Issues and News
Tribal members can pursue deer during elk seasons 10/19/20
Sat Oct 20, 2012 7:40 am (PDT) . Posted by: "" shirl4116 Tribal members can pursue deer during elk seasons 10/19/20
<_http: wbr="wbr" www.statesmahttp:="www.statesmahttp:">wwhttp://www.shttp://wwhttp://wwhttp://wwwhttp
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Elk hunters are reminded that they may see tribal deer hunters in the
field during elk seasons.Throughout Oregon, there are a variety of
agreements and treaties with Native American tribes that allow members
to hunt on national forests and Bureau of Land Management lands on days
that are outside of normal state seasons.
"Although the number of tribal deer hunters is limited, we want to
ensure that both hunters and recreationalists are aware that they may
observe tribal deer hunters outside of the normal statewide deer
season," said Lt. David Anderson of the Oregon State Police.
Most deer hunting is closed during elk seasons.
The Cascade elk season runs through Friday.
Rocky Mountain elk seasons run from Oct. 24-8 and Nov. 3-11.
General coast elk seasons goes from Nov. 10-13 and Nov. 17-23.
Controlled (limited-entry) elk seasons are open in different areas
though March 2013.
Means battles cancer againDisease returned in AugustBy Brandon EcoffeyNative Sun News Staff WriterSCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Russell Means, enrolled member of the Oglala Sioux Tribe and longtime indigenous rights activist and actor, informed Native Sun News Oct. 8 that he is again fighting for his life against cancer. In an email sent from his seasonal home in Scottsdale to NSN, Means announced: “On August 20, 2012, I learned I have new cancer spots.”Means, who was one of the charter members of the American Indian Movement, also said: “I am in Scottsdale, AZ where I have fantastic medical teams utilizing both alternative and western applications. We are working toward a good solid program that will enable me to come home to my ranch on the Pine Ridge Sioux Indian Reservation within the next few weeks.”Means’ announcement comes almost one year after he announced that he had rid himself of the disease following notification by his physician. On Dec. 8, 2011, a triumphant Means told NSN, that “I won the battle, man – I’m cancer-free. The doctor told me the day before yesterday that ‘Mr. Means, you will not die of cancer.’”The 72-year-old had originally been diagnosed with esophageal cancer during the summer of 2011 but was able to rid his body of the disease, he said. He credited his victory over the disease to the power of prayer from around the world: “I beat it with prayer – prayer from all over the world from all different disciplines,” especially that of his own traditional Lakota way.The cancer, however, took a major toll on Means’ body, forcing him to shed over 60 pounds.“I know many are concerned about my health and I want to thank you for your strong prayers and for all the ceremonies taking place on my behalf,” he further stated in the email.Means, who turns 73 next month, says he is unavailable to provide spoken comment but did add in the email: “I am sorry I am not available for comments as I need all of my energy to fight for my life once again. I love you and look forward to regaining my life."“May the Great Mystery continue to guide and protect the paths of you and your loved ones.”(Contact Brandon Ecoffey at EcoffeyNative Sun News Staff Writer SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Russell Means, enrolled member of the Oglala Sioux Tribe and longtime indigenous rights activist and actor, informed Native Sun News Oct. 8 that he is again fighting for his life against cancer. In an email sent from his seasonal home in Scottsdale to NSN, Means announced: “On August 20, 2012, I learned I have new cancer spots.” Means, who was one of the charter members of the American Indian Movement, also said: “I am in Scottsdale, AZ where I have fantastic medical teams utilizing both alternative and western applications. We are working toward a good solid program that will enable me to come home to my ranch on the Pine Ridge Sioux Indian Reservation within the next few weeks.” Means’ announcement comes almost one year after he announced that he had rid himself of the disease following notification by his physician. On Dec. 8, 2011, a triumphant Means told NSN, that “I won the battle, man– I’m cancer-free. The doctor told me the day before yesterday that ‘Mr. Means, you will not die of cancer.’” The 72-year-old had originally been diagnosed with esophageal cancer during the summer of 2011 but was able to rid his body of the disease, he said. He credited his victory over the disease to the power of prayer from around the world: “I beat it with prayer – prayer from all over the world from all different disciplines,” especially that of his own traditional Lakota way. The cancer, however, took a major toll on Means’ body, forcing him to shed over 60 pounds. “I know many Disease returned in AugustBy Brandon EcoffeySun News Staff WriterSCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Russell