EMERGENCY: Israelis Attack Humanitarian Aid to Gaza
Take Action Now - Sign the Online Petition
Demand the Release of Rep. Cynthia McKinney, the SPIRIT OF HUMANITY, all aid workers and supplies NOW!
Last night, Israeli Occupation Forces attacked and boarded the Free Gaza Movement boat, the SPIRIT OF HUMANITY, abducting 21 human rights workers from 11 countries, including Noble laureate Mairead Maguire and former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. The passengers and crew are being forcibly dragged toward Israel.
The seizure of humanitarian supplies and abduction of human rights workers is an act of piracy, a crime under international law. When the boat was attacked, it was not in Israeli waters and was on a human rights mission to Gaza. Israel's deliberate and premeditated attack on an unarmed boat in international waters is a clear violation of international law.
The U.S. government and corporate media has largely ignored or buried this story due to racism against Cynthia McKinney and the people of Palestine. It is up to us to get the word out.
According to an International Committee of the Red Cross report released yesterday, the Palestinians living in Gaza are "trapped in despair." Thousands of Gazans whose homes were destroyed earlier during Israel's December/January massacre are still without shelter despite pledges of almost $4.5 billion in aid, because Israel refuses to allow cement and other building material into the Gaza Strip. The report also notes that hospitals are struggling to meet the needs of their patients due to Israel's disruption of medical supplies.
This act of terrorism by the Israeli Occupation Forces against an unarmed vessel is a clear attempt to scare people away from showing solidarity with the people of Gaza. We must take action now! Here's how you can help:
1) Sign the Online Petition - http://www.iacenter.org/palestine/gazashippetition
2) Get the word out - forward this message to your email lists, post in on Facebook & Myspace, etc.
3) Take to the streets! Organize local emergency protests in solidarity with the people of Gaza and demanding the release of all those who were kidnapped by the Israeli Occupation Forces.
In New York City, join us tomorrow, Wednesday July 1, from 4 - 6 pm at the Israeli Mission (43rd St. & 2nd Ave.)
3) Support Aid Caravans to Gaza! In addition to the current project of Free Gaza, another aid caravan, Viva Palestina, will be leaving the U.S. on July 4th headed by British MP George Galloway and Vietnam War veteran Ron Kovic and including hundreds of people from the United States.
4) Call the media. The U.S. corporate media has largely ignored or buried this story due to racism against Cynthia McKinney and the people of Palestine. Please call the media - demand that they cover this criminal act by the Israeli Occupation Forces. Start with these numbers:
The New York Times 212-556-5272; Los Angeles Times 800-252-9141; Boston Herald 617-426-3000; Chicago Tribune 800-874-2863; and please call your local newspaper, radio station, or television news program.
Sign it online at http://www.iacenter.org/palestine/gazashippetition
To: President President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Vice President Joe Biden, Congressional leaders, U.N. General Assembly President d'Escoto-Brockmann, U.N. Secretary General Ban, members of the U.N. Security Council, U.N. member states, and the President, Prime Minister, Cabinet and Opposition leader of Israel
cc: Major media representatives, International Red Cross
I am outraged at the actions of the Israeli military in attacking and boarding the Free Gaza Movement boat, the SPIRIT OF HUMANITY, abducting 21 human rights workers from 11 countries, including Nobel laureate Mairead Maguire and former U.S. Congreswoman Cynthia McKinney, dragging passengers and crew forcibly toward Israel. I am further outraged that Israel has confiscated tons of medicine from the ship as well as toys and olive trees.
I demand that the boat, passengers and crew be released immediately and allowed to proceed with its mission of bring humanitarian aid to Gaza.
As former U.S. Congressperson and 2008 Presidential Candidate Cynthia McKinney said, "This is an outrageous violation of international law. Our boat was not in Israeli waters, and we were on a human rights mission to the Gaza Strip. President Obama just told Israel to let in humanitarian and reconstruction supplies, and that's exactly what we tried to do. We're asking the international community to demand our release so we can resume our journey."
According to an International Committee of the Red Cross report released on June 29, the Palestinians living in Gaza are "trapped in despair." Thousands of Gazans whose homes were destroyed earlier during Israel's December/January massacre are still without shelter despite pledges of almost $4.5 billion in aid, because Israel refuses to allow cement and other building material into the Gaza Strip. The report also notes that hospitals are struggling to meet the needs of their patients due to Israel's disruption of medical supplies.
"The aid we were carrying is a symbol of hope for the people of Gaza, hope that the sea route would open for them, and they would be able to transport their own materials to begin to reconstruct the schools, hospitals and thousands of homes destroyed during the onslaught of "Cast Lead". Our mission is a gesture to the people of Gaza that we stand by them and that they are not alone" said fellow passenger Mairead Maguire, winner of a Noble Peace Prize for her work in Northern Ireland.
Just before being kidnapped by Israel, Huwaida Arraf, Free Gaza Movement chairperson and delegation co-coordinator on this voyage, stated that: "No one could possibly believe that our small boat constitutes any sort of threat to Israel. We carry medical and reconstruction supplies, and children's toys. Our passengers include a Nobel peace prize laureate and a former U.S. congressperson. Our boat was searched and received a security clearance by Cypriot Port Authorities before we departed, and at no time did we ever approach Israeli waters."
Arraf continued, "Israel's deliberate and premeditated attack on our unarmed boat is a clear violation of international law and we demand our immediate and unconditional release."
I demand that the Obama Administration take immediate action to protest the violation of international law and obtain the release of the ship and those abducted, listed below, assure the access to Gaza of humanitarian aid and missions like that of the Spirit of Humanity and the upcoming humanitarian aid mission Viva Palestina headed by British MP George Galloway and Vietnam War veteran Ron Kovic and including hundreds of people from the United States. The Viva Palestina mission is scheduled to leave New York City on July 4, bound for Gaza.
I further demand the Obama Adminsitration take action to end immediately the brutal siege, blockade and occupation of Gaza.
Release the SPIRIT OF HUMANITY and all of the following human rights workers and crew NOW:
Khalad Abdelkader, Bahrain
Khalad is an engineer representing the Islamic Charitable Association of Bahrain.
Othman Abufalah, Jordan
Othman is a world-renowned journalist with al-Jazeera TV.
Khaled Al-Shenoo, Bahrain
Khaled is a lecturer with the University of Bahrain.
Mansour Al-Abi, Yemen
Mansour is a cameraman with Al-Jazeera TV.
Fatima Al-Attawi, Bahrain
Fatima is a relief worker and community activist from Bahrain.
Juhaina Alqaed, Bahrain
Juhaina is a journalist & human rights activist.
Huwaida Arraf, US
Huwaida is the Chair of the Free Gaza Movement and delegation co-coordinator for this voyage.
Ishmahil Blagrove, UK
Ishmahil is a Jamaican-born journalist, documentary film maker and founder of the Rice & Peas film production company. His documentaries focus on international struggles for social justice.
Kaltham Ghloom, Bahrain
Kaltham is a community activist.
Derek Graham, Ireland
Derek Graham is an electrician, Free Gaza organizer, and first mate aboard the Spirit of Humanity.
Alex Harrison, UK
Alex is a solidarity worker from Britain. She is traveling to Gaza to do long-term human rights monitoring.
Denis Healey, UK
Denis is Captain of the Spirit of Humanity. This will be his fifth voyage to Gaza.
Fathi Jaouadi, UK
Fathi is a British journalist, Free Gaza organizer, and delegation co-coordinator for this voyage.
Mairead Maguire, Ireland
Mairead is a Nobel laureate and renowned peace activist.
Lubna Masarwa, Palestine/Israel
Lubna is a Palestinian human rights activist and Free Gaza organizer.
Theresa McDermott, Scotland
Theresa is a solidarity worker from Scotland. She is traveling to Gaza to do long-term human rights monitoring.
Cynthia McKinney, US
Cynthia McKinney is an outspoken advocate for human rights and social justice issues, as well as a=2 0former U.S. congressperson and presidential candidate.
Adnan Mormesh, UK
Adnan is a solidarity worker from Britain. He is traveling to Gaza to do long-term human rights monitoring.
Adam Qvist, Denmark
Adam is a solidarity worker from Denmark. He is traveling to Gaza to do human rights monitoring.
Adam Shapiro, US
Adam is an American documentary film maker and human rights activist.
Kathy Sheetz, US
Kathy is a nurse and film maker, traveling to Gaza to do human rights monitoring.
Sign the petition online at http://www.iacenter.org/palestine/gazashippetition
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Tuesday, June 30, 2009
*URGENT* IMPORTANT CONSULTATION - July 1st - Sacramento "Carcieri v. Salazar"
IMPORTANT CONSULTATION - July 1st - Sacramento "Carcieri v. Salazar"
From: United Native Americans
Please Attend & or Forward On To All In Indian Country. . .
Dear Family and Friends
> We have been told that tomorrow, July 1, 2009 is a VERY important day.
> In a notice we received from Laura Davis, Associate Deputy Secretary of the Interior, Washington DC, it is stated that "The U.S. Supreme Cout issued an opinion interpreting a provision of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 ("IRA") that impacts the authority of the Secretary of the Interior to take land into trust for Tribes"
> "Please see attachment for more info"
> The importance is: "In keeping with Interior's commitment on government-to-government consultation.... key word being "CONSULTATION"....
> We were given a TIP that many VERY IMPORTANT officials, state and federal will be attending tomorrow's CONSULTATION....
> To all of you who have been following our plight for justice... we are asking you to attend the meeting(in force)scheduled for Wednesday, July 1, 2009 (9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.) - Hilton Sacramento Inn, Folsom room, Harvard Street, Sacramento, California (916) 922-4700
> Today, we received info that many important officials from DC are in Sacramento today and will be at the meeting tomorrow, including legislatures.
> Again... we were told... this is VERY IMPORTANT and officials are there to LISTEN... this would be a VERY GOOD OPPORTUNITY to get our critical situation brought to the awarness of these officials.
> Unfortunately for us (the Tribe) we are afraid that if we leave the tribal property, the San Joaquin County Sheriff's will seize the opportunity to overtake our Tribal office, so we cannot leave these grounds.
> We understand that this is quite a bit to ask of you... but many have asked what they can do to help us find a resolve to our issues and to get justice.... the irony is that our problem started in Sacramento and its fitting that the protest for justice for our Tribe, be brought up in Sacramento, again... consultation means that the officials are there to listen and anything of IMPORTANCE can be brought to the floor at that meeting.
> PLEASE BE OUR VOICE.... The opportunity is here and now... put a stop to the injustices being inflicted upon us... help right the wrongs... Independence Day for the U.S. is just around the corner... help our tribe gain independece from the outside interferences of the Gaming Developer Albert D. Seeno and his associates (Chadd Everone and Velma Whitebear) who have been tring to destroy us by spreading false rumors of a split tribe, and a leadership dispute. Their lies have caused the Bureau to wrongfully withhold our 638 contract for 2008/2009 and their criminal actions of deliberately given misinformation to the California Gambling Control Commission have caused CGCC to illegally withhold our RSTF (Revenue Sharing Trust Fund) monies of which in near or over 5 million dollars.
> There is no reason as to why we are sitting here pennyless, near homeless and IGNORED by not only the BIA but by Government Officials. We are a federally recgonized Tribe that is being abused and ignored... our suffering is great, our pain is great and through you are voice will be great..
> Our hearts are filled with hope... anyone who can attend tomorrow meeting on our behalf will be bringing justice to our cause.. for those who cannot attend... please keep us in your prayers and know that we are still here fighting to survive.. not only as our Tribe... but as Indian people.
> With much Respect and Many Blessings!!!
> Let our cries be heard and our prayers be answered
> /s/
> Silvia Burley
> Chairperson
> s.burley@californiavalleymiwoktribe-nsn.gov
> and the
> Tribal Council & Tribal Members of the California Valley Miwok Tribe
> office@cvmt.net
> Mailing Address Physical Address
> California Valley Miwok Tribe California Valley Miwok Tribe
> 1163 E. March Lane 10601 Escondido Pl
> Suite D-PMB#812 Stockton, California 95212
> Stockton, California 95210-4512
> Tribal Office 209.931.4567 or 209.487.9519
> Fax 209.931.4333 or 209.487.8579
> My Tribal Cell Phone 209.470.5963
> http://www.californiavalleymiwoktribe-nsn.gov
> http://californiavalleymiwoktribe.us
IMPORTANT CONSULTATION - July 1st - Sacramento "Carcieri v. Salazar"
From: United Native Americans
Please Attend & or Forward On To All In Indian Country. . .
Dear Family and Friends
> We have been told that tomorrow, July 1, 2009 is a VERY important day.
> In a notice we received from Laura Davis, Associate Deputy Secretary of the Interior, Washington DC, it is stated that "The U.S. Supreme Cout issued an opinion interpreting a provision of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 ("IRA") that impacts the authority of the Secretary of the Interior to take land into trust for Tribes"
> "Please see attachment for more info"
> The importance is: "In keeping with Interior's commitment on government-to-government consultation.... key word being "CONSULTATION"....
> We were given a TIP that many VERY IMPORTANT officials, state and federal will be attending tomorrow's CONSULTATION....
> To all of you who have been following our plight for justice... we are asking you to attend the meeting(in force)scheduled for Wednesday, July 1, 2009 (9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.) - Hilton Sacramento Inn, Folsom room, Harvard Street, Sacramento, California (916) 922-4700
> Today, we received info that many important officials from DC are in Sacramento today and will be at the meeting tomorrow, including legislatures.
> Again... we were told... this is VERY IMPORTANT and officials are there to LISTEN... this would be a VERY GOOD OPPORTUNITY to get our critical situation brought to the awarness of these officials.
> Unfortunately for us (the Tribe) we are afraid that if we leave the tribal property, the San Joaquin County Sheriff's will seize the opportunity to overtake our Tribal office, so we cannot leave these grounds.
> We understand that this is quite a bit to ask of you... but many have asked what they can do to help us find a resolve to our issues and to get justice.... the irony is that our problem started in Sacramento and its fitting that the protest for justice for our Tribe, be brought up in Sacramento, again... consultation means that the officials are there to listen and anything of IMPORTANCE can be brought to the floor at that meeting.
> PLEASE BE OUR VOICE.... The opportunity is here and now... put a stop to the injustices being inflicted upon us... help right the wrongs... Independence Day for the U.S. is just around the corner... help our tribe gain independece from the outside interferences of the Gaming Developer Albert D. Seeno and his associates (Chadd Everone and Velma Whitebear) who have been tring to destroy us by spreading false rumors of a split tribe, and a leadership dispute. Their lies have caused the Bureau to wrongfully withhold our 638 contract for 2008/2009 and their criminal actions of deliberately given misinformation to the California Gambling Control Commission have caused CGCC to illegally withhold our RSTF (Revenue Sharing Trust Fund) monies of which in near or over 5 million dollars.
> There is no reason as to why we are sitting here pennyless, near homeless and IGNORED by not only the BIA but by Government Officials. We are a federally recgonized Tribe that is being abused and ignored... our suffering is great, our pain is great and through you are voice will be great..
> Our hearts are filled with hope... anyone who can attend tomorrow meeting on our behalf will be bringing justice to our cause.. for those who cannot attend... please keep us in your prayers and know that we are still here fighting to survive.. not only as our Tribe... but as Indian people.
> With much Respect and Many Blessings!!!
> Let our cries be heard and our prayers be answered
> /s/
> Silvia Burley
> Chairperson
> s.burley@californiavalleymiwoktribe-nsn.gov
> and the
> Tribal Council & Tribal Members of the California Valley Miwok Tribe
> office@cvmt.net
> Mailing Address Physical Address
> California Valley Miwok Tribe California Valley Miwok Tribe
> 1163 E. March Lane 10601 Escondido Pl
> Suite D-PMB#812 Stockton, California 95212
> Stockton, California 95210-4512
> Tribal Office 209.931.4567 or 209.487.9519
> Fax 209.931.4333 or 209.487.8579
> My Tribal Cell Phone 209.470.5963
> http://www.californiavalleymiwoktribe-nsn.gov
> http://californiavalleymiwoktribe.us
Friday, June 26, 2009
City of Darien Ok With destruction of Creek & African American Graves
City of Darien Ok With destruction of Creek & African American Graves
Below is Ceylon Cemetery. The onwer, Mr. Callaway, fenced off one little middle section to appease a few families, brought in a half archaeologist, and did a half study. The county of McIntosh, Georgia thinks this is just hunky dorey. Now the city of Darien in McIntosh County (the county seat) has thrown it's hat in the ring and said that it's wonderful also. Mayor Kelly Spratt of the city of Darien is the current mayor.

Below is Ceylon Cemetery. The onwer, Mr. Callaway, fenced off one little middle section to appease a few families, brought in a half archaeologist, and did a half study. The county of McIntosh, Georgia thinks this is just hunky dorey. Now the city of Darien in McIntosh County (the county seat) has thrown it's hat in the ring and said that it's wonderful also. Mayor Kelly Spratt of the city of Darien is the current mayor.

Airport authority reverses its decision; pledges to answer community questions
Airport authority reverses its decision; pledges to answer community questions
Thursday, 25 June 2009
By D. Linsey Wisdom
News Editor
The airport authority will start answering the public’s questions about an expansion project in process despite earlier statements that the authority lacked the resources needed to respond.
Chairman Milles Gregory said on Wednesday that there was no set time in which people could expect answers, but answers were forthcoming.
“We are doing some research now. We have the environmental assessment, [EA] which is a very extensive report. We can answer most of the questions asked from that report,” Gregory said. “We don’t have any specific time frame to tell people.”
