vanderhoof, B.C., describes how the four
bodies were found frozen together in slush ice on Fraser Lake, barely a
kilometre from home.
The "capless and lightly clad" boys had left an Indian school on the
south end of the lake "apparently intent on trekking home to the
Nautley Reserve," the article states.
A coroner's inquest later recommended "excessive corporal discipline"
of students be "limited."
Acting Aboriginal Affairs Minister James Moore, speaking in Vancouver,
called the deaths a "horrific circumstance" of the Indian residential
school system.
"The residential school fact of Canada's history is a Canadian
tragedy," Moore said.
The records reveal the number of deaths only fell off dramatically
after the 1950s, although some fatalities occurred into the 1970s.
"The question I ask myself is: Would I send my child to a private
school where there were even a couple of deaths the previous year
without looking at it a little bit more closely?" Maass said.
"One wouldn't expect any death rates in private residential schools."
In fact, Maass said, student deaths were so much part of the system,
architectural plans for many schools included cemeteries that were laid
out in advance of the building.
Maass, who has a background in archeology, said researchers had
identified 50 burial sites as part of the project.
About 500 of the victims remain nameless. Documentation of their deaths
was contained in Department of Indian Affairs year-end reports based on
information from school principals.
The annual death reports were consistently done until 1917, when they
abruptly stopped.
"It was obviously a policy not to report them," Maass said.
In the 1990s, thousands of victims sued the churches that ran the 140
schools and the Canadian government. A $1.9-billion settlement of the
lawsuit in 2007 prompted an apology from Prime Minister Stephen Harper,
and the creation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
The research — carried out under the auspices of the commission — has
involved combing through more than one million government and other
records, including nuns' journal entries.
The longer-term goal is to make the information available at national
research centre.
© 2013 AOL Inc. All Rights Reserved
From the Eagle Watch
February 23, 2013
Several articles in pdf format have now been uploaded to Kittoh’s blog. Cut and paste the link into your browser. K.
January 2013
The Quickening and Idle No More, 01/16/2013 ickening_INM.pdf
Canada in There Like a Dirty Shirt, 01/28/2013 nada_Dirty_Shirt.pdf
Wake UP Call re Bill C-45, 01/28/2013 5_Wake_Up.pdf
International Monetary Fund IMF and World Bank Group (the Bretton Woods Institutions), 01/29/2013 etton_Woods.pdf
February 2013
YOU KNOW YOU'RE LIVING IN A POLICE STATE WHEN..., 02/05/2013 ropoint.pdf
THOSE WHO TAKE US AWAY, Abusive Policing and Failures in Protection of Indigenous Women and Girls usive_policing.pdf
Mark Carney and the Big Heist, 02/21/2013 rk_Carney.pdf
Fwd: Canadian War Industries at Middle East's Largest Arms Show, 02/21/2013 EX2013-web.htm
Index for Kittoh’s Blog dex.html
February 23, 2013
Several articles in pdf format have now been uploaded to Kittoh’s blog. Cut and paste the link into your browser. K.
January 2013
The Quickening and Idle No More, 01/16/2013
Canada in There Like a Dirty Shirt, 01/28/2013
Wake UP Call re Bill C-45, 01/28/2013
International Monetary Fund IMF and World Bank Group (the Bretton Woods Institutions), 01/29/2013
February 2013
THOSE WHO TAKE US AWAY, Abusive Policing and Failures in Protection of Indigenous Women and Girls
Mark Carney and the Big Heist, 02/21/2013
Fwd: Canadian War Industries at Middle East's Largest Arms Show, 02/21/2013
Index for Kittoh’s Blog
Posted on February 23, 2013
MNN. Feb. 24, 2013. Indigenous children are being murdered. Hundreds of girls and women are disappearing. We have to guard ourselves and each other. Take cameras, cell phones, become a witness and make good notes. We need names, badge numbers, videos and photos of the abused and abusers. Then we should file complaints, take them to court and put pressure on politicians. The police and politicians work together to continue the illusion of freedom in the police state we are living in.
Cops are the worst abusers. In Northern British Columbia Human Rights Watch has documented that RCMP are the perpetrators of attacks and rapes on girls and women. In Thunder Bay Ontario the Mayor admits to his role in racism as if it’s normal.
Watch out for agent provocateurs. They dress like us, with backpacks and vehicles full of implements. They are really cops! Agent provacateurs at G20 Montebello They start throwing these at our kids and then disappear. Cops are attracted to violence. They don’t need peace to keep their jobs. Some try to stir things up so they can use all the expensive toys they claim to need. A despicable tactic is to target and attack young women. This provokes otherwise peaceful men to come to their aid who are then beaten and arrested. They say peace can be gained by violent means. Like George Orwell says in “1984”, “Peace is war!”.
The highly trained people like doctors, miners, scientists, politicians, military and corporation heads need relative order in their communities to go about their jobs of stealing our water, energy and resources. They need the Onkwehonwe out of the way.
In guerrilla warfare our great strength is when we are on our home turf. We know it and we feel the power that comes from being truly Indigenous. Colonists come from fragmented backgrounds. Their leaders have a program of “low level” warfare by attacking, harassing, taking prisoners, surrounding us, putting out bad stories about us to scare the public.
**Our persistence and perseverance comes from our ancestors. We are so well-rooted with nourishment from the land. A “transplant’s” root has to adjust for a long time to gain strength from the earth, but sometimes the roots don’t easily take. Sometimes transplants need a stick to help them stand up.
The colonists’ program is to replace the natural people. The natural world has decreed that we shall always be here doing our job, taking care of the land, plants, animals, water and air.
Okay, men, time to stand up for your women, as Leonard Cohen says in I’m your man “If you want a boxer, i”ll step in the ring for you. And if you want a doctor, I’ll examine every inch of you”.
From the Eagle Watch
February 22, 2013
FYI - Bernard Valcourt - New Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development
VALCOURT, The Hon. Bernard, P.C., Q.C., B.A., LL.B., DHC
Current Member of The House of Commons - Madawaska--Restigouche, New Brunswick
Date of Birth ( 1952.02.18
Place of Birth: St-Quentin, New Brunswick, Canada
Profession | Occupation: Lawyer, notary
Contact Information
Language Preference: French
^ Parliamentary Address
Telephone: 613-995-0581
Fax: 613-996-9736
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
^ Constituency Address
Telephone: 506-739-4600 Fax: 506-739-4607
14 Costigan Street (Main Office)
Edmundston, New Brunswick
E3V 1W9
Telephone: 506-789-6606 Fax: 506-789-6049
The Honourable Bernard Valcourt
Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development
The Honourable Bernard Valcourt
Madawaska-Restigouche (New Brunswick)
Bernard Valcourt was first elected to the House of Commons in 1984 and re-elected in 1988. In 1984, he was appointed Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Revenue and to the Minister of State (Science and Technology). From 1984 to 1993, Mr. Valcourt subsequently served as Minister of State (Small Businesses and Tourism), Minister of State (Indian Affairs and Northern Development), Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, Minister of Employment and Immigration and Minister of Labour.
In 1995, Mr. Valcourt was elected to the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick as the member for Edmundston, and he served until 1999. He was Leader of the Opposition party for the province from 1995 to 1997.