Mean Native s, enrolled member of the Oglala Sioux Tribe and longtime indigenous rights activist and actor, informed Native Sun News Oct. 8 that he is again fighting for his life against cancer. In an email sent from his seasonal home in Scottsdale to NSN, Means announced: “On August 20, 2012, I learned I have new cancer spots.”Means, who was one of the charter members of the American Indian Movement, also said: “I am in Scottsdale, AZ where I have fantastic medical teams utilizing both alternative and western applications. We are working toward a good solid program that will enable me to come home to my ranch on the Pine Ridge Sioux Indian Reservation within the next few weeks.”Means’ announcement comes almost one year after he announced that he had rid himself of the disease following notification by his physician. On Dec. 8, 2011, a triumphant Means told NSN, that “I won the battle, man – I’m cancer-free. The doctor told me the day before yesterday that ‘Mr. Means, you will not die of cancer.’”The 72-year-old had originally been diagnosed with esophageal cancer during the summer of 2011 but was able to rid his body of the disease, he said. He credited his victory over the disease to the power of prayer from around the world: “I beat it with prayer – prayer from all over the world from all different disciplines,” especially that of his own traditional Lakota way.The cancer, however, took a major toll on Means’ body, forcing him to shed over 60 pounds.“I know many are concerned about my health and I want to thank you for your strong prayers and for all the ceremonies taking place on my behalf,” he further stated in the email.Means, who turns 73 next month, says he is unavailable to provide spoken comment but did add in the email: “I am sorry I am not available for comments as I need all of my energy to fight for my life once again. I love you and look forward to regaining my life."“May the Great Mystery continue to guide and protect the paths of you and your loved ones.”(Contact Brandon Ecoffey at concerned about my health and I want to thank you for your strong prayers and for all the ceremonies taking place on my behalf,” he further stated in the email. Means, who turns 73 next month, says he is unavailable to provide spoken comment but did add in the email: “I am sorry I am not available for comments as I need all of my energy to fight for my life once again. I love you and look forward to regaining my life." “May the Great Mystery continue to guide and protect the paths of you and your loved ones.” (Contact Brandon Ecoffey RobinMWright
THE GUARANI AND KAIOWÁ CRY - Facing of the eviction notice from sacred lands, indigenous decide for collective deathand and asked to be buried onsite.
"Kill us and bury us collectively here"
"We know that we will be driven out from here, from this riverbank by the Court, but we will not get out of the river bank. As a native people and historical indigenous, we merely decided to be killed collectively here. We have no choice and this is our last unanimous decision on the order of the Federal Court of Naviraí, MS. "This is the statement of the Indian community for the Government and Federal Court."
"We eat food once a day. Spent it day to day to reclaim our territory Pyleito Kue/Mbarakay. Indeed, we know very well that, at the heart of our ancient territory are buried many of our grandparents and great-grandparents, and here are the cemeteries of all our ancestors. Aware of this historical fact, we already we and want to be dead and buried with our ancestors right here where we are today, so we ask the Government and the Federal Court not to order the eviction/expulsion notice, but we request the decree of our collective death and for bury us here. We ask please, and once for all, to enact our decimation/total extinction in addition to sending several tractors to dig a big hole to throw and bury our bodies. This is our request to the federal judges.
"We await this decision. Therefore, if it is to enact our collective death of Guarani and Kaiowá people from Pyelito Kue/Mbarakay, we beg to bury us all here. Whereas we integrally decided to not get out of this place alive or even dead. We know that we have no chance to survive with dignity in our ancient territory, we already have suffered too much and we are all massacred and dying so fast." (Letter from the community).
"Rapid City Journal" Issue 10/13/12
Sunday, October 14, 2012 at 8:42am ·
Boarding schools left mark for life By Jim Kent
(This is one of many story's the Journal refuses to publicize in regards
to "The truth" in Indian Country)
For most people, memories of their first days of school are often blurred
images kept alive by stories passed on over the years at family gatherings.
But for tens-of-thousands of Native Americans, memories of their early
school days are nightmares they’ve relived throughout their lives.
This is, of course, courtesy of Christian missionaries and the federal
government who both felt “something” needed to be done about “the Indian
problem”. Yes, it does smack reminiscent of Germany’s Little Corporal.