On June 11, The Macon County News reported that a letter sent by authority attorney Joe Collins stated that, “It is my opinion that neither Chairman Gregory nor any member of the Airport Authority are obligated to respond to your questionnaire, and I have advised them accordingly.”
Collins is out of the office this week and could not be reached for comment.
Gregory explained that the authority initially asked the public to submit questions in writing after the public submitted an overwhelming number of inquiries. He said he took the information to the attorney.
“Joe, as our attorney is doing a good job,” Gregory said. But, he said, Collins has only been on the job a short time and may not have been aware of the resources already available. Gregory said he stands by Collins’ initial decision, but on second examination he realized many of the questions could be answered from the EA.
“Joe was thinking about the time and resources it would take to conduct all of the research; he didn’t know it had already been done,” Gregory said.
Another reason for hesitation on answering questions was the threat of lawsuit from WildSouth.
In the meantime, the project is progressing smoothly with TRC Environmental completing its process of stripping and mapping the entire area affected by the planned expansion. Gregory said that portion of the project is slated for completion in late August.
When its work is done, TRC will compile all information in a book, including maps and pictures, which will then be distributed to the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, the Macon County Historical Society and the Macon County Library.
The process has already turned up interesting finds including the remains of a palisaded village which archaeologists previously had not known existed during this time period. After the researchers learn exactly what is at the site, it will be covered and remain intact in perpetuity.
“If we hadn’t begun this process, we’d never have known that stuff was there,” Gregory said. He said the compiled information would be used for educational purposes.
On request of the EBCI, there may be an opportunity for “public days” where the general public can come and view the site prior to completion. Cherokee representatives had earlier indicated they wanted the process shut down to the public, but has since requested the public days.
“I think it was the Cherokee Nation that did not want the process open, but since then the EBCI have approached us. I think they did something similar when they were building their school,” Gregory said.
Thursday, 25 June 2009
By D. Linsey Wisdom
News Editor
The airport authority will start answering the public’s questions about an expansion project in process despite earlier statements that the authority lacked the resources needed to respond.
Chairman Milles Gregory said on Wednesday that there was no set time in which people could expect answers, but answers were forthcoming.
“We are doing some research now. We have the environmental assessment, [EA] which is a very extensive report. We can answer most of the questions asked from that report,” Gregory said. “We don’t have any specific time frame to tell people.”
On June 11, The Macon County News reported that a letter sent by authority attorney Joe Collins stated that, “It is my opinion that neither Chairman Gregory nor any member of the Airport Authority are obligated to respond to your questionnaire, and I have advised them accordingly.”
Collins is out of the office this week and could not be reached for comment.
Gregory explained that the authority initially asked the public to submit questions in writing after the public submitted an overwhelming number of inquiries. He said he took the information to the attorney.
“Joe, as our attorney is doing a good job,” Gregory said. But, he said, Collins has only been on the job a short time and may not have been aware of the resources already available. Gregory said he stands by Collins’ initial decision, but on second examination he realized many of the questions could be answered from the EA.
“Joe was thinking about the time and resources it would take to conduct all of the research; he didn’t know it had already been done,” Gregory said.
Another reason for hesitation on answering questions was the threat of lawsuit from WildSouth.
In the meantime, the project is progressing smoothly with TRC Environmental completing its process of stripping and mapping the entire area affected by the planned expansion. Gregory said that portion of the project is slated for completion in late August.
When its work is done, TRC will compile all information in a book, including maps and pictures, which will then be distributed to the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, the Macon County Historical Society and the Macon County Library.
The process has already turned up interesting finds including the remains of a palisaded village which archaeologists previously had not known existed during this time period. After the researchers learn exactly what is at the site, it will be covered and remain intact in perpetuity.
“If we hadn’t begun this process, we’d never have known that stuff was there,” Gregory said. He said the compiled information would be used for educational purposes.
On request of the EBCI, there may be an opportunity for “public days” where the general public can come and view the site prior to completion. Cherokee representatives had earlier indicated they wanted the process shut down to the public, but has since requested the public days.
“I think it was the Cherokee Nation that did not want the process open, but since then the EBCI have approached us. I think they did something similar when they were building their school,” Gregory said.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
North Carolina remembering victims of forced sterilization program
North Carolina remembering victims of forced sterilization program
North Carolina remembering victims of forced sterilization program
http://www.mycentraljersey.com/article/20090622/NATIONWORLD/906220341/North+Carolina+remembering+victims+of+sterilization+programRALEIGH, N.C. — North Carolina recalled a regrettable side of its history on Monday by unveiling a roadside marker remembering poor people, mental patients and prisoners who were sterilized against their will by state officials.
The cast aluminum sign in downtown Raleigh provides a permanent remembrance of the program intended to keep thousands of people considered mentally disabled or otherwise genetically inferior from having children.
"This does represent one of the ugly chapters in North Carolina's history," said the Rev. William Barber, president of the state chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. "We have to deal with our past in order to have a better present and a stronger future."
More than 7,600 people were sterilized by "choice or coercion" under the state's so-called eugenics program between 1933 and 1973, according to the marker's text. North Carolina was one of more than two dozen states that ran such programs after social reformers began advocating for the approach a century ago.
"You did against God's will, because God's will was for us to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth in his image," sterilization victim Elaine Riddick, 55, of Dallas, Ga., said during a ceremony before the sign was revealed. "That's why he gave us such a big world."
Only about a third of the North Carolina victims still are alive, including some invited to attend the late afternoon ceremony about a block from where the state board that reviewed potential patient cases met.
North Carolina's program targeted the poor and people living in prisons and state institutions, among others. While officials obtained written consent from patients or their guardians, many didn't know what they were signing and were essentially coerced, state historians said.
Riddick, for example, was a rape victim who was sterilized soon after delivering a baby at age 14. She has said she couldn't have given consent because she was so young.
The state Eugenics Commission was abolished in 1977 after the Legislature transferred responsibility of the mentally ill to the court system.
After a series of newspaper stories about the program, then-Gov. Mike Easley apologized in late 2002 for the state's role in the sterilizations and the law allowing the sterilization was later abolished.
Efforts at giving financial compensation to victims began in 2003. Current Gov. Beverly Perdue and the Senate have set aside $250,000 in seed money in their respective budget plans to identify and develop a compensation plan.
A state House panel has recommended that the state give $20,000 to victims of the eugenics program, but the measure is unlikely to pass this year. The House bill that would begin payments now seeks $18.6 million — a difficult amount to obtain in a year in which lawmakers are facing a $4.6 billion budget gap.
Some lawmakers also want legislation to develop curricula in the public schools about the sterilizations.
A committee of university professors approved last December the marker, which costs about $1,500 to make and erect.
On the Web:
N.C. Highway Historical Marker Program: www.ncmarkers.com/
North Carolina remembering victims of forced sterilization program
http://www.mycentraljersey.com/article/20090622/NATIONWORLD/906220341/North+Carolina+remembering+victims+of+sterilization+programRALEIGH, N.C. — North Carolina recalled a regrettable side of its history on Monday by unveiling a roadside marker remembering poor people, mental patients and prisoners who were sterilized against their will by state officials.
The cast aluminum sign in downtown Raleigh provides a permanent remembrance of the program intended to keep thousands of people considered mentally disabled or otherwise genetically inferior from having children.
"This does represent one of the ugly chapters in North Carolina's history," said the Rev. William Barber, president of the state chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. "We have to deal with our past in order to have a better present and a stronger future."
More than 7,600 people were sterilized by "choice or coercion" under the state's so-called eugenics program between 1933 and 1973, according to the marker's text. North Carolina was one of more than two dozen states that ran such programs after social reformers began advocating for the approach a century ago.
"You did against God's will, because God's will was for us to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth in his image," sterilization victim Elaine Riddick, 55, of Dallas, Ga., said during a ceremony before the sign was revealed. "That's why he gave us such a big world."
Only about a third of the North Carolina victims still are alive, including some invited to attend the late afternoon ceremony about a block from where the state board that reviewed potential patient cases met.
North Carolina's program targeted the poor and people living in prisons and state institutions, among others. While officials obtained written consent from patients or their guardians, many didn't know what they were signing and were essentially coerced, state historians said.
Riddick, for example, was a rape victim who was sterilized soon after delivering a baby at age 14. She has said she couldn't have given consent because she was so young.
The state Eugenics Commission was abolished in 1977 after the Legislature transferred responsibility of the mentally ill to the court system.
After a series of newspaper stories about the program, then-Gov. Mike Easley apologized in late 2002 for the state's role in the sterilizations and the law allowing the sterilization was later abolished.
Efforts at giving financial compensation to victims began in 2003. Current Gov. Beverly Perdue and the Senate have set aside $250,000 in seed money in their respective budget plans to identify and develop a compensation plan.
A state House panel has recommended that the state give $20,000 to victims of the eugenics program, but the measure is unlikely to pass this year. The House bill that would begin payments now seeks $18.6 million — a difficult amount to obtain in a year in which lawmakers are facing a $4.6 billion budget gap.
Some lawmakers also want legislation to develop curricula in the public schools about the sterilizations.
A committee of university professors approved last December the marker, which costs about $1,500 to make and erect.
On the Web:
N.C. Highway Historical Marker Program: www.ncmarkers.com/
Parole Hearing for Peltier on July 27
Parole Hearing for Peltier on July 27
Please post and circulate widely.
For more information: Tony Gonzales-415-577-1492
Sampson Wolfe-408-5901347
AIM-WEST, a SF community based organization in support of rights for all Indigenous Peoples announces an urgent press conference in San Francisco on Friday, June 26, 2009 on behalf of Sundance Brother, and friend Leonard Peltier who appeals for help from you, now at this hour.
Brother Leonard Peltier has been given a PAROLE DATE HEARING NOW SCHEDULED FOR MONDAY, JULY 27, 2009! This is a call for a final effort for a major letter writing campaign within the next thirty days. The press and media is specially invited.
We wish to encourage the public, friends and supporters to write letters to the U.S. Parole Commission at the address listed below. This is the best opportunity Leonard has for a fair parole hearing in all of his 34 years in prison! Join with us and together tell the public that now is the time for Leonard’s release to freedom.
All drummers and singers are welcome. Organizations, social movements and representatives are encouraged to come and speak on behalf of their communities and networks. Come and stand with us to help push the iron doors wide open and seek the release of America’s number one American Indian being held hostage for a crime he did not commit.
AIM-WEST and supporters will meet for a noon rally Friday, June 26 at the Federal Building 450 Golden Gate Avenue (Polk and Seventh) beginning with a press conference at 11 am until 1 pm. June 26th also marks the anniversary of the shoot-out that occurred in 1975 on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.
--- On Fri, 5/22/09, Arthur J. Miller wrote:
From: Arthur J. Miller
Subject: Parole Hearing for Peltier on July 27
Subject: Parole Hearing for Peltier on July 27
> Leonard Peltier's first full parole hearing was held in 1993, at
> which time his case was continued for a 15-year reconsideration. On
> Wednesday, it was announced (in Portland, OR) that Mr. Peltier has
> recently applied for and been granted a parole hearing. The hearing
> is scheduled for July 27, 2009. All supporters are encouraged to
> step up their efforts in support of parole for Leonard Peltier.
> Letters in Support of Parole
> It is really important that everyone write letters in support of
> Leonard's petition for parole. These letters can be quite simple
> and should cover the basic points important for parole decisions. A
> sample letter follows. Feel free to use it, but know that it's even
> better if you write one in your own words. Be courteous and concise.
> Get as many people to sign similar letters, as well. Carry a sheaf of
> spare letters with you. Get one signature per letter, that is, rather
> than using a petition format. Mail them to the Parole Commission,
> but also send copies to the Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee
> (contact information below).
> Guidelines for General Supporters
> First, we ask that you sign the online at
> http://www.msplinks.com/http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/parole2008/.
> Next, draft correspondence to the U.S. Parole Commission. A sample
> letter follows.
> Sample Letter
> United States Parole Commission
> 5550 Friendship Boulevard
> Suite 420
> Chevy Chase, MD 20815-7286
> (Insert Date)
> Re: LEONARD PELTIER #89637-132
> Dear Commissioners,
> Convicted in connection with the deaths on June 26, 1975, of
> Ronald Williams and Jack Coler, agents of the Federal Bureau of
> Investigation, Mr. Leonard Peltier remains imprisoned at the United
> States Penitentiary in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania.
> The court record in this case clearly shows that government
> prosecutors have long held that they do not know who killed Mr. Coler
> and Mr. Williams nor what role Leonard Peltier "may have" played
> in the tragic shoot-out.
> Further, in a decision filed by the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals
> on December 18, 2002, Mr. Peltier's sentences "were imposed in
> violation of [Peltier's] due process rights because they were based
> on information that was false due to government misconduct," and,
> according to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, in 2003: ".Much
> of the government's behavior at the Pine Ridge Reservation and its
> prosecution of Leonard Peltier is to be condemned. The government
> withheld evidence. It intimidated witnesses. These facts are not
> disputed."
> Despite these admissions, Leonard Peltier has served over 33 years
> in prison.
> After careful consideration of the facts in Leonard Peltier's case,
> I have concluded that Leonard Peltier does not represent a risk to
> the public. First, Leonard Peltier has no prior convictions and has
> advocated for non-violence throughout his prison term. Furthermore,
> Leonard Peltier has been a model prisoner. He has received excellent
> evaluations from his work supervisors on a regular basis. He
> continues to mentor young Native prisoners, encouraging them to
> lead clean and sober lives. He has used his time productively,
> disciplining himself to be a talented painter and an expressive
> writer. Although Leonard Peltier maintains that he did not kill
> the agents, he has openly expressed remorse and sadness over
> their deaths.
> Most admirably, Mr. Peltier contributes regular support to those
> in need. He donates his paintings to charities including battered
> women's shelters, half way houses, alcohol and drug treatment
> programs, and Native American scholarship funds. He also coordinates
> an annual holiday gift drive for the children of the Pine Ridge
> Indian Reservation.
> Leonard Peltier is widely recognized for his good deeds and in
> turn has won several awards including the North Star Frederick
> Douglas Award; Federation of Labour (Ontario, Canada) Humanist of
> the Year Award; Human Rights Commission of Spain International
> Human Rights Prize; and 2004 Silver Arrow Award for Lifetime
> Achievement. Mr. Peltier also has been nominated for the Nobel
> Peace Prize six times.
> Leonard Peltier is now over 60 years of age-a great-grandfather-and
> suffers from partial blindness, diabetes, a heart condition, and
> high blood pressure.
> I recognize the grave nature of the events of June 26, 1975,
> and I extend my deepest sympathy to the families of those who
> died that day. However, I find aspects of this case to also be of
> concern and I believe Leonard Peltier deserves to be reunited with
> his family and allowed to live the remaining years of his life in
> peace. I also believe that, rather than presenting a threat to the
> public, Mr. Peltier's release would help to heal a wound that has
> long impeded better relations between the federal government and
> American Indians.
> Thank you for your time and consideration.
> Sincerely yours,
> Signature
> (Your Name)
> (Your Street Address)
> (Your City, State, and Zip Code)
> For Family and Friends
> As with any professional correspondence, your support letter should
> be on letterhead (if you have Microsoft Word or another similar
> program you can easily create professional-looking letterhead from
> a template). The letterhead should include all of your contact
> information including your name, address, phone number(s) and e-mail
> address if applicable.
> Describe your relationship with Leonard -- how do you know him, for
> how long, etc. Write about his character, and his accomplishments
> both before and during imprisonment. Discuss improvements made
> since being incarcerated such as education and his philanthropic
> work. Discuss Leonard's positive attitude and, despite his innocence,
> the fact that he has openly expressed remorse and sadness over the
> deaths that occurred on June 26, 1975.
> Finish your support letter by telling the Parole Board how you
> will support Leonard once he is granted parole. Your support might
> be financial, such as a place to live, use of a vehicle, or help
> finding job offers. Your support can also be emotional such as
> providing advice and encouragement.
> IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL SUPPORTERS: When you write a letter in support
> of Leonard's parole, mail the letter directly to the U.S. Parole
> Commission, but also please send a copy of your correspondence to
> the Peltier Legal Team, c/o LP-DOC, P.O. Box 7488, Fargo, ND 58106.
> Time to set him free... Because it is the RIGHT thing to do.
> Friends of Peltier
> http://www.FreePeltierNow.org
Thank you all my relations!!
Please post and circulate widely.
For more information: Tony Gonzales-415-577-1492
Sampson Wolfe-408-5901347
AIM-WEST, a SF community based organization in support of rights for all Indigenous Peoples announces an urgent press conference in San Francisco on Friday, June 26, 2009 on behalf of Sundance Brother, and friend Leonard Peltier who appeals for help from you, now at this hour.
Brother Leonard Peltier has been given a PAROLE DATE HEARING NOW SCHEDULED FOR MONDAY, JULY 27, 2009! This is a call for a final effort for a major letter writing campaign within the next thirty days. The press and media is specially invited.
We wish to encourage the public, friends and supporters to write letters to the U.S. Parole Commission at the address listed below. This is the best opportunity Leonard has for a fair parole hearing in all of his 34 years in prison! Join with us and together tell the public that now is the time for Leonard’s release to freedom.
All drummers and singers are welcome. Organizations, social movements and representatives are encouraged to come and speak on behalf of their communities and networks. Come and stand with us to help push the iron doors wide open and seek the release of America’s number one American Indian being held hostage for a crime he did not commit.
AIM-WEST and supporters will meet for a noon rally Friday, June 26 at the Federal Building 450 Golden Gate Avenue (Polk and Seventh) beginning with a press conference at 11 am until 1 pm. June 26th also marks the anniversary of the shoot-out that occurred in 1975 on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.