He was re-elected to the House of Commons in 2011 as the Member of Parliament for Madawaska-Restigouche. In May 2011, he was appointed Minister of State (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency) (La Francophonie). He was appointed Associate Minister of National Defence in July 2012. In February 2013, Mr. Valcourt was appointed Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development.
Mr. Valcourt is a barrister and solicitor who practised law in Edmundston, New Brunswick, where he lives today.
================== /news/3369-bernard-valcourt-be comes-minister-of-aboriginal- affairs-in-cabinet-shuffle
Bernard Valcourt becomes Minister of Aboriginal Affairs in Cabinet shuffle
Created on Friday, 22 February 2013 16:14
Last Updated on Friday, 22 February 2013 16:14
Published Date
Mark Kennedy, Postmedia News
OTTAWA — Bernard Valcourt has been appointed aboriginal affairs minister. The announcement was made Friday by the prime minister, one week after the resignation of John Duncan from the post.
Valcourt was sworn in to the ministry at a private ceremony at the Governor-General’s residence, Rideau Hall, in Ottawa, it was announced.
In a brief statement, the prime minister’s office said Valcourt “will continue the Government’s work to advance dialogue on Aboriginal issues and take achievable steps that will provide better education and economic outcomes for Aboriginal peoples across Canada.”
“The Government remains focused on creating jobs, growth and long-term prosperity across Canada, including in our Aboriginal communities,” said Harper in the statement.
Valcourt will be replaced in his current job as associate minister of defence to Kerry-Lynne Findlay.
As well, Gail Shea appointed Minister for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and Steven Blaney assumes responsibility for La Francophonie.
The moves precede what many anticipate will be a more significant cabinet shake-up later this year as Harper positions his Conservatives — after more than seven years in government — for the 2015 election campaign.
(News release)
OTTAWA – Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced the following changes to the Ministry at a private swearing-in ceremony at Rideau Hall:
The Honourable Bernard Valcourt, as Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, will continue the Government’s work to advance dialogue on Aboriginal issues and take achievable steps that will provide better education and economic outcomes for Aboriginal peoples across Canada.
The Honourable Kerry-Lynne D. Findlay, as Associate Minister of National Defence, will support the Minister of National Defence on a variety of matters to fulfil the Government’s commitments to the men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces and to ensure that value-for-money principles remain at the core of national defence administration.
The Honourable Gail Shea, Minister of National Revenue, has been appointed Minister for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA).
The Honourable Steven Blaney, Minister of Veterans Affairs, will assume responsibility for La Francophonie.
“The Government remains focused on creating jobs, growth and long-term prosperity across Canada, including in our Aboriginal communities,” said the Prime Minister. “Mr. Valcourt brings considerable and wide-ranging Cabinet experience to his new role and I am confident Ms. Findlay will contribute to the enhancement of our Armed Forces while delivering value for money to Canadian taxpayers.”
February 22, 2013
FYI - Bernard Valcourt - New Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development
VALCOURT, The Hon. Bernard, P.C., Q.C., B.A., LL.B., DHC
Current Member of The House of Commons - Madawaska--Restigouche, New Brunswick
Date of Birth ( 1952.02.18
Place of Birth: St-Quentin, New Brunswick, Canada
Profession | Occupation: Lawyer, notary
Contact Information
Language Preference: French
^ Parliamentary Address
Telephone: 613-995-0581
Fax: 613-996-9736
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
^ Constituency Address
Telephone: 506-739-4600 Fax: 506-739-4607
14 Costigan Street (Main Office)
Edmundston, New Brunswick
E3V 1W9
Telephone: 506-789-6606 Fax: 506-789-6049
The Honourable Bernard Valcourt
Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development
The Honourable Bernard Valcourt
Madawaska-Restigouche (New Brunswick)
Bernard Valcourt was first elected to the House of Commons in 1984 and re-elected in 1988. In 1984, he was appointed Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Revenue and to the Minister of State (Science and Technology). From 1984 to 1993, Mr. Valcourt subsequently served as Minister of State (Small Businesses and Tourism), Minister of State (Indian Affairs and Northern Development), Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, Minister of Employment and Immigration and Minister of Labour.
In 1995, Mr. Valcourt was elected to the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick as the member for Edmundston, and he served until 1999. He was Leader of the Opposition party for the province from 1995 to 1997.
He was re-elected to the House of Commons in 2011 as the Member of Parliament for Madawaska-Restigouche. In May 2011, he was appointed Minister of State (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency) (La Francophonie). He was appointed Associate Minister of National Defence in July 2012. In February 2013, Mr. Valcourt was appointed Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development.
Mr. Valcourt is a barrister and solicitor who practised law in Edmundston, New Brunswick, where he lives today.
Bernard Valcourt becomes Minister of Aboriginal Affairs in Cabinet shuffle
Created on Friday, 22 February 2013 16:14
Last Updated on Friday, 22 February 2013 16:14
Published Date
Mark Kennedy, Postmedia News
OTTAWA — Bernard Valcourt has been appointed aboriginal affairs minister. The announcement was made Friday by the prime minister, one week after the resignation of John Duncan from the post.
Valcourt was sworn in to the ministry at a private ceremony at the Governor-General’s residence, Rideau Hall, in Ottawa, it was announced.
In a brief statement, the prime minister’s office said Valcourt “will continue the Government’s work to advance dialogue on Aboriginal issues and take achievable steps that will provide better education and economic outcomes for Aboriginal peoples across Canada.”
“The Government remains focused on creating jobs, growth and long-term prosperity across Canada, including in our Aboriginal communities,” said Harper in the statement.
Valcourt will be replaced in his current job as associate minister of defence to Kerry-Lynne Findlay.
As well, Gail Shea appointed Minister for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and Steven Blaney assumes responsibility for La Francophonie.
The moves precede what many anticipate will be a more significant cabinet shake-up later this year as Harper positions his Conservatives — after more than seven years in government — for the 2015 election campaign.
(News release)
OTTAWA – Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced the following changes to the Ministry at a private swearing-in ceremony at Rideau Hall:
The Honourable Bernard Valcourt, as Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, will continue the Government’s work to advance dialogue on Aboriginal issues and take achievable steps that will provide better education and economic outcomes for Aboriginal peoples across Canada.
The Honourable Kerry-Lynne D. Findlay, as Associate Minister of National Defence, will support the Minister of National Defence on a variety of matters to fulfil the Government’s commitments to the men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces and to ensure that value-for-money principles remain at the core of national defence administration.