In the case of the Christians, the goal was to “save the pagan savages”
and bring them into the fold of Jesus. A noble calling, I suppose, but I’ve
always questioned the mindset of beating religion into someone.
Automatically brings that “what would Jesus do” question right into the equation.
From the federal government side, the goal was to completely eradicate all
traces of Native American cultures - something already attempted for
centuries, and quite successfully from a genocidal point of view.
The problem was there were still too many of those “redskins” around – and
they had all these kids to keep the cultures going.
Enter the boarding school system, which Native American children would be
forced to attend and where they would be “assimilated” into the dominant
Western European culture.
The methods used to achieve that result were quite a bit removed from the
primary definition of the word: to take in, incorporate as one’s own;
absorb. Unless the parallel is: to absorb; as to soak up blood from a large, open
And that’s what Native American children received: wounds upon their
bodies, their minds and their souls. Wounds that, for many, would never heal.
Upon their arrival at any of the dozens of boarding schools established
across the country their hair was cut (a violation of most traditional Native
American beliefs, especially among the Plains tribes), they were given
uniforms to wear instead of their own clothing, their birth names were replaced
with European-American names and they were forbidden to speak their native
These regulations, often enforced with severe discipline that included
physical and emotional abuse – and more, resulted in what some in the medical
field now refer to as “Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder”. The
condition comes as a result of suffering abuse for months, or years, and
particularly impacts children whose personalities are still forming during this
It’s no surprise the boarding school system would follow such a path,
having been created by U.S. Army Captain Richard Pratt – a man who supported
Gen. Philip Sheridan’s comment that the only good Indian is a dead Indian.
Pratt added a slight caveat by noting “all the Indian there is in the race
should be dead. Kill the Indian in him, and save the man."
This topic came up recently while talking with a Lakota friend about “The
Thick Dark Fog” – a documentary centered on the impacts the boarding school
system had on one Lakota man: Walter Littlemoon, who – even as an elder,
has trouble talking about that time in his life.
Having experienced the waning days of the strict Catholic school system, I’
ve often told people that all those years with the nuns prepared me for
Marine Corps boot camp.
For many Native Americans, the boarding school system mostly served to
prepare them for reliving their abuses - over and over again.
"United Urban Warrior Society" Anouncement!
This is an ongoing Issue with the "Rapid City Journal" When confronted all
they can come up with is lame excuses! This last story is "The straw that
broke the camels back" United Urban Warrior Society will step up and start
leaning on this "Racist promoting and community dividing, News paper" I want
to remind everyone that here in Rapid City, This isn't just a Native Issue
this is a community issue! although "United Urban Warrior Society" will
head this fight! We will have the support of: Occupy Rapid City, South Dakota
peace & Justice as well as many other Entities here in and around our
community, and others pledging to step up and supporting our efforts. We will
set up both an on line and paper petition that will be passed around, we
will post samples of the past racist comments on there notorious racial
comment section (which should be shut down or require people to use there real
name for accountability). We want to change from this Publication and we will
continue to lean on them as a community until we see some change. As some
of you know, a City council member and I did sit in a meeting with the new
leadership at this paper and they told us everything "we wanted to hear"
when we left it went back to Business as usual. Enough is enough already!
This publication is the voice of our community and what everyone reads
believes what they read and/or influenced by what they matter if its
truths or Lies....That's allot of "Influence and Responsibility"...If we are
going to move forward as a community and heal the historical wounds, caused by
animosities and hate, we will need this paper to step up and lead us! out
of this circle of hate and stop tearing this ugly scab off our community
for the sake of just news and selling a paper... We need to promote our
community and the diversity of its people in a positive way or a balanced way
for all of us..If not?...Let the games begin...
If anyone would like to tell their story in regards to an experience with
this paper or want to get involved with this issue contact me
Making History, First Sikh Testifies at U.S. Senate Hearing
On September 19th, over 400 people attended a Senate subcommittee hearing in Washington, DC to watch Harpreet Singh Saini deliver anemotional tribute to his mother, who was one of six worshipers whose lives were taken during the August 5th attack on the Oak Creek Gurdwara. Harpreet also made history by being the first Sikh to testify at a U.S. Senate hearing.