--- On Fri, 5/22/09, Arthur J. Miller
From: Arthur J. Miller
Subject: Parole Hearing for Peltier on July 27
Subject: Parole Hearing for Peltier on July 27
> Leonard Peltier's first full parole hearing was held in 1993, at
> which time his case was continued for a 15-year reconsideration. On
> Wednesday, it was announced (in Portland, OR) that Mr. Peltier has
> recently applied for and been granted a parole hearing. The hearing
> is scheduled for July 27, 2009. All supporters are encouraged to
> step up their efforts in support of parole for Leonard Peltier.
> Letters in Support of Parole
> It is really important that everyone write letters in support of
> Leonard's petition for parole. These letters can be quite simple
> and should cover the basic points important for parole decisions. A
> sample letter follows. Feel free to use it, but know that it's even
> better if you write one in your own words. Be courteous and concise.
> Get as many people to sign similar letters, as well. Carry a sheaf of
> spare letters with you. Get one signature per letter, that is, rather
> than using a petition format. Mail them to the Parole Commission,
> but also send copies to the Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee
> (contact information below).
> Guidelines for General Supporters
> First, we ask that you sign the online at
> http://www.msplinks.com/http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/parole2008/.
> Next, draft correspondence to the U.S. Parole Commission. A sample
> letter follows.
> Sample Letter
> United States Parole Commission
> 5550 Friendship Boulevard
> Suite 420
> Chevy Chase, MD 20815-7286
> (Insert Date)
> Re: LEONARD PELTIER #89637-132
> Dear Commissioners,
> Convicted in connection with the deaths on June 26, 1975, of
> Ronald Williams and Jack Coler, agents of the Federal Bureau of
> Investigation, Mr. Leonard Peltier remains imprisoned at the United
> States Penitentiary in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania.
> The court record in this case clearly shows that government
> prosecutors have long held that they do not know who killed Mr. Coler
> and Mr. Williams nor what role Leonard Peltier "may have" played
> in the tragic shoot-out.
> Further, in a decision filed by the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals
> on December 18, 2002, Mr. Peltier's sentences "were imposed in
> violation of [Peltier's] due process rights because they were based
> on information that was false due to government misconduct," and,
> according to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, in 2003: ".Much
> of the government's behavior at the Pine Ridge Reservation and its
> prosecution of Leonard Peltier is to be condemned. The government
> withheld evidence. It intimidated witnesses. These facts are not
> disputed."
> Despite these admissions, Leonard Peltier has served over 33 years
> in prison.
> After careful consideration of the facts in Leonard Peltier's case,
> I have concluded that Leonard Peltier does not represent a risk to
> the public. First, Leonard Peltier has no prior convictions and has
> advocated for non-violence throughout his prison term. Furthermore,
> Leonard Peltier has been a model prisoner. He has received excellent
> evaluations from his work supervisors on a regular basis. He
> continues to mentor young Native prisoners, encouraging them to
> lead clean and sober lives. He has used his time productively,
> disciplining himself to be a talented painter and an expressive
> writer. Although Leonard Peltier maintains that he did not kill
> the agents, he has openly expressed remorse and sadness over
> their deaths.
> Most admirably, Mr. Peltier contributes regular support to those
> in need. He donates his paintings to charities including battered
> women's shelters, half way houses, alcohol and drug treatment
> programs, and Native American scholarship funds. He also coordinates
> an annual holiday gift drive for the children of the Pine Ridge
> Indian Reservation.
> Leonard Peltier is widely recognized for his good deeds and in
> turn has won several awards including the North Star Frederick
> Douglas Award; Federation of Labour (Ontario, Canada) Humanist of
> the Year Award; Human Rights Commission of Spain International
> Human Rights Prize; and 2004 Silver Arrow Award for Lifetime
> Achievement. Mr. Peltier also has been nominated for the Nobel
> Peace Prize six times.
> Leonard Peltier is now over 60 years of age-a great-grandfather-and
> suffers from partial blindness, diabetes, a heart condition, and
> high blood pressure.
> I recognize the grave nature of the events of June 26, 1975,
> and I extend my deepest sympathy to the families of those who
> died that day. However, I find aspects of this case to also be of
> concern and I believe Leonard Peltier deserves to be reunited with
> his family and allowed to live the remaining years of his life in
> peace. I also believe that, rather than presenting a threat to the
> public, Mr. Peltier's release would help to heal a wound that has
> long impeded better relations between the federal government and
> American Indians.
> Thank you for your time and consideration.
> Sincerely yours,
> Signature
> (Your Name)
> (Your Street Address)
> (Your City, State, and Zip Code)
> For Family and Friends
> As with any professional correspondence, your support letter should
> be on letterhead (if you have Microsoft Word or another similar
> program you can easily create professional-looking letterhead from
> a template). The letterhead should include all of your contact
> information including your name, address, phone number(s) and e-mail
> address if applicable.
> Describe your relationship with Leonard -- how do you know him, for
> how long, etc. Write about his character, and his accomplishments
> both before and during imprisonment. Discuss improvements made
> since being incarcerated such as education and his philanthropic
> work. Discuss Leonard's positive attitude and, despite his innocence,
> the fact that he has openly expressed remorse and sadness over the
> deaths that occurred on June 26, 1975.
> Finish your support letter by telling the Parole Board how you
> will support Leonard once he is granted parole. Your support might
> be financial, such as a place to live, use of a vehicle, or help
> finding job offers. Your support can also be emotional such as
> providing advice and encouragement.
> IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL SUPPORTERS: When you write a letter in support
> of Leonard's parole, mail the letter directly to the U.S. Parole
> Commission, but also please send a copy of your correspondence to
> the Peltier Legal Team, c/o LP-DOC, P.O. Box 7488, Fargo, ND 58106.
> Time to set him free... Because it is the RIGHT thing to do.
> Friends of Peltier
> http://www.FreePeltierNow.org
Thank you all my relations!!
Patrica "Rusty" Martin, Walks On
Patrica "Rusty" Martin, Walks On
It is with heavy heart I send this thru the group. The loss of another elder. The short time I knew Unci was a blessing.
Many blessings to all, Teresa Anahuy http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FirstPeoplesNews
From: lakotaunci@comcast.net
Sent: Sunday, June 21, 2009 1:24 PM
Subject: Sad news, Patrica "Rusty" Martin
Hello everyone,
I bring sad news of the passing of a great woman, Rusty Patrica Martin left this earthly world at
10:53 pm on June 11, 2009. She was in the company of her husband Roy, adopted daughter Nina, and adopted granddaughter Susan.
She will be greatly missed by all. This email account will be up until the end of June and then it will close, if you wish to send a greeting to Roy you may do so thur Rusty's email (lakotaunci@comcast.net).
If you are already aware of Rusty's passing, we appologize for the email, but are trying to let all of her online friends and family know.
God Bless,
Nina (BrtMoon96@aol.com)
It is with heavy heart I send this thru the group. The loss of another elder. The short time I knew Unci was a blessing.
Many blessings to all, Teresa Anahuy http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FirstPeoplesNews
From: lakotaunci@comcast.net
Sent: Sunday, June 21, 2009 1:24 PM
Subject: Sad news, Patrica "Rusty" Martin
Hello everyone,
I bring sad news of the passing of a great woman, Rusty Patrica Martin left this earthly world at
10:53 pm on June 11, 2009. She was in the company of her husband Roy, adopted daughter Nina, and adopted granddaughter Susan.
She will be greatly missed by all. This email account will be up until the end of June and then it will close, if you wish to send a greeting to Roy you may do so thur Rusty's email (lakotaunci@comcast.net).
If you are already aware of Rusty's passing, we appologize for the email, but are trying to let all of her online friends and family know.
God Bless,
Nina (BrtMoon96@aol.com)
First People's News
Rally to Demand Justice for Vicky Stewart and all the Murdered Children: Sunday,
We Remember Vicky Stewart, age 9,
by United Church employee Ann Knizky at the Edmonton residential school
Rally to Remember Her, and to hold
the United Church Accountable!
Sunday, July 5
10:00 am
St. Andrew's Wesley United Church
corner of Nelson and Burrard st., downtown Vancouver
(or gather first at 9 am at carnegie centre, main & hastings)
Bring drums, banners and outrage!
A relative of Vicky will be present to speak
Like countless other children, Vicky Stewart was killed at a United Church residential school and her murderer never brought to justice.
The United Church's officers are collectively responsible and liable for her death. But they refuse to answer the Stewart family or agree to their demands:
1. That the church admit its killing and surrender those responsible;
2. That the church explain why it covered up her death;
3. That the church erect a memorial site for Vicky and pay reparations to her family;
4. That the United Church's head officers present themselves before an international inquiry into the murdered residential school children, and come clean about their genocide of native children.
Murderers in sheep's clothing - get off native land!
Justice for Vicky Stewart and all the innocent victims!
Sponsored by The Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared, and downtown eastside elders
Information: 1-888-265-1007 or this email.
Please post.
Link to media coverage of Vicky's murder:
Read and Hear the truth of Genocide in Canada, past and present, at this website: www.hiddenfromhistry.org
Film Trailer to Kevin's award-winning documentary film UNREPENTANT:
"Kevin is more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize than many who have received it in the past."
- Dr. Noam Chomsky
Institute Professor Emeritus
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"A courageous and inspiring man." (referring to Kevin Annett)
- Mairead Corrigan-Maguire
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
Belfast , Northern Ireland
"As a long time front line worker with the Elders' Council at the Downtown Eastside Women's Centre, I stand behind what Kevin Annett is trying to do for our people. The genocide that continues today and which stemmed from the residential schools needs to be exposed. Kevin Annett helps break the silence, and brings the voice of our people all over the world."
Carol Muree Martin - Spirit Tree Woman
Nisgaa Nation
"I gave Kevin Annett his Indian name, Eagle Strong Voice, in 2004 when I adopted him into our Anishinabe Nation. He carries that name proudly because he is doing the job he was sent to do, to tell his people of their wrongs. He speaks strongly and with truth. He speaks for our stolen and murdered children. I ask everyone to listen to him and welcome him."
Chief Louis Daniels - Whispers Wind
Elder, Turtle Clan, Anishinabe Nation
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Eagle Strong Voice, A.K.A. Kevin Annett hiddenfromhistory@yahoo.ca.
Teresa Anahuy
Mount Rushmore to honor WWII code talkers during Independence Day
June 22, 2009
A trio of Navajo code talkers from World War II will be among those receiving special recognition July 3 during this year's Independence Day ceremonies at Mount Rushmore National Memorial.
Arthur J. Hubbard Sr., Joe Morris and George B. Willie Sr. will be presented American flags during a flag-folding ceremony presided over by Rushmore superintendent Gerard Baker. Baker will be joined by the Wild Horse Bute Tokala Color Guard and the Ellsworth Air Force Base Honor Guard.
"The ingenuity and hard work of the Navajo code talkers were instrumental to the United States' success in World War II," Baker said in a news release. "It is an honor to have these three men with us for Mount Rushmore's Independence Day and to celebrate their contributions to America's fight for universal freedom."
A special feature of the ceremony will be the flags the three men will receive. Three American flags will be inside the B-1 bomber that will perform a 7 p.m. flyover at the memorial and will be given to the code talkers after the event.
Hubbard, Morris and Willie were three of more than 400 Native Americans between 1942 and 1945 who used their Native language to develop highly accurate and efficient codes to transmit military information in the Pacific theater. The undecipherable Navajo code took only minutes to transmit compared with the hours it took to translate messages in Morse code.
The Navajo code talkers served in all six Marine divisions and were praised for their central role in the United State's victory at Iwo Jima.
Hubbard served as an instructor of the code at Camp Elliott during the war. He later served as an Arizona state senator for 14 years and was the first Native American voted into the Arizona state senate.
Morris served as a corporal in the 22nd Marine Regiment and participated in the battles of Guadalcanal, Guam, Saipan, Okinawa and Tins Tao China.
Willie served in the 2nd Marine Division during the battle of Okinawa Ryukmu Island and the occupation of Japan from Sept. 23, 1945 until July 1, 1946.
If you go
What: Introduction of Navajo code talkers
When: Friday, July 3 at 6:45 p.m.
Where: Mount Rushmore Amphitheater stage
Teresa Anahuy
Denver Reception to Benefit NICWA | Thursday, July 30 @ Tocabe
Eddie Sherman posted an announcement: National Indian Child Welfare Association.
Phyllis Bigpond (NICWA Board Member), Darius Smith, Walt Pourier, Eddie Sherman, and the guys at Tocabe are delighted to invite you to a reception to benefit the National Indian Child Welfare Association (NICWA).
Please join us on for an evening of food and socializing while learning about NICWA's important work to improve the lives of American Indian children and families.
Come and enjoy the company of party hosts, community guests, and NICWA staff, and learn how you can support NICWA's efforts to improve the lives of American Indian children and families throughout the country.
All proceeds raised from this event will support NICWA and the communities we serve.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact Development Manager Eddie Sherman at 503.222.4044 or eddie@nicwa.org.
We hope you will join us in celebrating and recognizing the important work of NICWA.
Please visit the event webpage:
Teresa Anahuy
Seeking Leaders | A unique opportunity for middle managers in child welfare.
The Leadership Academy for Middle Managers is a five day national training program for middle managers who work in public and tribal child welfare systems and in private agencies that provide services traditionally provided by state child welfare agencies. They include child welfare administrators, assistant directors, program managers, program directors, and training managers from the following types of
. State, County, and Tribal child welfare agencies, including those at the central,regional, and district office levels . Private agencies under contract with States or counties to provide mandated child welfare services, such as foster care or child protective services investigations.
The LAMM is offered at no cost to participants or agencies. This includes all travel and lodging expenses for the five-day residential training. Funding is provided through the U.S. Children's Bureau.
More detailed information can also be found on www.ncwwi.org.
If You Have Questions:
Please contact Teresa Turner, LAMM Project Coordinator
(teresatl@email.unc.edu ) or
Katie Stella, LAMM Program Assistant (kstella@email.unc.edu , 919/966-5932).
From Eddie Sherman eddie@nicwa.org.
Teresa Anahuy
DOODA (NO) DESERT ROCK'S next event is on August 14 & 15, 2009 at the DDR Camp in Chaco Rio, NM.
For more details:
Teresa Anahuy
We Remember Vicky Stewart, age 9,
by United Church employee Ann Knizky at the Edmonton residential school
Rally to Remember Her, and to hold
the United Church Accountable!
Sunday, July 5
10:00 am
St. Andrew's Wesley United Church
corner of Nelson and Burrard st., downtown Vancouver
(or gather first at 9 am at carnegie centre, main & hastings)
Bring drums, banners and outrage!
A relative of Vicky will be present to speak
Like countless other children, Vicky Stewart was killed at a United Church residential school and her murderer never brought to justice.
The United Church's officers are collectively responsible and liable for her death. But they refuse to answer the Stewart family or agree to their demands:
1. That the church admit its killing and surrender those responsible;
2. That the church explain why it covered up her death;
3. That the church erect a memorial site for Vicky and pay reparations to her family;
4. That the United Church's head officers present themselves before an international inquiry into the murdered residential school children, and come clean about their genocide of native children.
Murderers in sheep's clothing - get off native land!
Justice for Vicky Stewart and all the innocent victims!
Sponsored by The Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared, and downtown eastside elders
Information: 1-888-265-1007 or this email.
Please post.
Link to media coverage of Vicky's murder:
Read and Hear the truth of Genocide in Canada, past and present, at this website: www.hiddenfromhistry.org
Film Trailer to Kevin's award-winning documentary film UNREPENTANT:
"Kevin is more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize than many who have received it in the past."
- Dr. Noam Chomsky
Institute Professor Emeritus
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"A courageous and inspiring man." (referring to Kevin Annett)
- Mairead Corrigan-Maguire
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
Belfast , Northern Ireland
"As a long time front line worker with the Elders' Council at the Downtown Eastside Women's Centre, I stand behind what Kevin Annett is trying to do for our people. The genocide that continues today and which stemmed from the residential schools needs to be exposed. Kevin Annett helps break the silence, and brings the voice of our people all over the world."
Carol Muree Martin - Spirit Tree Woman
Nisgaa Nation
"I gave Kevin Annett his Indian name, Eagle Strong Voice, in 2004 when I adopted him into our Anishinabe Nation. He carries that name proudly because he is doing the job he was sent to do, to tell his people of their wrongs. He speaks strongly and with truth. He speaks for our stolen and murdered children. I ask everyone to listen to him and welcome him."
Chief Louis Daniels - Whispers Wind
Elder, Turtle Clan, Anishinabe Nation
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Eagle Strong Voice, A.K.A. Kevin Annett hiddenfromhistory@yahoo.ca.
Teresa Anahuy
Mount Rushmore to honor WWII code talkers during Independence Day
June 22, 2009
A trio of Navajo code talkers from World War II will be among those receiving special recognition July 3 during this year's Independence Day ceremonies at Mount Rushmore National Memorial.
Arthur J. Hubbard Sr., Joe Morris and George B. Willie Sr. will be presented American flags during a flag-folding ceremony presided over by Rushmore superintendent Gerard Baker. Baker will be joined by the Wild Horse Bute Tokala Color Guard and the Ellsworth Air Force Base Honor Guard.
"The ingenuity and hard work of the Navajo code talkers were instrumental to the United States' success in World War II," Baker said in a news release. "It is an honor to have these three men with us for Mount Rushmore's Independence Day and to celebrate their contributions to America's fight for universal freedom."