The Honourable Gail Shea, Minister of National Revenue, has been appointed Minister for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA).
The Honourable Steven Blaney, Minister of Veterans Affairs, will assume responsibility for La Francophonie.
“The Government remains focused on creating jobs, growth and long-term prosperity across Canada, including in our Aboriginal communities,” said the Prime Minister. “Mr. Valcourt brings considerable and wide-ranging Cabinet experience to his new role and I am confident Ms. Findlay will contribute to the enhancement of our Armed Forces while delivering value for money to Canadian taxpayers.”
From the Eagle Watch #322
February 21, 2013
FYI - please circulate and let us know of any difficulties.
-------- Original Message --------
February 21, 2013
FYI - please circulate and let us know of any difficulties.
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Subject: | Canadian War Industries at Middle East's Largest Arms Show |
Date: | Thu, 21 Feb 2013 19:14:55 -0500 |
From: | RichardSanders |
To: | |
Please forward this email, and link to the web version of this article here:
Canadian War Industries Flog their Wares at the Middle East's Largest Arms Bazaar
Related Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT) links: Table: Canadian Companies exhibiting at IDEX 2013
Table: World's Top War Industries at IDEX 2013
Table: Canada's Largest Pension Funds Invest in the World's Top War Industries
Web Petition: Stop Canada Pension Plan Investments in Firms Selling Military & "Security" products to Israel
Canadian War Industries Flog their Wares at the Middle East's Largest Arms Bazaar
Related Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT) links: Table: Canadian Companies exhibiting at IDEX 2013
Table: World's Top War Industries at IDEX 2013
Table: Canada's Largest Pension Funds Invest in the World's Top War Industries
Web Petition: Stop Canada Pension Plan Investments in Firms Selling Military & "Security" products to Israel
Canadian War Industries Flog their Wares at the Middle East's Largest Arms Bazaar By Richard Sanders, Editor, Press for Conversion!February 20, 2013 Canadian war industries are flogging their wares at IDEX 2013, the largest weapons bazaar in the Middle East and North Africa. Over 1,000 exhibitors from 52 countries and over 60,000 attendees have converged on the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for IDEX 2013. This huge arms show is a golden opportunity for Canadian military exporters to schmooze with procurement officials from the US client states that dominate this oil-rich region. IDEX is also a great place to rub shoulders with many of the world's most-profitable war industries. For example, of the world's 35 top-ranking military companies, 28 of them are exhibiting their deadly products at IDEX. (World's Top War Industries at IDEX 2013) "We're excited to see such a large number of Canadian exhibitors," said Arif Lalani, Canada's ambassador to the UAE. "These companies represent the best Canadian capabilities and technologies in a number of areas of the defence and security sector." (Gulf News, February 17, 2013) This year, the Canadian companies exhibiting at IDEX are promoting everything from aerial drones and robotic land vehicles with weapons mounts, to armoured fighting vehicles ready for desert battles. Other vehicles on display are used by tactical urban SWAT teams. Canada's so-called "defence and security" companies are also marketing a variety of gas masks, optical scopes for machine guns, night-vision sights for weapons targeting, and flight simulators used to train fighter pilots and for the rehearsal of bombing sorties. Canadian-run training courses promoted at IDEX include everything from protecting VIPs, to smashing down doors and gates, and the firing of semi-automatic pistols, carbines and sniper rifles. (Canadian Companies exhibiting at IDEX 2013) But the largest display of Canadian military might is the HMCS Toronto. This multi-billion dollar Canadian frigate docked in the UAE for NAVDEX, an international Navy exhibition that runs alongside IDEX. The HMCS Toronto is back in the Persian Gulf as part of a multinational, US-led armada called Coalition Task Force-150 (CTF-150). It has been fighting the so-called "War on Terror" since 2002. In 2003, when CTF-150 was commanded by Canadian Navy Commodore Roger Girouard, it escorted US warships safely into position so they could unleash devastating air strikes during the opening "shock-and-awe" salvoes of the Iraq War. For six months in 2004, the HMCS Toronto operated with the USS George Washington Carrier Strike Group, which launched more than 1,500 warplane sorties that dropped 82 tons of ordnance on Iraqi targets. (Operation SILENT PARTNER: Canada's Quiet Complicity in the Iraq War) While loudly preaching peace and human rights, Canadian governments -- both Conservative and Liberal alike -- have quietly facilitating the steady flow of weapons, ammunition, tear gas, armoured vehicles and many other so-called "defence and security" products into the hands of repressive, undemocratic regimes in the Middle East and North Africa. (Canada's Military Exports to the Middle East and North Africa) Thanks to many decades of US-led coups, regime changes and wars in this region, US proxies have been empowered to carry out widespread, violent and systematic abuses of human rights, including the torture and extrajudicial killings of pro-democracy activists. The continued transfer of military and police equipment from the US, Canada and other supposedly "developed" countries to the repressive autocratic regimes is aided and abetted by massive arms trade shows like IDEX. "Canada First": New Government Plan Promotes Canadian Arms Exports This year's IDEX comes soon after the release of a Canadian government report called "Canada First: Leveraging Procurement Through Key Industrial Capabilities" (February 12, 2013). This report enthusiastically promotes a new strategy for expanding Canada's role as a global military producer and exporter. The plan is to use government financing to boost specific military-industry sectors, based in part on their "success in penetrating global markets." The report states that "Canadian defence-related industries must become even more export-oriented beyond their current 50% level" because "the key to sustainable long term growth lies in export markets." The report was overseen by Tom Jenkins, an Honourary Colonel in the Canadian Reserves who is the Executive Chairman of OpenText, Canada's largest software company. OpenText software is used by many armed forces around the world. In fact, military applications of OpenText products are glowingly highlighted on almost 600 webpages within the company's website. And, the official website of the F-35 stealth fighter/bomber lists OpenText as one of its Canadian Partners. While the Jenkins' report sadly anticipates a reduction in US and European military spending on weapons systems, it looks with hope towards "the fastest growing the Middle East, South and East Asia and South America, with overall expected growth of over 40% from 2009 to 2016." In describing this new government report, a widely-published media article, called "Report touts Canada as arms maker" (February 13, 2013), began by saying: "The federal government is examining ways to turn Canada into a major arms producer...." Unfortunately, the bad news is that Canada already is "a major arms producer." But the worse news is that the Harper government is aiming to give even more support to Canadian military export industries to aid them in their efforts to grab a greater share of the international arms market. Another corporate media article about IDEX, is nothing short of an advertisement for Streit Group, a Canadian-owned company headquartered in the UAE which is showing off its