Bono Mack Says Native American-Supporting Opponent is Anti-American
U.S. Rep. Mary Bono Mack, R-California, currently in a dead heat in her race for re-election with Democratic challenger Raul Ruiz, has recently put out a series of ads, statements,
a press release , and campaign tweets indicating that Ruiz is anti-American for his past support of causes identified with American Indians.
In 1997, Ruiz was arrested as a college student during a protest of the Thanksgiving holiday in Plymouth, Massachusetts that was intended to highlight Native American roles in American history and misrepresentations of Indians in contemporary American society. The event got out of hand, police pepper sprayed him and others, and charges were eventually dropped. City leaders ended up paying $100,000 toward a Native American scholarship fund, and they erected a plaque commemorating the event and Indian heritage.
In Bono Mack’s new ads , a serious-sounding narrator, accompanied by ominous music, asserts that Ruiz is “attacking Thanksgiving and our American values.” In a recent debate, the congresswoman sharpened the attack, saying, “He led protests against the celebration of Thanksgiving , no joke … because he opposes what Thanksgiving stands for and what it represents.”
Bono Mack’s campaign has also claimed that Ruiz read a letter aloud at the protest expressing support for a pardon of Leonard Peltier, an American Indian Movement activist who was convicted of shooting two FBI agents on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in 1975.
The Ruiz campaign says the candidate doesn’t remember expressing support for Peltier and that he didn’t support Peltier then or now. That’s in contrast to some Native Americans who believe Peltier was wrongfully convicted, and who call for his pardon to this day.
Still, Bono Mack campaign strategists, John Pezzullo and Marc Troast, have re-tweeted messages on Twitter indicating that Ruiz is a “radical liberal” for his participation in the Native-focused event, and they have re-tweeted messages claiming he supported Peltier. Their campaign also has released audio, which they say is Ruiz reading a statement in support of Peltier. The Ruiz campaign has not denied the authenticity of the audio, and says if Ruiz did read it, he was caught up in the moment and did not believe what he was reading.
The Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians is part of a growing chorus of Indians who are concerned with the Bono Mack political strategy. The tribe has put out a statement calling her ads “an outrageous and unacceptable insult to all Native Americans.”
“We are not endorsing either candidate at this time,” said Tribal Council Chairman Jeff L. Grubbe. “However, we call on Rep. Bono Mack to unequivocally repudiate this attempt to portray standing up for Native Americans as somehow un-American.”
The Tribal Association of Sovereign Indian Nations has also sent Bono Mack a letter expressing concern about her attempt to politicize issues that are important to some Native American citizens, according to those close to the organization. A top concern is that Bono Mack is calling into question certain beliefs that some Native Americans agree with and many more sympathize with.
“We certainly understand the rough and tumble nature of political campaigns, and we know that sometimes candidates say things that they later regret,” according to the letter, signed by the organization’s Indian leaders. “As an agent of the federal government, however, you should be working to overcome the wounds of past wrongs done to Indian people, not deepen them…. We sincerely hope that in the closing weeks of this election you steer away from these unworthy and divisive tactics in favor of bringing people together to solve our shared problems not only in your district but throughout our nation.”
Patrick Boland, a spokesman for Ruiz, says he can understand why some Natives feel offended. “Dr. Ruiz has been defending this pretty strongly,” Boland said. “It’s absolutely shameful that Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack – who represents thousands of Native Americans – would attack Dr. Ruiz for voicing support for Native American heritage…. Nothing could be more American than standing up for Native American constituents.”
Pezzullo and Troast have not responded to requests for comment, but Bono Mack’s Washington office is defending her Native-focused record. Ken Johnson, a spokesman for the congresswoman, said she played a lead role in setting up an Indian fundraiser for GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney in August, where he met with several tribal leaders. He noted that she serves as vice-chair of the House Native American Caucus, and she has supported and pushed for several Indian-focused pieces of legislation and funding, especially for some tribes in California.
Johnson added that Bono Mack has supported a slow-down of legislation on Internet gaming to try to ensure tribal interests are addressed, and he said she supports a legislative fix to the controversial 2009 U.S. Supreme Court decision (Carcieri v. Salazar) that called into question the ability of the Interior Department to take lands into trust for tribes.
Boland said that every vote will matter in this close race. “No candidate can afford to alienate Indian voters,” he said, adding that the campaign has estimated there to be up to 9,000 Indian voters in the district. “The congresswoman is playing to a far-right crowd right now.”