A special feature of the ceremony will be the flags the three men will receive. Three American flags will be inside the B-1 bomber that will perform a 7 p.m. flyover at the memorial and will be given to the code talkers after the event.
Hubbard, Morris and Willie were three of more than 400 Native Americans between 1942 and 1945 who used their Native language to develop highly accurate and efficient codes to transmit military information in the Pacific theater. The undecipherable Navajo code took only minutes to transmit compared with the hours it took to translate messages in Morse code.
The Navajo code talkers served in all six Marine divisions and were praised for their central role in the United State's victory at Iwo Jima.
Hubbard served as an instructor of the code at Camp Elliott during the war. He later served as an Arizona state senator for 14 years and was the first Native American voted into the Arizona state senate.
Morris served as a corporal in the 22nd Marine Regiment and participated in the battles of Guadalcanal, Guam, Saipan, Okinawa and Tins Tao China.
Willie served in the 2nd Marine Division during the battle of Okinawa Ryukmu Island and the occupation of Japan from Sept. 23, 1945 until July 1, 1946.
If you go
What: Introduction of Navajo code talkers
When: Friday, July 3 at 6:45 p.m.
Where: Mount Rushmore Amphitheater stage
Teresa Anahuy
Denver Reception to Benefit NICWA | Thursday, July 30 @ Tocabe
Eddie Sherman posted an announcement: National Indian Child Welfare Association.
Phyllis Bigpond (NICWA Board Member), Darius Smith, Walt Pourier, Eddie Sherman, and the guys at Tocabe are delighted to invite you to a reception to benefit the National Indian Child Welfare Association (NICWA).
Please join us on for an evening of food and socializing while learning about NICWA's important work to improve the lives of American Indian children and families.
Come and enjoy the company of party hosts, community guests, and NICWA staff, and learn how you can support NICWA's efforts to improve the lives of American Indian children and families throughout the country.
All proceeds raised from this event will support NICWA and the communities we serve.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact Development Manager Eddie Sherman at 503.222.4044 or eddie@nicwa.org.
We hope you will join us in celebrating and recognizing the important work of NICWA.
Please visit the event webpage:
Teresa Anahuy
Seeking Leaders | A unique opportunity for middle managers in child welfare.
The Leadership Academy for Middle Managers is a five day national training program for middle managers who work in public and tribal child welfare systems and in private agencies that provide services traditionally provided by state child welfare agencies. They include child welfare administrators, assistant directors, program managers, program directors, and training managers from the following types of
. State, County, and Tribal child welfare agencies, including those at the central,regional, and district office levels . Private agencies under contract with States or counties to provide mandated child welfare services, such as foster care or child protective services investigations.
The LAMM is offered at no cost to participants or agencies. This includes all travel and lodging expenses for the five-day residential training. Funding is provided through the U.S. Children's Bureau.
More detailed information can also be found on www.ncwwi.org.
If You Have Questions:
Please contact Teresa Turner, LAMM Project Coordinator
(teresatl@email.unc.edu ) or
Katie Stella, LAMM Program Assistant (kstella@email.unc.edu , 919/966-5932).
From Eddie Sherman eddie@nicwa.org.
Teresa Anahuy
DOODA (NO) DESERT ROCK'S next event is on August 14 & 15, 2009 at the DDR Camp in Chaco Rio, NM.
For more details:
Teresa Anahuy
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
They Can Take Anything But Our Spirit
How many Indigenous People, for that matter, all oppressed people can Identify with this?
Embed code>>
This video is from Nico Pitney’s live-blogging of the Iranian election protests on Huffington Post.
During the night, protestors shout “Allaho Akbar” to one another, as a sign that their protest still lives.
Part way through the video, a woman speaks. This is a translation of what she is saying:
The woman in this video is saying something that really touched me. She is saying that they can take our phones, our internet, all our communication away, but we are showing that by saying “allaho akbar” we can find each other. She ends it my saying that tonight they are crying out to god for help.
It sends chills down my back. I have so much respect and admiration for the courage of the Iranian people.
Embed code>>
This video is from Nico Pitney’s live-blogging of the Iranian election protests on Huffington Post.
During the night, protestors shout “Allaho Akbar” to one another, as a sign that their protest still lives.
Part way through the video, a woman speaks. This is a translation of what she is saying:
The woman in this video is saying something that really touched me. She is saying that they can take our phones, our internet, all our communication away, but we are showing that by saying “allaho akbar” we can find each other. She ends it my saying that tonight they are crying out to god for help.
It sends chills down my back. I have so much respect and admiration for the courage of the Iranian people.
Monday, June 22, 2009
The Miwok Response To Allegations Against Them
The Miwok Response To Allegations Against Them
I fairness to all parties involved, the founder of Save The Sacred Sites Alliance has asked me to send this FYI to everyone.
> > Sent: Sunday, June 21, 2009 3:53:09 PM GMT -08:00
> US/Canada
> > Pacific
> > Subject: Re: List of CA Legislator's
> >
> > To: Corrin, et., al.. , from Silvia Burley,
> > Chairperson June 21, 2009
> >
> > In response to your email, we are in receipt of your
> email
> > of June 18th, I’m sorry if we weren’t able to
> reply to
> > you as timely as you would have liked regarding the
> > information you forwarded. We’re currently in a
> > and people here are on edge, skittish, worried …..
> I’ve
> > been trying to keep things CALM!!! We made many
> calls,
> > emails, etc… and have been receiving an enormous
> response
> > from the public. As for AIM, I know a couple of AIM
> members
> > came by a couple days ago to assess the situation and
> to ask
> > how we were doing, other than that, I don’t know if
> AIM is
> > involved or not???? I REALLY DON’T KNOW…..
> >
> > Thank you for bringing this up. These kind of
> > questions are exactly what need to be answered and I
> am more
> > than willing to get the truth out there.
> >
> > First of all, it is true that our Tribe had contacted
> Mr.
> > Banks awhile back in regards to asking for his help to
> stop
> > outside influences (non-Indians like Chadd Everone and
> A.D.
> > Seeno Jr) from being allowed to interfere in to our
> > internal Tribal Governmental Affairs. As some of you
> may
> > have noticed on our DOT GOV website, we had not
> disclosed
> > our Tribal information prior to 1997/1998 due to the
> fact
> > that Chadd Everone was stealing our history and
> shaping it
> > to fit his own agenda of how our Tribe began....
> >
> > Our Tribe does not consist of just one family. Our
> Tribe
> > was formerly known as the Sheep Ranch Rancheria of
> Me-Wuk
> > Indians of California and because so many people kept
> asking
> > us how many sheep do we own, or how big is our ranch,
> we
> > finally decided to officially change our name to the
> > California Valley Miwok Tribe, because we are not
> Sheep
> > Ranch Indians but we are MIWOK.
> > We are not a Tillie Hardwick Tribe, nor was our Tribe
> ever
> > terminated. Mr. Yakima Dixie was never a hereditary
> Chief,
> > nor were any of his brothers. Hattie Hemandez (my
> > Grandfather Manuel Jeff’s sister) stated on the
> 1928
> > Application for Enrollment with the State of
> California
> > under the Act of May 18, 1928 (45 Stat L 602) that her
> first
> > husband Joe Hodge died in 1913) Mable Hodge Dixie
> (Yakima
> > Dixie’s mother) was born in 1918 in Angels Camp,
> > California, five years after Joe Hodge died. Hattie
> > also states that her second husband Raymond Hermandez
> is
> > from Mexico. Our Tribe also has in its possession a
> death
> > certificate stating that Joe Hodge committed suicide
> and his
> > ethnicity was recorded as Black.
> >
> > It hurts us to once again see people forwarding these
> > untrue rumors out to the public without coming to the
> Tribe
> > and seeing first-hand our factual documentation for
> > themselves, but that’s ok… we understand that you
> > believe its for the best that the Tribe speak up and
> tell
> > what is REALLY going on.
> >
> > We have file cabinets of information proving are
> ancestry
> > and Miwok lineage to the Sheep Ranch Rancheria (and
> many
> > governmental documents and BIA correspondence that
> dates
> > years prior to any such person’s coming in and
> interfering
> > in to our governmental affairs. Individuals such as
> Velma
> > “Corea” Whitebear who grew up in Fresno,
> California and
> > her father being from Portugal. Her grandfather being
> from
> > Mexico….. Chadd Everone (non-Indian) calling
> himself
> > Doctor Internet, says he has a Ph.D from Berkeley and
> who
> > hides behind the curtain so to speak because the
> address he
> > uses is a Wells Fargo Bank in Berkeley, CA. Mr.
> > Everone is good friends of Le Roi Chapelle and William
> Bill
> > Martin (original Developers, who want to build a
> casino) and
> > who eventually brought Mr. Albert D. Seeno Jr. into
> the
> > picture. And as for Mr. Yakima Dixie (who Is in and
> out of
> > prison each and every year (with a lengthy violent
> criminal
> > history including murder, sexual assault and battery,
> > burglary, etc…)
> >
> > Disenrollment is a MAJOR issue but there are times
> (and
> > each Tribe has its own set of rules it follows) when
> in the
> > best interest of the Tribe and its members, it
> becomes
> > necessary to take that road. I don’t know about the
> cases
> > of where people are getting dis-enrolled due to the
> > distribution of casino funds…. All I know is what
> our
> > Tribal issue was. We have correspondence from the
> Bureau of
> > Indian Affairs in which Mr. Dixie’s allegations
> were
> > brought against me as the Chairperson.
> > Mr. Dixie was afforded DUE PROCESS to bring his
> > allegations before the Tribal forum, Mr. Dixie did
> not
> > present any evidence to the Tribe or to the BIA , as
> a
> > matter of fact, Mr. Dixie sat at official Tribal
> Meetings
> > for months, signing in as Vice Chairman, even in the
> > presence of BIA Officials who were in attendance (but
> of
> > course, Mr. Everone, Velma Whitebear or everyone else
> > wouldn’t know this because they aren’t part of
> our
> > Tribe, nor were they anywhere around until Prop-5 and
> Prop
> > 1-A passed and the our Tribe started looking like a $$
> pit
> > for greedy developers to make easy money.
> >
> > It is true that we are related to Mr. Yakima Dixe and
> at
> > one time, he was the Spokesperson but we did hold an
> > official election in 1998 with the Central California
> Agency
> > Bureau of Indian Affairs Representatives present at
> our
> > election. Mr. Dixie was elected Chairperson and I was
> > elected Secretary, at that time, the position for
> Vice
> > Chairperson remained vacant.
> > If you want the time line on the exact date and times
> …
> > go to our DOT GOV website and click on Archives the
> Tribal
> > TIMELINE is from May 1997-March 2009.
> > Yakima Dixie resigned in April 1999 he called the
> tribe to
> > set up a date for a new election of officers (we have
> the
> > original signature page in ink, in his own writing)
> the new
> > election of officers date was set for May 8, 1999. I
> was
> > elected Chairperson, Mr. Dixie was elected Vice
> Chairperson
> > and Rashel Reznor was elected Secretary-Treasurer.
> The
> > certification is on file at the Bureau of Indian
> Affairs.
> > (Unbeknownst to the Tribe, it was not until Mr. Le
> Roi
> > Chapelle and Mr. William Bill Martin signed a casino
> deal)
> > that the story was concocted to lead people to believe
> that
> > there was a leadership dispute.
> >
> > In the year 2000 when Mr. Chadd Everone was brought in
> by
> > Mr. Chapelle and Mr. Martin is when the outside
> interference
> > began and our Tribe began fighting developers with
> $$$
> > wanting to destroy us so that they and Yakima Dixie
> could
> > build a casino. False documents were sent to the BIA
> by
> > these individuals and the lies began to build. Our
> Tribe had
> > to use its RSTF monies to fight frivolous law suits,
> and
> > still try to run its Tribal Programs also using the
> > monies to cover shortfalls to keep our programs in
> tact
> > while waiting for Congress to appropriate the next
> fiscal
> > year funding.
> > Unfortunately for us, we are a landless Tribe that has
> to
> > pay housing taxes and land taxes just like any other
> citizen
> > of the United States. We do not have trust land to
> build any
> > kind of economic development of which the Tribe can
> sustain
> > itself. And the greedy developers used that fact that
> an
> > individual in our Tribe has an individual allotment of
> land
> > for which he did not need to worry how long it took
> his
> > associates to destroy us. Mr. Dixie cares nothing
> about
> > preserving the Miwok culture otherwise he wouldn’t
> be in
> > and out of prison each year (especially for violence
> against
> > women). All Mr. Dixie cares about is getting casino
> money so
> > he can show off that he is something BIG other than
> the
> > habitual criminal he is. He and his associates should
> be in
> > prison for Identity Theft, Fraud, and for conspiring
> to
> > interfere into our internal Tribal Governmental
> Affairs.
> >
> > Awhile back I did contact Mr. Banks because we were
> tired
> > of Chadd Everone continually getting his nose into
> our
> > Tribal affairs and instigating Mr. Dixie to go along
> with
> > lying to the Bureau Officials.
> >
> > False documents were being forwarded to the Bureau
> (written
> > up by Mr. Everone and Mr. Dixie (mostly from his
> prison
> > cell) was more than happy to sign anything as long as
> cash
> > $$ was coming his way that he didn’t have to declare
> to
> > the IRS. Well Mr. Everone puts this smoke screen out
> there
> > that poor Yakima has this tiny little house in Sheep
> Ranch
> > (of which he’s hardly there anyway because the
> prison cell
> > is more his home than that piece of land) they tend to
> leave
> > out the fact that he uses that land as a SAFE HAEN to
> run
> > back to each time he is released from prison. Maybe if
> he
> > had to worry about his land being taken away (like
> what has
> > happened to the Tribe) then he wouldn’t have so much
> extra
> > time on his hands to get involved with non-Indian
> developers
> > who are dead set on destroying the legitimate Tribe
> and
> > replacing us with their phony tribe lead by a
> murderous
> > felon (who murdered my great uncle Lenny Jeff in 1978,
> Be in
> > known that Lenny was also on the Distribution List
> along
> > with Mable Hodge Dixie). They happened to be arguing
> about
> > the land when Yakima murdered him.
> >
> > Lenny’s blood level was 3times the level of being
> drunk
> > and he had one leg. Yakima drug him off the couch,
> > repeatedly stabbed him in the heart and lungs and shot
> him 3
> > times in the face and then went to the bar to have a
> drink
> > (with Lenny’s body in the trunk of the car) after
> his
> > drink, he took Lenny to the Avery dump and threw his
> body
> > there). While in Jail, he told his girlfriend to say
> that
> > her son killed Lenny Jeff, when she said NO… he then
> tried
> > to blame it on his dad Romie Dixie. This information
> is in
> > the court documents.
> >
> > After putting up with Mr. Dixie’s continued death
> threats
> > against Tribal Members the Tribe warned Mr. Dixie that
> he
> > should quit telling lies about the Tribe and actually
> do
> > something positive by participating in the Tribal
> > activities. Mr. Dixie and his associates (3rd group
> of
> > phonies) sent notice to us that they now are the Sheep
> Ranch
> > Tribe, we warned him that he cannot be in two Tribes
> and he
> > can call himself whatever he wanted to but if he
> starts up a
> > new tribe he could be dis-enrolled from the
> California
> > Valley Miwok Tribe.
> > Mr. Everone, Mr. Chapelle, Mr Martin and Velma
> Whitebear
> > sent documents to the BIA saying they are the Sheep
> Ranch
> > Tribe. Our Tribe has official documentation that the
> > disenrollment process took place and after about a 9
> -12
> > month ‘DUE PROCESS” Mr. Dixie was dis-enrolled. I
> think
> > that was near the end of 2005.
> >
> > 1. Previously, we were asking the
> > American Indian Movement to help us get Mr. Everone
> and Mr.
> > A.D. Seeno Jr. out of our internal Governmental
> Affairs
> > (they are not Indian and have no business causing
> havoc
> > within our tribal governmental affairs just so they
> can get
> > a casino developed in our area, since Indian Casinos
> are
> > taking profits away from Nevada casino owners. If Mr.
> Dixie
> > wants to be a good citizen and come back to the Tribe
> than
> > he should STOP being used by greedy developers, and
> reapply
> > to the Tribe and STOP using his associates to
> intimidate our
> > Tribal Members and individual applicants who are
> coming to
> > the Tribe to go through the rightful enrollment
> process.
> >
> > 2. I’m sorry but due to DEATH
> > THREATS…. The majority of the Tribe does not want me
> to
> > release the information of how many members are in
> our
> > Tribe.
> >
> > 3. Yes, the property at 10601 Escondido
> > Pl., Stockton California 95212 was being purchased
> with our
> > Revenue Sharing Trust Fund Monies. I, Silvia Burley,
> > Chairperson was asked by the Tribe to use my credit
> because
> > the Tribe had no credit history. I signed the loan,
> the
> > Tribe paid its down payment and made every payment
> after
> > that. The deed is in the Tribe’s name (the Tribe is
> the
> > owner of the property) and I never used any tax right
> offs
> > or credits. We have internal documents that gives’
> the
> > necessary authority. We have passed all federal and
> state
> > audits. Everything is legal. Again, there are people
> out
> > there who do not know the internal documents that were
> given
> > to the BIA, et., al regarding the purchase of the
> property
> > because its none of their business. I know of no other
> Tribe
> > who goes out and tells their Tribal Financial affairs
> to
> > people who are not in the Tribe.
> >
> > 4. The justification for purchasing
> > Tribal property is so that the Tribe would have a
> place to
> > conduct its Tribal Affairs, Tribal Programs and for
> Tribal
> > Members to live as need be. Remember, we have no TRUST
> > we are a landless Tribe. We are the Tribe and we are
> making
> > ends meet the best we can.