military, police, SWAT-force and "private security" vehicles at the arms show. ("Canadian Firm to Display 15 of its Armoured Vehicles at IDEX," February 18, 2013.) After glowingly describing each of the company's 15 armoured assault, fighting and command vehicles being exhibited at IDEX, the article concludes: "There are currently more than 10,000 Streit Group vehicles operating internationally with a record of zero occupant casualties." While this may be true, it completely ignores the question of casualties caused by occupants of Streit Group vehicles. Thanks largely to such corporate advertising posing as journalism, most Canadians have no idea that Canada is a significant military exporter to the Middle East or elsewhere. And, whatever information Canadians do glean from the media about Canada's role in the international arms trade is always couched in deceptive euphemisms like "defence and security," which disguise the use of such Canadian products as if they were promoting world peace and public safety. Canada Already IS a Major Arms Producer Canadian military companies had $12.6 billion in annual revenues in 2011. Of that, about half was exported. This means that every year Canadian military industries are exporting more than $6 billion worth of products and services. Of that, about 75% -- or some $4.5 billion worth of Canada's military exports per year -- are flowing south, and straight into the US war machine. (Stoking the Tsunamis of War and Repression) Most Canadians don't know that our country is also a significant arms exporter to so-called "developing nations." For example, between 2004 and 2011, Canada was the world's 9th largest arms exporter to the "developing world," with $6.7 billion in direct sales to these countries. (Conventional Arms Transfers to Developing Nations, 2004-2011, p.80.) For many years, the second largest buyer of Canadian military products has been Saudi Arabia. This repressive, undemocratic monarchy has purchased about $2 billion dollars worth of armoured vehicles from Canada. The top Canadian culprit in this trade, General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS), based in London, Ontario, is exhibiting its vehicles at IDEX again this year. Canadian armoured fighting vehicles and accessories have also been sold to other countries in the region, including Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Turkey and the UAE. (Canadian Exports of Armoured Fighting Vehicles to the Middle East and North Africa) The Canadian government's Jenkins' report, which extols GDLS as "a world leader in the design, manufacture and support of wheeled Light Armoured Vehicles," highlights this company's global exports in a special section called "Canadian Defence Industry Success Stories." In this section, GDLS is praised for having exported $17 billion worth of these Canadian-made battle vehicles around the world. For example, the GDLS sale of 4,500 "Strykers" to the US army between 2001 and 2011 is valued at $9.5 billion. (Canada First, p.4) As a result, the report's authors seem to expect Canadians to be proud that our country has profited from building armoured fighting vehicles that have been used so extensively by US warfighters in the Afghan and Iraq wars. How Canadian Military Products get to the Middle East There are three main ways that Canadian military technology ends up in the Middle East. The most obvious way is for Canadian arms companies to sell their products directly to governments in the region. IDEX is, of course, an excellent venue for facilitating such direct exports. Another route is exemplified by the GDLS "Strykers." Canadian-made weapons systems, like military vehicles, are sold to the US or other allies which then deploy them to wage wars in the Middle East. Another example of this is Colt Canada in Kitchener Ontario which makes semi- and fully-automatic assault rifles, carbines and sniper weapons. Used by the UK and other European militaries, these Canadian small arms have made their way to killing fields of Iraq. The third avenue by which Canadian military hardware gets to the Middle East is also indirect, and may be less obvious, but it is nonetheless probably the most significant. Because Canada's military production is largely focused on serving the interests of the US war machine, the fact is that much of our military production is in the form of high-tech components destined for assembly into major US weapons systems. In this way, a large portion of Canada's military technology ends up being embedded in major American weapons systems that are then either used by US forces in Middle East wars, or sold by the US to its many proxy states in that region. For example, between 2008 and 2011, the US sold about $21.8 billion worth of weapons to 10 countries in the Middle East and North Africa. This was more than the rest of the world put together managed to sell to the region during that same period. The largest recipients of US weapons in the region were Saudi Arabia ($5.9 billion), Egypt ($3.9 billion), Israel ($3.8 billion), Iraq ($2.6 billion), UAE ($2.2 billion) and Kuwait ($1.3 billion). (Conventional Arms Transfers to Developing Nations, 2004-2011, p.59) The two largest recipients of US military aid in the world, are both in the Middle East, namely Israel and Egypt, which now receive annual handouts totaling $3.1 billion and $1.3 billion, respectively. This $4.4 billion that they collectively receive as part of the US Foreign Military Financing (FMF) program is used to purchase US-made weapons systems. This amounts to about 85% of the total FMF program. (Foreign Military Financing Program, 2013) But, although these and other FMF recipients must purchase US-made weapons, these virtually always contain many significant Canadian components. For example, the US concluded arms transfer agreements with developing nations that totaled $56.3 billion in 2011. This was almost 83% of all such agreements reached by the world's weapons-exporting nations. Amazingly however, over half of all these US arms transfer agreements in 2011 were with one country, namely, Saudi Arabia. These agreements, totaling $29 billion, were for the provision of 84 new F-15 warplanes, the upgrading of 70 F-15s already in the Saudi arsenal, and various weapons, ammunition and missiles used by these F-15s. This is a huge boon for many Canadian military exporters who will be working hard to keep up with new orders for a wide variety of high-tech components that are featured within F-15s. COAT research has found that at least 30 Canadian companies have supplied the US with products and services tailored to the F-15. (Canadian War Industries Exporting Parts and/or Services to the USA for the F-15 "Eagle") Also included among the US arms transfer agreements with the Saudi autocracy in 2011, were dozens of AH-64 Apache helicopters and UH-60M Blackhawk helicopters. This will also keep Canadian companies busy because, as COAT research has shown, at least 18 Canadian companies supply components for these military aircraft. (Canadian War Industries Exporting Parts and/or Services to the USA for the AH-64 "Apache" and Canadian War Industries Exporting Parts and/or Services to the USA for the UH-60) Another significant US arms agreement in 2011 was with Oman, which agreed to purchase 18 F-16s for $1.4 billion. COAT research has identified 40 companies that have exported parts to the US for assembly into these warplanes. (Canadian War Industries Exporting Parts and/or Services to the USA for the F-16 "Fighting Falcon") This pattern repeats itself for every major US weapon system researched by COAT. Dozens of jet fighters and bombers, attack helicopters and other weapons systems used in the Iraq War are thoroughly embedded with Canadian hardware. (Canada's Top War Exporters at the CANSEC 2009 Weapons Bazaar) This, to a very large extent, is how Canadian military products find their way to the Middle