Ruiz, who is of Hispanic heritage, said he continues to strongly support Native Americans. “They are our first Americans and we owe them a lot of respect, and I wanted to express my pride in our Native American past,” he told Indian Country Today Media Network in an interview with writer Lynn Armitage. “[W]e need to respect our Native American heritage and honor their contribution to the American story.”
Standing Bear's Footsteops PBS
Crimes at Mohawk School in Canada |
Evidence from suspected mass grave of children at Anglican Mohawk school, Brantford, Canada, and tes...
NAACP first president was Moorfield Storey, a white Boston lawyer.
He was president from 1910 until 1915, only five years. The next president
was Joel Springarn,who was president from 1915 until 1940. Springarn,who
was a well known liberal Republican and one of the first Jewish leaders of the NAACP.
He was chairman of the board from 1913 until he died, at that point, his brother Aurthur
because president and held onto that position from 1940-1965. from 1966 until 1975 the
president was Kivie Kaplan , a Jewish American businessman from Boston. He has been descibed as "
one of the last in a long line of American Jews who held a leadership role in African-American civil
rights groups.
The early 1990's the NAACP was in big trouble. The organization was in serious debt and forced
to cut its staff from 200 to 50, according to Ted Stampley, writing in the U.S. Veteran Dispatch
in December: 2007 " Strained for funds, the group suffered another bleeding wound whenits board of
Directors was forced to fire its new executive director, the Rev Ben Chavis. He was caught spending $324,400
of the NAACP funds as hush money in a sexual discrimination suit" Mr. Stampley noted that the
NAACP was Drowning in internal corruption.
So the organization desperately needed a diversion, to push some hot button issues that would stir the
emotions and rally the troops and exploit their checkbooks.They found their needed diversion in the Confederate Flags.
The NAACP spread the story that the flags Confederate represented racism, white supremacy and slavery. Some folks actually
started to believe it and the big bucks started to roll in again.
The NAACP is corrupted from the top to the bottom. I do not believe the NAACP has ever been concerned with helping
Black people with their problems. The NAACP has now become redicalized and worthless to us African Americans, yet
the NAACP claim to represent our interests. They have failed to help African-American.
The corruption never stop inside the NAACP. Elaine Jones head of the NAACP's legal and Defense Education Fund, was forced to
resign her post in the wake of complaints lodged against her by project 21, Coalition for a Judiciary, CORE and the Center for
individual Freedom before the Virginia Bar Association
My Question to you, what do you get for your $30.00 for NAACP membership. Burn Baby Burn, Burn your membership cards.
We are asking two hundred thousands members of the NAACP to burn your membership card. We can start to hold the NAACP
accountable for action and inaction.
Rev Edward Pinkney
Native Peoples possess all the skills necessary to revive their own communities- but they often lack resources. Native communities continue to fall through the cracks of federal assistance plans, stalling long-deserved progress. Don't deprive Native American communities of fundamental resources! » Less than one-half of one percent of all private philanthropic dollars goes to American Indian and Alaska Native causes. The economic, health, and education issues that Native Americans face stem from an outright lack of resources -- but you can help these communities prosper. Empower Native Americans by supporting programs created by Native Peoples, for Native Peoples. Support sustainable solutions for Native communities »Thanks for taking action!Kara Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team Empower Native Peoples Take action link: stop receiving this newsletter, visit: or send a blank email message, Inc.275 Shoreline Drive, Suite 300Redwood City, CA 94065
Victory for Bears and Buffalo: DOL Helicopter Grounded!
A MT Department of Livestock helicopter hazes wild buffalo on Horse Butte last May. Scenes like this that create a veritable war zone in the Hebgen Basin may now be over, thanks to a lawsuit filed by the Alliance for the Wild Rockies. Click the photo to watch a BFC video, containing some of the footage that was instrumental in grounding the helicopter. According to our stellar legal team, the State of Montana Department of Livestock has ended its helicopter hazing program!
Buffalo Field Campaign provided
expert assistance to the nonprofit Alliance for the Wild Rockies, who filed a lawsuit in federal court against the Interagency Bison Management Plan (IBMP) agencies for permitting the use of helicopters to haze wild bison in threatened grizzly bear habitat. Filed by attorney Rebecca K. Smith of the Public Interest Defense Center, the complaint made a compelling case that low-altitude bison-hazing helicopter flights violate numerous federal laws by harassing and displacing not only wild bison, but threatened grizzly bears, a species that is federally protected under the Endangered Species Act.