> >
> > 5. YES! We are enrolled Tribal Members
> > (please see our Time line on our DOT GOV Website).
> It’s
> > our names that our on file at the Bureau of Indian
> Affairs
> > not the phony group of individuals who are in
> possession of
> > fake $5.00 dollar cards issued to them by Chadd
> Everone and
> > Velma Whitebear.
> >
> > 6. We are a federally recognized Miwok
> > Tribe that has suffered many years of abuse, what is
> > happening to us now is another reason as to why we
> felt it
> > important to stand our ground. We are tired of people
> > believing the worse of us (as Indians) and are
> extremely
> > tired of the word of non-Indians and criminals holding
> more
> > creditability than us. WE ARE THE CALIFORNIA VALLEY
> > TRIBE… it’s shameful that we have to continue to
> defend
> > ourselves. It’s our Tribal Members who elect our
> > Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Secretary
> Treasurer.
> > It’s our Tribal Members who have to put up with the
> > THREATHS on a daily basis. It is US who has been
> fighting
> > the BIG $$$$ Casino Developers from stealing our
> Tribal
> > heritage and it is US who are now standing our ground
> to
> > save our only home we have.
> >
> > We would GLADLY welcome a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION into
> the
> > actions of Albert D. Seeno Jr., Chadd Everone (the
> man
> > behind the curtain who is pulling the strings and
> raising
> > the SMOKE SCREEN), Velma Whitebear, Yakima Dixie,
> Troy
> > Burdick, Superintendent of CCA/BIA, Tim Vollman,
> Peter
> > Melnicoe, Arlo Smith, and Scott Keep.
> >
> > 7. ADDED BONUS: We’re sleeping ok at
> > night… are they??? The one thing they will NEVER
> have is
> > our culture, heritage or linage … its our blood and
> we are
> > taking it with us!!
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Corine"
> > To: "s burley",
> > "Sharon Lungo",
> > "Jennafer Yellowhorse"
> > Cc: "wass laura",
> > "Mark",
> > "Graywolf",
> > "Patricia Pena"
> > Sent: Sunday, June 21, 2009 11:53:06 AM GMT -08:00
> > US/Canada Pacific
> > Subject: Re: List of CA Legislator's
> >
> >
> >
> > Dear Friends and Allies;
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > This is an update on the Central Valley Miwok Tribe.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > AIM Santa Barbara gave Sylvia Burley some referrals
> and
> > resources on thursday June 18th, that might be able
> to
> > assist her at this present time. We have not heard
> back
> > from her if it was helpful or not. We hope it was.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > The American Indian Movement in California is working
> as a
> > cohesive movement. Our chapters remain in close
> contact
> > with one another to become efficient and effective.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > After making many phone calls and putting out many
> > inquiries, this is the information that we have been
> able to
> > compile, and this of course brought us some questions:
> >
> > “ Central Valley Miwok Tribe was once called the
> Sheep
> > Ranch Tribe. There was only one member at the time
> that
> > was re-recognized after the Termination Period. His
> name
> > is Yakama Dixie. Yakama Dixie enrolled Sylvia and
> her
> > family and after a couple of years they DISENROLLED
> HIM.
> > Sylvia and her family took tons of money from the feds
> and
> > built themselves high end homes and began setting out
> for
> > gaming. The feds moved on this when they saw what
> > happened to the money and how Sylvia stole from our
> Indian
> > Country. They refused to recognize her and now this
> is the
> > result.”
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Ms. Burley was told by AIM Director, Laura Wass,
> that
> > this is not an issue AIM will become involved in
> because
> >
> >
> > Þ disenrollment issue
> >
> >
> > Þ The monies taken from the tribe and not for
> the
> > purpose intended.
> >
> >
> > Þ National Field Director, Dennis Banks ,
> stated we
> > will not participate, (it is understood that Sylvia
> called
> > him as well about 3-4 years ago).
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > If Sylvia wishes to add anything or dispute the above
> > information, she is welcome to do so, and in doing
> so,
> > please answer the following questions:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 1) What do you wish the American Indian
> > Movement’s involvement to be? What do you want us to
> do to
> > aid your current situation?
> >
> >
> > 2) Exactly how many people are in the tribe?
> (We
> > have gotten mixed reports)
> >
> >
> > 3) Did Sylvia or her family build or purchase
> a
> > house (or homes) with tribal money?
> >
> >
> > 4) If so, what is the justification for it?
> >
> >
> > 5) Are Sylvia and her family actually
> enrolled
> > tribal members? When did they become enrolled?
> >
> >
> > 6) What has been the role and stand of the entire
> Miwok
> > Nation on this issue?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Respectfully,
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Michael Fairbanks, Director
> >
> >
> > American Indian Movement
> >
> >
> > Santa Barbara
> >
> >
> >
> > Corine Fairbanks
> > American Indian Movement Santa Barbara , CA
> > www.aimsb.org
> > http://www.myspace.com/aimsantabarbara
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --- On Sat, 6/20/09, Jennafer Yellowhorse
> > wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > From: Jennafer Yellowhorse
> >
> > Subject: List of CA Legislator's
> > To: "Corine Fairbanks",
> > s.burley@californiavalleymiwoktribe-nsn.gov,
> > "Sharon Lungo"
> >
> > Date: Saturday, June 20, 2009, 6:57 PM
> >
> >
> > Here's a list. I'm not sure if Sharon got you that
> press
> > list yet or not,
> > but I'm cc'ing her as well.
> >
> > We look forward to an update on the situation, I know
> that
> > you are very
> > busy! We are simply concerned about how things are
> going.
> >
> >
> > Jennafer
> >
> > <+> <+> <+> <+> <+>
> > <+> <+> <+> <+>
> >
> > Jennafer Yellowhorse
> > Big Mountain Coal'tion
> > P.O. Box 235, Santa Monica, CA 90406
> > jyellowhorse@earthlink.net
> >
> > www.myspace.com/bigmountaincoalition
> > www.myspace.com/bigmountainsacredtrust
> >
> >
I fairness to all parties involved, the founder of Save The Sacred Sites Alliance has asked me to send this FYI to everyone.
> > Sent: Sunday, June 21, 2009 3:53:09 PM GMT -08:00
> US/Canada
> > Pacific
> > Subject: Re: List of CA Legislator's
> >
> > To: Corrin, et., al.. , from Silvia Burley,
> > Chairperson June 21, 2009
> >
> > In response to your email, we are in receipt of your
> > of June 18th, I’m sorry if we weren’t able to
> reply to
> > you as timely as you would have liked regarding the
> > information you forwarded. We’re currently in a
> > and people here are on edge, skittish, worried …..
> I’ve
> > been trying to keep things CALM!!! We made many
> calls,
> > emails, etc… and have been receiving an enormous
> response
> > from the public. As for AIM, I know a couple of AIM
> members
> > came by a couple days ago to assess the situation and
> to ask
> > how we were doing, other than that, I don’t know if
> AIM is
> > involved or not???? I REALLY DON’T KNOW…..
> >
> > Thank you for bringing this up. These kind of
> > questions are exactly what need to be answered and I
> am more
> > than willing to get the truth out there.
> >
> > First of all, it is true that our Tribe had contacted
> Mr.
> > Banks awhile back in regards to asking for his help to
> stop
> > outside influences (non-Indians like Chadd Everone and
> A.D.
> > Seeno Jr) from being allowed to interfere in to our
> > internal Tribal Governmental Affairs. As some of you
> may
> > have noticed on our DOT GOV website, we had not
> disclosed
> > our Tribal information prior to 1997/1998 due to the
> fact
> > that Chadd Everone was stealing our history and
> shaping it
> > to fit his own agenda of how our Tribe began....
> >
> > Our Tribe does not consist of just one family. Our
> Tribe
> > was formerly known as the Sheep Ranch Rancheria of
> Me-Wuk
> > Indians of California and because so many people kept
> asking
> > us how many sheep do we own, or how big is our ranch,
> we
> > finally decided to officially change our name to the
> > California Valley Miwok Tribe, because we are not
> Sheep
> > Ranch Indians but we are MIWOK.
> > We are not a Tillie Hardwick Tribe, nor was our Tribe
> ever
> > terminated. Mr. Yakima Dixie was never a hereditary
> Chief,
> > nor were any of his brothers. Hattie Hemandez (my
> > Grandfather Manuel Jeff’s sister) stated on the
> 1928
> > Application for Enrollment with the State of
> California
> > under the Act of May 18, 1928 (45 Stat L 602) that her
> first
> > husband Joe Hodge died in 1913) Mable Hodge Dixie
> (Yakima
> > Dixie’s mother) was born in 1918 in Angels Camp,
> > California, five years after Joe Hodge died. Hattie
> > also states that her second husband Raymond Hermandez
> is
> > from Mexico. Our Tribe also has in its possession a
> death
> > certificate stating that Joe Hodge committed suicide
> and his
> > ethnicity was recorded as Black.
> >
> > It hurts us to once again see people forwarding these
> > untrue rumors out to the public without coming to the
> Tribe
> > and seeing first-hand our factual documentation for
> > themselves, but that’s ok… we understand that you
> > believe its for the best that the Tribe speak up and
> tell
> > what is REALLY going on.
> >
> > We have file cabinets of information proving are
> ancestry
> > and Miwok lineage to the Sheep Ranch Rancheria (and
> many
> > governmental documents and BIA correspondence that
> dates
> > years prior to any such person’s coming in and
> interfering
> > in to our governmental affairs. Individuals such as
> Velma
> > “Corea” Whitebear who grew up in Fresno,
> California and
> > her father being from Portugal. Her grandfather being
> from
> > Mexico….. Chadd Everone (non-Indian) calling
> himself
> > Doctor Internet, says he has a Ph.D from Berkeley and
> who
> > hides behind the curtain so to speak because the
> address he
> > uses is a Wells Fargo Bank in Berkeley, CA. Mr.
> > Everone is good friends of Le Roi Chapelle and William
> Bill
> > Martin (original Developers, who want to build a
> casino) and
> > who eventually brought Mr. Albert D. Seeno Jr. into
> the
> > picture. And as for Mr. Yakima Dixie (who Is in and
> out of
> > prison each and every year (with a lengthy violent
> criminal
> > history including murder, sexual assault and battery,
> > burglary, etc…)
> >
> > Disenrollment is a MAJOR issue but there are times
> (and
> > each Tribe has its own set of rules it follows) when
> in the
> > best interest of the Tribe and its members, it
> becomes
> > necessary to take that road. I don’t know about the
> cases
> > of where people are getting dis-enrolled due to the
> > distribution of casino funds…. All I know is what
> our
> > Tribal issue was. We have correspondence from the
> Bureau of
> > Indian Affairs in which Mr. Dixie’s allegations
> were
> > brought against me as the Chairperson.
> > Mr. Dixie was afforded DUE PROCESS to bring his
> > allegations before the Tribal forum, Mr. Dixie did
> not
> > present any evidence to the Tribe or to the BIA , as
> a
> > matter of fact, Mr. Dixie sat at official Tribal
> Meetings
> > for months, signing in as Vice Chairman, even in the
> > presence of BIA Officials who were in attendance (but
> of
> > course, Mr. Everone, Velma Whitebear or everyone else
> > wouldn’t know this because they aren’t part of
> our
> > Tribe, nor were they anywhere around until Prop-5 and
> Prop
> > 1-A passed and the our Tribe started looking like a $$
> pit
> > for greedy developers to make easy money.
> >
> > It is true that we are related to Mr. Yakima Dixe and
> at
> > one time, he was the Spokesperson but we did hold an
> > official election in 1998 with the Central California
> Agency
> > Bureau of Indian Affairs Representatives present at
> our
> > election. Mr. Dixie was elected Chairperson and I was
> > elected Secretary, at that time, the position for
> Vice
> > Chairperson remained vacant.
> > If you want the time line on the exact date and times
> …
> > go to our DOT GOV website and click on Archives the
> Tribal
> > TIMELINE is from May 1997-March 2009.
> > Yakima Dixie resigned in April 1999 he called the
> tribe to
> > set up a date for a new election of officers (we have
> the
> > original signature page in ink, in his own writing)
> the new
> > election of officers date was set for May 8, 1999. I
> was
> > elected Chairperson, Mr. Dixie was elected Vice
> Chairperson
> > and Rashel Reznor was elected Secretary-Treasurer.
> The
> > certification is on file at the Bureau of Indian
> Affairs.
> > (Unbeknownst to the Tribe, it was not until Mr. Le
> Roi
> > Chapelle and Mr. William Bill Martin signed a casino
> deal)
> > that the story was concocted to lead people to believe
> that
> > there was a leadership dispute.
> >
> > In the year 2000 when Mr. Chadd Everone was brought in
> by
> > Mr. Chapelle and Mr. Martin is when the outside
> interference
> > began and our Tribe began fighting developers with
> $$$
> > wanting to destroy us so that they and Yakima Dixie
> could
> > build a casino. False documents were sent to the BIA
> by
> > these individuals and the lies began to build. Our
> Tribe had
> > to use its RSTF monies to fight frivolous law suits,
> and
> > still try to run its Tribal Programs also using the
> > monies to cover shortfalls to keep our programs in
> tact
> > while waiting for Congress to appropriate the next
> fiscal
> > year funding.
> > Unfortunately for us, we are a landless Tribe that has
> to
> > pay housing taxes and land taxes just like any other
> citizen
> > of the United States. We do not have trust land to
> build any
> > kind of economic development of which the Tribe can
> sustain
> > itself. And the greedy developers used that fact that
> an
> > individual in our Tribe has an individual allotment of
> land
> > for which he did not need to worry how long it took
> his
> > associates to destroy us. Mr. Dixie cares nothing
> about
> > preserving the Miwok culture otherwise he wouldn’t
> be in
> > and out of prison each year (especially for violence
> against
> > women). All Mr. Dixie cares about is getting casino
> money so
> > he can show off that he is something BIG other than
> the
> > habitual criminal he is. He and his associates should
> be in
> > prison for Identity Theft, Fraud, and for conspiring
> to
> > interfere into our internal Tribal Governmental
> Affairs.
> >
> > Awhile back I did contact Mr. Banks because we were
> tired
> > of Chadd Everone continually getting his nose into
> our
> > Tribal affairs and instigating Mr. Dixie to go along
> with
> > lying to the Bureau Officials.
> >
> > False documents were being forwarded to the Bureau
> (written
> > up by Mr. Everone and Mr. Dixie (mostly from his
> prison
> > cell) was more than happy to sign anything as long as
> cash
> > $$ was coming his way that he didn’t have to declare
> to
> > the IRS. Well Mr. Everone puts this smoke screen out
> there
> > that poor Yakima has this tiny little house in Sheep
> Ranch
> > (of which he’s hardly there anyway because the
> prison cell
> > is more his home than that piece of land) they tend to
> leave
> > out the fact that he uses that land as a SAFE HAEN to
> run
> > back to each time he is released from prison. Maybe if
> he
> > had to worry about his land being taken away (like
> what has
> > happened to the Tribe) then he wouldn’t have so much
> extra
> > time on his hands to get involved with non-Indian
> developers
> > who are dead set on destroying the legitimate Tribe
> and
> > replacing us with their phony tribe lead by a
> murderous
> > felon (who murdered my great uncle Lenny Jeff in 1978,
> Be in
> > known that Lenny was also on the Distribution List
> along
> > with Mable Hodge Dixie). They happened to be arguing
> about
> > the land when Yakima murdered him.
> >
> > Lenny’s blood level was 3times the level of being
> drunk
> > and he had one leg. Yakima drug him off the couch,
> > repeatedly stabbed him in the heart and lungs and shot
> him 3
> > times in the face and then went to the bar to have a
> drink
> > (with Lenny’s body in the trunk of the car) after
> his
> > drink, he took Lenny to the Avery dump and threw his
> body
> > there). While in Jail, he told his girlfriend to say
> that
> > her son killed Lenny Jeff, when she said NO… he then
> tried
> > to blame it on his dad Romie Dixie. This information
> is in
> > the court documents.
> >
> > After putting up with Mr. Dixie’s continued death
> threats
> > against Tribal Members the Tribe warned Mr. Dixie that
> he
> > should quit telling lies about the Tribe and actually
> do
> > something positive by participating in the Tribal
> > activities. Mr. Dixie and his associates (3rd group
> of
> > phonies) sent notice to us that they now are the Sheep
> Ranch
> > Tribe, we warned him that he cannot be in two Tribes
> and he
> > can call himself whatever he wanted to but if he
> starts up a
> > new tribe he could be dis-enrolled from the
> California
> > Valley Miwok Tribe.
> > Mr. Everone, Mr. Chapelle, Mr Martin and Velma
> Whitebear
> > sent documents to the BIA saying they are the Sheep
> Ranch
> > Tribe. Our Tribe has official documentation that the
> > disenrollment process took place and after about a 9
> -12
> > month ‘DUE PROCESS” Mr. Dixie was dis-enrolled. I
> think
> > that was near the end of 2005.
> >
> > 1. Previously, we were asking the
> > American Indian Movement to help us get Mr. Everone
> and Mr.
> > A.D. Seeno Jr. out of our internal Governmental
> Affairs
> > (they are not Indian and have no business causing
> havoc
> > within our tribal governmental affairs just so they
> can get
> > a casino developed in our area, since Indian Casinos
> are
> > taking profits away from Nevada casino owners. If Mr.