East and North Africa. They are embedded in US weapons that are either sold to the slew repressive US client states in the region, or they have been used there by the US military itself during the litany of wars, invasions, regime changes and coups that have riddled the Middle East with repressive regimes. (See "The U.S. Role in Wars and Regime Changes in the Middle East and North Africa since World War II.") CADSI: Cheerleader for Canada's War Industries Now representing about 945 Canadian corporations, the Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries (CADSI) is this country's largest lobby group advocating for the needs of this special interest group. Its lobbyists meet regularly with leading Canadian politicians and have received generous federal government funding for their tireless promotion of Canada's military exports. CADSI has recently played a major role in influencing the Jenkins' report on how the government should help to support Canadian military production, and increase arms exports. CADSI has also been doing its level best to help promote this year's IDEX weapons bazaar. Speaking glowingly of IDEX as a forum for Canadian military exporters to get in on the action of selling their products to the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), CADSI's website proclaims: "The defence spending forecast across the MENA region for the 10 years 2010 - 2020 is US$1,233 billion.... With defence budgets declining in many countries, now is the time to focus your sales effort to this region." CADSI then goes on to excitedly tell its corporate members that "If you want to make an impact in a region where defence and security spending continues to be robust, IDEX is the place to be!" To this end, CADSI has organised a Canadian pavilion at IDEX 2013 which is showcasing the products of six Canadian war industries. (IDEX 2013 - Showcase Your World Class Solutions to the Largest Defence & Security Show in the Middle East.) But besides lobbying for more government handouts to support Canada's war exporters, and cheerleading for Canadian companies at IDEX, CADSI also organises its very own annual military trade show in Ottawa. This arms exhibition, called CANSEC -- which had about 270 exhibitors in 2012 -- is Canada's largest weapons bazaar. CANSEC 2013 is scheduled for May 29-30. CADSI's arms bazaar is held in Ottawa because as the nation's capital, this is the seat of Canadian political power. And, as the location of Canada's Department of National Defence, Ottawa is also the centre of Canadian military power, where thousands of users of military technology are based. But Ottawa is also the best location for CANSEC because this is where all of the foreign embassies and high commissions are located. CADSI always makes sure to invite representatives of foreign governments to browse the Canadian war industry exhibits at the CANSEC trade show. What better way to foster increased Canadian military production and exports than putting arms producers, dealers, users and buyers all together in one place? |
From the Eagle Watch #321
February 21, 2013
FYI - The World is watching!!! Shame on Canaduh!!!
-------- Original Message --------
Manitoba Legislative Building
A group of 15 youth from the Skownan First Nation will arrive in Winnipeg today to protest against Bill C-45.
Led by 15-year-old Victor Thomas, the delegation left their community on February 15 to make the 320 kilometre journey along Highway 6 to the city.
Skownan youth are most concerned on what the piece of federal legislation means to Canadian waterways, lakes and rivers, and environmental protection.
These young people, showing great leadership and bravery, should be commended for doing their part in protecting Mother Earth, said Skownan First Nation Chief Cameron Catcheway.
The group will arrive on the steps of the Manitoba legislature at 2 p.m.
Staff 2013/02/20/nishnawbe-aski- nation-police-departments-in- state-of-emergency/
By Kenneth Jackson
APTN National News
After a 23-year-old woman committed suicide in the back of a police cruiser earlier this month the Nishnawbe Aski Nation has put the Ontario coroners office on notice that the police force is in severe jeopardy.
The northern Ontario First Nation wrote Chief Coroner Dan Cass Tuesday. The five-page letter obtained by APTN National News outlines the problems facing the Nishnawbe Aski Police Service (NAPS).
The letter comes a few weeks after Lena Anderson died in the back of a police cruiser on Feb. 1. Anderson killed herself after she was put in the car because there was no heat in the Kasabonika Lake detachment where she was detained.
Its one of 35 remote communities policed by NAN.
Sadly, this death is reflective of a larger frightening reality NANs communities have been put in grave jeopardy because of the federal and provincial governments decision to chronically underfund NAPS, said the letter co-signed by Grand Chief Harvey Yesno and Frank McKay, chair of the Nishnawbe police board.
Yesno and McKay said their police force doesnt get the same level of service as say the Ontario Provincial Police.
The letter was also sent to the federal and provincial governments. NAPS is the largest First Nation police force in Canada with 134 uniformed officers and 30 civilians.
NDP MP Charlie Angus represents the area and said the death is the latest in a series of horror stories facing the underfunded police department that is working in third-world conditions.
We have police officers working with no back-up and sleeping in places where you wouldnt let a dog sleep. We have prisoners being held in the back seats of cars or in makeshift jails where they face risk of either fire or freezing, said Angus in a statement. The NAPS officers are being forced to work in conditions that no other police unit in Canada would accept. Why the double standard?
Angus has been outspoken of the poor conditions of northern First Nations.
He said its political and points the blame at Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
He said the Nishnawbe Aski police get 52 per cent of its funding from the feds. The province kicks in the rest.
The Conservatives talk loudly about being tough on crime and providing safe communities. Yet they are leaving northern citizens and First Nation police to put up with third world conditions. This situation is unacceptable, he said.
The OPP were asked to look in the Andersons death but found it wasnt a criminal matter according to reports.
According to the letter, there are more problems than just underfunding of the appalling detachments.
Promises havent been kept since the Kashechewan Inquest in May 2009 that looked into the 2006 deaths of two men who burned to death in a makeshift jail cell in Kashechewan First Nation.
There were seven communities that were designated to receive new modular units but only one community has so far.
In fact, evidence heard at the Kashechewan Inquest demonstrated that there were at least 19 (police) detachments that did not meet the national building code and did not have sprinkler systems, the letter said.
As a result, there are a number of communities relying on unsafe detachments.
Simply put, accounting has put First Nation lives at risk, said the letter.
@afixedaddress indepth/opinion/2013/02/ 201322010564641929.html 2013/02/20/rcmp-dismissing- claims-of-rape-abuse-by- officers-on-aboriginal-women- human-rights-watch/
Watch video at 2013/02/20/rcmp-dismissing- claims-of-rape-abuse-by- officers-on-aboriginal-women- human-rights-watch/
News that not only informs, but inspires.
February 21, 2013
FYI - The World is watching!!! Shame on Canaduh!!!
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: | Youth from Skownan First Nation to Protest at Legislature and more updates |
Date: | Thu, 21 Feb 2013 09:59:16 -0500 |
From: | AT Henry |
To: |
Youth from Skownan First Nation to Protest at Legislature
February 21, 2013 07:01 AM in News