This BFC video, captured by Peter Bogusko and produced by Mike Mease and Tony, was part of the catalyst for the lawsuit that has taken the DOL's helicopter out of the picture. Click image to watch the video. Buffalo Field Campaign's field volunteers provided substantial evidence including signed affidavits, photographs, and videos of the DOL's helicopter disturbing a distinct and isolated grizzly bear population. This documentation resulted in a court order preventing the helicopter's use for two full weeks last Spring. The good news came last week when the DOL stated that without federal funding, they will no longer use the helicopter to haze or capture bison. The federal government has stated they will not fund the DOL's helicopter because of the ongoing lawsuit for grizzly bears.
A grizzly bear considers a bull bison. Bison, especially wolf- and winter-kill carcasses, are a very important food source for grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem. Photo by Kim Kaiser. Click photo for larger image. The federal agencies have re-initiated consultation with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to analyze the impacts of IBMP hazing on grizzly bears. The U.S. Department of Justice filed a brief last week stating, in part: "Through adaptive management adjustments to the Interagency Bison Management Plan, the hazing of bison now occurs more often from December through June than in the past. The hazing of bison during spring and early summer may affect threatened grizzly bears in a manner or to an extent not considered in the 2000 Biological Assessment." Our lawsuit is forcing the federal agencies to take a very close look at how all bison hazing impacts grizzly bears. BFC knows through first-hand experience that getting the DOL's helicopter out of the sky is going to provide major relief to wildlife. This is a huge victory! As the lawsuit progresses, BFC will help further demonstrate that screaming cowboys on anxious horses and atvs, escorted by flashing lights and sirens from law enforcement, stampeding wild buffalo through sensitive habitat, also provides a major disruption to grizzlies.
You are a huge part of this victory because it is you who keeps us on the front lines and in the courts, able to bear witness and stop the insanity. Please continue to help keep BFC strong so we may continue to document all actions made against America's last wild bison, and threatened grizzly bears.

Thank you for being with us for the buffalo. Wild is the Way ~ Roam Free!
* Home Again: Thank You for an Awesome West Coast Road Show!
Once again Buffalo Field Campaign's Fall West coast roadshow was a great success in sharing the buffalo's story with the people. I would personally like to thank the following people for helping make this Fall's tour such a great trip. If I forget someone please don't be offended, just know I am sometimes forgetful. First off a special thanks to Alex Berry for dropping everything in his life and coming on the road with me to handle our information table and so much more. You rock Brother, thanks. Good Shield has now come on the road with me for the last ten years, thanks for always making me look good my Brother from another Mother. Phoenix was able to play music for four of our shows and I am always grateful my friend. Andrew and Terry thanks for taking care of me in Portland and Newport, you are both family for life. Judy set up a very memorable evening in Portland. Thanks to Ireal Zashanon, Alejandro Tezcatlipoca, Gaea and the Urban Shaman and to Free Life TV for documenting the event. Phoenix, Kelly, Stella, and hte Jackson Well Springs staff took great care of us in Ashland. Thanks to Williams and our great family Michelle, Brian and Jaia and all of the great volunteers at the Sunspirit Farm. Also Rise Up Bakery, Oak Barrel Kombucha, Herb Pharm, Horizon Herbs, Nature Spirit Herbs, Of the Earth Hemp Clothing, Fox Treats, Peia, Padma Jewelry, Kitty & Aaron Jewelry & Clothing, Nabha and music by Diane Patterson & Sara Tone and Intuitive Compass. Dug and Frog it was so nice to spend time with you both. In Arcata thanks to Tony, Gretta, Scott, Clarie, Owen and Sundog. Also Johnny from 7th Generation Rise. Chris Skyhawk and family and Vince, thanks for all of your help. In the Bay Area Alex and Jeremy thanks for everything. Karen Pickett and Faye Brown you both made our John Trudell event such a success. John you are an inspiration and your words always make me stronger and strengthen my commitment to the Buffalo; it is an honor to call you a friend. In Santa Cruz I was able to team up with my dear friend Sampson Wolfe, thanks. Annie Wilson thank you for bringing us back to Sacramento, we will return thanks to you and your making us feel like family. Truckee united us with long-time friends Madonna and Pablo. Our visit to Patagonia in Reno was, as usual, awesome. Thank you Kim for taking such good care of us and Ron for your never ending support. In south Lake Tahoe our friend Scott and his new partner Sienna took great care of us. Thanks for that and for organizing our talk to the Rotary club. Mignon thanks for getting us so involved in the Indigenous Peoples Days and for setting up the Stone House event. A very special thanks to Nikko Wu for feeding us and allowing us to have the event at the Stone House. Andrew thanks for putting me up my last night on the road.