> Dixie
> > wants to be a good citizen and come back to the Tribe
> than
> > he should STOP being used by greedy developers, and
> reapply
> > to the Tribe and STOP using his associates to
> intimidate our
> > Tribal Members and individual applicants who are
> coming to
> > the Tribe to go through the rightful enrollment
> process.
> >
> > 2. I’m sorry but due to DEATH
> > THREATS…. The majority of the Tribe does not want me
> to
> > release the information of how many members are in
> our
> > Tribe.
> >
> > 3. Yes, the property at 10601 Escondido
> > Pl., Stockton California 95212 was being purchased
> with our
> > Revenue Sharing Trust Fund Monies. I, Silvia Burley,
> > Chairperson was asked by the Tribe to use my credit
> because
> > the Tribe had no credit history. I signed the loan,
> the
> > Tribe paid its down payment and made every payment
> after
> > that. The deed is in the Tribe’s name (the Tribe is
> the
> > owner of the property) and I never used any tax right
> offs
> > or credits. We have internal documents that gives’
> the
> > necessary authority. We have passed all federal and
> state
> > audits. Everything is legal. Again, there are people
> out
> > there who do not know the internal documents that were
> given
> > to the BIA, et., al regarding the purchase of the
> property
> > because its none of their business. I know of no other
> Tribe
> > who goes out and tells their Tribal Financial affairs
> to
> > people who are not in the Tribe.
> >
> > 4. The justification for purchasing
> > Tribal property is so that the Tribe would have a
> place to
> > conduct its Tribal Affairs, Tribal Programs and for
> Tribal
> > Members to live as need be. Remember, we have no TRUST
> > we are a landless Tribe. We are the Tribe and we are
> making
> > ends meet the best we can.
> >
> > 5. YES! We are enrolled Tribal Members
> > (please see our Time line on our DOT GOV Website).
> It’s
> > our names that our on file at the Bureau of Indian
> Affairs
> > not the phony group of individuals who are in
> possession of
> > fake $5.00 dollar cards issued to them by Chadd
> Everone and
> > Velma Whitebear.
> >
> > 6. We are a federally recognized Miwok
> > Tribe that has suffered many years of abuse, what is
> > happening to us now is another reason as to why we
> felt it
> > important to stand our ground. We are tired of people
> > believing the worse of us (as Indians) and are
> extremely
> > tired of the word of non-Indians and criminals holding
> more
> > creditability than us. WE ARE THE CALIFORNIA VALLEY
> > TRIBE… it’s shameful that we have to continue to
> defend
> > ourselves. It’s our Tribal Members who elect our
> > Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Secretary
> Treasurer.
> > It’s our Tribal Members who have to put up with the
> > THREATHS on a daily basis. It is US who has been
> fighting
> > the BIG $$$$ Casino Developers from stealing our
> Tribal
> > heritage and it is US who are now standing our ground
> to
> > save our only home we have.
> >
> > We would GLADLY welcome a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION into
> the
> > actions of Albert D. Seeno Jr., Chadd Everone (the
> man
> > behind the curtain who is pulling the strings and
> raising
> > the SMOKE SCREEN), Velma Whitebear, Yakima Dixie,
> Troy
> > Burdick, Superintendent of CCA/BIA, Tim Vollman,
> Peter
> > Melnicoe, Arlo Smith, and Scott Keep.
> >
> > 7. ADDED BONUS: We’re sleeping ok at
> > night… are they??? The one thing they will NEVER
> have is
> > our culture, heritage or linage … its our blood and
> we are
> > taking it with us!!
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Corine"
> > To: "s burley"
> > "Sharon Lungo"
> > "Jennafer Yellowhorse"
> > Cc: "wass laura"
> > "Mark"
> > "Graywolf"
> > "Patricia Pena"
> > Sent: Sunday, June 21, 2009 11:53:06 AM GMT -08:00
> > US/Canada Pacific
> > Subject: Re: List of CA Legislator's
> >
> >
> >
> > Dear Friends and Allies;
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > This is an update on the Central Valley Miwok Tribe.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > AIM Santa Barbara gave Sylvia Burley some referrals
> and
> > resources on thursday June 18th, that might be able
> to
> > assist her at this present time. We have not heard
> back
> > from her if it was helpful or not. We hope it was.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > The American Indian Movement in California is working
> as a
> > cohesive movement. Our chapters remain in close
> contact
> > with one another to become efficient and effective.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > After making many phone calls and putting out many
> > inquiries, this is the information that we have been
> able to
> > compile, and this of course brought us some questions:
> >
> > “ Central Valley Miwok Tribe was once called the
> Sheep
> > Ranch Tribe. There was only one member at the time
> that
> > was re-recognized after the Termination Period. His
> name
> > is Yakama Dixie. Yakama Dixie enrolled Sylvia and
> her
> > family and after a couple of years they DISENROLLED
> HIM.
> > Sylvia and her family took tons of money from the feds
> and
> > built themselves high end homes and began setting out
> for
> > gaming. The feds moved on this when they saw what
> > happened to the money and how Sylvia stole from our
> Indian
> > Country. They refused to recognize her and now this
> is the
> > result.”
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Ms. Burley was told by AIM Director, Laura Wass,
> that
> > this is not an issue AIM will become involved in
> because
> >
> >
> > Þ disenrollment issue
> >
> >
> > Þ The monies taken from the tribe and not for
> the
> > purpose intended.
> >
> >
> > Þ National Field Director, Dennis Banks ,
> stated we
> > will not participate, (it is understood that Sylvia
> called
> > him as well about 3-4 years ago).
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > If Sylvia wishes to add anything or dispute the above
> > information, she is welcome to do so, and in doing
> so,
> > please answer the following questions:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 1) What do you wish the American Indian
> > Movement’s involvement to be? What do you want us to
> do to
> > aid your current situation?
> >
> >
> > 2) Exactly how many people are in the tribe?
> (We
> > have gotten mixed reports)
> >
> >
> > 3) Did Sylvia or her family build or purchase
> a
> > house (or homes) with tribal money?
> >
> >
> > 4) If so, what is the justification for it?
> >
> >
> > 5) Are Sylvia and her family actually
> enrolled
> > tribal members? When did they become enrolled?
> >
> >
> > 6) What has been the role and stand of the entire
> Miwok
> > Nation on this issue?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Respectfully,
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Michael Fairbanks, Director
> >
> >
> > American Indian Movement
> >
> >
> > Santa Barbara
> >
> >
> >
> > Corine Fairbanks
> > American Indian Movement Santa Barbara , CA
> > www.aimsb.org
> > http://www.myspace.com/aimsantabarbara
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --- On Sat, 6/20/09, Jennafer Yellowhorse
> > wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > From: Jennafer Yellowhorse
> >
> > Subject: List of CA Legislator's
> > To: "Corine Fairbanks"
> > s.burley@californiavalleymiwoktribe-nsn.gov,
> > "Sharon Lungo"
> >
> > Date: Saturday, June 20, 2009, 6:57 PM
> >
> >
> > Here's a list. I'm not sure if Sharon got you that
> press
> > list yet or not,
> > but I'm cc'ing her as well.
> >
> > We look forward to an update on the situation, I know
> that
> > you are very
> > busy! We are simply concerned about how things are
> going.
> >
> >
> > Jennafer
> >
> > <+> <+> <+> <+> <+>
> > <+> <+> <+> <+>
> >
> > Jennafer Yellowhorse
> > Big Mountain Coal'tion
> > P.O. Box 235, Santa Monica, CA 90406
> > jyellowhorse@earthlink.net
> >
> > www.myspace.com/bigmountaincoalition
> > www.myspace.com/bigmountainsacredtrust
> >
> >
TUNE IN: Miwok vs. Casino interests. rez standoff.
TUNE IN: Miwok vs. Casino interests. rez standoff.
Silvia Burley, Chairperson of Ca Valley Miwok Tribe - LIVE
We will be taking your calls and questions so don't forget to dial us at Call-in Number: (347) 215-8333.
Upcoming Show: 6/23/2009 8:00 PM
Host - Judy Lopez & Co-host Grant Lawrence
Tune In: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/search/dreamcatcher-judy-lopez/
Contributed by Jennafer Yellowhorse jyellowhorse@earthlink.net & Corine Fairbanks corine68@yahoo.com.
Silvia Burley, Chairperson of Ca Valley Miwok Tribe - LIVE
We will be taking your calls and questions so don't forget to dial us at Call-in Number: (347) 215-8333.
Upcoming Show: 6/23/2009 8:00 PM
Host - Judy Lopez & Co-host Grant Lawrence
Tune In: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/search/dreamcatcher-judy-lopez/
Contributed by Jennafer Yellowhorse jyellowhorse@earthlink.net & Corine Fairbanks corine68@yahoo.com.
Honoring The Cherokee By Destroying their Graves
Sunday, June 21, 2009
This is an update on the Central Valley Miwok Tribe.
This is an update on the Central Valley Miwok Tribe.
AIM Santa Barbara gave Sylvia Burley some referrals on thursday June 18th, that might be able to assist her at this present time. We have not heard back from her if it was helpful or not. We hope it was.
The American Indian Movement in California is working as a cohesive movement. Our chapters remain in close contact with one another to become efficient and effective.
After making many phone calls and putting out many inquiries, this is the information that we have been able to compile, and this of course brought us some questions:
“Central Valley Miwok Tribe was once called the Sheep Ranch Tribe. There was only one member at the time that was re-recognized after the Termination Period. His name is Yakama Dixie. Yakama Dixie enrolled Sylvia and her family and after a couple of years they DISENROLLED HIM. Sylvia and her family took tons of money from the feds and built themselves high end homes and began setting out for gaming. The feds moved on this when they saw what happened to the money and how Sylvia stole from our Indian Country. They refused to recognize her and now this is the result.”
Ms. Burley was told by AIM Director, Laura Wass, that this is not an issue AIM will become involved in because
Þ disenrollment issue
Þ The monies taken from the tribe and not for the purpose intended.
Þ National Field Director, Dennis Banks, stated we will not participate, (it is understood that Sylvia called him as well about 3-4 years ago).
If Sylvia wishes to add anything or dispute the above information, she is welcome to do so, and in doing so, please answer the following questions:
1) What do you wish the American Indian Movement’s involvement to be? What do you want us to do to aid your current situation?
2) Exactly how many people are in the tribe? (We have gotten mixed reports)
3) Did Sylvia or her family build or purchase a house (or homes) with tribal money?
4) If so, what is the justification for it?
5) Are Sylvia and her family actually enrolled tribal members? When did they become enrolled?
6) What has been the role and stand of the entire Miwok Nation on this issue?
Michael Fairbanks, Director
American Indian Movement
Santa Barbara
(805) 212-4947
AIM Santa Barbara gave Sylvia Burley some referrals on thursday June 18th, that might be able to assist her at this present time. We have not heard back from her if it was helpful or not. We hope it was.
The American Indian Movement in California is working as a cohesive movement. Our chapters remain in close contact with one another to become efficient and effective.
After making many phone calls and putting out many inquiries, this is the information that we have been able to compile, and this of course brought us some questions:
“Central Valley Miwok Tribe was once called the Sheep Ranch Tribe. There was only one member at the time that was re-recognized after the Termination Period. His name is Yakama Dixie. Yakama Dixie enrolled Sylvia and her family and after a couple of years they DISENROLLED HIM. Sylvia and her family took tons of money from the feds and built themselves high end homes and began setting out for gaming. The feds moved on this when they saw what happened to the money and how Sylvia stole from our Indian Country. They refused to recognize her and now this is the result.”
Ms. Burley was told by AIM Director, Laura Wass, that this is not an issue AIM will become involved in because
Þ disenrollment issue
Þ The monies taken from the tribe and not for the purpose intended.
Þ National Field Director, Dennis Banks, stated we will not participate, (it is understood that Sylvia called him as well about 3-4 years ago).
If Sylvia wishes to add anything or dispute the above information, she is welcome to do so, and in doing so, please answer the following questions:
1) What do you wish the American Indian Movement’s involvement to be? What do you want us to do to aid your current situation?
2) Exactly how many people are in the tribe? (We have gotten mixed reports)
3) Did Sylvia or her family build or purchase a house (or homes) with tribal money?
4) If so, what is the justification for it?
5) Are Sylvia and her family actually enrolled tribal members? When did they become enrolled?
6) What has been the role and stand of the entire Miwok Nation on this issue?
Michael Fairbanks, Director
American Indian Movement
Santa Barbara
(805) 212-4947
Bluejay Sends You All her Love
I can't sit here very long my friends and can send this message only thanks to a dear Oneida sister who got the computer program for me so I can talk and the computer types for me! (THANK YOU MICHELE!! LOVE YOU)
First and foremost my hubby and I send our deepest thanks to each of you for the awesome support and good prayers during this incredibly difficult time. Thank you for the good prayers and I know they will see us through.
Amongst all the hardships though, I am reminded that Creator will send the love and support needed if we just watch and pay attention. Through all of your kind emails and strong prayers, the animals here have also offered me support. Wanted to tell you about these little gifts and then I must head back to the all-too-familiar bed.
I have felt so depressed and sad along with so much illness and pain the past weeks. When my hubby helps me outside for a few minutes, I sit in the sun for a little bit on the deck to hear the birds and feel the wind. A little male red squirrel has been coming closer each day and now sits near by where he eats his seeds. Last week when things just seemed hopeless, the little squirrel moved along side my leg and then sat on my foot. I can't move much but I put my hand out and he rubbed his back under my hand and he let me PET HIM! Now he comes to see me everday and sits with me. He has been joined by 4 little chipmunks, 2 Juncos and 3 Chickadees and they all sit there by me and eat sunflower seeds. None of those critters will sit side by side when I am not there on the deck with them but they land on me and little "Tim" lets me pet him when I am there on the deck with them. (Not sure why my hubby told me to name the squirrel "Tim" but I just went along with it. HA HA! "Tim" doesn't seem to care either way!)
So, the critters are nearby and trying their best to keep my spirits up. Creator knows what is to be and will guide us each step but we truly could not survive all the "stuff" lately without each of your prayers. There are no words to thank you all enough for those.
love you all,
and hugs from "Tim" too! ha ha!
First and foremost my hubby and I send our deepest thanks to each of you for the awesome support and good prayers during this incredibly difficult time. Thank you for the good prayers and I know they will see us through.
Amongst all the hardships though, I am reminded that Creator will send the love and support needed if we just watch and pay attention. Through all of your kind emails and strong prayers, the animals here have also offered me support. Wanted to tell you about these little gifts and then I must head back to the all-too-familiar bed.
I have felt so depressed and sad along with so much illness and pain the past weeks. When my hubby helps me outside for a few minutes, I sit in the sun for a little bit on the deck to hear the birds and feel the wind. A little male red squirrel has been coming closer each day and now sits near by where he eats his seeds. Last week when things just seemed hopeless, the little squirrel moved along side my leg and then sat on my foot. I can't move much but I put my hand out and he rubbed his back under my hand and he let me PET HIM! Now he comes to see me everday and sits with me. He has been joined by 4 little chipmunks, 2 Juncos and 3 Chickadees and they all sit there by me and eat sunflower seeds. None of those critters will sit side by side when I am not there on the deck with them but they land on me and little "Tim" lets me pet him when I am there on the deck with them. (Not sure why my hubby told me to name the squirrel "Tim" but I just went along with it. HA HA! "Tim" doesn't seem to care either way!)
So, the critters are nearby and trying their best to keep my spirits up. Creator knows what is to be and will guide us each step but we truly could not survive all the "stuff" lately without each of your prayers. There are no words to thank you all enough for those.
love you all,
and hugs from "Tim" too! ha ha!
From Cynthia McKinney: What do we have in common?
From Cynthia McKinney: What do we have in common?
Mairead Corrigan Maguire, 1976 Nobel Peace Prize winner and I will join 34 others taking medical, school, and building supplies to Gaza. I'd like to thank Nadira Kaili and Erin Connors of Atlantic Television News for donating dollars to help in my purchase of school supplies for Gaza's children. And I want to thank Jay Winter Nightwolf for the turquoise good luck ring that he gave me for this journey.
On Tuesday, June 16, President Carter visited Gaza and said that he was almost brought to tears by what he saw. He said that he felt partly responsible because the American International School, one of many destroyed by the Israelis, had been "deliberately destroyed by bombs from F-16s made in my country." Not only that, he added that Palestinians in the Gaza Strip were being treated "more like animals than human beings."
Last time I went--or rather, tried to get to Gaza--my father told me to buy a notebook and write everything down. This time I've got a video camera!!! Now I've got to learn how to use it!! As often as I can, I will get the video uploaded to our tv channel.
Yes, we have been trying to do a lot with very little to get our DIGNITY presence online up and running before letting you know about it. Well, I think the time has come to at least let you in on what we're trying to accomplish (and to volunteer your help where you can!!).
Thanks to Anita Stewart, Don Debar, DJ Radio Conscious, Lindsey Tackett, and of course, the rest of the DIGNITY crew, I am proud to announce that we have a tv channel (www.livestream.com/dignity), a ning page (http://dignity.ning.com/), facebook (www.facebook.com/CynthiaMcKinney) and myspace (www.myspace.com/dignityaction) pages, and yes, we tweet (www.twitter.com/dignityaction)!!!
I have notified the White House that I am on my way to Gaza. I'm reading that the White House also wants Israel to ease its blockade of Gaza and specifically mentioned consstruction materials, food, and medicine. That might be just what is needed to allow us to get through this time, because in addition to the medical and school supplies, we are also taking cement and building supplies.