Led by 15-year-old Victor Thomas, the delegation left their community on February 15 to make the 320 kilometre journey along Highway 6 to the city.
Skownan youth are most concerned on what the piece of federal legislation means to Canadian waterways, lakes and rivers, and environmental protection.
These young people, showing great leadership and bravery, should be commended for doing their part in protecting Mother Earth, said Skownan First Nation Chief Cameron Catcheway.
The group will arrive on the steps of the Manitoba legislature at 2 p.m.
Nishnawbe Aski Nation police departments in state of emergency
National News | 20. Feb, 2013 by APTN National News | 0 Comments
APTN National News
After a 23-year-old woman committed suicide in the back of a police cruiser earlier this month the Nishnawbe Aski Nation has put the Ontario coroners office on notice that the police force is in severe jeopardy.
The northern Ontario First Nation wrote Chief Coroner Dan Cass Tuesday. The five-page letter obtained by APTN National News outlines the problems facing the Nishnawbe Aski Police Service (NAPS).
The letter comes a few weeks after Lena Anderson died in the back of a police cruiser on Feb. 1. Anderson killed herself after she was put in the car because there was no heat in the Kasabonika Lake detachment where she was detained.
Its one of 35 remote communities policed by NAN.
Sadly, this death is reflective of a larger frightening reality NANs communities have been put in grave jeopardy because of the federal and provincial governments decision to chronically underfund NAPS, said the letter co-signed by Grand Chief Harvey Yesno and Frank McKay, chair of the Nishnawbe police board.
Yesno and McKay said their police force doesnt get the same level of service as say the Ontario Provincial Police.
The letter was also sent to the federal and provincial governments. NAPS is the largest First Nation police force in Canada with 134 uniformed officers and 30 civilians.
NDP MP Charlie Angus represents the area and said the death is the latest in a series of horror stories facing the underfunded police department that is working in third-world conditions.
We have police officers working with no back-up and sleeping in places where you wouldnt let a dog sleep. We have prisoners being held in the back seats of cars or in makeshift jails where they face risk of either fire or freezing, said Angus in a statement. The NAPS officers are being forced to work in conditions that no other police unit in Canada would accept. Why the double standard?
Angus has been outspoken of the poor conditions of northern First Nations.
He said its political and points the blame at Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
He said the Nishnawbe Aski police get 52 per cent of its funding from the feds. The province kicks in the rest.
The Conservatives talk loudly about being tough on crime and providing safe communities. Yet they are leaving northern citizens and First Nation police to put up with third world conditions. This situation is unacceptable, he said.
The OPP were asked to look in the Andersons death but found it wasnt a criminal matter according to reports.
According to the letter, there are more problems than just underfunding of the appalling detachments.
Promises havent been kept since the Kashechewan Inquest in May 2009 that looked into the 2006 deaths of two men who burned to death in a makeshift jail cell in Kashechewan First Nation.
There were seven communities that were designated to receive new modular units but only one community has so far.
In fact, evidence heard at the Kashechewan Inquest demonstrated that there were at least 19 (police) detachments that did not meet the national building code and did not have sprinkler systems, the letter said.
As a result, there are a number of communities relying on unsafe detachments.
Simply put, accounting has put First Nation lives at risk, said the letter.
Tribal jurisdiction with gender parity | ||
Native women's decision-making processes must be empowered by not only ending racism, but also sexism.
Last Modified: 21 Feb 2013 13:24
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At least 86 percent of reported cases of rape or sexual assault against Native women are by non-Native men [Reuters]
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Tribal demands are holding up the reauthorisation of the landmark Violence Against Women Act in the United States Congress. Apparently, conservative Republican congressmen cannot agree whether to allow Native American courts to prosecute non-Indians who rape women on tribal land. Yet every new report confirms what we already know: that Native women are victims of widespread abuse and their access to justice is extremely limited. In fact, more often than not, the justice system itself is the problem. The extent of violence against Native and Indigenous women is as horrifying as the impunity that permits it. The United Nations has repeatedly stressed the multiple forms of discrimination that Indigenous women face, with various reports from the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women. And North America is far from immune to this trend, as various reports have repeatedly demonstrated. Unless the US Congress wants to countenance the continued violation of Native women's rights, it must quickly grantthe tribal authority demanded. And if tribes are serious about protecting women rights, they should go the extra step to guarantee women's decision-making power in the administration of justice on tribal land. If in doubt, they may look south for inspiration. Violence against Native women in North America Native women are abused and murdered in unacceptably large numbers in North America. In the US, the rates of violence against Native women are two and half times higher than for any other population, and it is mostly committed by outsiders. According to the US Department of Justice, at least 86 percent of the reported cases of rape or sexual assault against Native women are committed by non-Native men. Amnesty International produced an in-depth report on the issue, "The Maize of Injustice", explaining how jurisdictional loopholes make it difficult, if not impossible, to address sexual assault efficiently. Complex legal arrangements created by the US federal government impede tribes from prosecuting non-Native men who commit crimes on tribal territory, thereby leaving women unprotected and giving impunity to the rapists.