I will miss you all but it is time to be home with the Buffalo. Thanks again and know you are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Back with the Buffalo,
Mike Mease
* Take Action! Endless Pressure, Endlessly AppliedThere are many ways you can use your voice to advocate for America's last continuously wild buffalo! One important way is to keep letting decision-makers hear from you, which you can do easily from BFC's Take Action page. Even if you have already taken these actions, the letters are editable, so you can refresh your message in defense of North America's largest land mammal!

Please also be sure to VOTE during this important election. If you are not sure where your candidates stand on wild bison, the restoration of this ecologically extinct native treasure, and the taxpayer waste of the harmful Interagency Bison Management Plan, please ask them.
* Wild is the Way! New Bison Goods Help Recognize BFC's 15 Years in the FieldIn celebration of Buffalo Field Campaign's 15th anniversary, we have launched a new line of merchandise. Please
visit our Bison Goods page to view and purchase. We are very excited to offer you the opportunity to support our work through these BFC-branded products you can use in your everyday lives. New merchandise includes: tee shirts, Klean Kanteen water bottles and pint cups, bumper stickers, notecards, and 2013 calendars.

* By the NumbersAMERICAN BUFFALO ELIMINATED from the last wild population in the U.S. The last wild population is currently estimated at fewer than 4,300 individual buffalo. Wild bison are currently ecologically extinct throughout their native range in North America.2011-2012Total Buffalo Killed: 33
Government Capture: 10
Buffalo Released from Capture: 7
Government Slaughter:
Held for Government Experiment: 3
Died In Government Trap:
Miscarriage in Government Trap:
State & Treaty Hunts: 28
Shot by Agents: 3
Killed by Angry Residents:
Highway Mortality: 2
Total Killed in Previous Years2010-2011: 227
2009-2010: 7
2008-2009: 22
2007-2008: 1,631
Total Killed Since 2000: 4,008
*includes lethal government action, trap-related fatalities, quarantine/experiments, hunts, and highway mortality
* Last Words--Buffalo InspirationThe eagle, he glides
over lands so vast and wide.
While the bison mother gives birth to the next generation.
The fish, she does move
through waters icy and smooth.
While the bison calves frolic with carefree youthful elation.
The bear, he ambles
between aspen and bramble.
While all bison eat well during the most ancient migration.
The skunk, she does dig
in the leaf litter and twigs.
While the bison live freely and without intimidation.
The wolf, he does sing
and through the basins it rings.
This is how it should be for the benefit of all nations.
May the plants, animals and all peoples live freely and without artificial borders -- of this we can dream.~ J. Bahorich, 2012
If anyone has submissions for Last Words just
send them to us. Thank you for all the poems, songs, quotes and stories you have been sending! Keep them coming!

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Cherokee Link Newsletter ********************************************************* Osiyo,
The Cherokee Nation Election Commission is hard at work trying to weed out undeliverable voter addresses. If you are a Cherokee Nation voter we encourage you to check to see if your name is on this list. If you discover your name here you will need to update your address information with the Cherokee Nation Election Commission. An election for staggered four-year Tribal Council seats will be held in 2013 and that is right around the corner!
If you are unable to make the Tribal Council meeting tonight, you can watch it online:
Cherokee Nation P.O. Box 948 Tahlequah, OK 74465 918 453-5000
********************************************* ********Cherokee Nation News***************** ********************************************* Cherokee Nation Taking Angel Tree Applications The Cherokee Nation is taking applications for its Angel Tree program at various locations starting Monday, Oct. 22, through Friday, Nov. 9.
Sequoyah Schools Helps Children with Disabilities Find Services Sequoyah Schools would like to help children with disabilities find appropriate services, as part of the Oklahoma Child Find initiative.