Finally, the President wants to take $600 billion from health care programs that are working--Medicare and Medicaid. Rahm Emanuel's brother is a health policy advisor. $12.8 trillion have been transferred to the financial classes already even though the entire US GDP for 2008 was only $14.2 trillion. You and I are squeezed while the war machine and the robber barons (as Cindy Sheehan calls them) get our green. Please tune in to our efforts and let's work together!
Thank you so much for all the words of encouragement you have sent to me in these past few days. I'm trying to respond to everyone. Even though it might seem impossible at times, I still believe we can change our country and our world. Thank you for helping me and for supporting me as we all join together and try. We can effectively resist--with DIGNITY.
Here's the note I sent to President Obama today:
"I understand that you sent a message to Israel about its blockade of Gaza. Thank you. It is reported that you specifically mentioned food, medical supplies, cement and building supplies in your note. This note is to inform you that I embark today on a trip to Gaza and we will have for the people of Gaza, exactly the materials that you mentioned, and school supplies for the children. Thank you for the note to Israel and I hope that also means that you will not sign any appropriation bill that has weapons for Israel. President Carter noted that seven schools were completely demolished with F-16s from this country. We all are responsible and I know you know that. But all of us are not in a position to stop the carnage. You are. Please, not one more dime not one more weapon for Israel's war machine."
Mairead Corrigan Maguire, 1976 Nobel Peace Prize winner and I will join 34 others taking medical, school, and building supplies to Gaza. I'd like to thank Nadira Kaili and Erin Connors of Atlantic Television News for donating dollars to help in my purchase of school supplies for Gaza's children. And I want to thank Jay Winter Nightwolf for the turquoise good luck ring that he gave me for this journey.
On Tuesday, June 16, President Carter visited Gaza and said that he was almost brought to tears by what he saw. He said that he felt partly responsible because the American International School, one of many destroyed by the Israelis, had been "deliberately destroyed by bombs from F-16s made in my country." Not only that, he added that Palestinians in the Gaza Strip were being treated "more like animals than human beings."
Last time I went--or rather, tried to get to Gaza--my father told me to buy a notebook and write everything down. This time I've got a video camera!!! Now I've got to learn how to use it!! As often as I can, I will get the video uploaded to our tv channel.
Yes, we have been trying to do a lot with very little to get our DIGNITY presence online up and running before letting you know about it. Well, I think the time has come to at least let you in on what we're trying to accomplish (and to volunteer your help where you can!!).
Thanks to Anita Stewart, Don Debar, DJ Radio Conscious, Lindsey Tackett, and of course, the rest of the DIGNITY crew, I am proud to announce that we have a tv channel (www.livestream.com/dignity), a ning page (http://dignity.ning.com/), facebook (www.facebook.com/CynthiaMcKinney) and myspace (www.myspace.com/dignityaction) pages, and yes, we tweet (www.twitter.com/dignityaction)!!!
I have notified the White House that I am on my way to Gaza. I'm reading that the White House also wants Israel to ease its blockade of Gaza and specifically mentioned consstruction materials, food, and medicine. That might be just what is needed to allow us to get through this time, because in addition to the medical and school supplies, we are also taking cement and building supplies.
Finally, the President wants to take $600 billion from health care programs that are working--Medicare and Medicaid. Rahm Emanuel's brother is a health policy advisor. $12.8 trillion have been transferred to the financial classes already even though the entire US GDP for 2008 was only $14.2 trillion. You and I are squeezed while the war machine and the robber barons (as Cindy Sheehan calls them) get our green. Please tune in to our efforts and let's work together!
Thank you so much for all the words of encouragement you have sent to me in these past few days. I'm trying to respond to everyone. Even though it might seem impossible at times, I still believe we can change our country and our world. Thank you for helping me and for supporting me as we all join together and try. We can effectively resist--with DIGNITY.
Here's the note I sent to President Obama today:
"I understand that you sent a message to Israel about its blockade of Gaza. Thank you. It is reported that you specifically mentioned food, medical supplies, cement and building supplies in your note. This note is to inform you that I embark today on a trip to Gaza and we will have for the people of Gaza, exactly the materials that you mentioned, and school supplies for the children. Thank you for the note to Israel and I hope that also means that you will not sign any appropriation bill that has weapons for Israel. President Carter noted that seven schools were completely demolished with F-16s from this country. We all are responsible and I know you know that. But all of us are not in a position to stop the carnage. You are. Please, not one more dime not one more weapon for Israel's war machine."
Cherokee Nation company celebrates 40 years of business
Cherokee Nation company celebrates 40 years of business
Mohawk Nation News Updates
AKWESASNE, ONTARIO — Yesterday’s radio interview with Canadian Public Safety Minister Peter Van Loan on Cornwall’s AM1220 was simply a chance for the minister to deflect blame away from the Federal government over the situation at Akwesasne, and to continue to mislead the public in believing there have been efforts at the federal level to resolve the situation.
Instead of addressing the great financial impacts being felt by Cornwall businesses, Minister Van Loan simply restated his stance that CBSA will not send their officers back to work unarmed, and he continued to insist that Mohawk Council of Akwesasne was consulted on the issue of arming the customs officers, despite the Grand Chief’s announcement last week disputing this claim. The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne maintains that the federal government of Canada must consult on a government to government level with the Mohawks, and that the Canada Border Services Agency does not have the authority to consult, or negotiate, on behalf of the government of Canada.
In peace & solidarity,
Tamra Brennan
MNN. June 18, 2009. Mohawks refuse to have guns. We wanted to keep our people safe. The Haudenosaunee and our allies are the custodians of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River watershed which we never surrendered. We are the “keepers of the Eastern Door” of Great Turtle Island. According to the Jay Treaty 1794 the US-Canada border is meant for the visitors, not for any Indigenous.
The colonists can put whatever restrictions they can get away with on their own people. They can’t interfere with the inherent right of the Ongwehonwe to traverse our land free from harassment by the occupation forces. We will decide what kind of identification we will use to traverse our territory.
The Canada and US border services agencies shut down their imaginary line on May 31 2009. Now they want to combine their border patrol on the south shore of the St. Lawrence River.
Why did Canada want to put in this gun policy at Akwesasne knowing we would object? Border agents were encouraged to create a confrontation. We did not react and made no justification for the guns.
The US and Canada know we are sovereign. It’s a nation-to-nation issue. Legally they have to go through the Governor General or US President to speak to us.
It looks like Canada wanted to open the door for the US military to legally enter Canada. Canada’s Minister of Public Safety, Peter Van Loan, announced on June 18th that the US is going to fly unmanned predator drones over Akwesasne from Fort Drum near Watertown New York. These can accurately fire missiles at specific houses, buildings and even people, just like in Afghanistan and Pakistan. They can take pictures and listen to conversations 30 miles into Canada. The fake situation in Akwesasne is meant to justify this surveillance across the continent to spy on Canadians. Since we have been illegally declared as enemy combatants, they can take away our civil and human rights and fire any kind of missiles at us. They are doing this in Pakistan, violating their sovereignty.
Conservative government’s reaction to our position has been violent. Tyendinaga Mohawks were attacked by what looked like military commandos.
Why? A militia is now being set up in Caledonia to go after the Six Nations people. Presently they are unarmed and not in uniform.
Ron Moran, president of the Customs and Immigration Union, said the majority of the guards have been advised not to return to work as long as the border crossing stays on Kawenoke, Cornwall Island. Not having guns could have adverse health effects. We are being used in a phony labor management dispute. It looks like the border guards are going to be removed and replaced by the military.
Canada and Big Tobacco deliberately created the downward spiral of our community trying to bring us under trusteeship. We have been harassed, criminalized and can’t get jobs. We have been put in a helpless position and in personal debts of millions of dollars in bogus fines for as much as $50 million for conducting trade and commerce to feed our families. Big Tobacco of the UK does not want competitors. They took our ceremonial tobacco and turned it into a multi billion dollar business.
Randy Hillier, Member of the Ontario Government, said on June 18, 2009, “The Mohawks only arrived in Canada after the American War of Independence and were granted reserves”. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Ontario, Toronto, Canada, Hochelaga and Donnacona are all Iroquois place names. He stated further that Prime Minister Stephen Harper can arm border guards if he wants to. He’s insinuating that we have no rights. He’s using anger at us to stir up votes to become the Ontario Conservative Party leader.
Recent Federal Court of Canada orders bear out the plot. Two Mohawk women were brutally assaulted on June 14, 2008 at the Akwesasne border. They could not bring charges against the border guards unless they paid court costs. Prothonotary Mireille Tabib made an order on October 23, 2008 that Mohawks residing in Akwesasne and Kahnawake are not residents of Canada. Yet someone coming from South Africa, if assaulted, can lay criminal charges for free! The Canadian judicial system has made us persona non grata with no rights to be protected by their system like everybody else in the world. This violates the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 1.
Crown agencies such as the RCMP, OPP, CBSA and the Attorney General of Canada have refused to investigate this crime. Subsequent orders supporting Tabib are: Judge Francois Lemieux on January 29, 2009; and Claude Morissette on March 16, 2009. [613-952-4238].
Is the incident at the border a pretext to show how the Canadian and US military and police are going to treat people? The siege and surveillance look like growing martial law. Laws have been passed to protect the military and police from anyone defending themselves from them. Cops can now sue their victims. The multinational corporations used this same tactic to shut down the environmentalists.
Europe and the US are fighting over Canada’s resources. The Europeans have the money, but not the soldiers. They control the banks, car companies, mines, etc. The US has the bombs, soldiers, planes and war machinery. The US economy is now deflated and headed toward bankruptcy. Monied people bought up everything at low prices, like companies, houses, infrastructure, factories, and roads. The US is in hawk to the banksters, becoming a vassal state to Europe. Economically desperate US manpower can be used as mercenaries by the banksters for global conquest.
This scheme was concocted a long time ago and being played out to bankrupt and create 350 million desperate poor US and Canadian people. Are the US and Canada trying to provoke and trap us Mohawks into defending ourselves just like the Palestinians so they can come in and do away with us first and then the rest later?
Kahentinetha MNN Mohawk Nation News, www.mohawknationnews.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com Note: Your financial help is needed and appreciated. Please send your donations by check or money order to “MNN Mohawk Nation News”, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0. Or go to PayPal on website. Nia:wen thank you very much. Go to MNN “BORDER” category for more stories; New MNN Books Available now! Purchase t-shirts, mugs and more at our CafePressStore http://www.cafepress.com/mohawknews; Subscribe to MNN for breaking news updates http://.mohawknationnews.com/news/subscription.php; Sign Women Title Holders petition! http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/Iroquois
MNN June 17, 2009. It was a currency fight between the Euro and the Dollar. 911 showed how vulnerable the US was. It looks like it was a pretext event to destroy liberty in the name of security.
MNN received a number of hostile messages from some Germans and Austrians after the June 7, 2009 article, "MNN Two New World Order Camps Fighting for World Domination?" It was about the sneaky plans of two competing fascist camps, the European Union and the US. They both want the resources of Great Turtle Island and to enslave the people of the world.
As unemployment soars across Europe and the banking crisis spreads, member nations are squabbling about who should be bailed out. The June 22, 2009 Maclean’s Magazine issue features a misleading cover story, “The Return of Fascism in Europe”, by Jonathan Gatehouse and Mark Steyn. They describe fringe groups that gained votes by targeting the immigrants, whose countries the Europeans have raped. During WW II the rich financed the Brown Shirts to go after Jews who were their main business rivals. On Great Turtle Island the Indigenous are being scapegoated where all the resources are inherently Ongwehonwe.
Historically, Germans were the workers and had the iron and coal to build up the steel industry for the military, rail, automotive and ship building. The Austro-Germans have been exploiting Africa and South America since the mid 1800's, especially Brazil. Ever since German steel giant, Krupp, lost some of its holdings after WWII, these industrialists have been trying to steal it back.
The Europeans have very little resources and are after the Western Hemisphere, which is all Indigenous. They are working with their French buddies to get the European Union to compete with the North American Union for global control. German Chancellor Angela Merkel cut a deal with Canada’s Magna to save 35,000 German jobs at Opel. Just how "Canadian" is Magna?
Frank Stronach, (nee Franz Strohsack) owner and founder of Magna, is a true colonial corporatist. He fled war torn Austria for Great Turtle Island. He has the usual rags to riches life story. In fact, he’s just another pirate who got rich by stealing our land and resources.
Stronach controls Magna. He started out in tool and die making. He promoted the sale of parts to General Motors. Soon he was the sole supplier of important components. Like other billionaires, Stronach ruthlessly merged and acquired companies. Today Magna makes $16 plus billion annually and employs people in 25 countries worldwide.
Frank lives in Austria. He has received awards and honorary degrees for his business activities from Haifa University in Israel; the B'nai Brith; Order of Canada; the Ernst & Young Award"; the Austrian Gold Medal; and the Canadian Yves Landry Foundation Award.
His daughter, Belinda Stronach, was both a Liberal and Conservative Member of Parliament. She is now at the Privy Council Office where the real decisions are made by the Canadian government.
There are 13 board members of Magna including Frank and Belinda. Others are listed at the end of this article.
According to the Macleans story, things are getting worse in Europe. These fringe parties can be shut down by denying them public funds to which they are entitled. The Europeans are becoming desperate making it possible for a dictator to emerge to carry out a global conquest, like Bismarck, Napoleon, Hitler, Louis IV and so on.
Are the Germans rebuilding their military? The Federal Republic of Germany wants our resources. They are lending $1.2 billion to Baffinland Iron Mines. Resource Capital Funds of Colorado and Australia are the main shareholders. The proposed Mary River Project in the far north will produce 18 million tons of iron ore a year for 25 years for German steel mills. It will consist of open pit mining using conventional technology. In March 2009 they signed a memorandum of understanding with the Inuit. Their role in international mining in gold, copper, uranium and coal is growing by leaps and bounds.
The Macleans cover shows screaming youth gangs in fatigues wearing black berets carrying semi automatics. The headline is in black on a blood red flag. It gives the impressions that everybody’s gone crazy so they have to crack down on them. What will the Europeans and US be fighting over next? Our water!
As the Daily Finance stated, “Whisky is for drinking. Water is for fighting.”
Kahentinetha MNN Mohawk Nation News, www.mohawknationnews.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com Note: Your financial help is needed and appreciated. Please send your donations by check or money order to “MNN Mohawk Nation News”, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0. Or go to PayPal on website. Nia:wen thank you very much. Go to MNN “BORDER” category for more stories; New MNN Books Available now! Purchase t-shirts, mugs and more at our CafePressStore http://www.cafepress.com/mohawknews; Subscribe to MNN for breaking news updates http://.mohawknationnews.com/news/subscription.php; Sign Women Title Holders petition! http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/Iroquois
Tom Barlow, Dailyfinance.com June 17, 2009.
Mike Harris, former Ontario premier who ordered the killing of Dudley George. Cabinet buddies Jim Flaherty and Tony Clement, now in Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s cabinet. Sits on boards of Augen Capital, ENMAX, First Service, Canaccord Capital, EnGlobe, Chartwell Seniors Housing REIT, Grant Forest Products, Mount Royal College Foundation and Fraser Institute neo-conservative think tank which supports corporatist fascist leaning dogma.
Lady Barbara Judge, 62, Board Chairman or member of UK Atomic Energy Authority, School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London, U.K./U.S. Task Force on Corporate Governance, International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants, Ditchley Foundation, Trilateral Commission, Bekaert NV, Massey Energy Inc., Friends Provident, UK Financial Reporting Council, U.S. Securities Exchange Commission.
Gregory C. Wilkins, 52, heads Barrick Gold Corporation, TrizecHahn Corporation owned by Peter Munk.
James D. Wolfensohn, 74, Wolfensohn & Company, private investors, advisor to corporations, governments, Citigroup's International Advisory Board. Since Citigroup went bankrupt, so much for Jim's advice! World Bank Group from 1995 to 2005; Special Envoy for Gaza Disengagement.
Erik Eberhardson, 38, OJSC Russian Machines; GAZ Group; Volvo Construction Equipment in Russia and Volvo Ukraine.
Louis E. Lataif, 70, Dean Boston University School of Management, Ford Motor Company, Ford Europe, Interaudi Bank and Iacocca Foundation.
Siegfried Wolf, 51, Co-CEO of Magna; Österreich Industrieholding AG (Republic of Austria holding and privatization agency), Siemens AG Österreich (Siemens Austria) and HGI Beteiligungs AG.
Lawrence D. Worrall, 66, Director Greater Toronto Airport Authority; VP & Director General Motors of Canada.
Donald J. Walker, 52, Co-CEO of Magna; Intier Automotive Inc., Canadian Automotive Partnership; founded Yves Landry Foundation.
Donald Resnick, 80, Magna; Consolidated Mercantile Inc. and Genterra Inc.; and Deloitte & Touche.
Franz Vranitzky, 71, Director Touristik Union International and Magic Life International; Federal Chancellor, Republic of Austria (1986 to 1997); Minister of Finance (1984 to 1986); Board Chairman, Österreichische Länderbank AG; and Creditanstalt-Bankverein Bank.
www.baffinland.com/MaryRiverProject, Terry Audla, Qikiqtani Inuit Assn. 416-975-8400; President Gordon McCreary of Baffinland 416-814-3163 info@baffinland.com.
AKWESASNE, ONTARIO — Yesterday’s radio interview with Canadian Public Safety Minister Peter Van Loan on Cornwall’s AM1220 was simply a chance for the minister to deflect blame away from the Federal government over the situation at Akwesasne, and to continue to mislead the public in believing there have been efforts at the federal level to resolve the situation.