Such systematic violence has been disclosed in Canada as well. A recent Human Rights Watch report sheds greater light on the missing Native women of British Columbia. The 95-page detailed report on Canada's Highway of Tears, a 724 kilometre road where too many Native girls and women have been murdered, shows that oftentimes police officers themselves are the abusers. It's not only that police authorities have demonstrated decades of apathy in solving women disappearances, mind you. The report charges that officers of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police have been guilty of raping Native women, beaten hand-cuffed girls they were called to help, and that physical assaults are often accompanied by verbal racist abuse. The HRW report's title, "Those Who Take Us Away", is a literal translation of the word for police in the Carrier language, which is spoken in many indigenous communities in northern British Columbia. There, as in so many Indigenous communities around the world, the police are not perceived as a source of help but feared for the violence they inflict. The last thing a Native woman in danger does is to call the police. According to the Native Women Association of Canada, there are currently about twenty Native women and girls murdered annually. If transposed to non-Native women, this rate would mean that about 18,000 Canadian women would have gone missing since the late 1970s. Tribal authority to counter state injustice North American judicial systems are grossly failing Native women. It is urgent that independent inquiries bring justice to the crimes committed and that police training and new rules be implemented, as recommended by HRW. It is also high time for the US and Canada to ratify the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication of Violence Against Women, otherwise known as the Convention of Belém do Pará. Yet such systematic violence has deeper roots. Violence against Native women is an acute expression of the larger violence against Indigenous Peoples. The colonisation of the Americas, as argued by Andrea Smith, was largely made through the conquest of women's bodies. The trend continues, and sexual assault on Native women echoes the disregard for Indigenous authority at large, from self-government to tribal sovereignty over land and resources. The main problem is the continuing colonial violence of the state, as the Idle No More movement has been shouting quite loudly. The legal system is perhaps where exclusion is best enforced. Rules are made by and for sovereign states. Indigenous peoples, who have been historically excluded as the "uncivilised" who did not belong to the "modern" nation-state, have not participated in the making of the rules. Even when tribes and governments came to agreements, North American colonial powers abrogated legal treaties whenever they deemed necessary. Tribes distrust states and know that governments are the last place to seek protection. This is why tribes in the US are trying to protect women by ensuring tribal jurisdiction. The Save Native Women Actproposes to include key tribal provisions in the Violence Against Women Act reauthorisation. The provisions, passed in the Senate and pending approval in the House of Representatives, would restore tribal jurisdiction to prosecute non-Native men who abuse women in Indian country. Securing women decision-making power in making justice Securing tribal authority to prosecute crimes against women is an important step, but it probably will be insufficient to bring justice to women. As we recognise the racist violence of the state, we cannot turn a blind eye to the sexist violence present across Native societies. In addition to rapes by non-Native men, domestic violence within native families is also rampant and physical abuse widespread. Violence against Native women is so extreme because it is located at the intersection of racism and sexism. Solving only one part of the equation is not enough. If it is important to expand tribal jurisdiction, it is equally crucial to make women fully equal decision-makers in the administration of justice. That is precisely what Kichwa Indigenous women have done in Ecuador. Tired of being stuck between racist state justice and sexist indigenous justice, they called for gender parity clauses within collective rights. They invoked international women's rights encompassed in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to claim their right to participate in the management of justice. But instead of only demanding a voice in the state system, they have also sought to transcend local justice by strengthening indigenous justice with international women's rights. The result is a modern legal arrangement that requires autonomous systems of indigenous justice to assure compliance with international norms of human and women rights. Article 171 on Indigenous Justice in Ecuador's 2008Constitution recognises indigenous justice on the provision that: "the authorities of indigenous communities, peoples and nationalities will exercise judicial functions based on their ancestral traditions... within its territory, guaranteeing the participation and decision of women." Tribes are extremely diverse, with over 800 cultures and nationalities in the US alone. Some tribes may be led by women, like the Six Nations of the Iroquois Nations, yet oftentimes they sideline women from political decision-making. If we are serious about giving justice to Native women we must, first and foremost, put the instruments of law in their hands. Native women will be better protected by tribal law. They will be even better off when other Native women are half the police, prosecutors, and judges in tribal jurisdiction. In fact, that would be a good idea to protect non-Native women across all justice systems. Manuela Picq has just completed her time as a visiting professor and research fellow at Amherst College.
The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera's editorial policy.
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RCMP dismissing claims of rape, abuse by officers on Aboriginal women: Human Rights Watch
National News | 20. Feb, 2013 by APTN National News | 0 CommentsWatch video at
News that not only informs, but inspires.
APTN National News
This is a story that made headlines across the country last week.
An international human rights organization released a report on the RCMP with allegations of abuse by their officers on Aboriginal women and girls, including a woman saying she was gang-raped on a number of occasions. She said police threatened to kill her if she said anything.
Now, Human Rights Watch says the RCMP is dismissing their research that involved hours of field and interviewing dozens of people.
This comes after the organization travelled to Vancouver to meet with provinces top RCMP brass.
APTN National News reporter Rob Smith has the story.
This is a story that made headlines across the country last week.
An international human rights organization released a report on the RCMP with allegations of abuse by their officers on Aboriginal women and girls, including a woman saying she was gang-raped on a number of occasions. She said police threatened to kill her if she said anything.
Now, Human Rights Watch says the RCMP is dismissing their research that involved hours of field and interviewing dozens of people.
This comes after the organization travelled to Vancouver to meet with provinces top RCMP brass.
APTN National News reporter Rob Smith has the story.