Newly Elected Tribal Youth Council Eager to Serve A newly elected group of Cherokee students are set to begin their two-year term on the Cherokee Nation Tribal Youth Council after having won their respective elections.
Cherokee Nation W.W. Hastings Hospital opens new ER Cherokee Nation’s W.W. Hastings Hospital opened a larger, more patient-friendly emergency room Wednesday.
Sequoyah Quarterback in Mr. Football Contest Sequoyah senior and football team quarterback Brayden Scott has been nominated for the national Mr. Football competition presented by VYPE and State Farm.
Oklahoma Speaker of the House, Delegates tour Cherokee Nation The next Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives T.W. Shannon and a team of state representatives got a firsthand glimpse into the Cherokee Nation and its services on a tour this week in Tahlequah.
Cherokee Nation Marshal helps capture Four Homicide Suspects A Cherokee Nation deputy marshal is being commended for his role in capturing four homicide suspects within a 17-hour period.
Photo ID now part of Cherokee Nation Citizen Blue Cards For the first time ever, Cherokee Nation is issuing photo tribal citizenship cards. Starting this month, Cherokee citizens can visit the tribe’s registration department to get a valid photo ID, similar in appearance to a driver’s license.
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This is very important news for Indigenous people who are always being given vaccinations like it's candy. Really it's just one more way to kill us off.
We have been chastised/verbally abused many times for our anti vaccination position but we remain firm in our views that are well backed up by evidence if you can find it.
This is a perfect example. Please read carefully and forward far and wide. It could save your children's lives.
We don't know who the author is but there's a link. Kittoh
We welcome your feedback! Forward, post and consider printing for your cyberphobic friends and relatives. Be sure to include our contact info.
The Eagle Watch Newsletter is sent to interested individuals, both Indigenous and nonNative, politicians especially the Canadian ones and an assortment of English language media. It is also sometimes translated into French, Spanish, German, Arabic, Russian and other languages.
The vaccine empire has collapsed
Posted on October 9, 2012
(NaturalNews) You may not have heard the explosion, but it happened.
A review from The Cochrane Collaboration, a widely respected research-analysis team, went over all the evidence, and entered its conclusion:
In healthy adults, no flu vaccine delivers protection from the flu.
It doesn’t protect against transmission of flu viruses from person to person, either.
So all the promotion and all the pandering and all the scare tactics and all the “expert medical opinion†and all the media coverage…useless, worthless, and irrelevant.
Billions of dollars of financed lies about flu vaccines were just that: lies.
It gets worse, because the entire theory about how and why vaccines work is sitting on a razor’s edge, ready to fall into the abyss of discarded fairy tales.
We’ve been told that vaccines stimulate the immune system with a “rehearsal†of what will happen when an actual disease comes down the pipeline. When the disease does show up, the immune system will be locked and loaded, ready to destroy the attacking germ.
But since flu vaccines don’t protect against flu or even stop the transmission of flu viruses from person to person, the so-called “rehearsing†of the immune system is merely somebody’s fancy story. A legend. A myth.
Also, you can forget about the widely sold herd-immunity tale. How can the group be immune when vaccines are doing nothing to prevent the free movement of germs from person to person-
As always, The Cochrane Collaboration did an exhaustive review of all previous studies on flu vaccines they could discover. They rejected the studies that were badly constructed. In some cases, to expand available data, they contacted individual researchers who had conducted studies.
Therefore, Cochrane’s findings represent the best of the published literature on flu vaccines. However, because the Cochrane team owes nothing to pharmaceutical companies, they analyzed the literature with sober eyes and minds.
Here is an interesting comment from the analysis: “The review showed that reliable evidence on influenza vaccines is thin but there is evidence of widespread manipulation of conclusions…â€
Now who in the world would benefit from such manipulating-
Oh yes. One other thing.
The Cochrane review, published by John Wiley and Sons, appeared online on July 7, 2010.
Over two years ago.
We must have missed the massive mainstream media coverage. Perhaps we were fishing that day, or buying tires for the car, or vacationing on our yachts in the Mediterranean.
What- There was no massive media coverage- Impossible. I mean, surely…
Sources: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
"When crazy people call you crazy, you know you're sane.
When evil people call you evil, you know that you are a good person.
When lairs call you a liar, you know that you are truthful.
Know who you are and don't let others tell you who you are." - Dave Kitchen