Instead of addressing the great financial impacts being felt by Cornwall businesses, Minister Van Loan simply restated his stance that CBSA will not send their officers back to work unarmed, and he continued to insist that Mohawk Council of Akwesasne was consulted on the issue of arming the customs officers, despite the Grand Chief’s announcement last week disputing this claim. The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne maintains that the federal government of Canada must consult on a government to government level with the Mohawks, and that the Canada Border Services Agency does not have the authority to consult, or negotiate, on behalf of the government of Canada.
In peace & solidarity,
Tamra Brennan
MNN. June 18, 2009. Mohawks refuse to have guns. We wanted to keep our people safe. The Haudenosaunee and our allies are the custodians of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River watershed which we never surrendered. We are the “keepers of the Eastern Door” of Great Turtle Island. According to the Jay Treaty 1794 the US-Canada border is meant for the visitors, not for any Indigenous.
The colonists can put whatever restrictions they can get away with on their own people. They can’t interfere with the inherent right of the Ongwehonwe to traverse our land free from harassment by the occupation forces. We will decide what kind of identification we will use to traverse our territory.
The Canada and US border services agencies shut down their imaginary line on May 31 2009. Now they want to combine their border patrol on the south shore of the St. Lawrence River.
Why did Canada want to put in this gun policy at Akwesasne knowing we would object? Border agents were encouraged to create a confrontation. We did not react and made no justification for the guns.
The US and Canada know we are sovereign. It’s a nation-to-nation issue. Legally they have to go through the Governor General or US President to speak to us.
It looks like Canada wanted to open the door for the US military to legally enter Canada. Canada’s Minister of Public Safety, Peter Van Loan, announced on June 18th that the US is going to fly unmanned predator drones over Akwesasne from Fort Drum near Watertown New York. These can accurately fire missiles at specific houses, buildings and even people, just like in Afghanistan and Pakistan. They can take pictures and listen to conversations 30 miles into Canada. The fake situation in Akwesasne is meant to justify this surveillance across the continent to spy on Canadians. Since we have been illegally declared as enemy combatants, they can take away our civil and human rights and fire any kind of missiles at us. They are doing this in Pakistan, violating their sovereignty.
Conservative government’s reaction to our position has been violent. Tyendinaga Mohawks were attacked by what looked like military commandos.
Why? A militia is now being set up in Caledonia to go after the Six Nations people. Presently they are unarmed and not in uniform.
Ron Moran, president of the Customs and Immigration Union, said the majority of the guards have been advised not to return to work as long as the border crossing stays on Kawenoke, Cornwall Island. Not having guns could have adverse health effects. We are being used in a phony labor management dispute. It looks like the border guards are going to be removed and replaced by the military.
Canada and Big Tobacco deliberately created the downward spiral of our community trying to bring us under trusteeship. We have been harassed, criminalized and can’t get jobs. We have been put in a helpless position and in personal debts of millions of dollars in bogus fines for as much as $50 million for conducting trade and commerce to feed our families. Big Tobacco of the UK does not want competitors. They took our ceremonial tobacco and turned it into a multi billion dollar business.
Randy Hillier, Member of the Ontario Government, said on June 18, 2009, “The Mohawks only arrived in Canada after the American War of Independence and were granted reserves”. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Ontario, Toronto, Canada, Hochelaga and Donnacona are all Iroquois place names. He stated further that Prime Minister Stephen Harper can arm border guards if he wants to. He’s insinuating that we have no rights. He’s using anger at us to stir up votes to become the Ontario Conservative Party leader.
Recent Federal Court of Canada orders bear out the plot. Two Mohawk women were brutally assaulted on June 14, 2008 at the Akwesasne border. They could not bring charges against the border guards unless they paid court costs. Prothonotary Mireille Tabib made an order on October 23, 2008 that Mohawks residing in Akwesasne and Kahnawake are not residents of Canada. Yet someone coming from South Africa, if assaulted, can lay criminal charges for free! The Canadian judicial system has made us persona non grata with no rights to be protected by their system like everybody else in the world. This violates the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 1.
Crown agencies such as the RCMP, OPP, CBSA and the Attorney General of Canada have refused to investigate this crime. Subsequent orders supporting Tabib are: Judge Francois Lemieux on January 29, 2009; and Claude Morissette on March 16, 2009. [613-952-4238].
Is the incident at the border a pretext to show how the Canadian and US military and police are going to treat people? The siege and surveillance look like growing martial law. Laws have been passed to protect the military and police from anyone defending themselves from them. Cops can now sue their victims. The multinational corporations used this same tactic to shut down the environmentalists.
Europe and the US are fighting over Canada’s resources. The Europeans have the money, but not the soldiers. They control the banks, car companies, mines, etc. The US has the bombs, soldiers, planes and war machinery. The US economy is now deflated and headed toward bankruptcy. Monied people bought up everything at low prices, like companies, houses, infrastructure, factories, and roads. The US is in hawk to the banksters, becoming a vassal state to Europe. Economically desperate US manpower can be used as mercenaries by the banksters for global conquest.
This scheme was concocted a long time ago and being played out to bankrupt and create 350 million desperate poor US and Canadian people. Are the US and Canada trying to provoke and trap us Mohawks into defending ourselves just like the Palestinians so they can come in and do away with us first and then the rest later?
Kahentinetha MNN Mohawk Nation News, www.mohawknationnews.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com Note: Your financial help is needed and appreciated. Please send your donations by check or money order to “MNN Mohawk Nation News”, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0. Or go to PayPal on website. Nia:wen thank you very much. Go to MNN “BORDER” category for more stories; New MNN Books Available now! Purchase t-shirts, mugs and more at our CafePressStore http://www.cafepress.com/mohawknews; Subscribe to MNN for breaking news updates http://.mohawknationnews.com/news/subscription.php; Sign Women Title Holders petition! http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/Iroquois
MNN June 17, 2009. It was a currency fight between the Euro and the Dollar. 911 showed how vulnerable the US was. It looks like it was a pretext event to destroy liberty in the name of security.
MNN received a number of hostile messages from some Germans and Austrians after the June 7, 2009 article, "MNN Two New World Order Camps Fighting for World Domination?" It was about the sneaky plans of two competing fascist camps, the European Union and the US. They both want the resources of Great Turtle Island and to enslave the people of the world.
As unemployment soars across Europe and the banking crisis spreads, member nations are squabbling about who should be bailed out. The June 22, 2009 Maclean’s Magazine issue features a misleading cover story, “The Return of Fascism in Europe”, by Jonathan Gatehouse and Mark Steyn. They describe fringe groups that gained votes by targeting the immigrants, whose countries the Europeans have raped. During WW II the rich financed the Brown Shirts to go after Jews who were their main business rivals. On Great Turtle Island the Indigenous are being scapegoated where all the resources are inherently Ongwehonwe.
Historically, Germans were the workers and had the iron and coal to build up the steel industry for the military, rail, automotive and ship building. The Austro-Germans have been exploiting Africa and South America since the mid 1800's, especially Brazil. Ever since German steel giant, Krupp, lost some of its holdings after WWII, these industrialists have been trying to steal it back.
The Europeans have very little resources and are after the Western Hemisphere, which is all Indigenous. They are working with their French buddies to get the European Union to compete with the North American Union for global control. German Chancellor Angela Merkel cut a deal with Canada’s Magna to save 35,000 German jobs at Opel. Just how "Canadian" is Magna?
Frank Stronach, (nee Franz Strohsack) owner and founder of Magna, is a true colonial corporatist. He fled war torn Austria for Great Turtle Island. He has the usual rags to riches life story. In fact, he’s just another pirate who got rich by stealing our land and resources.
Stronach controls Magna. He started out in tool and die making. He promoted the sale of parts to General Motors. Soon he was the sole supplier of important components. Like other billionaires, Stronach ruthlessly merged and acquired companies. Today Magna makes $16 plus billion annually and employs people in 25 countries worldwide.
Frank lives in Austria. He has received awards and honorary degrees for his business activities from Haifa University in Israel; the B'nai Brith; Order of Canada; the Ernst & Young Award"; the Austrian Gold Medal; and the Canadian Yves Landry Foundation Award.
His daughter, Belinda Stronach, was both a Liberal and Conservative Member of Parliament. She is now at the Privy Council Office where the real decisions are made by the Canadian government.
There are 13 board members of Magna including Frank and Belinda. Others are listed at the end of this article.
According to the Macleans story, things are getting worse in Europe. These fringe parties can be shut down by denying them public funds to which they are entitled. The Europeans are becoming desperate making it possible for a dictator to emerge to carry out a global conquest, like Bismarck, Napoleon, Hitler, Louis IV and so on.
Are the Germans rebuilding their military? The Federal Republic of Germany wants our resources. They are lending $1.2 billion to Baffinland Iron Mines. Resource Capital Funds of Colorado and Australia are the main shareholders. The proposed Mary River Project in the far north will produce 18 million tons of iron ore a year for 25 years for German steel mills. It will consist of open pit mining using conventional technology. In March 2009 they signed a memorandum of understanding with the Inuit. Their role in international mining in gold, copper, uranium and coal is growing by leaps and bounds.
The Macleans cover shows screaming youth gangs in fatigues wearing black berets carrying semi automatics. The headline is in black on a blood red flag. It gives the impressions that everybody’s gone crazy so they have to crack down on them. What will the Europeans and US be fighting over next? Our water!
As the Daily Finance stated, “Whisky is for drinking. Water is for fighting.”
Kahentinetha MNN Mohawk Nation News, www.mohawknationnews.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com Note: Your financial help is needed and appreciated. Please send your donations by check or money order to “MNN Mohawk Nation News”, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0. Or go to PayPal on website. Nia:wen thank you very much. Go to MNN “BORDER” category for more stories; New MNN Books Available now! Purchase t-shirts, mugs and more at our CafePressStore http://www.cafepress.com/mohawknews; Subscribe to MNN for breaking news updates http://.mohawknationnews.com/news/subscription.php; Sign Women Title Holders petition! http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/Iroquois
Tom Barlow, Dailyfinance.com June 17, 2009.
Mike Harris, former Ontario premier who ordered the killing of Dudley George. Cabinet buddies Jim Flaherty and Tony Clement, now in Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s cabinet. Sits on boards of Augen Capital, ENMAX, First Service, Canaccord Capital, EnGlobe, Chartwell Seniors Housing REIT, Grant Forest Products, Mount Royal College Foundation and Fraser Institute neo-conservative think tank which supports corporatist fascist leaning dogma.
Lady Barbara Judge, 62, Board Chairman or member of UK Atomic Energy Authority, School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London, U.K./U.S. Task Force on Corporate Governance, International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants, Ditchley Foundation, Trilateral Commission, Bekaert NV, Massey Energy Inc., Friends Provident, UK Financial Reporting Council, U.S. Securities Exchange Commission.
Gregory C. Wilkins, 52, heads Barrick Gold Corporation, TrizecHahn Corporation owned by Peter Munk.
James D. Wolfensohn, 74, Wolfensohn & Company, private investors, advisor to corporations, governments, Citigroup's International Advisory Board. Since Citigroup went bankrupt, so much for Jim's advice! World Bank Group from 1995 to 2005; Special Envoy for Gaza Disengagement.
Erik Eberhardson, 38, OJSC Russian Machines; GAZ Group; Volvo Construction Equipment in Russia and Volvo Ukraine.
Louis E. Lataif, 70, Dean Boston University School of Management, Ford Motor Company, Ford Europe, Interaudi Bank and Iacocca Foundation.
Siegfried Wolf, 51, Co-CEO of Magna; Österreich Industrieholding AG (Republic of Austria holding and privatization agency), Siemens AG Österreich (Siemens Austria) and HGI Beteiligungs AG.
Lawrence D. Worrall, 66, Director Greater Toronto Airport Authority; VP & Director General Motors of Canada.
Donald J. Walker, 52, Co-CEO of Magna; Intier Automotive Inc., Canadian Automotive Partnership; founded Yves Landry Foundation.
Donald Resnick, 80, Magna; Consolidated Mercantile Inc. and Genterra Inc.; and Deloitte & Touche.
Franz Vranitzky, 71, Director Touristik Union International and Magic Life International; Federal Chancellor, Republic of Austria (1986 to 1997); Minister of Finance (1984 to 1986); Board Chairman, Österreichische Länderbank AG; and Creditanstalt-Bankverein Bank.
www.baffinland.com/MaryRiverProject, Terry Audla, Qikiqtani Inuit Assn. 416-975-8400; President Gordon McCreary of Baffinland 416-814-3163 info@baffinland.com.
Search for donor with unique ancestry is urgent
Search for donor with unique ancestry is urgent
By Rick Smith - June 19, 2009
Anthony Lee, a 15-year-old resident of the small enclave of Hessel, Mich., urgently needs a bone marrow transplant. So far, there's been just one major obstacle: A suitable donor needs to have ancestry similar to the lad's - a mix of American Indian, Korean, German and Swede.
Doctors diagnosed aplastic anemia in Lee about two and a half years ago. According to the Mayo Clinic, aplastic anemia is a condition where one's body stops producing enough new blood cells to replenish dying cells. A variety of blood cells course through one's bloodstream - red blood cells carry oxygen, white blood cells fight infection and platelets help the blood clot. This means someone who has aplastic anemia becomes easily fatigued and is at higher risk for infections and uncontrolled bleeding.
It is a rare and serious condition that can develop at any age. Treatment for aplastic anemia may include medications, blood transfusions or bone marrow transplants. Doctors tried a variety of treatments and medications on Lee; one treatment worked successfully for a year. In early 2008, Lee's blood cells and platelets were regenerating quite well and held steady through the summer.
But his cellular regeneration began to decline later in the year and became worse by winter. More recently, a stem cell procedure was tried but it failed to take hold. Doctors have determined there is only one last hope for him - find a suitable bone marrow donor and perform a transplant as soon as possible.
Bone marrow transplants, according to the Mayo Clinic, are most successful if the matched donor is a relative, but Lee has no compatible matches in his family. The next best course is to find a match among healthy, unrelated people with similar ancestry between the ages of 18 and 60.
Lee's unique ancestry is a challenge. The National Marrow Donor Program says there is a dire need for Asians and American Indians to register as potential donors to fill a shortage of readily available prospects.
Eric Trosko of the NMDP says those eligible to join the marrow registry need to be in general good health and willing to donate to any patient in need.
"You simply complete a registration form and swab the inside of your cheek. That's it, no blood draw and the entire registration process only takes about 10 minutes. If you match a patient, donations can now be made through a simple blood draw procedure instead of the old surgical procedure through the hip. There is no cost for members of any American Indian tribe to join the marrow registry or donate."
If you would like to join the marrow registry or learn about how easy it is to host your own marrow donor registration drive, contact Trosko in East Lansing, Mich., at (800) 471-3020, ext. 101. Trosko will provide kits for anyone who wants to join the registry.
Lee loved participating in sports at Cedarville High School and was active in skiing, basketball, football and track. Then he began having difficulty regaining normal breathing after exerting himself, the condition eventually led doctors to the aplastic anemia diagnosis.
Lee wants to resume his involvement in academics and sports, perhaps pursue a career as a doctor. But first, a suitable donor must be found.
Teresa Anahuy
By Rick Smith - June 19, 2009
Anthony Lee, a 15-year-old resident of the small enclave of Hessel, Mich., urgently needs a bone marrow transplant. So far, there's been just one major obstacle: A suitable donor needs to have ancestry similar to the lad's - a mix of American Indian, Korean, German and Swede.
Doctors diagnosed aplastic anemia in Lee about two and a half years ago. According to the Mayo Clinic, aplastic anemia is a condition where one's body stops producing enough new blood cells to replenish dying cells. A variety of blood cells course through one's bloodstream - red blood cells carry oxygen, white blood cells fight infection and platelets help the blood clot. This means someone who has aplastic anemia becomes easily fatigued and is at higher risk for infections and uncontrolled bleeding.
It is a rare and serious condition that can develop at any age. Treatment for aplastic anemia may include medications, blood transfusions or bone marrow transplants. Doctors tried a variety of treatments and medications on Lee; one treatment worked successfully for a year. In early 2008, Lee's blood cells and platelets were regenerating quite well and held steady through the summer.
But his cellular regeneration began to decline later in the year and became worse by winter. More recently, a stem cell procedure was tried but it failed to take hold. Doctors have determined there is only one last hope for him - find a suitable bone marrow donor and perform a transplant as soon as possible.
Bone marrow transplants, according to the Mayo Clinic, are most successful if the matched donor is a relative, but Lee has no compatible matches in his family. The next best course is to find a match among healthy, unrelated people with similar ancestry between the ages of 18 and 60.
Lee's unique ancestry is a challenge. The National Marrow Donor Program says there is a dire need for Asians and American Indians to register as potential donors to fill a shortage of readily available prospects.
Eric Trosko of the NMDP says those eligible to join the marrow registry need to be in general good health and willing to donate to any patient in need.
"You simply complete a registration form and swab the inside of your cheek. That's it, no blood draw and the entire registration process only takes about 10 minutes. If you match a patient, donations can now be made through a simple blood draw procedure instead of the old surgical procedure through the hip. There is no cost for members of any American Indian tribe to join the marrow registry or donate."
If you would like to join the marrow registry or learn about how easy it is to host your own marrow donor registration drive, contact Trosko in East Lansing, Mich., at (800) 471-3020, ext. 101. Trosko will provide kits for anyone who wants to join the registry.
Lee loved participating in sports at Cedarville High School and was active in skiing, basketball, football and track. Then he began having difficulty regaining normal breathing after exerting himself, the condition eventually led doctors to the aplastic anemia diagnosis.
Lee wants to resume his involvement in academics and sports, perhaps pursue a career as a doctor. But first, a suitable donor must be found.
Teresa Anahuy
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