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* Last Words of Buffalo Inspiration

* Update from the Field

America's last continuously wild buffalo population numbers fewer than 4,200 individuals. Living in and around Yellowstone, they are under a tremendous amount of pressure that threatens their immediate survival and their long-term evolutionary potential. This season, over 127 wild buffalo have been gunned down by hunters along the border of Yellowstone National Park. While Montana's state hunt is finally over, some treaty hunting will continue through March. Additionally, the Montana legislature is quickly moving forward with a frenzy of devastating bills that would have very real and harmful impacts to these gentle giants. Aggravating matters,Yellowstone National Park continues to hold fast to their plans to senselessly slaughter hundreds of buffalo this year and in years to come. While Yellowstone managers admit that these are the most unique and important buffalo populations in the world, they seek to manage for the smallest numbers possible.
You and I have the power to stop this. Together our actions have made significant differences for wild buffalo. But wild bison remain ecologically extinct, truly endangered without federal listing or protection. We need to keep the pressure on, and turn it up! Everyone who reads these words has the capacity to make a difference. Please read below to learn about the ways you can help wild buffalo right now, and please help raise awareness by sharing this email with all of your friends and contacts.
Wild is the Way ~ Roam Free!

* TAKE ACTION! Important Ways You Can Help the Buffalo Right Now
1. Keep Pressure on Montana Decision-Makers. The pressure you've been applying to the Montana legislature is being felt. Already, one of the bad buffalo bills, HB 312, has died in committee. This bill would have given the Montana Department of Livestock unprecedented powers over migratory elk and other wildlife. Well done! There are still numerous bills being considered by the Montana legislature and these lawmakers and Montana Governor Steve Bullock need to keep hearing from you! Keep writing, calling and emailing, attend hearings if you can, and keep the pressure on! YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE!

2. Watch & Share BFC's Public Service Announcement Videos. BFC recently created two short and powerful public service announcements (PSA) taking Yellowstone National Park and Montana to task for their driving roles in the slaughter of America's last wild bison. The more people who see these PSAs, the better chance the buffalo will have. Please watch the videos, take the actions urged in each, and then share them widely.
TAKE ACTION! Post the video links below directly onto your Facebook and other social media pages or web sites, forward them to all of your friends, encourage them to do the same, and help us get these out to the critical masses!

*Yellowstone Park Plans to Kill Hundreds of Buffalo
Copy and paste this link onto your Facebook or other social media page:

* Montana is a Bad Neighbor to Yellowstone National Park
Copy and paste this link onto your Facebook or other social media page:
3. Contact Yellowstone National Park Opposing their Plans to Slaughter Wild Buffalo!The Organic Act of 1916 established the National Park Service and requires the agency "to conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and the wild life therein and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations." Yellowstone National Park's maltreatment of America's last wild buffalo populations runs contrary to the intent of "this most important provision of law." Tell Yellowstone to uphold their legal responsibility to the Organic Act and to cease all plans to harass and slaughter wild bison.

4. Join BFC on the Front Lines! Field volunteers are needed from November through May, with an increased need for volunteers during the spring months. Please consider volunteering with us to bear witness and advocate for wild buffalo! Details and a volunteer application can be found here
5. Make a monetary or in-kind donation to BFC to help keep us strong and effective in the field, the policy arena and in the courts!

* Align Your Life with Your Ideals: Come to Work for BFC
Buffalo Field Campaign is currently accepting applications for our Office Coordinator position. This job, located at BFC headquarters near West Yellowstone, will open in May 2013. Applicants should be well organized, personable, and articulate. Experience with Microsoft Office is a must, as is knowledge of and passion for wild bison and BFC. For a full job description and information on how to apply, please contact Dan.
We also have immediate openings for field volunteers. Between now and June we need people to staff our frontlines patrols. In the summer we'll need education and outreach volunteers to represent BFC and the buffalo to Yellowstone visitors. If you are interested, passionate, and hard-working, please reply to this message. For more information about volunteering with BFCvisit this page.

* Buffalo Field Campaign Show Podcast:Episode 3
Episode 3 of The Buffalo Field Campaign podcast is now available! Join Kasi, BFC's awesome office coordinator and long-time buffalo warrior, as she talks with The BFC Show host Kim Acheson about our new Public Service Announcement videos, and so much more!
We will be doing new podcasts throughout the winter. You can listen to individual episodes or subscribe to our feed and stay in the loop on matters affecting the buffalo.
It's really easy to subscribe and never miss an episode:
On iTunes.
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Or get it delivered directly to your e-mail.
Thanks so much for tuning in!

* 2013 Wild Bison Calendars Discounted to $2.99

January is gone and we're nearly through February but BFC's 2013 Wild Bison Calendars will be current for another ten months. That leaves you with more than 300 days to celebrate and enjoy Yellowstone buffalo in all their wild beauty. We still have them in stock here in a box in our office but would so much rather have them displayed on your wall for you to enjoy. To further entice you we've just dropped the price by ten dollars from $12.99 to $2.99, plus shipping. Order yours today and get one while they last!

* BFC Wish List: Video Tripods
We are in dire need of quality fluid-head video and photo tripods that we can use in the field to document the bison and their mismanagement. Contact BFC's gear coordinator with any questions about these needs and check our Wish List for other needed items.
The best way you can contribute is to make a monetary donation that we can use for our needs as they arise. Donate today and we will use your contribution where it is most needed to protect the buffalo.

By the Numbers
The last wild buffalo populations are currently estimated at fewer than 4,200 individual animals, living in and around Yellowstone National Park. Wild bison are currently ecologically extinct throughout their native range in North America.
Total Buffalo Killed: 128
Government Capture:
Buffalo Released from Capture:
Government Slaughter:
Held for Government Experiment:
Died In Government Trap:
Miscarriage in Government Trap:
State Hunt: 25
Treaty Hunts: 97
Unknown Hunts: 5
Shot by Agents:
Highway Mortality: 1
Total Killed in Previous Years
2011-2012: 33
2010-2011: 227
2009-2010: 7
2008-2009: 22
2007-2008: 1,631
Total Killed Since 2000: 4,122
*includes lethal government action, trap-related fatalities, quarantine/experiments, hunts, and highway deaths

Last Words of Buffalo Inspiration
"But John Youngberg, vice president for government affairs for the Montana Farm Bureau Federation, said that because wild bison were exterminated by the time Montana became a state in 1889, landowners have the right to live without them.
'"They got their property with the expectation that there were no buffalo," he said. "And these are not white-tailed deer you're talking about, they're 2,000-pound animals."'
From the New York Times Green Blog, Two Bills Propose Zero Tolerance for Bison, February 1, 2013
Please send us your submissions to Last Words. Thank you for all the poems, songs, quotes and stories you've contributed! Keep them coming!

Buffalo Field Campaign
P.O. Box 957
West Yellowstone, MT 59758
BFC is the only group working in the field every day
in defense of the last wild buffalo population in the U.S.
Join Buffalo Field Campaign -- It's Free!
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When evil people call you evil, you know that you are a good person.
When lairs call you a liar, you know that you are truthful.
Know who you are and don't let others tell you who you are." - Dave Kitchen